2 research outputs found
La discapacidad intelectual: criminalidad, evaluación y repercusión en el ámbito forense
- Author
- Abeles
- Alexander
- Allen
- Barron
- Bastert
- Chaplin
- Chaplin
- Cockram
- Cockram
- Cockram
- Cockram
- Cooke
- Crocker
- Crocker
- Day
- de Tribolet-Hardy
- Du Plessis
- Dwyer
- Eronen
- Fabian
- Fazel
- Flynn
- Glaser
- Gray
- Habets
- Hauser
- Hayes
- Heinzen
- Hellenbach
- Herrington
- Ho
- Hogue
- Holland
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jones
- Kelly
- Leonard
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lofthouse R.E.
- Lund
- Mannynsalo
- Martins
- McBrien
- McCarthy
- McKenzie
- O'Shea
- Olvera
- O’Brien
- Raina
- Raina
- Siegert
- Simpson
- Sondenaa
- Stepanyan
- Steptoe
- Tassé
- Taukoor
- Taylor
- Tenneij
- Thom
- Tiihonen
- Uzieblo
- Valença
- Vinkers
- Weiss
- Wheeler
- Whitaker
- Wills
- Winter
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Intellectual disability: Criminality, assessment and forensic issues
- Author
- Abeles
- Alexander
- Allen
- American Association on Mental Retardation
- Barron
- Bastert
- Chaplin
- Chaplin
- Cockram
- Cockram
- Cockram
- Cockram
- Cooke
- Crocker
- Crocker
- Day
- de Tribolet-Hardy
- Du Plessis
- Dwyer
- Eronen
- Fabian
- Fazel
- Flynn
- Glaser
- Gray
- Habets
- Hauser
- Hayes
- Heinzen
- Hellenbach
- Herrington
- Ho
- Hogue
- Holland
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jones
- Kelly
- Leonard
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lofthouse R.E.
- Lund
- Mannynsalo
- Martins
- McBrien
- McCarthy
- McKenzie
- Murphy
- O'Shea
- Olvera
- O’Brien
- Raina
- Raina
- Siegert
- Simpson
- Sondenaa
- Stepanyan
- Steptoe
- Tassé
- Taukoor
- Taylor
- Tenneij
- Thom
- Tiihonen
- Uzieblo
- Valença
- Vinkers
- Weiss
- Wheeler
- Whitaker
- Wills
- Winter
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study