162 research outputs found

    Methods for monitoring patient dose in dental radiology

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    Cross-sectional evaluation of the periapical status as related to quality of root canal fillings and coronal restorations in a rural adult male population of Turkey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine the prevalence of periapical lesions in root canal-treated teeth in a rural, male adult, Turkish population and to investigate the influence of the quality of root canal fillings on prevalence of periapical lesions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The sample for this cross-sectional study consisted of 552 adult male patients, 18-32 years of age, presenting consecutively as new patients seeking routine dental care at the Dental Sciences of Gulhane Military Medicine, Ankara. The radiographs of the 1014 root canal-treated teeth were evaluated. The teeth were grouped according to the radiographic quality of the root canal filling and the coronal restoration. The criteria used for the examination were slightly modified from those described by De Moor. Periapical status was assessed by the Periapical Index scores (PAI) proposed by Orstavik.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall success rate of root canal treatment was 32.1%. The success rates of adequately root canal treatment were significantly higher than inadequately root canal treatment, regardless of the quality or presence of the coronal restoration (P < .001). In addition, the success rate of inadequate root canal treatment was also significantly affected by the quality of coronal restorations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results revealed a high prevalence of periapical lesions in root canal treatment, which is comparable to that reported in other methodologically compatible studies from diverse geographical locations. In addition, the results from the present study confirm the findings of other studies that found the quality of the root canal treatment to be a key factor for prognosis with or without adequate coronal restoration.</p

    Cone Beam Computed Tomography - radiation dose and image quality assessments

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    Diagnostic radiology has undergone profound changes in the last 30 years. New technologies are available to the dental field, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) as one of the most important. CBCT is a catch-all term for a technology comprising a variety of machines differing in many respects: patient positioning, volume size (FOV), radiation quality, image capturing and reconstruction, image resolution and radiation dose. When new technology is introduced one must make sure that diagnostic accuracy is better or at least as good as the one it can be expected to replace. The CBCT brand tested was two versions of Accuitomo (Morita, Japan): 3D Accuitomo with an image intensifier as detector, FOV 3 cm x 4 cm and 3D Accuitomo FPD with a flat panel detector, FOVs 4 cm x 4 cm and 6 cm x 6 cm. The 3D Accuitomo was compared with intra-oral radiography for endodontic diagnosis in 35 patients with 46 teeth analyzed, of which 41 were endodontically treated. Three observers assessed the images by consensus. The result showed that CBCT imaging was superior with a higher number of teeth diagnosed with periapical lesions (42 vs 32 teeth). When evaluating 3D Accuitomo examinations in the posterior mandible in 30 patients, visibility of marginal bone crest and mandibular canal, important anatomic structures for implant planning, was high with good observer agreement among seven observers. Radiographic techniques have to be evaluated concerning radiation dose, which requires well-defined and easy-to-use methods. Two methods: CT dose index (CTDI), prevailing method for CT units, and dose-area product (DAP) were evaluated for calculating effective dose (E) for both units. An asymmetric dose distribution was revealed when a clinical situation was simulated. Hence, the CTDI method was not applicable for these units with small FOVs. Based on DAP values from 90 patient examinations effective dose was estimated for three diagnostic tasks: implant planning in posterior mandible and examinations of impacted lower third molars and retained upper cuspids. It varied between 11-77 μSv. Radiation dose should be evaluated together with image quality. Images of a skull phantom were obtained with both units varying tube voltage, tube current, degree of rotation and FOVs. Seven observers assessed subjective image quality using a six-point rating scale for two diagnostic tasks: periapical diagnosis and implant planning in the posterior part of the jaws. Intra-observer agreement was good and inter-observer agreement moderate. Periapical diagnosis was found to, regardless of jaw, require higher exposure parameters compared to implant planning. Implant planning in the lower jaw required higher exposure parameters compared to upper jaw. Substantial dose reduction could be made without loss of diagnostic information by using a rotation of 180°, in particular implant planning in upper jaw. CBCT with small FOVs was found to be well-suited for periapical diagnosis and implant planning. The CTDI method is not applicable estimating effective dose for these units. Based on DAP values effective dose varied between 11-77 μSv (ICRP 60, 1991) in a retrospectively selected patient material. Adaptation of exposure parameters to diagnostic task can give substantial dose reduction

    Radiographic assessment of the marginal bone level after implant treatment : a comparison of periapical and Scanora detailed narrow beam radiography

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    Objectives: To compare assessments of the marginal bone level around dental implants in the mandible using periapical radiography and Scanora detailed narrow beam (DNB) radiography. METHODS: Forty patients treated with Brånemark dental implants in the lower jaw were examined with periapical and Scanora DNB radiography. Ten implants were selected from each of the four dental regions (molar, incisor, canine, premolar), and no more than one implant was selected from the same patient. Seven observers assessed the level of the marginal bone on the mesial and distal surfaces of the implants. Three of the observers made all the assessments twice. RESULTS: Agreement between the methods was 61 %. The highest agreement was found in the molar region. In DNB radiography the marginal bone level was observed to be situated more “coronally” in 17 % and more “apically” in 22 % compared with periapical radiography. The kappa value for interobserver agreement for all observers was 0.33 for periapical radiography and 0.27 for DNB radiography. The weighted kappa value for intraobserver agreement ranged from 0.75 to 0.99 for DNB radiography and from 0.94 to 0.98 for periapical radiography. CONCLUSIONS: Scanora multimodal radiography simplifies examination of implants in the mandible, and observer variation is comparable with that in intraoral periapical radiography

    Absorbed organ and effective doses from digital intra-oral and panoramic radiography applying the ICRP 103 recommendations for effective dose estimations

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    WOS: 000392497400006PubMed ID: 27452261Objective: During dental radiography, the salivary and thyroid glands are at radiation risk. In 2007, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) updated the methodology for determining the effective dose, and the salivary glands were assigned tissue-specific weighting factors for the first time. The aims of this study were to determine the absorbed dose to the organs and to calculate, applying the ICRP publication 103 tissue-weighting factors, the effective doses delivered during digital intraoral and panoramic radiography. Methods: Thermoluminescent dosemeter measurements were performed on an anthropomorphic head and neck phantom. The organ-absorbed doses were measured at 30 locations, representing different radiosensitive organs in the head and neck, and the effective dose was calculated according to the ICRP recommendations. Results: The salivary glands and the oral mucosa received the highest absorbed doses from both intraoral and panoramic radiography. The effective dose from a fullmouth intraoral examination was 15mSv and for panoramic radiography, the effective dose was in the range of 19-75 mSv, depending on the panoramic equipment used. Conclusion: The effective dose from a full-mouth intraoral examination is lower and that frompanoramic radiography is higher than previously reported. Clinicians should be aware of the higher effective dose delivered during panoramic radiography and the risk-benefit profile of this technique must be assessed for the individual patient. Advances in knowledge: The effective dose of radiation from panoramic radiography is higher than previously reported and there is large variability in the delivered radiation dosage among the different types of equipment used