243 research outputs found

    Identifying molecular markers for breeding a future oil crop, Lepidium campestre

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    The cold hardy novel oil- and cover crop Lepidium campestre is currently being domesticated as a potential oil crop for the Nordic region. To achieve this objective, multiple traits have previously been identified as desirable to improve, including seed oil content and composition, and glucosinolate (GL) content. This study aims to find improve future breeding efforts for these traits, by identifying favourable markers in L. campestre, as well as evaluate related species for future interspecific hybridization. In line with this, major genes involved in the biosynthetic and degradation pathways of seed oil and glucosinolate were evaluated in 40 accessions of Lepidium with the aim of finding a significant association with polymorphisms and total oil content, oleic acid (OA) and erucic acid (EA) contents as well as total GL content, Sinalbin (Sb) and glucoallysin (Gl) contents. In total, 113 significantly associated markers were identified. Among these markers, 27 were identified as especially interesting, 13 markers with oil content, eight with oil composition (OA and EA), and six with GL content. In addition, relatives of L. campestre were evaluated for morphology, seed oil content, oil composition and glucosinolate content. Their phylogenetic relationship with L. campestre was also evaluated for use as potential candidates for interspecific hybridization. In this analysis two species with beneficial OA content were suggested for future crosses, L. hirtum subsp. calycotrichum and L. heterohyllum. An additional four species with beneficial oil-, OA-, EA- and GL-content were identified as interesting targets for future embryo rescue protocol adaptation, necessary to overcome breeding barriers. These include L. graminifolium, L. sativum, L. virginicum subsp. Menziesii, and L. perfoliatum

    Does financial development imply economic growth?

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    A financial sector is needed for a country to allocate resources and store capital. The ways this sector can be organized vary greatly among countries in the world. In this thesis I will try to investigate if a country’s financial system is beneficial for its economic growth. For testing this a static linear panel data model is used, and several regressions with different proxy variables are performed. My sample consists of 21 Asian countries and the proxy variables are measuring either stock market development, banking sector development or economic growth. The purpose of having numerous variables is that it allows for a more precise analysis of which part of the financial system that potentially generates economic growth. The results differ among the proxy variables, where for example the stock market variable Turnover ratio is significant while the others are not. The same situation arises for the banking sector variables. A few of them cannot be proven to be significant, while the main proxy variable, Domestic credit to private sector by banks, did enter the regression significantly. These results indicate that there do exist some sort of connection between financial development and economic growth, but that attention has to be paid to where in the financial system this relation comes from

    A novel drug and device in anesthesia : with focus on breathing and upper airway physiology

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    Anesthesia-related airway complications are associated with hypoxia due to inability to secure or maintain the airway with subsequent insufficient ventilation and gas exchange. This thesis has explored the impact on airway integrity and respiratory regulation of two anesthetic compounds frequently used for sedation and a novel principle for oxygenation in patients at risk of hypoxia, in order to further improve patient safety during sedation and induction of anesthesia. Using a crossover study design, sedation with dexmedetomidine and its effect on regulation of breathing was investigated and compared to sedation with propofol in healthy young men. An impairment of both peripheral and central regulation of breathing, with a similar magnitude of effect during dexmedetomidine and propofol sedation, was found. Incidentally, upper airway obstruction and apneas were discovered which led to investigations on upper airway collapsibility. Pharyngeal critical closing pressure was measured during dexmedetomidine sedation and compared to sedation with propofol at low and moderate infusion rate of sedative drug. A difference in passive pharyngeal closing pressure between dexmedetomidine and propofol could not be demonstrated at either infusion rate of sedation. Clinically significant episodes of apnea during induction of sedation with both drugs were displayed in the two studies, but to a somewhat more pronounced degree with dexmedetomidine. High-flow nasal oxygenation during apnea using THRIVE (transnasal humidified rapidinsufflation ventilatory exchange) was evaluated describing the change of arterial blood gases and pH that it induces in patients undergoing elective laryngeal surgery in general anesthesia. Oxygenation proved to be well maintained and a lower rate of rise of arterial carbon dioxide than in earlier studies of apneic oxygenation was confirmed, permitting an extended safe apneic period. Since THRIVE maintained oxygenation during apnea for at least 30 minutes it might be of benefit during rapid sequence induction of anesthesia. Therefore, THRIVE and its effect on peripheral oxygen saturation was compared to traditional preoxygenation with a facemask in rapid sequence induction in 80 patients presenting for emergency surgery. In the facemask group 12.5% of patients desaturated below 93% vs. none in the THRIVE group. In conclusion, sedation with dexmedetomidine impairs regulation of breathing, affects upper airway collapsibility and induces apnea to a similar extent as propofol sedation. High flow nasal oxygenation using THRIVE maintains oxygenation and causes a slow rise in arterial carbon dioxide. This enables extension of the apnea time and indicates possible benefit when used for oxygenation during airway management

    Water striders (Heteroptera, Gerridae) as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution

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    Heavy metal contents of water striders collected near a steel factory and from control sites were analyzed by AAS. The average concentrations µg/g of dry weight found near the factory vs. the control areas were: Al 76, 65; Fe 840, 330; Mn 49, 37; Zn 310, 280; Cu 44, 42; Cd 1.6, 6.5, respectively. In most cases Ni and Pb concentrations were below the determination limit in both sites. There were significant differences between sites in the concentrations of iron and cadmium. Fifth instar larvae had higher iron content than adults, but sexes did not differ in heavy metal content. There were also significant differences between different water strider species as accumulators of zinc, aluminium and cadmium. It is concluded that water striders seem suitable as bioindicators of heavy metals

    Tienkäyttäjien tyytyväisyyden tutkiminen - asiakaspalautejärjestelmien kehittäminen

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    Tieverkon ylläpitäminen ja kehittäminen sekä hyvän palvelutason tuottaminen ovat olennainen osa tieviranomaisten tavoitteista. Vastatakseen tienkäyttäjien odotuksiin tieviranomaisten täytyy jatkuvasti kehittää ja parantaa nykyistä käytäntöään ja palveluaan. Tämä voidaan saavuttaa lisäämällä tienkäyttäjien osallistumista ja tutkimalla tieverkon kuntotasoa. Seuraamalla tienkäyttäjien mielipiteitä ja tyytyväisyyttä, tiehallinto voi parantaa toimintatapojaan ja määrittää tärkeimmät kehityskohteet. Nykyään useimmat tieviranomaiset tekevät tienkäyttäjätyytyväisyystutkimuksia jossain muodossa. Ongelmana näissä tutkimuksissa on usein kuitenkin se, että ne mittaavat ja kartoittavat ainoastaan tämänhetkistä asiakastyytyväisyyttä ottamatta huomioon sitä, täyttyvätkö asiakkaan odotukset ja tarpeet. Asiakastyytyväisyystutkimusten merkittävä etu on, että ne voivat seurata tyytyväisyystason kehitystä ja tukea organisaatiota keskittämään toimintansa niihin asioihin mitkä tienkäyttäjät kokevat tärkeiksi. Tämä työ keskittyy tieviranomaisten asiakkaisiin, eli tienkäyttäjiin, sekä asiakaspalautteen tärkeyteen. Työn tarkoituksena on luoda käsitteellinen kehys tienkäyttäjien tyytyväisyyden mittaamiseen sekä selvittää mitä kansainvälisiä käytäntöjä ja tapoja on olemassa asiakaspalautteen keräämiseen ja selvittämiseen liikennesektorissa. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää miten asiakastyytyväisyysmittausten tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää ja miten ne voidaan liittää päätöksentekoprosesseihin. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena eli kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Työ sisälsi kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja empiirisen tutkimuksen. Empiirinen tutkimus perustui kansainväliseen vertailuun ja yksittäiseen tapaustutkimukseen. Yhteensä kahdeksan eri maan tieviranomaisten käytäntöjä ja menetelmiä kartoitettiin ja analysoitiin. Tutkimustulokset voivat luoda käsityksen siitä, miten eri maiden tiehallinnot selvittävät tienkäyttäjien tarpeet ja näkemykset sekä miten asiakaspalautejärjestelmää voisi mahdollisesti parantaa. Asiakaslähtöisyys ja tienkäyttäjien tyytyväisyys ovat tieviranomaisten toiminnan lähtökohtia ja säilyvät edelleen tärkeinä aiheina myös tulevaisuudessa.Maintaining roads and delivering good quality are an essential part of the goals and aims of road authorities. In order to fulfill the expectations of the road users, road administrations need to continuously develop and improve their existing practices and services. This can be achieved by increasing public involvement and exploring road users? perception of the physical condition of the road network and the services provided on the network. By engaging the public, road authorities cannot only improve their practices but can also set the key focus objects and areas of their operations. Orientation toward cooperation with the customers is a key to effective organizational management. Nowadays, most road administrations are conducting market research surveys in one form or another. The major benefit with customer satisfaction measurements and surveys is that they can track trends and help an organization to focus on major improvement efforts. The problem with these surveys though are often that they only measure current levels of customer satisfaction and perception without capturing whether the customers? expectations and needs are actually being met. The thesis focuses on the customers of the road authorities, i.e. the road users, and on the importance of understanding and receiving feedback from the customers. The intent of the thesis is to establish a conceptual framework for customer satisfaction measurement within the road sector and to determine how consistent and applicable road user data from customer feedback and surveys is gathered internationally. Moreover, the aim is to determine how to utilize results from customer satisfaction measurements, future prospects and how to link customer input into the decision-making process. The research was undertaken as a qualitative study including both literature review and empirical research. The empirical research was based on an international benchmarking and case study approach where strategies and practices used by eight road authorities in different countries were analyzed and compared. The results from the study may provide insights to road administrations with regard to how other road authorities are capturing the attitudes and views of the road users and how a CSM program can be formed or improved. Increased focus on the road users and their satisfaction and needs are issues that will remain as important topics in the future as well

    Epilithic diatoms (Bacillariophycae) from streams in Ramsar, Iran

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    Epilithic diatoms were identified from five small streams and one canal in Ramsar, northwest Iran. Atotal of 155 diatom taxa belonging to 37 genera were found and only two species remained unidentified (Fragilaria sp. and Nitzschia sp.). Achnanthes, Nitzschia, Navicula, Cocconeis, Melosira, Amphora, Craticula, Diatoma, Surirella, Cymbella, Diploneis and Entomoneis were among the most abundant genera. Eighty seven taxa were recorded for the first time in Iran. Thirty two of the genera belong to the Pennales and 5 to the Centrales. Species richness was rather high ranging from 66 to 95 taxa at the six sites studied. The epilithic diatom species found in Ramsar were dominated by cosmopolitan taxa found in meso- to fairly eutrophic waters with high conductivity and high nutrient concentrations. The abundances found at all six sites were compiled in order to estimate the overall abundance of each taxon in Ramsar. This study includes EM pictures of diatoms observed in Ramsar, Iran

    Seasonal Variations in Cadmium Concentrations of Plant

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    Anslagstid för diagnostiska anestesier vid hälta hos häst

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    INTODUKTION: Hälta hos häst är ett vanligt förekommande problem och kan kosta djurägaren mycket både i tid och i pengar (Keegan K. et al 2011). Höga krav ställs på veterinären att kunna identifiera ursprunget till hästens hälta. Diagnostiska anestesier (bedövningar) används ofta för att lokalisera smärtans ursprung och är ett effektivt hjälpmedel (Ross M.W. et al 2011). Det finns olika typer av anestesier beroende på vilken struktur som ska bedövas; ledanestesi, ledningsanestesi samt infiltrationsanestesi. Vid kontroll efter att en anestesi har lagts, avgörs om hältan är oförändrad, har minskat eller försvunnit helt. Det finns få studier på anslagstid av diagnostiska anestesier gjorda och resultatet av befintliga studier varierar. En feltolkning av en diagnostisk anestesi kan leda till fel diagnos och behandling med konsekvenser både för djurägaren och hästen. SYFTE: Att studera anslagstiden för olika typer av diagnostiska anestesier vid hälta hos häst. Kunskap om hur anslagstiden varierar skulle kunna bidra till en säkrare diagnostik vid hältutredningar. GENOMFÖRANDE: Åtta hästar som besökte UDS hästklinik hösten 2011 användes. Kriterierna för att få ingå i studien var att hästarna var på ett förstagångsbesök för en ny hältutredning och att de hade en mätbar initial hälta i trav på rakt spår. Hästarnas hälta bedömdes både subjektivt av undersökande veterinär och med det objektiva rörelseanalyssystemet ”Lameness Locator” . Anestesier lades med Carbocain (2 % mepivakain utan adrenalin). RESULTAT OCH DISKUSSION: Denna studie ger en antydan om att anslagstider för diagnostiska anestesier varierar, men eftersom antalet hästar var få och hade olika initiala problem medförde detta att erhållna mätvärden för lagda anestesier var svåra att tolka och dra slutsatser från. Några hästar uppvisade en mindre rörelseasymmetri efter lagd anestesi jämfört med innan, medan andra hästar hade en oförändrad hälta genom hela utredningen. För att få en bättre uppfattning om anslagstiden för en viss typ av lokalanestesi, i samband med hältutredningar, krävs att fler hästar med samma grundproblem studeras och utvärderas för att ge ett tillförlitligt resultat. Att genomföra en experimentell studie med avseende på anslagstid vid diagnostiska anestesier hos häst vore värdefull för att få ett standardiserat resultat som är lättare att analysera. Kunskapen om anslagstiden är viktigt inom hältutredning, eftersom bedömningen och utvärderingen av en lagd anestesi underlättas.INTRODUCTION: Lameness in horses is a common problem and costs horse owners a lot in both time and money (Keegan, K. et al 2011). High demands are placed on the veterinarian to identify the origin of the horse's lameness. Diagnostic anesthesia is often used to localize the pain's origin and is a useful tool (Ross. MW et al 2011). There are different types of anesthesia, depending on the structure that is going to be anesthetized; intra-articular anesthesia, nerve block and infiltration anesthesia. When checking after an anesthetic has been injected, the lameness can be unchanged, decreased or disappeared completely. There are few studies on the time to effect of diagnostic anesthesia and the results of existing studies vary. A misinterpretation of a diagnostic anesthesia can lead to misdiagnosis and treatment implications for both the owner and the horse. PURPOSE: To study the time to effect for different types of diagnostic anesthesia for lameness in horses. Knowledge of how the time to effect varies could contribute to a safer diagnosis of lameness. PROCEDURE: Eight horses who visited UDS horse clinic in autumn 2011 were used. The criteria for inclusion in the study were that the horses were on a first-time visit for a lameness investigation and that they had a measurable initial lameness in trot on a straight track. The horses' lameness was assessed both subjectively by the examining veterinarian and with the objective motion analysis system "Lameness Locator." Diagnostic anesthesia was made with Carbocain (2% mepivacaine without adrenaline). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: This study provides a hint that the time to effect for diagnostic anesthesia varies, but the number of horses in the study was few and had different initial problems. Because of this, the time to effect of the local anesthesia was difficult to interpret and draw conclusions from. Some horses showed less movement asymmetry in trot after the local anesthesia, while other horses had a constant lameness throughout the whole investigation. To get a better idea of the time to effect of a particular type of local anesthesia, in connection with lameness investigations, would require more horses with the same basic problem to provide a reliable result. To conduct an experimental study of the time to effect in diagnostic anesthesia in horses would be valuable to get a standard result that is easier to analyze. Knowledge of the time to effect is important in lameness investigation, because the chance to assess and evaluate the anesthesia is facilitated