225 research outputs found

    Large quantum dots with small oscillator strength

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    We have measured the oscillator strength and quantum efficiency of excitons confined in large InGaAs quantum dots by recording the spontaneous emission decay rate while systematically varying the distance between the quantum dots and a semiconductor-air interface. The size of the quantum dots is measured by in-plane transmission electron microscopy and we find average in-plane diameters of 40 nm. We have calculated the oscillator strength of excitons of that size and predict a very large oscillator strength due to Coulomb effects. This is in stark contrast to the measured oscillator strength, which turns out to be much below the upper limit imposed by the strong confinement model. We attribute these findings to exciton localization in local potential minima arising from alloy intermixing inside the quantum dots.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Decay dynamics of quantum dots influenced by the local density of optical states of two-dimensional photonic crystal membranes

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    We have performed time-resolved spectroscopy on InAs quantum dot ensembles in photonic crystal membranes. The influence of the photonic crystal is investigated by varying the lattice constant systematically. We observe a strong slow down of the quantum dots' spontaneous emission rates as the two-dimensional bandgap is tuned through their emission frequencies. The measured band edges are in full agreement with theoretical predictions. We characterize the multi-exponential decay curves by their mean decay time and find enhancement of the spontaneous emission at the bandgap edges and strong inhibition inside the bandgap in good agreement with local density of states calculations.Comment: 9 pages (preprint), 3 figure

    Quantum properties of transverse pattern formation in second-harmonic generation

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    We investigate the spatial quantum noise properties of the one dimensional transverse pattern formation instability in intra-cavity second-harmonic generation. The Q representation of a quasi-probability distribution is implemented in terms of nonlinear stochastic Langevin equations. We study these equations through extensive numerical simulations and analytically in the linearized limit. Our study, made below and above the threshold of pattern formation, is guided by a microscopic scheme of photon interaction underlying pattern formation in second-harmonic generation. Close to the threshold for pattern formation, beams with opposite direction of the off-axis critical wave numbers are shown to be highly correlated. This is observed for the fundamental field, for the second harmonic field and also for the cross-correlation between the two fields. Nonlinear correlations involving the homogeneous transverse wave number, which are not identified in a linearized analysis, are also described. The intensity differences between opposite points of the far fields are shown to exhibit sub-Poissonian statistics, revealing the quantum nature of the correlations. We observe twin beam correlations in both the fundamental and second-harmonic fields, and also nonclassical correlations between them.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Entanglement properties of a quantum-dot biexciton cascade in a chiral nanophotonic waveguide

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    We analyse the entanglement properties of deterministic path-entangled photonic states generated by coupling the emission of a quantum-dot biexciton cascade to a chiral nanophotonic waveguide, as implemented by {\O}stfeldt et al. [PRX Quantum 3, 020363 (2022)]. We model the degree of entanglement through the concurrence of the two-photon entangled state in the presence of realistic experimental imperfections. The model accounts for imperfect chiral emitter-photon interactions in the waveguide and the asymmetric coupling of the exciton levels introduced by fine-structure splitting along with time-jitter in the detection of photons. The analysis shows that the approach offers a promising platform for deterministically generating entanglement in integrated nanophotonic systems in the presence of realistic experimental imperfections.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Single-photon nonlinear optics with a quantum dot in a waveguide

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    Strong nonlinear interactions between photons enable logic operations for both classical and quantum-information technology. Unfortunately, nonlinear interactions are usually feeble and therefore all-optical logic gates tend to be inefficient. A quantum emitter deterministically coupled to a propagating mode fundamentally changes the situation, since each photon inevitably interacts with the emitter, and highly correlated many-photon states may be created . Here we show that a single quantum dot in a photonic-crystal waveguide can be utilized as a giant nonlinearity sensitive at the single-photon level. The nonlinear response is revealed from the intensity and quantum statistics of the scattered photons, and contains contributions from an entangled photon-photon bound state. The quantum nonlinearity will find immediate applications for deterministic Bell-state measurements and single-photon transistors and paves the way to scalable waveguide-based photonic quantum-computing architectures

    Experimental realization of highly-efficient broadband coupling of single quantum dots to a photonic crystal waveguide

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    We present time-resolved spontaneous emission measurements of single quantum dots embedded in photonic crystal waveguides. Quantum dots that couple to the photonic crystal waveguide are found to decay up to 27 times faster than uncoupled quantum dots. From these measurements β\beta-factors of up to 0.89 are derived, and an unprecedented large bandwidth of 20 nm is demonstrated. This shows the promising potential of photonic crystal waveguides for efficient single-photon sources. The scaled frequency where the enhancement is observed is in excellent agreement with theory taking into account that the light-matter coupling is strongly enhanced due to the significant slow-down of light in the photonic crystal waveguide.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Size-Dependence of the Wavefunction of Self-Assembled Quantum Dots

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    The radiative and non-radiative decay rates of InAs quantum dots are measured by controlling the local density of optical states near an interface. From time-resolved measurements we extract the oscillator strength and the quantum efficiency and their dependence on emission energy. From our results and a theoretical model we determine the striking dependence of the overlap of the electron and hole wavefunctions on the quantum dot size. We conclude that the optical quality is best for large quantum dots, which is important in order to optimally tailor quantum dot emitters for, e.g., quantum electrodynamics experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spin-photon interface and spin-controlled photon switching in a nanobeam waveguide

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    Access to the electron spin is at the heart of many protocols for integrated and distributed quantum-information processing [1-4]. For instance, interfacing the spin-state of an electron and a photon can be utilized to perform quantum gates between photons [2,5] or to entangle remote spin states [6-9]. Ultimately, a quantum network of entangled spins constitutes a new paradigm in quantum optics [1]. Towards this goal, an integrated spin-photon interface would be a major leap forward. Here we demonstrate an efficient and optically programmable interface between the spin of an electron in a quantum dot and photons in a nanophotonic waveguide. The spin can be deterministically prepared with a fidelity of 96\%. Subsequently the system is used to implement a "single-spin photonic switch", where the spin state of the electron directs the flow of photons through the waveguide. The spin-photon interface may enable on-chip photon-photon gates [2], single-photon transistors [10], and efficient photonic cluster state generation [11]
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