6 research outputs found

    Investment security management in transition economies : legal and organizational aspects

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    Purpose: There are significant differences between countries in transition from socialism to market economy, and hence differences in investment flows. As a result, the level of economic growth, competitiveness, and integration into the world markets differs significantly. Different transformation strategies, economic policies, and the level of openness of the economy explain the differences between countries. It is revealed that the level of political rights, civil liberties and economic freedom significantly affect investment flows. The aim of this article is to highlight these differences and evaluate them. Design/Methodology/Approach: Data from 18 countries in transition are used to analyze investment security management. Findings: The study has found that countries in transition have a low level of investment flows and a low level of investment security. On average, net investment inflows account for 3.5% of GDP. There is a positive relationship between investment outflows and gross capital formation, gross savings, GDP growth, and the index of economic freedom, however, on the other hand there is negative relationship between capital outflows and the index of political rights and civil liberties. Originality/Value: Investment security management depends on institutions and institutional infrastructure as well as the ability to stimulate investment in the country. Reducing trade barriers and opening up the economy also contributes to increase investment in the country. Over the past ten years, investments in countries in transition have declined considerably due to weak investment security management.peer-reviewe

    Doped Barium Titanate at Intermediate Stages of Synthesis of ВТО

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    This paper presents the results of synthesis and characterization of calcium 0doped nanocrystalline barium titanate powder with different concentration of doped elements ((Ba1-xCax) TiO3, were x 0; 0.02; 0.06; 0.1; 0.16; 0.2), produced by oxalate route. Calcium additives were added on the surface the samples of semidecomposed barium titanil oxalate. For synthesis were used simultaneously decomposition of unstable barium, titanium compositions and calcium salts. The semidecomposed barium titanil oxalate and doped barium titanate characterization carried out by specific surface area measurements, TEM, X-Ray. It is experimentally shown that Са2+ introduction reduces lattice parameter for samples that related with replacement of barium by calcium. Solubility of calcium in barium titanate nanopowders increase from 10 at % up to 16 at %. The second phase appears at 20 at %. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3547

    Многофункциональное сельское хозяйство и его влияние на развитие сельских территорий

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    The paper deals with the main conceptual approaches to the definition of agriculture multifunctionality, indicates positive changes towards multifunctionality of rural territories in Ukraine and substantiates the main restraining factors such as low level of innovation activity of economic entities operating in this sphere, related sectors of economy, moral ageing of social and communal infrastructure of the village, lack of relations with universities which are the main generators of knowledge. The paper proposes to establish the Regional Coordination Centers for Rural Development in the structure of the Agro-industrial Development Departments. The main function of the centers should be obtaining multifunctional agriculture due to interaction of enterprises and the state shifting the emphasis from production to rural development. It is noted that the establishment of such centers in the conditions of decentralization will allow ensuring interaction of enterprises, state and population and implementing properly multifunctionality of agriculture. It is proved that forming the conceptual foundations of rural development, it should be borne in mind that sustainable multifunctional development should be based on effective rural economy, extended reproduction of human capital and productive employment of rural population, on improvement of people’s quality of life, rational use of natural resources and their reproduction.В статье рассматриваются основные концептуальные подходы к определению многофункциональности сельского хозяйства, констатированы положительные сдвиги в направлении многофункциональности сельских территорий в Украине и обоснованы основные сдерживающие факторы, среди которых: низкий уровень инновационной активности субъектов хозяйствования, работающих в этой сфере и смежных с ней секторах экономики; моральное старение социальной и коммунальной инфраструктуры сельской местности; отсутствие связи с университетами – основными генераторами знаний. Предложено создание в структуре департаментов агропромышленного развития региональных координационных центров развития села, основной функцией которых должно стать достижение многофункциональности сельского хозяйства путем взаимодействия предприятий и государства со смещением акцента от производственной функции к сельскому развитию. Отмечено, что в условиях децентрализации создание таких центров позволит обеспечить взаимодействие предприятий, государства и населения и в должной мере реализовать многофункциональность сельского хозяйства. Доказано, что при формировании концептуальных основ развития сельских территорий необходимо иметь в виду, что устойчивое многофункциональное их развитие должно быть основано на эффективной сельской экономике, расширенном воспроизводстве человеческого капитала и продуктивной занятости сельского населения, повышении уровня и качества его жизни, рациональном использовании и воспроизводстве природных ресурсов

    Relationships between Pore Structure, Free Carbon Content, Particle Size Distribution and Deposition Stage of Ni/NiO Nanopowers

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    Ni/NiO nanopowders have been prepared by using thermal decomposition of aqua solutions of nickel acetate ammine complexes in air at the annealing temperature range 300 -500 ºC, time of decomposition from 30 to 180 min. Particle size of powders has been investigated by and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Powders pore structure has been determinated by low temperature nitrogen adsorption method. Content of free carbon in powders is determitated by stage of decomposition and annealing temperature. Decomposition of hydroxy-containing precursor at occurred in 3 stages: 1) the primary formation of Ni; 2) decomposition of precursors with formation of NiO; 3) afterreduction of NiO to Ni by residuals of organic compounds and ammonia. The first two stages is characterized by highly endothermic effect that can lead to decreasing of acetic acid evaporation rate and resulted in high free carbon content of powders. Increasing of deposition time permits to remove of acetic acid from particle surface and decrease free carbon content in powder