190 research outputs found

    Política pública de juventudes: Diagnóstico para fortalecer el acceso a la educación superior en el municipio de Quibdó

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    En la presente investigación se plantean los diferentes factores que inciden para que los jóvenes del municipio de Quibdó, puedan hoy ingresar a la educación superior. Se analizan las percepciones que estos tienen frente a las causas y elementos estructurales que podrían debilitar o fortalecer el proceso de transición de la educación media a la educación superior, y que, de no ser atendidos, podría agudizar las desigualdades entre las regiones y los índices de pobreza en el municipio de Quibdó. El tipo de investigación de este estudio es una práctica basada en diagnóstico, la cual ha permitido identificar que hoy los jóvenes en el municipio de Quibdó, carecen de programas y políticas públicas enfocadas a consolidar el sistema de educación superior municipal, que existe una desarticulación institucional, se carece de una línea base sólida en la información, por lo tanto es urgente crear una oficina de la educación superior, capaz de articular y crear esfuerzos, entre actores privados, públicos, de la academia y en general, que los jóvenes sean tenidos en cuenta en este proceso, y que a través de la gobernanza y la política pública de juventudes se establezca el fortalecimiento y la garantía de un derecho que es constitucional. Palabras claves: Educación superior, Familia(s), Jóvenes, Política pública, Quibdó.Abstract The present research raises the different factors that influence the youth of the municipality of Quibdó to enter higher education today. It analyzes the perceptions that they have about the causes and structural elements that could weaken or strengthen the process of transition from secondary to higher education, and that, if not addressed, could exacerbate inequalities between regions and poverty rates in the municipality of Quibdó. The type of research of this study is a practice based on diagnosis, which has identified that today young people in the municipality of Quibdó, lack programs and public policies aimed at consolidating the municipal higher education system, that there is institutional disarticulation, there is a lack of a solid baseline information, It is therefore urgent to create a higher education office, capable of articulating and creating efforts, among private, public, academic and general actors, that young people are taken into account in this process, and that through governance and public policy for youth, the strengthening and guarantee of a right that is constitutional is established. Keywords: Higher education, Family(s), Youth, Public policy, Quibd

    Pasantía internacional Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 2014

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    CD-T 625.7 L786; 91 pEste trabajo contiene alguna información sobre cuales son las instituciones a cargo de las infraestructura vial en los países de Colombia y México. Seguidamente se encuentra una lista de manuales y normas técnicas publicadas por el Instituto Nacional de Vías INVIAS en su pagina web y vigentes a la fecha de publicación de este trabajo. En este apartado se cita los aspectos mas relevantes en el contenido de los manuales anteriormente listados. Después, se mencionan las Normas Oficiales Mexicanas y la Normativa para la Infraestructura del Transporte, que esta compuesta por 5 temas, pero en este trabajo solo se aborda el tema de las Carreteras; de el que se encuentran 10 tablas con cada uno de los 10 libros que contiene este tema. Las tablas muestran los títulos contenidos dentro de las partes de cada libro y el código que identifica a cada titulo o parte. Se nombran en una tabla los Manuales de la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes de México y se cita una explicación corta de lo que es el Banco de Señalización Vial. Finalmente una descripción del contenido de algunos Manuales y Normas Técnicas de ambos países, sobre algunos aspectos considerados como relevantes en lo respectivo a Infraestructura Vial.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Factores relacionados con la aplicación del proceso de enfermería en instituciones hospitalarias de Colombia

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    Introducción: La aplicación del proceso de enfermería, beneficia la salud del paciente y promueve la autonomía de la profesión. Objetivo: Describir la aplicación del proceso de enfermería de los profesionales de enfermería del área hospitalaria en la Orinoquia colombiana al momento de brindar cuidado. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, mediante entrevista estandarizada, muestra no probabilística constituida por 100 enfermeros del área hospitalaria, de centros de atención de alta complejidad, se calcularon medidas de resumen, y razones de ventajas. Resultados: 84% eran mujeres, edad promedio:31 ± 9,1 años; promedio de pacientes por turno: 12,2 ± 15,5; 59% refirieron aplicar el proceso de enfermería, 98% refieren la falta de tiempo como factor para la no aplicación del proceso de enfermería; se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa para aumentar la aplicación del proceso de atención de enfermería cuando este es considerado como un facilitador para brindar el cuidado (OR: 4,52 IC95%: 1,1-18,2); cuando el profesional de enfermería encuentra aplicación y relación con la teoría recibida en la universidad (OR: 4,06 IC95%: 1,7-9,5). Discusión y Conclusiones: La posibilidad de aplicar el proceso de enfermería aumenta por factores como la percepción de beneficios, el nivel de apropiación que tienen los profesionales de enfermería, y no se limitó a condiciones laborales o académicas.Como citar este artículo: Gutiérrez OA, Torres CA, Loboa NJ. Factores relacionados con la aplicación del proceso de enfermería en instituciones hospitalarias de Colombia. Rev Cuid. 2018; 9(1): 2007-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.v9i1.48


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    The trade dynamism of a country depends directly on the growth of its companies. But, in Colombia, only 40% of companies manage to survive five years. "Its estimated that for every 100 new microsmall-medium-sized companies, only 43 maintain their existence a lustrum later." (ASOBANCARIA, 2018.) This situation calls us to analyze a great reflection that arises in two ways. The first way is related to the risk that some of the companies that generate commercial credits are a subject of, since the probability of having defaults in their portfolio and legal implications could increase and negatively impact the portfolio’s quality and their reputation. The second way contemplates one of the main causes of failure of the SMEs which isthe working capital’s availability. “Working capital is a financial tool to which every administrator must pay attention and dedicate time to, because it determines the survival of a company during the first years of its existence."(García Aguilar, Galarza Torres and Altamariano Salazar, 2017). The balance between these two ways is essential for business’ growth and survival. However, this task has major implications when assessing the implicit risks of the commercial process. These risks can affect the finances of companies and their reputationEl dinamismo comercial de un país depende directamente del crecimiento empresarial, pero en Colombia, solo el 40% de empresas sobrevive más de 5 años. “Se estima que por cada 100 nuevas mipymes, tan solo 43 mantienen su existencia un lustro después.” (ASOBANCARIA, 2018), esta situación llama a una gran reflexión planteada en doble vía, la primea relacionada con el riesgo al que se someten las empresas generadoras de créditos comerciales, porque la probabilidad de tener impagos en su cartera e implicaciones legales se puede incrementar afectando negativamente su calidad de cartera y su reputación, La segunda vía contempla una de las principales causas de fracaso de las mipymes que es la disponibilidad de capital de trabajo, “que es una herramienta financiera a la que todo administrador debe prestarle atención y dedicarle tiempo, debido a que determina la supervivencia de una empresa durante los primeros años de su existencia.” (García Aguilar, Galarza Torres, & Altamariano Salazar, 2017). El equilibrio entre estas dos vías es fundamental para el crecimiento y supervivencia de las empresas, pero esta tarea tiene grandes implicaciones al momento de evaluar los riesgos implícitos en el proceso comercial, que puedan afectar las finanzas de las empresas y su reputación

    Prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout en profesionales de enfermería de la Orinoquia colombiana, 2016

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    Introduction: Burnout syndrome is described as an inadequate way of coping with labor stress. The main traits are emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and decreased personal performance. Objective: To determine the prevalence of Burnout syndrome in nursing professionals working in the Colombian Orinoquia. Materials and methods: A transverse analytical study was carried out with sampling by intention. The study population was constituted by 100 nurses and the Maslach Burnout instrument was used. Summary, prevalence and prevalence ratio measurements were calculated with the SPSS program. Results: 90% of the sample studied were women, 53% single, 54% under 28, and 42% without children. The general prevalence of Burnout syndrome was 16%, in the area of hospital care was 25,5% and in areas other than this was 6,1%. In the hospital area, there were greater proportions in emotional fatigue with a 42%, emotional depersonalization with a 38% and lack of personal realization with a 30%. Statistically significant differences for the prevalence of Burnout syndrome in the area of hospital care were found (RP 4,2, IC95% 1, 3-13,7, P 0,008) for professionals under 28 (RP 3,7 IC95% 1,1-12,1, p 0,017). Conclusions: The prevalence of Burnout syndrome is higher in nurses in the hospital area. Being under 28 years of age was associated with a higher prevalence. Nurses classified as sick with Burnout syndrome had to take care of a greater number of patients in their workday

    Diplomado de profundización CISCO CCNP solución de dos escenarios presentes en entornos corporativos

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    LINK de los escenarios simulados https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tn4JG0Yj8mB2UFgKJRiyhQuFjPw6f4_E?usp=sharingEn el presente informe solucionaremos dos escenarios propuestos como parte del proceso de formación y obtención del título de ingeniería de telecomunicaciones. El primer escenario desarrollaremos las temáticas que tienen que ver con protocolos de enrutamiento dinámico avanzado como lo son: OSPF, EIGRP. En el segundo escenario tenemos un ejercicio un poco más complejo ya que debemos crear rutas troncales, dentro de una red que se compone de cuatro routers, dos de la capa de enlace de datos y dos de la capa de red, todo ello para implementar la tecnologia EtherChannel.In this report we will solve two scenarios proposed as part of the process of training and obtaining the degree in telecommunications engineering. The first scenario will develop the topics that have to do with advanced dynamic routing protocols such as: OSPF, EIGRP. In the second scenario we have a slightly more complex exercise since we must create trunk routes, within a network that consists of four routers, two from the data link layer and two from the network layer, all to implement the EtherChannel technology

    Mechanical and Vascular Cues Synergistically Enhance Osteogenesis in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Development and maintenance of a vascular network are critical for bone growth and homeostasis; strategies that promote vascular function are critical for clinical success of tissue-engineered bone constructs. Co-culture of endothelial cells (ECs) with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and exposure to 10% cyclic tensile strain have both been shown to regulate osteogenesis in isolation, but potential synergistic effects have yet to be explored. The objective of this study was to expose an MSC-EC co-culture to 10% cyclic tensile strain to examine the role of this mechanical stimulus on MSC-EC behavior. We hypothesized that paracrine signaling from ECs would stimulate osteogenesis of MSCs, and exposure to 10% cyclic tensile strain would enhance this anabolic signal. Human umbilical vein ECs and human bone marrow-derived MSCs were either monocultured or co-cultured at a 1:1 ratio in a mixed osteo/angiogenic medium, exposed to 10% cyclic tensile strain at 1 Hz for 4 h/day for 2 weeks, and biochemically and histologically analyzed for endothelial and osteogenic markers. While neither 10% cyclic tensile strain nor co-culture alone had a significant effect on osteogenesis, the concurrent application of strain to an MSC-EC co-culture resulted in a significant increase in calcium accretion and mineral deposition, suggesting that co-culture and strain synergistically enhance osteogenesis. Neither co-culture, 10% cyclic tensile strain, nor a combination of these stimuli affected endothelial markers, indicating that the endothelial phenotype remained stable, but unresponsive to the stimuli evaluated in this study. This study is the first to investigate the role of cyclic tensile strain on the complex interplay between ECs and MSCs in co-culture. The results of this study provide key insights into the synergistic effects of 10% cyclic tensile strain and co-culture on osteogenesis. Understanding mechanobiological factors affecting MSC-EC crosstalk will help enhance strategies for creating vascularized tissues in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

    Evaluation of Silver Ion-Releasing Scaffolds in a 3D Coculture System of MRSA and Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells for Their Potential Use in Treatment or Prevention of Osteomyelitis

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    Bone infection, also called osteomyelitis, can result when bacteria invade a bone. Treatment of osteomyelitis usually requires surgical debridement and prolonged antimicrobial therapy. The rising incidence of infection with multidrug-resistant bacteria, in particular methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), however, limits the antimicrobial treatment options available. Silver is well known for its antimicrobial properties and is highly toxic to a wide range of microorganisms. We previously reported our development of biocompatible, biodegradable, nanofibrous scaffolds that released silver ions in a controlled manner. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of these scaffolds in treating or preventing osteomyelitis. To achieve this objective, antimicrobial efficacy was determined using a 3D coculture system of human adipose-derived stem cells (hASC) and MRSA. Human ASC were seeded on the scaffolds and induced to undergo osteogenic differentiation in both the absence and presence of MRSA. Our results indicated that the silver ion-releasing scaffolds not only inhibited biofilm formation, but also supported osteogenesis of hASC. Our findings suggest that these biocompatible, degradable, silver ion-releasing scaffolds can be used at an infection site to treat osteomyelitis and/or to coat bone implants as a preventative measure against infection postsurgery

    Cytoskeletal and Focal Adhesion Influences on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Shape, Mechanical Properties, and Differentiation Down Osteogenic, Adipogenic, and Chondrogenic Pathways

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) hold great potential for regenerative medicine and tissue-engineering applications. They have multipotent differentiation capabilities and have been shown to differentiate down various lineages, including osteoblasts, adipocytes, chondrocytes, myocytes, and possibly neurons. The majority of approaches to control the MSC fate have been via the use of chemical factors in the form of growth factors within the culture medium. More recently, it has been understood that mechanical forces play a significant role in regulating MSC fate. We and others have shown that mechanical stimuli can control MSC lineage specification. The cytoskeleton is known to play a large role in mechanotransduction, and a growing number of studies are showing that it can also contribute to MSC differentiation. This review analyzes the significant contribution of actin and integrin distribution, and the smaller role of microtubules, in regulating MSC fate. Osteogenic differentiation is more prevalent in MSCs with a stiff, spread actin cytoskeleton and greater numbers of focal adhesions. Both adipogenic differentiation and chondrogenic differentiation are encouraged when MSCs have a spherical morphology associated with a dispersed actin cytoskeleton with few focal adhesions. Different mechanical stimuli can be implemented to alter these cytoskeletal patterns and encourage MSC differentiation to the desired lineage