115 research outputs found

    Extracting Message Inter-Departure Time Distributions from the Human Electroencephalogram

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    The complex connectivity of the cerebral cortex is a topic of much study, yet the link between structure and function is still unclear. The processing capacity and throughput of information at individual brain regions remains an open question and one that could potentially bridge these two aspects of neural organization. The rate at which information is emitted from different nodes in the network and how this output process changes under different external conditions are general questions that are not unique to neuroscience, but are of interest in multiple classes of telecommunication networks. In the present study we show how some of these questions may be addressed using tools from telecommunications research. An important system statistic for modeling and performance evaluation of distributed communication systems is the time between successive departures of units of information at each node in the network. We describe a method to extract and fully characterize the distribution of such inter-departure times from the resting-state electroencephalogram (EEG). We show that inter-departure times are well fitted by the two-parameter Gamma distribution. Moreover, they are not spatially or neurophysiologically trivial and instead are regionally specific and sensitive to the presence of sensory input. In both the eyes-closed and eyes-open conditions, inter-departure time distributions were more dispersed over posterior parietal channels, close to regions which are known to have the most dense structural connectivity. The biggest differences between the two conditions were observed at occipital sites, where inter-departure times were significantly more variable in the eyes-open condition. Together, these results suggest that message departure times are indicative of network traffic and capture a novel facet of neural activity

    Re-imagining the future:repetition decreases hippocampal involvement in future simulation

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    Imagining or simulating future events has been shown to activate the anterior right hippocampus (RHC) more than remembering past events does. One fundamental difference between simulation and memory is that imagining future scenarios requires a more extensive constructive process than remembering past experiences does. Indeed, studies in which this constructive element is reduced or eliminated by “pre-imagining” events in a prior session do not report differential RHC activity during simulation. In this fMRI study, we examined the effects of repeatedly simulating an event on neural activity. During scanning, participants imagined 60 future events; each event was simulated three times. Activation in the RHC showed a significant linear decrease across repetitions, as did other neural regions typically associated with simulation. Importantly, such decreases in activation could not be explained by non-specific linear time-dependent effects, with no reductions in activity evident for the control task across similar time intervals. Moreover, the anterior RHC exhibited significant functional connectivity with the whole-brain network during the first, but not second and third simulations of future events. There was also evidence of a linear increase in activity across repetitions in right ventral precuneus, right posterior cingulate and left anterior prefrontal cortex, which may reflect source recognition and retrieval of internally generated contextual details. Overall, our findings demonstrate that repeatedly imagining future events has a decremental effect on activation of the hippocampus and many other regions engaged by the initial construction of the simulation, possibly reflecting the decreasing novelty of simulations across repetitions, and therefore is an important consideration in the design of future studies examining simulation

    Impaired Structural Connectivity of Socio-Emotional Circuits in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study

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    Abnormal white matter development may disrupt integration within neural circuits, causing particular impairments in higher-order behaviours. In autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), white matter alterations may contribute to characteristic deficits in complex socio-emotional and communication domains. Here, we used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and tract based spatial statistics (TBSS) to evaluate white matter microstructure in ASD.DTI scans were acquired for 19 children and adolescents with ASD (∼8-18 years; mean 12.4±3.1) and 16 age and IQ matched controls (∼8-18 years; mean 12.3±3.6) on a 3T MRI system. DTI values for fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, radial diffusivity and axial diffusivity, were measured. Age by group interactions for global and voxel-wise white matter indices were examined. Voxel-wise analyses comparing ASD with controls in: (i) the full cohort (ii), children only (≤12 yrs.), and (iii) adolescents only (>12 yrs.) were performed, followed by tract-specific comparisons. Significant age-by-group interactions on global DTI indices were found for all three diffusivity measures, but not for fractional anisotropy. Voxel-wise analyses revealed prominent diffusion measure differences in ASD children but not adolescents, when compared to healthy controls. Widespread increases in mean and radial diffusivity in ASD children were prominent in frontal white matter voxels. Follow-up tract-specific analyses highlighted disruption to pathways integrating frontal, temporal, and occipital structures involved in socio-emotional processing.Our findings highlight disruption of neural circuitry in ASD, particularly in those white matter tracts that integrate the complex socio-emotional processing that is impaired in this disorder

    Analysis of two methods of isometric muscle contractions during the anti-G straining maneuver

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    This study investigated the difference in Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and Cardiac Output (CO) between two methods of isometric muscle contractions during the Anti-G Straining Maneuver (AGSM). 12 subjects (ages 18 to 38 yrs, height 176.8 +/- 7.4 cm, body mass 78.8 +/- 15.6 kg, percent body fat 14.3 +/- 6.6%) participated in the study. The study was a one-way within-subject design with test conditions counterbalanced. Two methods of isometric muscle contractions lasting 30 seconds each were assessed; an isometric push contraction and an isometric muscle tensing contraction. The dependent parameters were MAP and CO. The average MAP during the push contraction was 123 mmHg, SD +/- 11 and for tense was 118 mmHg, SD +/- 8. CO was 7.6 L/min, SD +/- 1.6 for push and 7.9 L/min, SD +/- 2.0 for tense method. Dependent t-tests revealed t(11) = 1.517, p = 0.157 for MAP and t(11) = 0.875, p = 0.400 for CO. This study demonstrated that the two methods of isometric muscle contractions were not statistically different with regards to MAP and CO. Therefore, both forms of isometric contractions may be potentially useful when performing the muscle contraction portion of the AGSM

    Subprimal Freezing and Thawing Rates Affect Beef at Retail

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    Ribeye, strip loin and top sirloin butt subprimals were either fast or slow frozen and then fast or slow thawed. Steaks were cut, placed in retail display for 8 days, and compared to fresh-never-frozen product for retail color and purge loss. Thaw purge loss was higher for slow thawed subprimals, with fast thawed product having the greatest purge loss during display. Overall, total purge loss was roughly 2-5% higher for all slow thawed products. Color data indicated frozen-thawed beef subprimals are comparable to fresh-never-frozen subprimals in color stability during day 1-4 of retail display. Total purge loss was increased for slow thawed subprimals; freezing rate had minimal effects on retail quality

    Effects of Freezing and Thawing Rates on Tenderness and Sensory Quality of Beef Subprimals

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    Beef ribeye rolls, strip loins, and top sirloin butts were aged for 14 days and then blast or conventionally frozen and slow or fast thawed, or were fresh, never frozen and aged for 14 days or 21 days (n = 270). Thawing method affected purge loss and tenderness, and freezing method had a minimal effect. Neither freezing nor thawing methods had an effect on sensory tenderness, and minimal effects on the other sensory attributes. It is possible to freeze and thaw beef subprimals and for the meat to be comparable in tenderness and sensory attributes to fresh, never frozen meat