8 research outputs found

    Identification and functional analysis of ferritin 2 from the Taiga tick Ixodes persulcatus Schulze

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    Ferritin 2 (FER2) is an iron storage protein, which has been shown to be critical for iron homeostasis during blood feeding and reproduction in ticks and is therefore suitable as a component for anti-tick vaccines. In this study, we identified the FER2 of Ixodes persulcatus, a major vector for zoonotic diseases such as Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne relapsing fever in Japan, and investigated its functions. Ixodes persulcatus-derived ferritin 2 (Ip-FER2) showed concentration-dependent iron-binding ability and high amino acid conservation, consistent with FER2s of other tick species. Vaccines containing the recombinant Ip-FER2 elicited a significant reduction of the engorgement weight of adult I. persulcatus. Interestingly, the reduction of engorgement weight was also observed in Ixodes ovatus, a sympatric species of I. persulcatus. In silico analyses of FER2 sequences of I. persulcatus and other ticks showed a greater similarity with I. scapularis and I. ricinus and lesser similarity with Hyalomma anatolicum, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Rhipicephalus microplus, and R. appendiculatus. Moreover, it was observed that the tick FER2 sequences possess conserved regions within the primary structures, and in silico epitope mapping analysis revealed that antigenic regions were also conserved, particularly among Ixodes spp ticks. In conclusion, the data support further protective tick vaccination applications using the Ip-FER2 antigens identified herein

    The Italian multiple sclerosis register

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    The past decade has seen extraordinary increase in worldwide availability of and access to several large multiple sclerosis (MS) databases and registries. MS registries represent powerful tools to provide meaningful information on the burden, natural history, and long-term safety and effectiveness of treatments. Moreover, patients, physicians, industry, and policy makers have an active interest in real-world observational studies based on register data, as they have the potential to answer the questions that are most relevant to daily treatment decision-making. In 2014, the Italian MS Foundation, in collaboration with the Italian MS clinical centers, promoted and funded the creation of the Italian MS Register, a project in continuity with the existing Italian MS Database Network set up from 2001. Main objective of the Italian MS Register is to create an organized multicenter structure to collect data of all MS patients for better defining the disease epidemiology, improving quality of care, and promoting research projects in high-priority areas. The aim of this article is to present the current framework and network of the Italian MS register, including the methodology used to improve the quality of data collection and to facilitate the exchange of data and the collaboration among national and international groups