6,506 research outputs found

    Pulpal neuropeptidergic fibers

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    A study was carried out on Met- and Leu-enkephalin, Gastrin / CCK-, SP-, CGRP-, NPY- immunoreactive fibers using paraffin sections of dental pulp taken from 8 apparently normal teeth (wisdom teeth or teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons).Within the limitations of the samples studied, dental pulp is characterized by the presence of sensory (Enkephalin-, Gastrin/CCK- immunoreactive) and pain fibers (SP-immunoreactive) and of fibers with a potent vasodilatory action (CGRP-immunoreactive) and by the absence of fibers with a vasoconstrictor action (NPY-immunoreactive).Notre étude a porté sur la mise en évidence sur des coupes après inclusion à la paraffine des fibres Met- et Leu-enképhaline, Gastrine / CCK-, SP-, CGRP- et NPY-immunoréactives, dans la pulpe de huit dents normales (dents de sagesse ou dents extraites pour des raisons orthodontiques).Dans la limite des échantillons utilisés, la pulpe dentaire est caractérisée par la présence de fibres sensitives (Enképhalin-, Gastrin/CCK-immunoréactives), des fibres de la douleur (SP-immunoréactives) et de fibre à action vasodilatatrice (CGRP-immunoréactives) et par l’absence de fibres à action vasoconstrictive (NPY-immunoréactives)

    L\u2019ibridazione interspecifica: evidenze e limiti di un fenomeno ancora da comprendere

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    L\u2019interesse per l\u2019aspetto evoluzionistico dell\u2019ibridazione interspecifica \ue8 cresciuto negli ultimi anni, a giudicare dalla mole di articoli e review pubblicati sull\u2019argomento. Fili conduttori di questi lavori sono la considerazione dell\u2019ibridazione avvenuta e la conseguente ricerca delle evidenze che la dimostrano, siano esse morfologiche o genetiche: quasi mai l\u2019evento di ibridazione viene messo in discussione, neppure quando le specie coinvolte sono caratterizzate da sbilanciamenti aneuploidi molto forti. Generalmente, l\u2019ibridazione tra specie riconosciute come distinte \ue8 impedita dall\u2019innescarsi di meccanismi d\u2019isolamento pre e postzigotici. Questa incompatibilit\ue0 ci porta a mettere in discussione la facilit\ue0 con cui lo status di ibrido sia stato stabilito in questi lavori. Scopo della presente review \ue8 quello di investigare il trend del fenomeno nel tempo e i metodi utilizzati per analizzarlo. Prendendo come punto di partenza proprio l\u2019approccio teorico di Dobzhansky, abbiamo analizzato criticamente la letteratura disponibile al riguardo, privilegiando le indagini effettuate sui mammiferi e, in modo particolare, sui primati, data la constatazione che anche minime evidenze di aneuploidia sono non vitali nell\u2019uomo. Il database che ne abbiamo ricavato ci ha permesso di verificare come l\u2019interesse nei confronti dell\u2019ibridazione sia cresciuto nel tempo e quanto il numero di specie soggette ad ibridazione sia aumentato. Tuttavia, nonostante l\u2019evoluzione delle tecniche, alcuni lavori hanno privilegiato l\u2019approccio morfologico: discriminante, ma non sufficientemente risolutivo. Gli studi che, invece, hanno investigato l\u2019aspetto genetico si sono limitati a ricercare i riarrangiamenti cromosomici che caratterizzano l\u2019ibrido (supposto). La definizione di buona specie \ue8 spesso aleatoria, in quanto frutto di concetti che rappresentano categorie mentali. Non nascondendo che l\u2019introgressione possa essere considerata un valido meccanismo di speciazione, non crediamo, tuttavia, che esso possa manifestarsi cos\uec facilmente in specie caratterizzate da profonde differenze genomiche. Riteniamo che ulteriori indagini \u2013 in particolare, mediante approcci come l\u2019ibridazione in situ miranti al confronto di ampie aree cromosomiche di omologia - siano necessarie per approfondire le nostre conoscenze su un fenomeno ancora in gran parte da comprendere

    La phylog\ue9nie des cercopithecin\ue9s encore en costruction.

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    Les cercopithecines (guenons et autres taxa corr\ue9l\ue9es) sont un groupe de singes africains qui se composent d'environ 36 r\ue9elles esp\ue8ces avec une \ue9volution et une phylog\ue9nie tr\ueas difficile \ue0 reconstruire. L\u2019approche scolaire a la tendance \ue0 proposer la clusterisation du groupe en question en deux: strictement arboricoles et terrestres. Avec la pr\ue9sente, nous analysons de fa\ue7on critique les diff\ue9rentes reconstructions phylog\ue9n\ue9tiques propos\ue9es aujourd\u2019hui tout en conduisant une analyse sur la base des aspects mol\ue9culaires, chromosomiques et \ue9cologiques des esp\ue8ces incluses dans le "groupe d'esp\ue8ces" actuellement reconnu. Cette approche multidisciplinaire inclue la morphologie, l'\ue9cologie r\ue9gionale ainsi que les r\ue9sultats des recherche s conduites dans les zones g\ue9ographiques d\u2019appartenance et d\ue9montre l'incoh\ue9rence e l\u2019insuffisance du point de vue traditionnel

    Locating network trees by a bilevel scheme

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    In this paper we investigate how to choose an optimal position of a specific facility that is constrained to a network tree connecting some given demand points in a given area. A bilevel formulation is provided and existence results are given together with some properties when a density describes the construction cost of the networks in the area. This includes the presence of an obstacle or of free regions. To prove existence of a solution of the bilevel problem, that is framed in Euclidean spaces, a lower semicontinuity property is required. This is obtained proving an extension of Golab's theorem in the general setting of metric spaces, which allows for considering a density function

    Recognition and treatment of peri-implant mucositis: Do we have the right perception? A structured review

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    Peri-implant mucositis is a common inflammatory lesion of the soft tissues surrounding endosseous implants, with no loss of the supporting bone. Its prevention or early diagnosis are vital for dental implant success.The aim of this review was to investigate knowledge strengths and gaps in clinicians' perceptions of periimplant mucositis prevalence and evidence for successful treatment.A literature search for articles published until 2020, reporting on the prevalence of peri-implant mucositis and its treatment was performed in standard online databases. The inclusion criteria were as follows: studies in English; studies with an available abstract; studies on humans with at least 1 dental implant; and studies reporting on the prevalence and/or treatment of peri-implant mucositis. Sixty-five studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The included papers were analyzed to identify data on the prevalence and treatment of peri-implant mucositis. The prevalence statistics for peri-implant mucositis had wide ranges in both the patient-based (PB) analysis and the implant-based (IB) analysis; the possible reasons for these wide ranges are discussed. Treatment methods for peri-implant mucositis were analyzed individually and compared to the management of gingivitis.It was determined that the currently available information on the prevalence rates and the standardized therapeutic protocols for peri-implant mucositis are insufficient. Since the mean gingivitis and peri-implant mucositis prevalence rates in the PB analysis were similar, it is possible that peri-implant mucositis is underestimated due to variables related to implant rehabilitation itself

    Stabilization of a p-u sensor mounted on a vehicle for measuring the acoustic impedance of road surfaces

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    The knowledge of the acoustic impedance of a material allows for the calculation of its acoustic absorption. Impedance can also be linked to structural and physical proprieties of materials. However, while the impedance of pavement samples in laboratory conditions can usually be measured with high accuracy using devices such as the impedance tube, complete in-situ evaluation results are less accurate than the laboratory results and is so time consuming that a full scale implementation of in-situ evaluations is practically impossible. Such a system could provide information on the homogeneity and the correct laying of an installation, which is proven to be directly linked to its acoustic emission properties. The present work studies the development of a measurement instrument which can be fastened through holding elements to a moving laboratory (i.e., a vehicle). This device overcomes the issues that afflict traditional in-situ measurements, such as the impossibility to perform a continuous spatial characterization of a given pavement in order to yield a direct evaluation of the surface’s quality. The instrumentation has been uncoupled from the vehicle’s frame with a system including a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller, studied to maintain the system at a fixed distance from the ground and to reduce damping. The stabilization of this device and the measurement system itself are evaluated and compared to the traditional one

    A bolometric measurement of the antineutrino mass

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    High statistics calorimetric measurements of the beta spectrum of 187Re are being performed with arrays of silver perrhenate crystals operated at low temperature. After a modification of the experimental set-up, which allowed to substantially reduce the background of spurious counts and therefore to increase the sensitivity on the electron antineutrino mass, a new measurement with 10 silver perrhenate microbolometers is running since July 2002. The crystals have masses between 250 and 350 micrograms and their average FWHM energy resolution, constantly monitored by means of fluorescence X-rays, is of 28.3 eV at the beta end-point. The Kurie plot collected during 4485 hours x mg effective running time has an end-point energy of 2466.1 +/- 0.8{stat} +/- 1.5 {syst} eV, while the half lifetime of the decay is found to be 43.2 +/- 0.2{stat} +/- 0.1{syst} Gy. These values are the most precise obtained so far for 187Re. From the fit of the Kurie plot we can deduce a value for the squared electron antineutrino mass m(nu)^2 of 147 +/- 237{stat} +/- 90{syst} eV^2. The corresponding 90% C.L. upper limit for m(nu) is 21.7 eV.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
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