19 research outputs found

    High-Resolution Vertical Habitat Mapping of a Deep-Sea Cliff Offshore Greenland

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    Recent advances in deep-sea exploration with underwater vehicles have led to the discovery of vertical environments inhabited by a diverse sessile fauna. However, despite their ecological importance, vertical habitats remain poorly characterized by conventional downward-looking survey techniques. Here we present a high-resolution 3-dimensional habitat map of a vertical cliff hosting a suspension-feeding community at the flank of an underwater glacial trough in the Greenland waters of the Labrador Sea. Using a forward-looking set-up on a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), a high-resolution multibeam echosounder was used to map out the topography of the deep-sea terrain, including, for the first time, the backscatter intensity. Navigational accuracy was improved through a combination of the USBL and the DVL navigation of the ROV. Multi-scale terrain descriptors were derived and assigned to the 3D point cloud of the terrain. Following an unsupervised habitat mapping approach, the application of a K-means clustering revealed four potential habitat types, driven by geomorphology, backscatter and fine-scale features. Using groundtruthing seabed images, the ecological significance of the four habitat clusters was assessed in order to evaluate the benefit of unsupervised habitat mapping for further fine-scale ecological studies of vertical environments. This study demonstrates the importance of a priori knowledge of the terrain around habitats that are rarely explored for ecological investigations. It also emphasizes the importance of remote characterization of habitat distribution for assessing the representativeness of benthic faunal studies often constrained by time-limited sampling activities. This case study further identifies current limitations (e.g., navigation accuracy, irregular terrain acquisition difficulties) that can potentially limit the use of deep-sea terrain models for fine-scale investigations

    Monitoring ecological dynamics on complex hydrothermal structures: A novel photogrammetry approach reveals fine‐scale variability of vent assemblages

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    We set out to characterize the fine-scale processes acting on interannual dynamics of deep-sea vent fauna by using a novel approach involving a 5-yr time series of 3D photogrammetry models acquired at the Eiffel Tower sulfide edifice (Lucky Strike vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Consistently, with the overall stability of the vent edifice, total mussel cover did not undergo drastic changes, suggesting that they have been at a climax stage for at least 25 yr based on previous data. Successional patterns showed consistency over time, illustrating the dynamic equilibrium of the ecological system. In contrast, microbial mats significantly declined, possibly due to magmatic events. The remaining environmental variability consisted of decimeter-scale displacement of vent outflows, resulting from their opening or closure or from the progressive accretion of sulfide material. As a result, vent mussels showed submeter variability in the immediate vicinity of vent exits, possibly by repositioning in response to that fine-scale regime of change. As former studies were not able to quantify processes at submeter scales in complex settings, this pioneering work demonstrates the potential of 3D photogrammetry models for conducting long-term monitoring in the deep sea. We observed that the ability of mussels to displace may enable them to cope with changing local conditions in a stable system. However, the long-term stability of mussel assemblages questions their capacity to withstand large-scale disturbances and may imply a low resilience of these “climax” communities. This suggests that they may be particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of mining activities in hydrothermal ecosystems

    Convolutional neural networks for hydrothermal vents substratum classification: An introspective study

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    The increasing availability of seabed images has created new opportunities and challenges for monitoring and better understanding the spatial distribution of fauna and substrata. To date, however, deep-sea substratum classification relies mostly on visual interpretation, which is costly, time-consuming, and prone to human bias or error. Motivated by the success of convolutional neural networks in learning semantically rich representations directly from images, this work investigates the application of state-of-the-art network architectures, originally employed in the classification of non-seabed images, for the task of hydrothermal vent substrata image classification. In assessing their potential, we conduct a study on the generalization, complementarity and human interpretability aspects of those architectures. Specifically, we independently trained deep learning models with the selected architectures using images obtained from three distinct sites within the Lucky-Strike vent field and assessed the models' performances on-site as well as off-site. To investigate complementarity, we evaluated a classification decision committee (CDC) built as an ensemble of networks in which individual predictions were fused through a majority voting scheme. The experimental results demonstrated the suitability of the deep learning models for deep-sea substratum classification, attaining accuracies reaching up to 80% in terms of F1-score. Finally, by further investigating the classification uncertainty computed from the set of individual predictions of the CDC, we describe a semiautomatic framework for human annotation, which prescribes visual inspection of only the images with high uncertainty. Overall, the results demonstrated that high accuracy values of over 90% F1-score can be obtained with the framework, with a small amount of human intervention

    Workshop on 3D mapping of habitats and biological communities with underwater photogrammetry

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    For the past decades, photogrammetry has been increasingly used for monitoring spatial arrangement or temporal dynamics of submerged man-made structures and natural systems. As photogrammetry remains a nascent technique for data collection in the underwater environment, acquisition workflows have evolved constrained by specific methodological practicalities (e.g. euphotic environments vs. deep-sea waters). The annual GeoHab conference gathers a world-wide range of scientists interested in mapping and is, therefore, an adequate event to set up a state-of-the-art workshop on (underwater) photogrammetry. More specifically, a preliminary survey identified the overall lack of photogrammetry knowledge from the audience. A programme was conceptualised to explore within a day theoretical concepts, sampling design and practicalities and a wide range of case studies in various underwater environments. Furthermore, we provided manual training on data acquisition and processing. In overall, a post-survey demonstrated the audience’s satisfaction despite a remaining lack of confidence for implementing their own photogrammetry studies. As this workshop gathers a diversity of materials and a training relevant for a scientific audience, it sets the stage for a reproducible event and leaves room for future improvements. Finally, it provided relevant materials and discussions that enabled us to identify the aspects limiting photogrammetry methodology across scientific applications and institutes, in order to work towards standardisation

    COBRA Master Class: Providing deep-sea expedition leadership training to accelerate early career advancement

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    Leading deep-sea research expeditions requires a breadth of training and experience, and the opportunities for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to obtain focused mentorship on expedition leadership are scarce. To address the need for leadership training in deep-sea expeditionary science, the Crustal Ocean Biosphere Research Accelerator (COBRA) launched a 14-week virtual Master Class with both synchronous and asynchronous components to empower students with the skills and tools to successfully design, propose, and execute deep-sea oceanographic field research. The Master Class offered customized and distributed training approaches and created an open-access syllabus with resources, including reading material, lectures, and on-line resources freely-available on the Master Class website (cobra.pubpub.org). All students were Early Career Researchers (ECRs, defined here as advanced graduate students, postdoctoral scientists, early career faculty, or individuals with substantial industry, government, or NGO experience) and designated throughout as COBRA Fellows. Fellows engaged in topics related to choosing the appropriate deep-sea research asset for their Capstone “dream cruise” project, learning about funding sources and how to tailor proposals to meet those source requirements, and working through an essential checklist of pre-expedition planning and operations. The Master Class covered leading an expedition at sea, at-sea operations, and ship-board etiquette, and the strengths and challenges of telepresence. It also included post-expedition training on data management strategies and report preparation and outputs. Throughout the Master Class, Fellows also discussed education and outreach, international ocean law and policy, and the importance and challenges of team science. Fellows further learned about how to develop concepts respectfully with regard to geographic and cultural considerations of their intended study sites. An assessment of initial outcomes from the first iteration of the COBRA Master Class reinforces the need for such training and shows great promise with one-quarter of the Fellows having submitted a research proposal to national funding agencies within six months of the end of the class. As deep-sea research continues to accelerate in scope and speed, providing equitable access to expedition training is a top priority to enable the next generation of deep-sea science leadership

    Etude par l'imagerie de la distribution spatio-temporelle multi-échelles des communautés benthiques associées au champ hydrothermal Lucky Strike

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    The multi-scale characterisation of ecosystem variability is fundamental to the conceptualisation of dynamic models. Since its discovery in 1993, the Lucky Strike vent field has been extensively studied, making it one of the most well-known hydrothermal area of the World’s ocean. However, remote access has limited -in space and time- the scope of the studies, preventing an integrated understanding of the ecosystem. Using new technologies, this thesis aims to unravel the relative role of processes driving the dynamics of biological communities at Lucky Strike over different spatial scales: at the assemblage, the edifice and the field scales. The monitoring of the faunal assemblages of the Eiffel Tower hydrothermal edifice were carried out at sub-annual scales through the EMSO Azores observatory and pluri-annually based on photogrammetric reconstructions. These surveys have revealed a limited intensity and number of disturbances to which the hydrothermal fauna is subjected. Decadal variability restricted to emission areas had little impact on the dominant engineer species Bathymodiolus azoricus, because of its mobility. Considering the stable distribution of species over a decade, the remarkable scale invariance (from mÂČ to the edifice) could explain why this community has reached a climax stage maintained for at least 25 years. Finally, analysis of the factors controlling the distribution of benthic vent and peripheral communities at the scale of the field showed the importance of habitat heterogeneity over a hundred of metres. These results suggest a strong structuring and a low resilience of hydrothermal ecosystems to any potential large-scale disturbance on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.La caractĂ©risation multi-Ă©chelle de la variabilitĂ© d’un Ă©cosystĂšme est fondamentale Ă  la conceptualisation de modĂšles de dynamique. Depuis sa dĂ©couverte en 1993, le champ hydrothermal profond Lucky Strike a fait l’objet d’un grand nombre d’études, ce qui en fait l’une des zones hydrothermales les mieux connues. La difficultĂ© d’accĂšs a toutefois limitĂ© la comprĂ©hension intĂ©grĂ©e de l’écosystĂšme dans le temps et l’espace. A l’aide de nouvelles technologies d’observation, cette thĂšse vise Ă  comprendre l’influence des processus rĂ©gissant la dynamique des communautĂ©s de Lucky Strike Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles spatiales : l’assemblage, l’édifice et le champ. Les suivis d’assemblages de faune de l’édifice Tour Eiffel ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s aux Ă©chelles infra-annuelle grĂące Ă  l’observatoire EMSO Açores pluri-annuelle Ă  partir de reconstructions photogrammĂ©triques. Ils ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’intensitĂ© et le nombre limitĂ©s des perturbations auxquelles est soumise la faune hydrothermale. La variabilitĂ© dĂ©cimĂ©trique restreinte aux zones d’émissions a peu d’impact sur l’espĂšce dominante Bathymodiolus azoricus, de par sa mobilitĂ©. La distribution des espĂšces n’ayant pas changĂ© sur une dĂ©cennie, cette invariance d’échelle (du mÂČ Ă  l’édifice) expliquerait que cette communautĂ© ait atteint un stade de climax depuis au moins 25 ans. Enfin, Ă  l’échelle du champ, l’analyse de la distribution prĂ©fĂ©rentielle de la faune hydrothermale et pĂ©riphĂ©rique a rendu compte de l’importante hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© de l’habitat sur une centaine de mĂštres. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent une forte structuration et une faible rĂ©silience des Ă©cosystĂšmes hydrothermaux Ă  de potentielles perturbations d’envergure sur la dorsale mĂ©dio-Atlantique

    Etude par l'imagerie de la distribution spatio-temporelle multi-échelles des communautés benthiques associées au champ hydrothermal Lucky Strike

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    The multi-scale characterisation of ecosystem variability is fundamental to the conceptualisation of dynamic models. Since its discovery in 1993, the Lucky Strike vent field has been extensively studied, making it one of the most well-known hydrothermal area of the World’s ocean. However, remote access has limited -in space and time- the scope of the studies, preventing an integrated understanding of the ecosystem. Using new technologies, this thesis aims to unravel the relative role of processes driving the dynamics of biological communities at Lucky Strike over different spatial scales: at the assemblage, the edifice and the field scales. The monitoring of the faunal assemblages of the Eiffel Tower hydrothermal edifice were carried out at sub-annual scales through the EMSO Azores observatory and pluri-annually based on photogrammetric reconstructions. These surveys have revealed a limited intensity and number of disturbances to which the hydrothermal fauna is subjected. Decadal variability restricted to emission areas had little impact on the dominant engineer species Bathymodiolus azoricus, because of its mobility. Considering the stable distribution of species over a decade, the remarkable scale invariance (from mÂČ to the edifice) could explain why this community has reached a climax stage maintained for at least 25 years. Finally, analysis of the factors controlling the distribution of benthic vent and peripheral communities at the scale of the field showed the importance of habitat heterogeneity over a hundred of metres. These results suggest a strong structuring and a low resilience of hydrothermal ecosystems to any potential large-scale disturbance on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.La caractĂ©risation multi-Ă©chelle de la variabilitĂ© d’un Ă©cosystĂšme est fondamentale Ă  la conceptualisation de modĂšles de dynamique. Depuis sa dĂ©couverte en 1993, le champ hydrothermal profond Lucky Strike a fait l’objet d’un grand nombre d’études, ce qui en fait l’une des zones hydrothermales les mieux connues. La difficultĂ© d’accĂšs a toutefois limitĂ© la comprĂ©hension intĂ©grĂ©e de l’écosystĂšme dans le temps et l’espace. A l’aide de nouvelles technologies d’observation, cette thĂšse vise Ă  comprendre l’influence des processus rĂ©gissant la dynamique des communautĂ©s de Lucky Strike Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles spatiales : l’assemblage, l’édifice et le champ. Les suivis d’assemblages de faune de l’édifice Tour Eiffel ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s aux Ă©chelles infra-annuelle grĂące Ă  l’observatoire EMSO Açores pluri-annuelle Ă  partir de reconstructions photogrammĂ©triques. Ils ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’intensitĂ© et le nombre limitĂ©s des perturbations auxquelles est soumise la faune hydrothermale. La variabilitĂ© dĂ©cimĂ©trique restreinte aux zones d’émissions a peu d’impact sur l’espĂšce dominante Bathymodiolus azoricus, de par sa mobilitĂ©. La distribution des espĂšces n’ayant pas changĂ© sur une dĂ©cennie, cette invariance d’échelle (du mÂČ Ă  l’édifice) expliquerait que cette communautĂ© ait atteint un stade de climax depuis au moins 25 ans. Enfin, Ă  l’échelle du champ, l’analyse de la distribution prĂ©fĂ©rentielle de la faune hydrothermale et pĂ©riphĂ©rique a rendu compte de l’importante hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© de l’habitat sur une centaine de mĂštres. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent une forte structuration et une faible rĂ©silience des Ă©cosystĂšmes hydrothermaux Ă  de potentielles perturbations d’envergure sur la dorsale mĂ©dio-Atlantique

    Étude comportementale de diffĂ©rentes espĂšces de poisson dans un modĂšle rĂ©duit de la passe Ă  bassins multi-espĂšces de RiviĂšre en Meuse belge

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    Dans le cadre de la restauration de la continuitĂ© Ă©cologique de la Meuse, un modĂšle rĂ©duit d’une passe Ă  poissons a Ă©tĂ© construit Ă  l’échelle 1 : 5, Ă  la Direction des Recherches Hydrauliques du Service Public de Wallonie, dans le but de proposer des amĂ©nagements qui seront appliquĂ©s au dispositif de franchissement de RiviĂšre. Faisant suite Ă  une modĂ©lisation numĂ©rique de l’écoulement et Ă  une expĂ©rimentation comportementale avec des salmonidĂ©s, cette Ă©tude a pour objectif d’évaluer la pertinence expĂ©rimentale d’utiliser diverses espĂšces dans un modĂšle rĂ©duit d’une passe afin de vĂ©rifier son caractĂšre multispĂ©cifique souvent peu considĂ©rĂ© par les critĂšres de dimensionnement. Pour ce faire, diverses espĂšces mosanes (saumon, chevaine, ablette et chabot) ont Ă©tĂ© introduites dans le dispositif. Des camĂ©ras ont Ă©tĂ© placĂ©es au-dessus de quelques bassins au design standardisĂ© dans le but de collecter des informations visuelles relatives au comportement des poissons dans ces bassins. L’élaboration d’un protocole de traitement d’image a permis de distinguer certaines zones prĂ©fĂ©rentiellement occupĂ©es par les poissons, de dĂ©terminer certaines trajectoires rĂ©alisĂ©es par des individus ainsi que de quantifier les vitesses relatives des poissons dans les bassins. La difficultĂ© des petits chabots Ă  se maintenir dans l’écoulement a notamment Ă©tĂ© mise en avant. Par ailleurs, un systĂšme RFID a Ă©tĂ© disposĂ© tout le long du modĂšle dans le but de retracer les dĂ©placements des poissons dans la passe. L’objectif est d’évaluer la capacitĂ© spĂ©cifique de franchissement grĂące Ă  des indicateurs relatifs au processus de remontĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats montrent la capacitĂ© Ă  remonter pour les chevesnes et les saumons, l’envisagent pour les ablettes mais la questionnent pour les chabots. En outre, les influences de la photopĂ©riode, de la rĂ©pĂ©tition des remontĂ©es et de la longueur des poissons sur les franchissements sont aussi Ă©tudiĂ©es. Pour les chevesnes, des tendances Ă  remonter durant la nuit avec un maximum d’activitĂ© aprĂšs la fin du jour et Ă  rĂ©aliser des remontĂ©es plus rapides aprĂšs la premiĂšre sont observĂ©es mais aucun effet marquĂ© de la taille ne se dĂ©marque. Finalement, la mĂ©thode expĂ©rimentale utilisĂ©e montre des rĂ©sultats plus satisfaisants pour les saumons et les chevaines que pour les ablettes et les chabots en raison de divers facteurs biologiques.Master [120] : ingĂ©nieur civil des constructions, UniversitĂ© catholique de Louvain, 201

    Performance of a fish pass for multiple species: Scale model investigation

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    Artificial fish passes are often the most effective solution to restore the ecological continuity of a dammed river. Such a pass can be built for specifically targeted fish species, based on the existing knowledge on its swimming capacity and behaviour. Usually, a wider range of possible species are present in the river and may use the fish pass. In the present study, a vertical slot fish pass has been designed for salmonid fish (namely Atlantic salmon Salmo Salar). This fish pass layout was initially tested using a scale model where juvenile fish were introduced. The study has now been extended to other species, some of them having weaker swimming capacity: bleak (Alburnus alburnus); chub (Squalius cephalus); and bullhead (Cottus gobio). Fish behaviour in the pass was observed using PIT-tag and video. PIT-tag tracking enabled to characterise the capability of the fish to cross the whole fish pass. Video recording was used to analyse in more details the behaviour of the fish in a specific pool

    Performance of a fish pass for multiple species: Scale model investigation

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    Artificial fish passes are often the most effective solution to restore the ecological continuity of a dammed river. Such a pass can be built for specifically targeted fish species, based on the existing knowledge on its swimming capacity and behaviour. Usually, a wider range of possible species are present in the river and may use the fish pass. In the present study, a vertical slot fish pass has been designed for salmonid fish (namely Atlantic salmon Salmo Salar). This fish pass layout was initially tested using a scale model where juvenile fish were introduced. The study has now been extended to other species, some of them having weaker swimming capacity: bleak (Alburnus alburnus); chub (Squalius cephalus); and bullhead (Cottus gobio). Fish behaviour in the pass was observed using PIT-tag and video. PIT-tag tracking enabled to characterise the capability of the fish to cross the whole fish pass. Video recording was used to analyse in more details the behaviour of the fish in a specific pool