50,632 research outputs found

    The development of modern Chinese banking

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityThis study purports to evaluate the relationship between the Chinese modern banking system and the activities or the national economy and to describe the significance of its development on China's peace and war economy. The problem is to be approached by tracing the formation of banking institutions and developments, by investigating the internal organization and practices and by analyzing the influence of Government financial policies. It covers the period from the appearance of the first Chinese-owned modern bank in 1897 to the New Monetary Reform in 1948. The meagerness of data necessarily renders this study far from being complete; the most significant characteristics of the development, however, are to be considered

    Financial Spillovers to Emerging Markets during the Global Financial Crisis

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    Using data from the recent crisis, the authors analyze financial linkages between market liquidity and bank solvency measures in advanced economies and emerging market bond and stock markets. A multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model is estimated to gauge the extent of co-movements of these financial variables across markets. The findings indicate that the notion of possible decoupling of financial markets had been misplaced. In fact, interlinkages between funding stress and equity markets in advanced economies and emerging market financial indicators were highly correlated, and have seen sharp increases during specific crisis moments.emerging markets, subprime crisis, liquidity, solvency, GARCHemerging markets, subprime crisis, liquidity, solvency, GARCH

    Can we model DNA at the mesoscale ? Comment on: Fluctuations in the DNA double helix: A critical review

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    Comment on "Fluctuations in the DNA double helix: A critical review" by Frank-Kamenetskii and Prakas

    Frank Lloyd Wright. Earthwork for a symbiotic landscape

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    En los años veinte Wright tiene que trabajar en las laderas de California con nuevas estrategias proyectivas, sus casas ya no pueden ser horizontales y tienen que adaptarse a la pendiente. No obstante, él no renuncia a que se extiendan por la empinada parcela recurriendo al uso del bancal. También emerge con potencia la idea de hacer el suelo, en el que deja impresa la retícula con la que controla el proyecto, entonces, el hormigón aparece como el material del pavimento confiriendo a esa superficie un valor metafórico. Este aspecto, el proceso de geometrización y la abstracción entrarán en juego como instrumentos de análisis y para proyectar con el paisaje, para desentrañar su estructura interna y encontrar un orden natural con la arquitectura. Los proyectos que realiza en el desierto a partir de esos años denotan un intenso trabajo telúrico. Muros, bancales y plataformas fueron instrumentos en su interpretación de la topografía. Retículas ortogonales y giradas o angulosas analizan el territorio o se acoplan con él para conseguir la mejor asociación de sus edificios. También los materiales son incorporados con naturalidad exponiendo su vinculación al lugar y sus cualidades térreas. La obsesión por establecer vínculos entre lo próximo y lo lejano, el suelo y el horizonte, el recorrido y el tiempo, incluido el transcultural, y la percepción múltiple, está en su obra. Y, especialmente, la manipulación de ese elemento fundamental que es la tierra.In the 1920s, Wright found that working on California slopes made new projective strategies necessary. No longer could his houses be horizontal: they had to adapt to hillside inclinations. Nevertheless, he refused not to let them extend over the steep lots, resorting to the terrace. The idea of working the land also emerged powerfully: the grid with which he controlled the project was impressed into the concrete and he then made it the paving material, giving the surface a metaphoric value. This issue -the process of geometrization and abstraction- would be used as tools to analyze and to design with landscape, to unravel its internal order and find a natural order with architecture. From then on, Wright’s desert projects revealed intense telluric work. Walls, terraces and platforms are instruments for his interpretation of the topography. Orthogonal grids, twisted or angular, explore the territory or connect with it to make his buildings more cohesive. The materials are also incorporated naturally, emphasizing their link to the site and its earthy qualities. The obsession with establishing connections between the near and the far, the land and the horizon, the path and time, even including cross-cultural and multiple perceptions, are all palpable in Wright’s work. And especially present is his manipulation of that fundamental element: the land

    Relatos de un caribe “otro”: simulacros de lo monstruoso y lo distópico en obras narrativas y cinematrográficas recientes

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    A partir de textos narrativos de los escritores dominicanos Rita Indiana Hernández y Frank Báez, y de la reciente película del director cubano Alejandro Brugués, se analizará la monstruosidad y distopía tanto de los cuerpos, conductas y espacios caribeños. Para ello, se enfatizará en cómo estas propuestas estéticas, basadas en lo abyecto y grotesco, y que se sirven de procedimientos narrativos tanto literarios como audiovisuales, configuran una representación de un Caribe “otro” que se resiste al discurso exotista de lo caribeño y que a la vez legitima el discurso fundacional de violencia y bestialidad

    Van Heel, Frank (1887 - )

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    This biographical summary was created by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) between 1936 and 1939


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    openLe tecnologie e le applicazioni spaziali svolgono un ruolo essenziale nella nostra vita e nell’economia globale, anche se il loro ruolo, molto importante, non viene spesso riconosciuto. Con la crescente domanda di servizi spaziali in vari settori, Europa e Africa hanno riconosciuto l’importanza di promuovere la cooperazione e la collaborazione nell’industria spaziale. La tesi esplora questa partnership, il potenziale e le sfide nell'economia spaziale UE-Africa. Esamina lo stato attuale dell’economia spaziale UE-Africa, identificando le sfide che ne ostacolano la crescita ed esplorando il potenziale non sfruttato per lo sviluppo reciproco. Inoltre, esamina le capacità tecnologiche e le infrastrutture esistenti in Africa, evidenziando le aree che possono trarre vantaggio dal trasferimento di conoscenze e dalle iniziative di rafforzamento delle capacità. La cooperazione UE-Africa, che esiste da oltre mezzo secolo, può svolgere un ruolo significativo nel contribuire ad affrontare queste sfide. Il partenariato può facilitare l’accesso alle risorse finanziarie e tecnologiche, il trasferimento di tecnologia e la promozione di opportunità commerciali e di investimento. Pertanto, la cooperazione UE-Africa può sbloccare il potenziale dell’economia spaziale in Africa, creando crescita economica e opportunità per la popolazione del continente. Attraverso un'ampia revisione della letteratura, studi di casi, analisi specifiche per paese e un'analisi SWOT, le domande di ricerca ruotano attorno a questi problemi, con l'intenzione di identificare le lacune nella conoscenza e le priorità di ricerca per studi futuri. Per affrontare le sfide identificate, la tesi propone raccomandazioni e strategie per promuovere la collaborazione UE-Africa nell’economia spaziale. Sottolinea la necessità di maggiori investimenti nelle infrastrutture e nel capitale umano e nella creazione di piattaforme per il dialogo e la cooperazione per promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile e socioeconomico in entrambe le regioni.Space technologies and applications play an essential role in our daily lives and the global economy, even though their important role often goes unseen. With the growing demand for space-based services in various sectors, Europe and Africa have recognized the importance of fostering cooperation and collaboration in the space industry. The dissertation explores this partnership, the potential, and the challenges in the EU-Africa space economy. It examines the current state of the EU-Africa space economy, identifying the challenges that hinder its growth and exploring the untapped potential for mutual development. Additionally, it investigates the existing technological capabilities and infrastructure in Africa, highlighting areas that can benefit from knowledge transfer and capacity-building initiatives. EU-Africa cooperation, which has existed for over half a century, can play a significant role in helping to address these challenges. The partnership can facilitate access to financial and technical resources, the transfer of technology, and the promotion of trade and investment opportunities. Thus, EU-Africa cooperation can unlock the potential of the Space Economy in Africa, creating economic growth and opportunities for the continent's people. Through an extensive literature review, case studies, country-specific analysis, and a SWOT analysis, research questions revolve around these issues, intending to identify gaps in knowledge and research priorities for future studies. To address the identified challenges, the dissertation proposes policy recommendations and strategies to foster EU-Africa collaboration in the space economy. It emphasizes the need for increased investment in infrastructure and human capital and establishing platforms for dialogue and cooperation to promote sustainable and socio–economic development in both regions

    A Regression Model for the Copula Graphic Estimator

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    We consider a dependent competing risks model with many risks and many covariates. We show identifiability of the marginal distributions of latent variables for a given dependence structure. Instead of directly estimating these distributions, we suggest a plug-in regression framework for the Copula-Graphic estimator which utilises a consistent estimator for the cumulative incidence curves. Our model is an attractive empirical approach as it does not require knowledge of the marginal distributions which are typically unknown in applications. We illustrate the applicability of our approach with the help of a parametric unemployment duration model with an unknown dependence structure. We construct identification bounds for the marginal distributions and partial effects in response to covariate changes. The bounds for the partial effects are surprisingly tight and often reveal the direction of the covariate effect.Archimedean copula, dependent censoring