17 research outputs found

    Sown Diversity Effects on Yield and Resistance to Weed Invasion : Clues to Improve Mixture Design Under Climatic Change in the Mediterranean

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABWith the aim to improve mixture design, particularly in regions vulnerable to climate change, we tested several forage communities following the biodiversity-ecosystem function (BEF) framework. We sowed monocultures and 4-species mixtures from a pool of 7 forage species in a sub-Mediterranean region (Eastern Pyrenees) and assessed the diversity effects on yield and resistance to weed invasion. The tested species included two grasses and five legumes with contrasting temporal patterns and different climatic amplitudes. The communities differed in their specific composition (mixture types) and the relative abundance of the components, following a simplex design, which allowed us to estimate separately the two components of the diversity effect: the individual species effects and that due to species interactions. Whereas monocultures performed in a highly variable way within and across harvests, both in relation to yield and weed suppression, mixture variability was narrower. Both functions increased in mixtures(with significant interaction effects between 24% and 57% for yield and 13% and 96% for weed suppression), especially in those mixtures including Mediterranean species, which showed the highest diversity effects that persisted over the three experimental years. Extreme climatic events during the experimental period might have affected not only the species' individual performances but also the strength of species interactions. Both components of diversity, identities and interactions, were key in maintaining high performances. We conclude that, under the current climate change scenario, it is important to include species in mixtures that increase resistance or resilience not only at the species level but also at the community level, through enhanced interaction effects

    És la diversitat sembrada una eina de resistència enfront a les males herbes en cultius farratgers?

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    El creixement de males herbes és un problema habitual als camps de cultiu de plantes farratgeres. Tradicionalment, molts agricultors han utilitzat tot tipus d'estratègies basades en l'energia exògena per evitar la invasió d'espècies no desitjades als monocultius. No obstant, diversos estudis han demostrat que no és la tàctica més adequada per fer front a aquesta situació. A més a més, s'han realitzat diverses anàlisis per tal de determinar la resistència dels policultius davant la invasibilitat i, al mateix temps, augmentar la productivitat, obtenint resultats més satisfactoris als policultius.El crecimiento de malas hierbas es un problema habitual en los campos de cultivo de plantas forrajeras. Tradicionalmente, muchos agricultores han utilizado todo tipo de estrategias basadas en la energía exógena para evitar la invasión de especies no deseadas en los monocultivos. No obstante, diversos estudios han demostrado que no es la táctica más adecuada para hacer frente a esta situación. Además, se han realizado diversos análisis para determinar la resistencia de los policultivos a la invasibilidad y, al mismo tiempo, aumentar la productividad, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios en dichos cultivos.Weed growth is a usual problem on fodder plant farmlands. Traditionally, many farmers have used all sorts of strategies based on exogenous energy to avoid the invasion of unwanted species in monoculture. However, several researches have proved that they are not the most appropriate tactics to tackle this situation. Moreover, various analyses have been carried out relating to the polyculture resistance to invasibility, and, at the same time, to increase the productivity getting satisfactory results on these crops

    Weed suppression greatly increased by plant diversity in intensively managed grasslands: A continental-scale experiment

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Grassland diversity can support sustainable intensification of grassland production through increased yields, reduced inputs and limited weed invasion. We report the effects of diversity on weed suppression from 3 years of a 31-site continental-scale field experiment. At each site, 15 grassland communities comprising four monocultures and 11 four-species mixtures based on a wide range of species' proportions were sown at two densities and managed by cutting. Forage species were selected according to two crossed functional traits, “method of nitrogen acquisition” and “pattern of temporal development”. Across sites, years and sown densities, annual weed biomass in mixtures and monocultures was 0.5 and 2.0 t DM ha−1 (7% and 33% of total biomass respectively). Over 95% of mixtures had weed biomass lower than the average of monocultures, and in two-thirds of cases, lower than in the most suppressive monoculture (transgressive suppression). Suppression was significantly transgressive for 58% of site-years. Transgressive suppression by mixtures was maintained across years, independent of site productivity. Based on models, average weed biomass in mixture over the whole experiment was 52% less (95% confidence interval: 30%–75%) than in the most suppressive monoculture. Transgressive suppression of weed biomass was significant at each year across all mixtures and for each mixture. Weed biomass was consistently low across all mixtures and years and was in some cases significantly but not largely different from that in the equiproportional mixture. The average variability (standard deviation) of annual weed biomass within a site was much lower for mixtures (0.42) than for monocultures (1.77). Synthesis and applications. Weed invasion can be diminished through a combination of forage species selected for complementarity and persistence traits in systems designed to reduce reliance on fertiliser nitrogen. In this study, effects of diversity on weed suppression were consistently strong across mixtures varying widely in species' proportions and over time. The level of weed biomass did not vary greatly across mixtures varying widely in proportions of sown species. These diversity benefits in intensively managed grasslands are relevant for the sustainable intensification of agriculture and, importantly, are achievable through practical farm-scale actions.We thank the many colleagues who have assisted this work. We thank M. Coll for her early contribution. Co-ordination of this project was supported by the EU Commission through COST Action 852 ‘Quality legume-based forage systems for contrasting environments’. M.T.S., R.L. and A.R. were supported by the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness through projects CARBOAGROPAS (CGL2006-13555- C03- 01/ BOS) and BIOGEI (CGL2013-49142- C2- 1- R) and the Ministry of the Environment through OPS (209/PC08/3-08.2). L.K. was supported by an award from Science Foundation Ireland (09/RFP/EOB2546). A.L., J.A.F., J.C. and M.S. were partly supported by the EU FP7 project ‘AnimalChange’ under grant agreement no. 266018.Peer Reviewe

    Protocol d'atenció i acompanyament al naixement a Catalunya

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    Acompanyament al naixement; Voluntats de la dona; Atenció al nadóBirth support; Women's wills; Newborn careAcompañamiento en el nacimiento; Voluntades de la mujer; Atención al recién nacidoL’Organització Mundial de la Salut, l’any 2018 va proposar una sèrie d’actuacions per a l’atenció al moment del part, que tenen per lema ‘Atenció per a una experiència positiva en el naixement’. En aquest document s’actualitza el ‘Protocol del part, puerperi i atenció al nadó’, document elaborat pel Departament de Salut, publicat l’any 2003 i actualitzat l’any 2019 com a ‘Protocol d’atenció i acompanyament al naixement’, seguint les recomanacions de l’OMS, així com totes aquelles basades en l’evidència científica, amb el màxim respecte a les opinions i voluntats de les dones gestants i amb l’objectiu d’ajudar-les a elles i a les seves famílies a tenir una experiència positiva en el part. Les activitats de promoció de la salut i prevenció de la malaltia són l’eix vertebrador d’aquest protocol i de tots els que es coordinen des del Servei de Salut Maternoinfantil de la Sub-direcció de Promoció de la Salut de l’Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya del Departament de Salut. En aquest sentit, cal ressaltar la seva relació amb el Protocol del seguiment de l’embaràs a Catalunya (3a. edició) que es va presentar el 2018, amb el qual comparteix principis i enfocament. El protocol s’estructura en tres capítols en relació a les etapes (prepart, part i puerperi), recollint en el tercer, l’atenció la nadó. Cada capítol té diversos apartats en les activitats a realitzar, la informació a donar i el registre, entre d’altres. Es recull, després, la bibliografia i una sèrie de annexos amb eines pràctiques