51 research outputs found
Feblesa de tutories: manca de feedback i autoregulació en l'estudiant d'infermeria. Valoració de l'avaluació continuada en l'assignatura Ciències Psicosocials Aplicades a la Salut en el Grau d'Infermeria (EEES), (2009-2010)
Podeu consultar la versió en castellà del document a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/153921Resum: En el nou model derivat de l"Espai Europeu d"Educació Superior (EEES), l"ensenyament aprenentatge (E-A) es centra en l"estudiant, enfront del rol més destacat del professor en l"ensenyament tradicional. El procés d"experimentació al que assistim en el nostre medi, requereix la valoració de les primeres experiències. Objectiu: L"objectiu d"aquest estudi és identificar si la metodologia utilitzada en l"assignatura Ciències Psicosocials Aplicades a la Salut, en el Grau d"Infermeria a l"Escola d" infermeria de la Universitat de Barcelona, està ben enfocada per assolir una avaluació continuada de qualitat. Metodologia: Es presenta a traves d"un estudi descriptiu. La població estudiada mitjançant un qüestionari, ha estat els estudiants dels quatre grups de primer curs, del primer any de desenvolupament del Grau d"Infermeria en el nostre Centre, passades el curs acadèmic 2009-2010, amb una mostra total de 221 alumnes. Conclusions: Els resultats permeten tres franges interpretatives: 1) qualificació de notable que fa referència a la modalitat disciplinar i experiència docent del professorat, 2) qualificació entre notable i aprovat referida a la metodologia didàctica i organitzativa, 3) qualificació d"aprovat que fa referència a les tutories
A qualitative study exploring adolescents' perspective about Mental Health First Aid Training Programmes promoted by nurses in upper secondary schools
ABSTRACT:Mental Health First Aid Training Programmes are educational interventions thataim to disseminate basic first aid skills in the community. Adolescents in the context of theirsecondary school education are a particularly appropriate population for literacy promotioninterventions. This study explores adolescents’ perspectives on Mental Health First Aid TrainingProgrammes promoted by nurses in Portuguese upper secondary schools. A qualitative andexploratory study was conducted. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 12adolescents who participated voluntarily and with the consent of their parents. Data wereanalysed using content analysis. Fourteen themes were identified around three main areas: (i)Relevance of training programmes, (ii) Content of training programmes and (iii) Interventionmethods of training programmes. The results obtained indicate that adolescents consider MentalHealth First Aid Training Programmes in school relevant and necessary. Adolescents identified thecontent they deemed most appropriate and how it could be taught. These results can guide thedevelopment of training programmes. Nurses should take the lead in implementing these interventions in schools. Adolescents can take a more active role in mental health issues byimproving their literacyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Entrevista pediátrica. Rol de la enfermera
Interesante revisión sobre el rol y la importancia de la entrevista dentro del campo de Atención Primaria de Salud, como elemento que forma parte de una asistencia bien organizada que dé soluciones a las exigencias de salud planteadas por los usuarios. Se contempla su función como método de comunicación a utilizar dentro del ámbito de la educación sanitaria; sus características; los diferentes tipos de entrevista; las partes de una entrevista semiestructurada, y el rol de la enfermera en la entrevista, es decir, cómo debe actuar, cuáles son las normas básicas a seguir y qué se debe evitar
A qualitative study exploring adolescents' perspective about Mental Health First Aid Training Programmes promoted by nurses in upper secondary schools
Mental Health First Aid Training Programmes are educational interventions that
aim to disseminate basic first aid skills in the community. Adolescents in the context of their
secondary school education are a particularly appropriate population for literacy promotion
interventions. This study explores adolescents’ perspectives on Mental Health First Aid Training
Programmes promoted by nurses in Portuguese upper secondary schools. A qualitative and
exploratory study was conducted. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 12
adolescents who participated voluntarily and with the consent of their parents. Data were
analysed using content analysis. Fourteen themes were identified around three main areas: (i)
Relevance of training programmes, (ii) Content of training programmes and (iii) Intervention
methods of training programmes. The results obtained indicate that adolescents consider Mental
Health First Aid Training Programmes in school relevant and necessary. Adolescents identified the
content they deemed most appropriate and how it could be taught. These results can guide the
development of training programmes. Nurses should take the lead in implementing theseinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Nurses’ perspective about the Mental Health First Aid Training Programmes for adolescents in upper secondary schools: A focus group study
Introduction: Mental Health First Aid Training Programmes performed by nurses can
empower adolescents to aid people with mental health problems. There do not appear
to be any studies that describe these healthier interventions aimed at adolescents in
upper secondary schools. The development of these educational interventions benefits from the input of their participants and facilitators.
Aim: To explore the perspective of nurses about Mental Health First Aid Training
Programmes for adolescents in upper secondary schools.
Method: A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study was conducted. Data were
collected from seven mental health nurses during two focus group sessions. Data
were analysed using content analysis.
Results: Twelve themes were identified around nine main areas: facilitators, intervention foci, outcomes assessment methods, process assessment methods, participants,
implementation context, duration and frequency, intervention methods and strategies, and contents.
Discussion: Mental health nurses can regularly perform these classroom interventions to improve the mental health competencies of adolescents. Various educational
methods can facilitate learning related to mental health literacy components, mental health nursing problems and the first aid plan. Valid and appropriate assessment
methods enhance a good representation of these interventions.
Implications for Practice: This evidence can guide the creation and modelling of these
first aid training programmesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Debilidades de tutorias: falta de feedback y autorregulación en el estudiante de enfermería. Valoración de la evaluación continuada en la asignatura Ciencias Psicosociales Aplicadas a la salud en el Grado de Enfermería (EEES), (2009-2010)
Podeu consultar la versió en català del document a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/47810En el nuevo modelo derivado del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), la enseñanza aprendizaje (EA) se centra en el estudiante, frente al rol más destacado del profesor en la enseñanza tradicional. El proceso de experimentación al que asistimos en nuestro medio, requiere la valoración de las primeras experiencias. Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio es identificar si la metodología utilizada en la asignatura Ciencias Psicosociales Aplicadas a la Salud, en el Grado de Enfermería en la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona, está bien enfocada para lograr una evaluación continuada de calidad. Metodología: se presenta a través de un estudio descriptivo i transversal. La población estudiada mediante cuestionario, fueron los estudiantes de los cuatro grupos de primer curso, del primer año de desarrollo del Grado de Enfermería en nuestro Centro, durante el curso académico 2009- 2010, con una muestra total de 221 alumnos. Conclusiones: Los resultados permiten tres franjas interpretativas: 1) calificación de notable que hace referencia a la modalidad disciplinar y experiencia docente del profesorado, 2) calificación entre notable y aprobado referida a la metodología didáctica y organizativa, 3) calificación de aprobado que se refiere a las tutorías
Development and psychometric testing of a scale for assessing the associative stigma of mental illness in nursing
Aims and objectives: To develop a new scale for assessing the associative stigma of mental illness in nursing based on Peplau's model of psychodynamic nursing and to examine its psychometric properties. Background: The stigma of mental illness continues to cause problems today for patients, families and mental health professionals. For individuals with a mental disorder, stigma can result in restricted opportunities, social exclusion and the denial of rights. Associative stigma in mental health professionals is becoming a major problem and is related to increased depersonalisation, higher levels of emotional exhaustion and diminished job satisfaction among mental health professionals. Nursing may play a key role in reducing the stigma associated with mental illness, but there are no specific scales for the measurement of associative stigma in nursing. Design: Development of an instrument. A STROBE checklist was completed. Methods: This study involved two stages: (a) item generation and content validation; (b) examining the reliability and convergent/discriminant validity of the scale. A developmental and methodological design was used. Data were collected between November 2016–December 2017 from a sample of 737 nursing undergraduates. Results: The results indicated good internal consistency for the final 20‐item scale for assessing the associative stigma of mental illness in nursing, which is considered in terms of three dimensions: Violence/Dangerousness, Disability, and Irresponsibility/Lack of Competence. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported a three‐factor structure consistent with the theoretical model. Conclusions: The 20‐item EVEPEM (from its Spanish acronym) derived from Peplau's theory was shown to be a valid and reliable tool for assessing the stigma of mental illness in the nursing setting. Relevance to clinical practice: Reliable instruments are needed to measure the effectiveness of anti‐stigma interventions for mental health professionals. The results indicate that the tool developed is a valid and reliable instrument for use in the nursing setting.The present study received financial assistance via the XV Premio de investigación Beca de la AEESME Asociación Española de Enfermería de Salud Mental
El Portafolio del alumno como instrumento de autoaprendizaje reflexivo tutorizado
Presentem el Projecte d'Innovació Docent que es porta a terme des de la Unitat d'Infermeria de Salut Mental de l'Escola d'Infermeria de la Universitat de Barcelona dins de la formació especialitzada d'Infermeria de Salut Mental. Aquesta especialitat es desenvolupa en règim de residència clínica on el EIR (Enfermero Interno Residente) rep formació des de l'àmbit assistencial i docent. El portafoli de l'alumne es planteja com un instrument d'autoaprenentatge reflexiu que ha de contribuir a facilitar l'adaptació de la formació global del EIR als criteris del Espai Europeu de Formació Superior on el treball de l'alumne (concretat en el crèdit ECTS) és l'eix central de les metodologies docents
Development and psychometric properties of the nursing critical thinking in clinical practice questionnaire
Background and aim: A complex healthcare environment, with greater need for care based on the patient and evidence-based practice, are factors that have contributed to the increased need for critical thinking in professional competence. At the theoretical level, Alfaro-LeFevre () put forward a model of critical thinking made up of four components. And although these explain the construct, instruments for their empirical measurement are lacking. The purpose of the study was to develop and validate the psychometric properties of an instrument, the Nursing Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice Questionnaire (N-CT-4 Practice), designed to evaluate the critical thinking abilities of nurses in the clinical setting. Methods: A cross-sectional survey design was used. A pool of items was generated for evaluation by a panel of experts who considered their validity for the new instrument, which was finally made up of 109 items. Following this, validation was carried out using a sample of 339 nurses at a hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Reliability was determined by means of internal consistency and test-retest stability over time, although the validity of the construct was assessed by means of confirmatory factor analysis. Results: The content validity index of the N-CT-4 Practice was .85. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the whole instrument was .96. The intraclass correlation coefficient was .77. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the instrument was in line with the four-dimensional model proposed by Alfaro-LeFevre (2016). Linking evidence to action: The psychometric properties of theN-CT-4 Practice uphold its potential for use in measuring critical thinking and in future research related with the examination of critical thinking
Transcultural adaptation and assessment of psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Scale for the Evaluation of Staff-Patient Interactions in Progress Notes
PurposeTo adapt the Scale for the Evaluation of Staff Patient Interactions in Progress Notes to Spanish and to test the psychometric properties. Design and methodsThe study was conducted in two phases: (1) Adaptation of the instrument to Spanish following the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. (2) Psychometric study in a sample of mental health nurses. FindingsThe Cronbach's alpha values were 0.97 for the total scale and 0.83 to 0.81 for each dimension. The inter-rater reliability values were between 0.94 and 0.97. Practice implicationsThe scale is a reliable tool for assessing nurses' clinical notes in relation to the quality of nurse-patient interactions
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