112 research outputs found

    Dual Isolation to Protect Fragile Lightguide in Augmented Reality Eyewear

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    Lightguides are used in augmented reality (AR) devices to redirect light to the user\u27s eye. Lightguides are manufactured by singulating dense glass wafers into a large, flat, and thin component that spans the entire clear aperture of the lens. Such lightguides have relatively little protection under a drop or shock load. This disclosure describes a design for AR eyewear in which the fragile component of AR eyewear is protected through two separate layers of isolation from the global deformation and strain experienced under a drop test. A rigid carrier within the outer frame acts as a first layer of isolation for the lightguide and can absorb significant energy. The lightguide is mounted without physical contact between the lightguide and carrier with a well-controlled nominal gap that is filled with an isolation adhesive. The isolation adhesive prevents a hard collision between the lightguide and the carrier during impact or dynamic loading conditions generated by drops

    Augmented Reality Glasses that Accommodate a Wide Range of Ophthalmic Prescriptions

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    Traditional eyewear frames are designed to accommodate a wide range of prescriptions. This includes the ability to include strong corrective lenses of significant thickness. However, augmented reality (AR) glasses with integrated displays can be much more constrained in terms of thickness, weight, and mechanical features since they have to accommodate a much larger number of components. As a result, traditional eyewear lens installation methods and features may not be feasible in AR glasses. This disclosure describes an ophthalmic lens edge profile and frame construction that minimizes mass and volume. The lens edge combined with the frame construction that includes an outer frame, an inner frame, and a step bevel, allows for a slim and compact solution that can accommodate prescription lenses

    Crossing the Brown Dwarf Desert Using Adaptive Optics: A Very Close L-Dwarf Companion to the Nearby Solar Analog HR 7672

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    We have found a very faint companion to the active solar analog HR 7672 (HD 190406; GJ 779; 15 Sge). Three epochs of high resolution imaging using adaptive optics (AO) at the Gemini-North and Keck II Telescopes demonstrate that HR 7672B is a common proper motion companion, with a separation of 0.79" (14 AU) and a 2.16 um flux ratio of 8.6 mags. Using follow-up K-band spectroscopy from Keck AO+NIRSPEC, we measure a spectral type of L4.5+/-1.5. This is the closest ultracool companion around a main sequence star found to date by direct imaging. We estimate the primary has an age of 1-3 Gyr. Assuming coevality, the companion is most likely substellar, with a mass of 55-78 Mjup based on theoretical models. The primary star shows a long-term radial velocity trend, and we combine the radial velocity data and AO imaging to set a firm (model-independent) lower limit of 48 Mjup. In contrast to the paucity of brown dwarf companions at <~4 AU around FGK dwarfs, HR 7672B implies that brown dwarf companions do exist at separations comparable to those of the giant planets in our own solar system. Its presence is at variance with scenarios where brown dwarfs form as ejected stellar embryos. Moreover, since HR 7672B is likely too massive to have formed in a circumstellar disk as planets are believed to, its discovery suggests that a diversity of physical processes act to populate the outer regions of exoplanetary systems.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    DOE Environmental Management Programs in New Mexico: Environmental and Economic Impacts

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    In August 2001 Nuclear Watch of New Mexico (NWNM) was funded by the Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment (MTA) Fund to conduct an “Assessment of the Environmental and Economic Impacts of Department of Energy Environmental Management Programs in New Mexico.” New Mexico is home to two of the three nuclear weapons laboratories in the United States, Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories. New Mexico also hosts the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, the world’s only deep geological disposal site for radioactive transuranic wastes (which are primarily plutonium contaminated wastes resulting from bomb research and production). These three sites were the focus of NWNM’s project. In May 2002, the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) issued under its Resource and Recovery Act (RCRA) authority a draft “Corrective Action Order” against Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). This Order mandates the investigation and compilation by the lab of comprehensive environmental information categorized by different lab Technical Areas, watersheds and groundwater. The bulk of our project on LANL environmental issues turned to analyzing and commenting on the draft Corrective Action Order. Subsequently Bernd Franke and Jay Coghlan collaboratively provided NMED with 19 pages of technical comments, which we believe had a salutary effect in strengthening the November 2002 Final Order. It is our hope that the LANL Order will lead, in time, to State-mandated cleanup. Unfortunately, to date implementation of the Order has been stayed under the threat of DOE lawsuits against NMED. The purpose of our Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) project to was to look closely at the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) anticipated remote-handled transuranic (RH-TRU) waste program as it pertains to WIPP. [RH-TRU wastes are those too hot for humans to handle.] However, because of the consistently changing nature of the DOE’s environmental management program and because of the interlocking nature of those changes, our WIPP project took on a broader scope. Not only did NWNM analyze and comment on the proposed addition of RH-TRU waste disposal, but also analyzed and commented on 22 other proposed additions or changes to WIPP. We believe that we have played a significant role in helping to ensure that the State WIPP RCRA permit remains strong and that the DOE’s requested modifications are not just perfunctorily approved by the NMED. This research was completed money allocated during Round 2 of the Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund (MTA Fund). Clark University was named conservator of these works. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at [email protected]://commons.clarku.edu/nuclearwatch/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Investigation of Heavy Metals in a Large Mortality Event in Caribou of Northern Alaska

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    We measured element concentrations (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe) and body condition (gross and histologic endpoints) of animals from a caribou (Rangifer tarandus) mortality event that occurred in Alaska, in the area of Point Hope and Cape Thompson (including the Chariot site), in 1995. These were compared to results from hunter-killed caribou from reference sites (Barrow and Teshekpuk Lake, Alaska) and from the area of a mine (Red Dog Mine) to determine whether heavy metals had played a role in the mortality event or whether any elements were at concentrations of concern for human consumers. Starvation and malnutrition were major factors leading to death or severe weakness, as very little or no fat (very low body condition scores) and serous atrophy of fat (observed as watery contents of the marrow cavity, with no apparent fat, and histologically) were more prevalent in caribou associated with the mortality event than in hunter-killed animals from reference sites. Accumulation of hepatic (liver) hemosiderin in Kupffer cells (macrophages) was noted as an indicator of cachexia. Concentrations of lead in feces and liver, copper in the rumen contents, and arsenic in muscle were higher in caribou harvested near Red Dog Mine, as might be expected in that mineral-rich area, but were not at levels of concern for toxicoses. Kidney concentrations of cadmium, which increased significantly with increasing age, present a potential concern for human consumers, and this is an expected finding. We concluded that caribou had starved and that heavy metals had played no role in the mortality event. Further investigation of regional mineral differences is required to understand the sources and transport mechanisms that explain these findings and to properly address mining activity. Mortality events on the north slope of Alaska are common and likely involve starvation as described here, but in most cases they are not investigated, even though recent industrial activities have heightened concern among some local residents and wildlife managers.On a mesuré la concentration en éléments (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe) et l'état corporel (points limites bruts et histologiques) de caribous (Rangifer tarandus) prélevés lors d'un épisode de mortalité qui s'est produit en 1995 en Alaska, dans la région de Point Hope et de Cape Thompson (y compris le site Chariot). On a comparé ces résultats à ceux de caribous tués par des chasseurs à des emplacements témoins (Barrow et Teshekpuk Lake, en Alaska) et à proximité d'une mine (Red Dog Mine) pour trouver si les métaux lourds avaient joué un rôle dans l'épisode de mortalité ou si la concentration d'un ou plusieurs éléments pouvait constituer un risque pour la consommation humaine. La famine et la malnutrition étaient des facteurs majeurs ayant causé la mort ou une extrême faiblesse, vu que la présence minime ou l'absence de graisse (très basses notes d'état corporel) et une atrophie séreuse de la graisse (observée sous forme de contenu aqueux de la cavité médullaire, sans graisse visible, et à la suite de l'examen histologique) étaient plus courantes chez le caribou associé à l'épisode de mortalité que chez les animaux des emplacements témoins tués par les chasseurs. On a noté dans le foie une accumulation d'hémosidérine hépatique des cellules de Kupffer (cellules macrophages) témoignant d'une cachexie. La concentration de plomb dans les matières fécales et le foie, de cuivre dans le rumen et d'arsenic dans le tissu musculaire était plus élevée chez le caribou provenant de Red Dog Mine, comme on pouvait s'y attendre dans cette zone riche en minéraux, mais cette concentration n'atteignait pas un niveau pouvant provoquer des toxicoses. La concentration de cadmium dans le rein, qui augmentait de façon significative avec l'âge, pourrait constituer un risque pour la consommation humaine, ce qui n'est pas surprenant. On a conclu que les caribous étaient morts de faim et que les métaux lourds n'avaient joué aucun rôle dans l'épisode de mortalité. Il faudrait effectuer des recherches plus poussées sur les différences régionales en minéraux afin de comprendre les mécanismes d'origine et de transport qui expliquent ces résultats et d'aborder comme il le faut les activités minières. Les épisodes de mortalité sont courants sur le versant Nord de l'Alaska et sont probablement liés à la famine, comme le décrit cet article, mais dans la plupart des cas ils ne font pas l'objet d'une enquête, même si l'activité industrielle récente est un sujet qui préoccupe de plus en plus certains résidents et gestionnaires locaux de la faune

    Can the target set for reducing childhood overweight and obesity be met? : a system dynamics modelling study in New South Wales, Australia

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    The persistent prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity raises significant concerns about the impact on health, society and the economy. Responding to a target announced in September 2015 by the New South Wales (Australia) Premier to reduce childhood overweight and obesity by five percentage points by 2025, a system dynamics model was developed to support Government and stakeholders responsible for meeting the target. A participatory model building process, drawing cross-sectorial expertise, was undertaken to estimate the individual and combined impact of interventions on meeting the target. The model demonstrated that it is theoretically possible to meet the target by implementing a comprehensive combination of policies and programmes. When limited to existing and enhanced population health interventions, the modelled result did not reach the target. The project provides an example of how participatory simulation modelling can combine a broad range of interventions together into likely scenarios and usefully inform government decision-making
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