2,938 research outputs found

    Microscopic Description of Bond Strength Mechanisms and Processes

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    What we are going to try doing today is look inside some polymeric materials and see what happens on this scale. We are going to look at rather selected polymeric materials since this is the state of the art as we have developed it at this time. I hope at least that it will give you some insight as to what happens on the inside of materials in general. I think as engineers that we have to be interested in this

    Developing the Lismore CSG poll- a university/local government collaboration

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    Regional universities can contribute to the capacity of regional governance by providing an important source of specialist knowledge that can be used to aid problem-solving and engage communities more actively in decision-making. This paper reports a case of a partnership between a regional university and a local government authority (LGA), in a situation where the local government authority chose to run a referendum-style poll on a regionally important environmental and industrial issue; the development of the coal seam gas industry in a rural area. The partnership was adopted to produce an independently developed question for the poll. The poll question was developed by university academics who having consulted with stakeholders, provided advice to the LGA, which took responsibility for the final wording of the poll question. An evaluation of the processes involved in developing the poll question included reflection on the collaborative relationship between the university and the LGA. While the independence implicit in the university staff role was acknowledged as important, the importance of a university-LGA collaboration was also highlighted. The value of a more formally-structured process was noted, as were the importance of emphasising the university’s role as an advisory body only, and the LGA’s ownership of the final decision. Implications for policy include (1) the important role that regional Australian universities can play in enhancing governance and decision-making processes, (2) the potential for independent input to policy development processes for local and regional governance, and (3) the poll process which provides a robust method for ascertaining social acceptance of a controversial land use issue

    Scalable Noise Estimation with Random Unitary Operators

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    We describe a scalable stochastic method for the experimental measurement of generalized fidelities characterizing the accuracy of the implementation of a coherent quantum transformation. The method is based on the motion reversal of random unitary operators. In the simplest case our method enables direct estimation of the average gate fidelity. The more general fidelities are characterized by a universal exponential rate of fidelity loss. In all cases the measurable fidelity decrease is directly related to the strength of the noise affecting the implementation -- quantified by the trace of the superoperator describing the non--unitary dynamics. While the scalability of our stochastic protocol makes it most relevant in large Hilbert spaces (when quantum process tomography is infeasible), our method should be immediately useful for evaluating the degree of control that is achievable in any prototype quantum processing device. By varying over different experimental arrangements and error-correction strategies additional information about the noise can be determined.Comment: 8 pages; v2: published version (typos corrected; reference added

    Extrasolar planet science with the Antarctic planet interferometer

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    The primary limitation to ground based astronomy is the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere above the Antarctic plateau is different in many regards compared to the atmosphere at temperate sites. The extreme altitude, cold and low humidity offer a uniquely transparent atmosphere at many wavelengths. Studies at the South Pole have shown additionally that the turbulence properties of the night time polar atmosphere are fundamentally different to mid latitudes. Despite relatively strong ground layer turbulence, the lack of high altitude turbulence combined with low wind speeds presents favorable conditions for interferometry. The unique properties of the polar atmosphere can be exploited for Extrasolar Planet studies with differential astrometry, differential phase and nulling intereferometers. This paper combines the available data on the properties of the atmosphere at the South Pole and other Antarctic plateau sites for Extrasolar Planet science with interferometry

    Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator: Experimental Application to Nonlinear Interferometers

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    We show how an experimentally realized set of operations on a single trapped ion is sufficient to simulate a wide class of Hamiltonians of a spin-1/2 particle in an external potential. This system is also able to simulate other physical dynamics. As a demonstration, we simulate the action of an nn-th order nonlinear optical beamsplitter. Two of these beamsplitters can be used to construct an interferometer sensitive to phase shifts in one of the interferometer beam paths. The sensitivity in determining these phase shifts increases linearly with nn, and the simulation demonstrates that the use of nonlinear beamsplitters (nn=2,3) enhances this sensitivity compared to the standard quantum limit imposed by a linear beamsplitter (nn=1)

    Elementary gates for quantum computation

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    We show that a set of gates that consists of all one-bit quantum gates (U(2)) and the two-bit exclusive-or gate (that maps Boolean values (x,y)(x,y) to (x,x⊕y)(x,x \oplus y)) is universal in the sense that all unitary operations on arbitrarily many bits nn (U(2n2^n)) can be expressed as compositions of these gates. We investigate the number of the above gates required to implement other gates, such as generalized Deutsch-Toffoli gates, that apply a specific U(2) transformation to one input bit if and only if the logical AND of all remaining input bits is satisfied. These gates play a central role in many proposed constructions of quantum computational networks. We derive upper and lower bounds on the exact number of elementary gates required to build up a variety of two-and three-bit quantum gates, the asymptotic number required for nn-bit Deutsch-Toffoli gates, and make some observations about the number required for arbitrary nn-bit unitary operations.Comment: 31 pages, plain latex, no separate figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. A. Related information on http://vesta.physics.ucla.edu:7777

    The XMM Cluster Survey: Evidence for energy injection at high redshift from evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature relation

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    We measure the evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature (L_X-T) relation since z~1.5 using a sample of 211 serendipitously detected galaxy clusters with spectroscopic redshifts drawn from the XMM Cluster Survey first data release (XCS-DR1). This is the first study spanning this redshift range using a single, large, homogeneous cluster sample. Using an orthogonal regression technique, we find no evidence for evolution in the slope or intrinsic scatter of the relation since z~1.5, finding both to be consistent with previous measurements at z~0.1. However, the normalisation is seen to evolve negatively with respect to the self-similar expectation: we find E(z)^{-1} L_X = 10^{44.67 +/- 0.09} (T/5)^{3.04 +/- 0.16} (1+z)^{-1.5 +/- 0.5}, which is within 2 sigma of the zero evolution case. We see milder, but still negative, evolution with respect to self-similar when using a bisector regression technique. We compare our results to numerical simulations, where we fit simulated cluster samples using the same methods used on the XCS data. Our data favour models in which the majority of the excess entropy required to explain the slope of the L_X-T relation is injected at high redshift. Simulations in which AGN feedback is implemented using prescriptions from current semi-analytic galaxy formation models predict positive evolution of the normalisation, and differ from our data at more than 5 sigma. This suggests that more efficient feedback at high redshift may be needed in these models.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 12 pages, 6 figures; added references to match published versio

    A hybrid approach to conjunctive partial evaluation of logic programs

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    Conjunctive partial deduction is a well-known technique for the partial evaluation of logic programs. The original formulation follows the so called online approach where all termination decisions are taken on-the-fly. In contrast, offline partial evaluators first analyze the source program and produce an annotated version so that the partial evaluation phase should only follow these annotations to ensure the termination of the process. In this work, we introduce a lightweight approach to conjunctive partial deduction that combines some of the advantages of both online and offline styles of partial evaluation. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under grant TIN2008-06622-C03-02 and by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant ACOMP/2010/042.Vidal Oriola, GF. (2011). A hybrid approach to conjunctive partial evaluation of logic programs. En Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation. Springer Verlag (Germany). 6564:200-214. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-20551-4_13S2002146564Ben-Amram, A., Codish, M.: A SAT-Based Approach to Size Change Termination with Global Ranking Functions. In: Ramakrishnan, C.R., Rehof, J. (eds.) TACAS 2008. LNCS, vol. 4963, pp. 218–232. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)Bruynooghe, M., De Schreye, D., Martens, B.: A General Criterion for Avoiding Infinite Unfolding during Partial Deduction of Logic Programs. In: Saraswat, V., Ueda, K. (eds.) Proc. 1991 Int’l Symp. on Logic Programming, pp. 117–131 (1991)Christensen, N.H., Glück, R.: Offline Partial Evaluation Can Be as Accurate as Online Partial Evaluation. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 26(1), 191–220 (2004)Codish, M., Taboch, C.: A Semantic Basis for the Termination Analysis of Logic Programs. Journal of Logic Programming 41(1), 103–123 (1999)De Schreye, D., Glück, R., Jørgensen, J., Leuschel, M., Martens, B., Sørensen, M.H.: Conjunctive Partial Deduction: Foundations, Control, Algorihtms, and Experiments. Journal of Logic Programming 41(2&3), 231–277 (1999)Hruza, J., Stepánek, P.: Speedup of logic programs by binarization and partial deduction. TPLP 4(3), 355–380 (2004)Jones, N.D., Gomard, C.K., Sestoft, P.: Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Generation. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (1993)Leuschel, M.: Homeomorphic Embedding for Online Termination of Symbolic Methods. In: Mogensen, T.Æ., Schmidt, D.A., Sudborough, I.H. (eds.) The Essence of Computation. LNCS, vol. 2566, pp. 379–403. Springer, Heidelberg (2002)Leuschel, M.: The DPPD (Dozens of Problems for Partial Deduction) Library of Benchmarks (2007), http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~mal/systems/dppd.htmlLeuschel, M., Elphick, D., Varea, M., Craig, S., Fontaine, M.: The Ecce and Logen Partial Evaluators and Their Web Interfaces. In: Proc. of PEPM 2006, pp. 88–94. IBM Press (2006)Leuschel, M., Vidal, G.: Fast Offline Partial Evaluation of Large Logic Programs. In: Hanus, M. (ed.) LOPSTR 2008. LNCS, vol. 5438, pp. 119–134. Springer, Heidelberg (2009)Lloyd, J.W., Shepherdson, J.C.: Partial Evaluation in Logic Programming. Journal of Logic Programming 11, 217–242 (1991)Somogyi, Z.: A System of Precise Modes for Logic Programs. In: Shapiro, E.Y. (ed.) Proc. of Third Int’l Conf. on Logic Programming, pp. 769–787. The MIT Press, Cambridge (1986

    Does the universe in fact contain almost no information?

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    At first sight, an accurate description of the state of the universe appears to require a mind-bogglingly large and perhaps even infinite amount of information, even if we restrict our attention to a small subsystem such as a rabbit. In this paper, it is suggested that most of this information is merely apparent, as seen from our subjective viewpoints, and that the algorithmic information content of the universe as a whole is close to zero. It is argued that if the Schr\"odinger equation is universally valid, then decoherence together with the standard chaotic behavior of certain non-linear systems will make the universe appear extremely complex to any self-aware subsets that happen to inhabit it now, even if it was in a quite simple state shortly after the big bang. For instance, gravitational instability would amplify the microscopic primordial density fluctuations that are required by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle into quite macroscopic inhomogeneities, forcing the current wavefunction of the universe to contain such Byzantine superpositions as our planet being in many macroscopically different places at once. Since decoherence bars us from experiencing more than one macroscopic reality, we would see seemingly complex constellations of stars etc, even if the initial wavefunction of the universe was perfectly homogeneous and isotropic.Comment: 17 pages, LATeX, no figures. Online with refs at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~max/nihilo.html (faster from the US), from http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~max/nihilo.html (faster from Europe) or from [email protected]
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