15 research outputs found

    Bio-inspired call-stack reconstruction for performance analysis

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    The correlation of performance bottlenecks and their associated source code has become a cornerstone of performance analysis. It allows understanding why the efficiency of an application falls behind the computer's peak performance and enabling optimizations on the code ultimately. To this end, performance analysis tools collect the processor call-stack and then combine this information with measurements to allow the analyst comprehend the application behavior. Some tools modify the call-stack during run-time to diminish the collection expense but at the cost of resulting in non-portable solutions. In this paper, we present a novel portable approach to associate performance issues with their source code counterpart. To address it, we capture a reduced segment of the call-stack (up to three levels) and then process the segments using an algorithm inspired by multi-sequence alignment techniques. The results of our approach are easily mapped to detailed performance views, enabling the analyst to unveil the application behavior and its corresponding region of code. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approach, we have applied the algorithm to several first-time seen in-production applications to describe them finely, and optimize them by using tiny modifications based on the analyses.We thankfully acknowledge Mathis Bode for giving us access to the Arts CF binaries, and Miguel Castrillo and Kim Serradell for their valuable insight regarding Nemo. We would like to thank Forschungszentrum Jülich for the computation time on their Blue Gene/Q system. This research has been partially funded by the CICYT under contracts No. TIN2012-34557 and TIN2015-65316-P.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Automating the application data placement in hybrid memory systems

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    Multi-tiered memory systems, such as those based on Intel® Xeon Phi™processors, are equipped with several memory tiers with different characteristics including, among others, capacity, access latency, bandwidth, energy consumption, and volatility. The proper distribution of the application data objects into the available memory layers is key to shorten the time– to–solution, but the way developers and end-users determine the most appropriate memory tier to place the application data objects has not been properly addressed to date.In this paper we present a novel methodology to build an extensible framework to automatically identify and place the application’s most relevant memory objects into the Intel Xeon Phi fast on-package memory. Our proposal works on top of inproduction binaries by first exploring the application behavior and then substituting the dynamic memory allocations. This makes this proposal valuable even for end-users who do not have the possibility of modifying the application source code. We demonstrate the value of a framework based in our methodology for several relevant HPC applications using different allocation strategies to help end-users improve performance with minimal intervention. The results of our evaluation reveal that our proposal is able to identify the key objects to be promoted into fast on-package memory in order to optimize performance, leading to even surpassing hardware-based solutions.This work has been performed in the Intel-BSC Exascale Lab. Antonio J. Peña is cofinanced by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva fellowship number IJCI-2015-23266. We would like to thank the Intel’s DCG HEAT team for allowing us to access their computational resources. We also want to acknowledge this team, especially Larry Meadows and Jason Sewall, as well as Pardo Keppel for the productive discussions. We thank Raphaël Léger for allowing us to access the MAXW-DGTD application and its input.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Analyzing the efficiency of hybrid codes

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    Hybrid parallelization may be the only path for most codes to use HPC systems on a very large scale. Even within a small scale, with an increasing number of cores per node, combining MPI with some shared memory thread-based library allows to reduce the application network requirements. Despite the benefits of a hybrid approach, it is not easy to achieve an efficient hybrid execution. This is not only because of the added complexity of combining two different programming models, but also because in many cases the code was initially designed with just one level of parallelization and later extended to a hybrid mode. This paper presents our model to diagnose the efficiency of hybrid applications, distinguishing the contribution of each parallel programming paradigm. The flexibility of the proposed methodology allows us to use it for different paradigms and scenarios, like comparing the MPI+OpenMP and MPI+CUDA versions of the same code.This work has been partially developed under the scope of POP CoE which has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (under grant agreements No. 676553 and 824080), and with the support of the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) under contract No. PID2019- 107255GB-C22. We also want to acknowledge the ChEESE CoE and the EDANYA group from Universidad de Málaga (www.uma.es/edanya) that granted us permission to report on the Tsunami-HySEA analysis.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Detailed and simultaneous power and performance analysis

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    On the road to Exascale computing, both performance and power areas are meant to be tackled at different levels, from system to processor level. The processor itself is the main responsible for the serial node performance and also for the most of the energy consumed by the system. Thus, it is important to have tools to simultaneously analyze both performance and energy efficiency at processor level. Performance tools have allowed analysts to understand, and even improve, the performance of an application that runs in a system. With the advent of recent processor capabilities to measure its own power consumption, performance tools can increase their collection of metrics by adding those related to energy consumption and provide a correlation between the source code, its performance and its energy efficiency. In this paper, we present a performance tool that has been extended to gather such energy metrics. The results of this tool are passed to a mechanism called folding that produces detailed metrics and source code references by using coarse grain sampling. We have used the tool with multiple serial benchmarks as well as parallel applications to demonstrate its usefulness by locating hot spots in terms of performance and power drained.Peer Reviewe

    Framework for a productive performance optimization

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    Modern supercomputers deliver large computational power, but it is difficult for an application to exploit such power. One factor that limits the application performance is the single node performance. While many performance tools use the microprocessor performance counters to provide insights on serial node performance issues, the complex semantics of these counters pose an obstacle to an inexperienced developer. We present a framework that allows easy identification and qualification of serial node performance bottlenecks in parallel applications. The output of the framework is precise and it is capable of correlating performance inefficiencies with small regions of code within the application. The framework not only points to regions of code but also simplifies the semantics of the performance counters into metrics that refer to processor functional units. With such information the developer can focus on the identified code and improve it by knowing which processor execution unit is degrading the performance. To demonstrate the usefulness of the framework we apply it to three already optimized applications using realistic inputs and, according to the results, modify their source code. By doing modifications that require little effort, we successfully increase the applications’ performance from 10% to 30% and thus shorten the time required to reach the solution and/or allow facing increased problem sizes.Peer Reviewe

    Bio-inspired call-stack reconstruction for performance analysis

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    The correlation of performance bottlenecks and their associated source code has become a cornerstone of performance analysis. It allows understanding why the efficiency of an application falls behind the computer's peak performance and enabling optimizations on the code ultimately. To this end, performance analysis tools collect the processor call-stack and then combine this information with measurements to allow the analyst comprehend the application behavior. Some tools modify the call-stack during run-time to diminish the collection expense but at the cost of resulting in non-portable solutions. In this paper, we present a novel portable approach to associate performance issues with their source code counterpart. To address it, we capture a reduced segment of the call-stack (up to three levels) and then process the segments using an algorithm inspired by multi-sequence alignment techniques. The results of our approach are easily mapped to detailed performance views, enabling the analyst to unveil the application behavior and its corresponding region of code. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approach, we have applied the algorithm to several first-time seen in-production applications to describe them finely, and optimize them by using tiny modifications based on the analyses.We thankfully acknowledge Mathis Bode for giving us access to the Arts CF binaries, and Miguel Castrillo and Kim Serradell for their valuable insight regarding Nemo. We would like to thank Forschungszentrum Jülich for the computation time on their Blue Gene/Q system. This research has been partially funded by the CICYT under contracts No. TIN2012-34557 and TIN2015-65316-P.Peer Reviewe

    Framework for a productive performance optimization

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    Modern supercomputers deliver large computational power, but it is difficult for an application to exploit such power. One factor that limits the application performance is the single node performance. While many performance tools use the microprocessor performance counters to provide insights on serial node performance issues, the complex semantics of these counters pose an obstacle to an inexperienced developer. We present a framework that allows easy identification and qualification of serial node performance bottlenecks in parallel applications. The output of the framework is precise and it is capable of correlating performance inefficiencies with small regions of code within the application. The framework not only points to regions of code but also simplifies the semantics of the performance counters into metrics that refer to processor functional units. With such information the developer can focus on the identified code and improve it by knowing which processor execution unit is degrading the performance. To demonstrate the usefulness of the framework we apply it to three already optimized applications using realistic inputs and, according to the results, modify their source code. By doing modifications that require little effort, we successfully increase the applications’ performance from 10% to 30% and thus shorten the time required to reach the solution and/or allow facing increased problem sizes.Peer Reviewe

    Automating the application data placement in hybrid memory systems

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    Multi-tiered memory systems, such as those based on Intel® Xeon Phi™processors, are equipped with several memory tiers with different characteristics including, among others, capacity, access latency, bandwidth, energy consumption, and volatility. The proper distribution of the application data objects into the available memory layers is key to shorten the time– to–solution, but the way developers and end-users determine the most appropriate memory tier to place the application data objects has not been properly addressed to date.In this paper we present a novel methodology to build an extensible framework to automatically identify and place the application’s most relevant memory objects into the Intel Xeon Phi fast on-package memory. Our proposal works on top of inproduction binaries by first exploring the application behavior and then substituting the dynamic memory allocations. This makes this proposal valuable even for end-users who do not have the possibility of modifying the application source code. We demonstrate the value of a framework based in our methodology for several relevant HPC applications using different allocation strategies to help end-users improve performance with minimal intervention. The results of our evaluation reveal that our proposal is able to identify the key objects to be promoted into fast on-package memory in order to optimize performance, leading to even surpassing hardware-based solutions.This work has been performed in the Intel-BSC Exascale Lab. Antonio J. Peña is cofinanced by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva fellowship number IJCI-2015-23266. We would like to thank the Intel’s DCG HEAT team for allowing us to access their computational resources. We also want to acknowledge this team, especially Larry Meadows and Jason Sewall, as well as Pardo Keppel for the productive discussions. We thank Raphaël Léger for allowing us to access the MAXW-DGTD application and its input.Peer Reviewe

    Large-Memory Nodes for Energy Efficient High-Performance Computing

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    Energy consumption is by far the most important contributor to HPC cluster operational costs, and it accounts for a significant share of the total cost of ownership. Advanced energy-saving techniques in HPC components have received significant research and development effort, but a simple measure that can dramatically reduce energy consumption is often overlooked. We show that, in capacity computing, where many small to medium-sized jobs have to be solved at the lowest cost, a practical energy-saving approach is to scale-in the application on large-memory nodes. We evaluate scaling-in; i.e. decreasing the number of application processes and compute nodes (servers) to solve a fixed-sized problem, using a set of HPC applications running in a production system. Using standard-memory nodes, we obtain average energy savings of 36%, already a huge figure. We show that the main source of these energy savings is a decrease in the node-hours (node_hours = #nodes x exe_time), which is a consequence of the more efficient use of hardware resources. Scaling-in is limited by the per-node memory capacity. We therefore consider using large-memory nodes to enable a greater degree of scaling-in. We show that the additional energy savings, of up to 52%, mean that in many cases the investment in upgrading the hardware would be recovered in a typical system lifetime of less than five years.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The secrets of the accelerators unveiled: tracing heterogeneous executions through OMPT

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    Heterogeneous systems are an important trend in the future of supercomputers, yet they can be hard to program and developers still lack powerful tools to gain understanding about how well their accelerated codes perform and how to improve them. Having different types of hardware accelerators available, each with their own specific low-level APIs to program them, there is not yet a clear consensus on a standard way to retrieve information about the accelerator’s performance. To improve this scenario, OMPT is a novel performance monitoring interface that is being considered for integration into the OpenMP standard. OMPT allows analysis tools to monitor the execution of parallel OpenMP applications by providing detailed information about the activity of the runtime through a standard API. For accelerated devices, OMPT also facilitates the exchange of performance information between the runtime and the analysis tool. We implement part of the OMPT specification that refers to the use of accelerators both in the Nanos++ parallel runtime system and the Extrae tracing framework, obtaining detailed performance information about the execution of the tasks issued to the accelerated devices to later conduct insightful analysis. Our work extends previous efforts in the field to expose detailed information from the OpenMP and OmpSs runtimes, regarding the activity and performance of task-based parallel applications. In this paper, we focus on the evaluation of FPGA devices studying the performance of two common kernels in scientific algorithms: matrix multiplication and Cholesky decomposition. Furthermore, this development is seamlessly applicable for the analysis of GPGPU accelerators and Intel®Xeon PhiTM co-processors operating under the OmpSs programming model.This work was partially supported by the European Union H2020 program through the AXIOM project (grant ICT-01-2014 GA 645496) and the Mont-Blanc 2 project, by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, under contracts Computación de Altas Prestaciones VII (TIN2015-65316-P); Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under projects MPEXPAR: Models de Programació i Entorns d'Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051) and 2009-SGR-980; the BSC-CNS Severo Ochoa program (SEV-2011-00067); the Intel-BSC Exascale Laboratory project; and the OMPT Working Group.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version