149 research outputs found

    The Grid[Way] Job Template Manager, a tool for parameter sweeping

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    Parameter sweeping is a widely used algorithmic technique in computational science. It is specially suited for high-throughput computing since the jobs evaluating the parameter space are loosely coupled or independent. A tool that integrates the modeling of a parameter study with the control of jobs in a distributed architecture is presented. The main task is to facilitate the creation and deletion of job templates, which are the elements describing the jobs to be run. Extra functionality relies upon the GridWay Metascheduler, acting as the middleware layer for job submission and control. It supports interesting features like multi-dimensional sweeping space, wildcarding of parameters, functional evaluation of ranges, value-skipping and job template automatic indexation. The use of this tool increases the reliability of the parameter sweep study thanks to the systematic bookkeping of job templates and respective job statuses. Furthermore, it simplifies the porting of the target application to the grid reducing the required amount of time and effort.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure

    Interoperating Grid Infrastructures with the GridWay Metascheduler

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    This paper describes the GridWay Metascheduler and exposes its latest and future developments, mainly related to interoperability and interoperation. GridWay enables large-scale, reliable and efficient sharing of computing resources over grid middleware. To favor interoperability, it shows a modular architecture based on drivers, which access middleware services for resource discovery and monitoring, job execution and management, and file transfer. This paper presents two new execution drivers for BES and CREAM services, and introduces a remote BES interface for GridWay. This interface allows users to access GridWay’s job metascheduling capabilities, using the BES implementation of GridSAM. Thus, GridWay now provides to end-users more possibilities of interoperability and interoperation

    Capacity Leasing in Cloud Systems using the OpenNebula Engine

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    Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEUnión Europea. FP7Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)Comunidad de Madridsubmitte

    Montera: A Framework for Efficient Execution of Monte Carlo Codes on Grid Infrastructures

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    he objective of this work is to improve the performance of Monte Carlo codes on Grid production infrastructures. To do so, the codes and the grid sites are characterized with simple parameters to model their behaviors. Then, a new performance model for grid infrastructures is proposed, and an algorithm that employs this information is described. This algorithm dynamically calculates the number and size of tasks to execute on each site to maximize the performance and reduce makespan. Finally, a newly developed framework called Montera is presented. Montera deals with the execution of Monte Carlo codes in an unattended way, isolating the complexity of the problem from the final user. By employing two fusion Monte Carlo codes as example cases, along with the described characterizations and scheduling algorithm, a performance improvement up to 650 % over current best results is obtained on a real production infrastructure, together with enhanced stability and robustness

    The Medianet Project: Integration of Multimedia Services for the next Generations Business oriented Internet

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    This work is at: 10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, took place July 10-13, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.This article gathers the foundational premises of the MEDIANET project as well as intermediate results obtained along its firsts two years. MEDIANET is a Spanish project founded by the Comunidad de Madrid government, which strives for a significant scientific advance in the future media Internet where important advances are necessary to allow end-users to perceive a good quality of experience. The network technologies objectives consist of the definition and validation of new proposals for the efficient transport of high bandwidth, real-time data flows in a decentralized way where the network provides mechanisms to seamlessly request and configure devices to increase the quality of experience perceived by end-users. Furthermore, new experiences with layer 2 networks and a cross-layer design will be tested with high bandwidth demanding media services. An important objective is to develop, evaluate in depth and implement on diverse platforms , a new low latency transparent bridge protocol based in on-demand path set up, suitable for campus and data center networks. The global result will be an integrated and independent advancement in future media Internet protocols, algorithms, switching architectures and standards.The funds for the MEDIANET project are provided by the Comunidad de Madrid government under reference number S2009/TIC-1468.Publicad

    Interoperable Federated Cloud Networking

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    The BEACON framework enables the provision of federated cloud infrastructures, with special emphasis on inter-cloud networking and security issues, to support the automated deployment of applications and services across different clouds and datacenters. BEACON is distributed as open source (see http://github.com/BeaconFramework) and some enhancements are being contributed to the OpenNebula and OpenStack cloud management platforms

    Implementation and Provisioning of Federated Networks in Hybrid Clouds (pre-print)

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    Federated cloud networking is needed to allow the seamless and efficient interconnection of resources distributed among different clouds. This work introduces a new cloud network federation framework for the automatic provision of Layer 2 (L2) and layer 3 (L3) virtual networks to interconnect geographically distributed cloud infrastructures in a hybrid cloud scenario. After a revision of existing encapsulation technologies to implement L2 and L3 overlay networks, the paper analyzes the main topologies that can be used to construct federated network overlays within hybrid clouds. In order to demonstrate the proposed solution and compare the different topologies, the article shows a proof-of-concept of a real federated network deployment in a hybrid cloud, which spans a local private cloud, managed with OpenNebula, and two public clouds, two different regions of mazon EC2. Results show that L2 and L3 overlay connectivity can be achieved with a minimal bandwidth overhead, lower than 10%

    Cross-Site Virtual Network in Cloud and Fog Computing

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    The interconnection of the different geographically dispersed cloud and fog infrastructures is a key issue for the development of the fog technology. Although most existing cloud providers and platforms offer some kind of connectivity services to allow the interconnection with external networks, these services exhibit many limitations and they are not suitable for fog computing environments. In this work we present a hybrid fog and cloud interconnection framework, which allows the automatic provision of cross-site virtual networks to interconnect geographically distributed cloud and fog infrastructures. This framework provides a scalable and multi-tenant solution, and a simple and generic interface for instantiating, configuring and deploying Layer 2 and Layer 3 overlay networks across heterogeneous fog and cloud platforms, with abstraction from the underlying cloud/fog technologies and network virtualization technologies

    On Improvement of Detection of Obstructive Sleep Apnea by Partial Least Square-based Extraction of Dynamic Features

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    This paper presents a methodology for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) detection based on the HRV analysis, where as a measure of relevance PLS is used. Besides, two different combining approaches for the selection of the best set of contours are studied. Attained results can be oriented in research focused on finding alternative methods minimizing the HRV-derived parameters used for OSA diagnosing, with a diagnostic accuracy comparable to a polysomnogram. For two classes (normal, apnea) the results for PLS are: specificity 90%, sensibility 91% and accuracy 93.56%