31 research outputs found

    Toxic neurofilamentous axonopathies accumulation of neurofilaments and axonal degeneration

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    A number of neurotoxic chemicals induce accumulation of neurofilaments in axonal swellings that appear at varying distances from the cell body. This pathology is associated with axonal degeneration of different degrees. The clinical manifestation is most commonly that of a mixed motor-sensory peripheral axonopathy with a disto-proximal pattern of progression, as in cases of chronic exposure to n-hexane and carbon disulphide. It has been demonstrated that protein adduct formation is a primary molecular mechanism of toxicity in these axonopathies, but how this mechanism leads to neurofilament accumulation and axonal degeneration remains unclear. Furthermore, little is known regarding the mechanisms of neurofilamentous axonopathy caused by 3,3′-iminodipropionitrile, an experimental toxin that induces proximal axon swelling that is strikingly similar to that found in early amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Here, we review the available data and main hypotheses regarding the toxic axonopathies and compare them with the current knowledge of the biological basis of neurofilament transport. We also review recent studies addressing the question of how these axonopathies may cause axonal degeneration. Understanding the mechanisms underlying the toxic axonopathies may provide insight into the relationship between neurofilament behaviour and axonal degeneration, hopefully enabling the identification of new targets for therapeutic intervention. Because neurofilament abnormalities are a common feature of many neurodegenerative diseases, advances in this area may have a wider impact beyond toxicological significanc

    Assessment of cochlear toxicity in response to chronic 3,3'-iminodipropionitrile in mice reveals early and reversible functional loss that precedes overt histopathology

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    The peripheral auditory and vestibular systems rely on sensorineural structures that are vulnerable to ototoxic agents that cause hearing loss and/or equilibrium deficits. Although attention has focused on hair cell loss as the primary pathology underlying ototoxicity, evidence from the peripheral vestibular system indicates that hair cell loss during chronic exposure is preceded by synaptic uncoupling from the neurons and is potentially reversible. To determine if synaptic pathology also occurs in the peripheral auditory system, we examined the extent, time course, and reversibility of functional and morphological alterations in cochleae from mice exposed to 3,3′-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) in drinking water for 2, 4 or 6 weeks. Functionally, IDPN exposure caused progressive high- to low-frequency hearing loss assessed by measurement of auditory brainstem response wave I absolute thresholds and amplitudes. The extent of hearing loss scaled with the magnitude of vestibular dysfunction assessed behaviorally. Morphologically, IDPN exposure caused progressive loss of outer hair cells (OHCs) and synapses between the inner hair cells (IHCs) and primary auditory neurons. In contrast, IHCs were spared from ototoxic damage. Importantly, hearing loss consistent with cochlear synaptopathy preceded loss of OHCs and synapses and, moreover, recovered if IDPN exposure was stopped before morphological pathology occurred. Our observations suggest that synaptic uncoupling, perhaps as an early phase of cochlear synaptopathy, also occurs in the peripheral auditory system in response to IDPN exposure. These findings identify novel mechanisms that contribute to the earliest stages of hearing loss in response to ototoxic agents and possibly other forms of acquired hearing loss

    Transient alteration of the vestibular calyceal junction and synapse in response to chronic ototoxic insult in rats

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    Aquest article conté una errata annexadaOtotoxicity is known to cause permanent loss of vestibule function through degeneration of sensory hair cells (HCs). However, functional recovery has been reported during washout after chronic ototoxicity, although the mechanisms underlying this reversible dysfunction are unknown. Here, we study this question in rats chronically exposed to the ototoxic compound 3,3′-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN). Pronounced alterations in vestibular function appeared before significant loss of HCs or stereociliary coalescence became evident by ultrastructural analyses. This early dysfunction was fully reversible if the exposure was terminated promptly. In cristae and utricles, the distinct junctions formed between type I HCs (HCI) and calyx endings were completely dismantled at these early stages of reversible dysfunction, and completely rebuilt during washout. Immunohistochemical observations revealed loss and recovery of the junction proteins CASPR1 and tenascin-C and RT-PCR indicated that their loss was not due to decreased gene expression. KCNQ4 was mislocalized during intoxication and recovered control-like localization after washout. At early stages of the intoxication, the calyces could be classified as showing intact or lost junctions, indicating that calyceal junction dismantlement is triggered on a calyx-by-calyx basis. Chronic toxicity also altered the presence of ribeye, PSD-95 and GluA2 puncta in the calyces. These synaptic alterations varied between the two types of calyx endings (formed by calyx-only or dimorphic afferents) and some persisted at the end of the washout period. The present data reveal new forms of plasticity of the calyx endings in adult mammals, including a robust capacity for rebuilding the calyceal junction. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the phenomena involved in progressive vestibular dysfunction and its potential recovery during and after ototoxic exposure

    Vestibular damage in chronic ototoxicity: a mini-review

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    Ototoxicity is a major cause of the loss of hearing and balance in humans. Ototoxic compounds include pharmaceuticals such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, anti-malarial drugs, loop diuretics and chemotherapeutic platinum agents, and industrial chemicals including several solvents and nitriles. Human and rodent data indicate that the main target of toxicity is hair cells (HCs), which are the mechanosensory cells responsible for sensory transduction in both the auditory and the vestibular system. Nevertheless, the compounds may also affect the auditory and vestibular ganglion neurons. Exposure to ototoxic compounds has been found to cause HC apoptosis, HC necrosis, and damage to the afferent terminals, of differing severity depending on the ototoxicity model. One major pathway frequently involved in HC apoptosis is the c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway activated by reactive oxygen species, but other apoptotic pathways can also play a role in ototoxicity. Moreover, little is known about the effects of chronic low-dose exposure. In rodent vestibular epithelia, extrusion of live HCs from the sensory epithelium may be the predominant form of cell demise during chronic ototoxicity. In addition, greater involvement of the afferent terminals may occur, particularly the calyx units contacting type I vestibular HCs. As glutamate is the neurotransmitter in this synapse, excitotoxic phenomena may participate in afferent and ganglion neuron damage. Better knowledge of the events that take place in chronic ototoxicity is of great interest, as it will increase understanding of the sensory loss associated with chronic exposure and ageing

    Cisplatin-induced ototoxicity: effects, mechanisms and protection strategies

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    Cisplatin is a highly effective chemotherapeutic agent that is widely used to treat solid organ malignancies. However, serious side effects have been associated with its use, such as bilateral, progressive, irreversible, dose-dependent neurosensory hearing loss. Current evidence indicates that cisplatin triggers the production of reactive oxygen species in target tissues in the inner ear. A variety of agents that protect against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity have been successfully tested in cell culture and animal models. However, many of them interfere with the therapeutic effect of cisplatin, and therefore are not suitable for systemic administration in clinical practice. Consequently, local administration strategies, namely intratympanic adminis- tration, have been developed to achieve otoprotection, without reducing the antitumoral effect of cisplatin. While a considerable amount of pre-clinical information is available, clinical data on treatments to prevent cisplatin ototoxicity are only just beginning to appear. This review summarizes clinical and experimental studies of cisplatin ototoxicity, and focuses on understanding its toxicity mechanisms, clinical repercussions and prevention strategies

    Calyx junction dismantlement and synaptic uncoupling precede hair cell extrusion in the vestibular sensory epithelium during sub-chronic 3,3'-iminodipropionitrile ototoxicity in the mouse

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    The cellular and molecular events that precede hair cell (HC) loss in the vestibular epithelium during chronic ototoxic exposure have not been widely studied. To select a study model, we compared the effects of sub-chronic exposure to different concentrations of 3,3′-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) in the drinking water of two strains of mice and of both sexes. In subsequent experiments, male 129S1/SvImJ mice were exposed to 30 mM IDPN for 5 or 8 weeks; animals were euthanized at the end of the exposure or after a washout period of 13 weeks. In behavioral tests, IDPN mice showed progressive vestibular dysfunction followed by recovery during washout. In severely affected animals, light and electron microscopy observations of the vestibular epithelia revealed HC extrusion towards the endolymphatic cavity. Comparison of functional and ultrastructural data indicated that animals with fully reversible dysfunction did not have significant HC loss or stereociliary damage, but reversible dismantlement of the calyceal junctions that characterize the contact between type I HCs (HCI) and their calyx afferents. Immunofluorescent analysis revealed the loss of calyx junction proteins, Caspr1 and Tenascin-C, during exposure and their recovery during washout. Synaptic uncoupling was also recorded, with loss of pre-synaptic Ribeye and post-synaptic GluA2 puncta, and differential reversibility among the three different kinds of synaptic contacts existing in the epithelium. qRT-PCR analyses demonstrated that some of these changes are at least in part explained by gene expression modifications. We concluded that calyx junction dismantlement and synaptic uncoupling are early events in the mouse vestibular sensory epithelium during sub-chronic IDPN ototoxicity

    Maturation of type I and type II rat vestibular hair cells in vivo and in vitro

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    Vestibular sensory epithelia contain type I and type II sensory hair cells (HCI and HCII). Recent studies have revealed molecular markers for the identification of these cells, but the precise composition of each vestibular epithelium (saccule, utricle, lateral crista, anterior crista, posterior crista) and their postnatal maturation have not been described in detail. Moreover, in vitro methods to study this maturation are not well developed. We obtained total HCI and HCII counts in adult rats and studied the maturation of the epithelia from birth (P0) to postnatal day 28 (P28). Adult vestibular epithelia hair cells were found to comprise ~65% HCI expressing osteopontin and PMCA2, ~30% HCII expressing calretinin, and ~4% HCII expressing SOX2 but neither osteopontin nor calretinin. At birth, immature HCs express both osteopontin and calretinin. P28 epithelia showed an almost adult-like composition but still contained 1.3% of immature HCs. In addition, we obtained free-floating 3D cultures of the epithelia at P1, which formed a fluid-filled cyst, and studied their survival and maturation in vitro up to day 28 (28 DIV). These cultures showed good HC resiliency and maturation. Using an enriched medium for the initial 4 days, a HCI/calretinin+-HCII ratio close to the in vivo ratio was obtained. These cultures are suitable to study HC maturation and mature HCs in pharmacological, toxicological and molecular research

    Allylnitrile metabolism by CYP2E1 and other CYPs leads to distinct lethal and vestibulotoxic effects in the mouse

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    This study addressed the hypothesis that the vestibular or lethal toxicities of allylnitrile depend on CYP2E1-mediated bioactivation. Wild-type (129S1) and CYP2E1-null male mice were exposed to allylnitrile at doses of 0, 0.5, 0.75, or 1.0 mmol/kg (po), following exposure to drinking water with 0 or 1% acetone, which induces CYP2E1 expression. Induction of CYP2E1 activity by acetone in 129S1 mice and lack of activity in null mice was confirmed in liver microsomes. Vestibular toxicity was assessed using a behavioral test battery and illustrated by scanning electron microscopy observation of the sensory epithelia. In parallel groups, concentrations of allylnitrile and cyanide were assessed in blood after exposure to 0.75 mmol/kg of allylnitrile. Following allylnitrile exposure, mortality was lower in CYP2E1-null than in 129S1 mice, and increased after acetone pretreatment only in 129S1 mice. This increase was associated with higher blood concentrations of cyanide. In contrast, no consistent differences were recorded in vestibular toxicity between 129S1 and CYP2E1-null mice, and between animals pretreated with acetone or not. Additional experiments evaluated the effect on the toxicity of 1.0 mmol/kg allylnitrile of the nonselective P450 inhibitor, 1-aminobenzotriazole, the CYP2E1-inhibitor, diallylsulfide, and the CYP2A5 inhibitor, methoxsalen. In 129S1 mice, aminobenzotriazole decreased both mortality and vestibular toxicity, whereas diallylsulfide decreased mortality only. In CYP2E1-null mice, aminobenzotriazole and methoxsalen, but not diallylsulfide, blocked allylnitrile-induced vestibular toxicity. We conclude that CYP2E1-mediated metabolism of allylnitrile leads to cyanide release and acute mortality, probably through α-carbon hydroxylation, and hypothesize that epoxidation of the β-γ double bond by CYP2A5 mediates vestibular toxicity

    Neurodevelopmental basis of health and disease: the 14th meeting of the International Neurotoxicology Association

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    Biological events in early life are key determinants of health status in adult and aging stages. The evidence for this is compelling in neurotoxicology (Grandjean and Landrigan, 2006). The complexity of the developing nervous system creates multiple targets for the adverse structural, functional and behavioral effects of toxic chemicals: from overt neuroteratogenia to subtle influences on the functional decline occur during aging. Minamata disease is the best known example of dramatic alterations in nervous system structure and function as a result of chemical exposure during development. However, the impact of low dose exposure of several other toxic compounds on endpoints such as adolescent emotional growth, cognitive function, sensory deficits or risk of suffering neurodegenerative diseases (Grandjean and Landrigan, 2006; Cannon and Greenamyre, 2011; Bellinger, 2013) is a field of knowledge that still contains more questions than answers. The effects of toxicants on later life become more and more important as life expectancy increases. In addition to understanding the effects and underlying mechanisms, we want to predict the adverse effects on the developing nervous and sensory systems. This constitutes a major challenge for neurotoxicity testing. Facing these questions, the International Neurotoxicology Association (INA) selected the theme ''Neurodevelopmental Basis of Health and Disease'' for its 14th Meeting, held in Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, June 2013. Detailed information on the meeting, including lists of symposia, members of the organizing and scientific committees, awardees, sponsors, and exhibitors are included elsewhere in this Special Issue (De Groot et al., 2014)

    Laboratori d'habilitats: aprenentatge i avaluaciĂł dels continguts prĂ ctics de Fisiologia Humana

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Un dels reptes en els ensenyaments amb docència pràctica és avaluar els coneixements i les habilitats que els estudiants adquireixen al laboratori. En aquest sentit, els estudiants de Ciències Mèdiques Bàsiques, actualment Ciències Biomèdiques, durant els cursos 11-12 i 13-14 van participar en el laboratori d’habilitats de l’assignatura Fisiologia Humana I i II. El laboratori d’habilitats consisteix en un laboratori que disposa dels equips i materials que es fan servir a les pràctiques de l’assignatura i que està a lliure disposició dels estudiants en un horari concret. Un cop realitzades les pràctiques, els estudiants poden participar lliurement en el laboratori d’habilitats per consultar dubtes i practicar les habilitats que han adquirit durant el normal desenvolupament de les pràctiques i que seran objecte d’avaluació. L’avaluació es realitza en el mateix laboratori d’habilitats i consisteix en un examen escrit i oral sobre els continguts de pràctiques, a més d’una demostració de les habilitats adquirides. Les habilitats ponderen un 10% en l’avaluació continuada i són avaluades mitjançant una rúbrica que permet al professorat puntuar objectivament l’estudiant. Un cop realitzat l’examen pràctic els estudiants van ser enquestats per tal de conèixer la seva opinió respecte al “laboratori d’habilitats” i al nou sistema d’avaluació de la docència pràctica. La majoria d’estudiants creuen que el laboratori d’habilitats els ha fet treballar i comprendre millor els continguts de les pràctiques (obtenint una puntuació de 4.2 de mitjana dels dos cursos, sobre 5), prefereixen aquest mètode d’avaluació enfront al tradicional, basat en preguntes a l'examen teòric (4.6 sobre 5), els ha resultat interessant (4.4 sobre 5) i globalment l’experiència els ha resultat satisfactòria (4.5 sobre 5). Les puntuacions obtingudes en l’examen d’habilitats han estat de 8,5 sobre 10 (de mitjana en els darrers 2 cursos). Així, es pot concloure que aquesta metodologia docent, àmpliament acceptada pels estudiants, permet reforçar i avaluar les habilitats treballades al laboratori