7 research outputs found

    Comprom铆s organitzatiu, intenci贸 de romandre i comportament ciutad脿 organitzatiu dels individus que tenen dues ocupacions simult脿nies

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    This thesis carries out a theoretical and empirical study on the relationship between the organizational commitment (OC), the intention to stay (IS) and the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of individuals with two concurrent jobs (a main job and a second job). Organizational commitment (OC) was studied as a multidimensional construct (with four dimensions: AC, CCHiSac, CCLoAlt and NC). The main objective was to study how organizational commitment in the main job (OC) influences the intention to stay (IS) results and also organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in both the main and in the second job. These constructs (OC, IS, and OCB) were tested in an environment of Catalan-speaking university part-time professors. This thesis is divided into six chapters: The first chapter is an introduction. It identifies the concept of contingent work, organizational commitment (OC), intention to stay (IS) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as the main areas of interest for this research. A brief summary is given of past scientific studies carried out on these concepts. In addition the objectives and specific purpose of each chapter are presented. Chapter two presents the study to be carried out and discusses the relationship between organizational commitment (OC), intention to stay (IS) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as well as the different dimensions which form the multidimensional construct of organizational commitment (OC). A literature search is completed with the aim of understanding these concepts and how they interact. Although there is a substantial amount of research regarding organizational commitment (OC), intention to stay (IS) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), this is always within a traditional environment (i.e. Full-time, long-term employment). However, very little research exists examining organizational commitment in an environment of pluri-activity. Some critical analysis of the previous theoretical and empirical studies is carried out and areas for future research are suggested. The third chapter translates the OC (Meyer et al., 1993; Powell and Meyer, 2004), IS (Gellatly et al., 2006) and OCB (Choi, 2007) measurement scales from English to Catalan, using the technique of back-translation. The validity and reliability of a sample group of associate professors in simultaneous employment is demonstrated. The results validate the unidimensional construct of IS and OCB in addition to the multidimensional construct of OC, which is compromised of four factors: affective commitment (AC); perceived sacrifice of investments associated with leaving the organization (CCHiSac); commitment due to a lack of alternative employment opportunities (CCLoAlt) and normative commitment (NC). The results show appropriate psychometric results and provide preliminary validity for the Catalan version of the OC, IS and OCB constructs. In the fourth chapter the research model for this thesis is proposed as well as the hypothesis it tests. To verify the model, two tests are performed to show convergent and discriminant validity. To verify the hypothesis, a beta test with structural equation models is used. Results do not support all the hypotheses posited, but show that it is necessary to consider all dimensions of the OC construct to explain IS and OCB in this sample. The results are important as the majority of previous research has not taken simultaneous employment into account. The fifth chapter defines a theoretical framework showing the part-time teaching figure (e.g. consultant, associate) followed by a descriptive analysis of part-time teachers, considering only their second job as a teaching consultant. The conclusions of this thesis are presented in the final chapter in addition to the practical implications and suggestions for future research.En aquesta tesis es porta a terme un estudi te貌ric i emp铆ric de la relaci贸 entre el comprom铆s organitzatiu (OC), la intenci贸 de romandre (IS) i el comportament ciutad脿 (OCB), en individus que tenen dues ocupacions a la vegada (una de principal i una de secund脿ria). El comprom铆s organitzatiu s鈥檈studia com un constructe multidimensional (de quatre dimensions: AC, CCHiSac, CCLoAlt i NC). El principal objectiu 茅s el d鈥檈studiar com el comprom铆s organitzatiu de l鈥檕cupaci贸 principal, influeix sobre els resultats intenci贸 de romandre i comportament ciutad脿 tant en la primera com en la segona ocupaci贸, i com el comprom铆s organitzatiu de la segona ocupaci贸 influeix sobre la intenci贸 de romandre i comportament ciutad脿 de la segona ocupaci贸 i de la primera. Aquests constructes (OC, IS i OCB) s鈥檋a provat en un entorn de professors universitaris associats de parla catalana. La present tesi est脿 formada per sis cap铆tols: El primer cap铆tol 茅s de car脿cter introductori. S鈥檃punta el concepte de treball contingent, comprom铆s organitzatiu, intenci贸 de romandre i comportament ciutad脿, aix铆 com la motivaci贸 d驴aquesta recerca. Es presenta un breu resum del treball cient铆fic anterior sobre aquests conceptes i s'exposen els objectius i finalitats espec铆fics de cada cap铆tol. En el segon cap铆tol es porta a terme l鈥檈studi i discussi贸 de la relaci贸 entre comprom铆s organitzatiu, intenci贸 de romandre i comportament ciutad脿, aix铆 com les dimensions que formen el constructe multidimensional de comprom铆s organitzatiu. Es fa una recerca bibliogr脿fica amb l鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檈ntendre aquests conceptes i la seva interacci贸. Tot i que hi ha molta recerca a l鈥檈ntorn del OC, IS i OCB, aquesta sempre es realitza en un entorn cl脿ssic (i.e., ocupaci贸 de llarga durada, a temps complert). En canvi hi ha molt poca recerca que estudi铆 el comprom铆s organitzatiu en un entorn de pluriocupaci贸. Es realitzen algunes cr铆tiques a la recerca te貌rica i emp铆rica pr猫via i es proposen l铆nies de recerca futura. En el tercer cap铆tol es tradueixen les escales de mesura d驴OC (Meyer et al., 1993; Powell i Meyer, 2004), IS (Gellatly et al., 2006) i OCB (Choi, 2007) de l鈥檃ngl猫s al catal脿, mitjan莽ant la t猫cnica de traducci贸 inversa. Es prova la validesa i fiabilitat en una mostra de professors associats, tant per a la seva primera com per la segona ocupaci贸 de forma simult脿nia. Els resultats donen validesa al constructe unidimensional de IS i OCB i al constructe multidimensional de quatre factors d鈥橭C. Aquest darrer consisteix en comprom铆s afectiu, comprom铆s de continu茂tat en relaci贸 a la percepci贸 d鈥檜n alt sacrifici de deixar l鈥檃ctual ocupaci贸 (CCHiSac), comprom铆s de continu茂tat en relaci贸 a la percepci贸 de falta d鈥檃lternatives a l鈥檃ctual ocupaci贸 i comprom铆s normatiu. Els resultats ens mostren unes propietats psicosom猫triques adequades i ens donen suport preliminar a la validesa de la versi贸 en catal脿 dels constructes OC, IS i OCB. En el quart cap铆tol es proposa el model d鈥檌nvestigaci贸 d鈥檃questa tesi aix铆 com les hip貌tesis que es volen contrastar. Per verificar el model es porten a terme dos tests de validesa: convergent i discriminant. Per verificar les hip貌tesis, s鈥檋an utilitzat el test de significaci贸 beta de les equacions estructurals plantejades. Els resultats revelen que no es compleixen totes les hip貌tesis plantejades, per貌 que 茅s necessari considerar totes les dimensions del constructe OC per explicar IS i OCB d鈥檃quest col路lectiu. Els resultats s贸n importants en tant que en la majoria d鈥檌nvestigacions pr猫vies no s鈥檋an tingut en compte les dues ocupacions de forma simult脿nia. En el cinqu猫 cap铆tol es descriu un marc te貌ric en relaci贸 a la figura del professor a temps parcial (e.g., consultor, associat) i posteriorment una an脿lisi descriptiva del professorat a temps parcial, tenint en compte nom茅s la seva segona ocupaci贸 com a professor consultor. Finalment en el darrer cap铆tol, s鈥檈xposen les conclusions, les implicacions pr脿ctiques i les possibles l铆nies d鈥檌nvestigaci贸 futura

    Trabajo final de m谩ster, septiembre 2014

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Contingent workforce, organisational commitment and job satisfaction: Review, discussion and research agenda

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the existing theoretical frameworks of organisational behaviour and job satisfaction while taking into account, in connection with working conditions, the social and economic changes that are taking place in most of the western countries. The analysis and discussion suggest the need for new lines of research to determine whether the current practices carried out in human resources departments are well directed. Design/methodology/approach, first, we show a short review of the classical literature and the predominant paradigms through an exhaustive review of the scientific literature that has led to their subsequent evolution. Afterwards, we analyse the evidence sustaining their evolution in the light of the current changes, and we explain the future research needs from a theoretical point of view. Findings, the identification of the worker with the organization and their perception of job satisfaction are the key variable to adaptation and retention, by the organizations. This article analyzes current theories of organizational commitment and job satisfaction, highlighting the need to adapt to social and economic changes that are occurring. The identification and adoption of these key factors by the organization is essential to carry out adequate human resources policy. Research limitations/implications, owing to the nature of the article, it is a theoretical essay to launch a new scientific debate in connection with the models displayed and fully justified. Practical implications depend on the development of future research, as justified at all times. Originality/value, currently, few investigations and theoretical contributions have taken into account the increase in contingent work, and more specifically moonlighting, either from an empirical perspective or as a theoretical critique of the existing organisational behaviour models. The main value of this essay is its invitation to take control of the debate while analysing its possible practical implications

    Contingent workforce, organisational commitment and job satisfaction: Review, discussion and research agenda

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the existing theoretical frameworks of organisational behaviour and job satisfaction while taking into account, in connection with working conditions, the social and economic changes that are taking place in most of the western countries. The analysis and discussion suggest the need for new lines of research to determine whether the current practices carried out in human resources departments are well directed. Design/methodology/approach, first, we show a short review of the classical literature and the predominant paradigms through an exhaustive review of the scientific literature that has led to their subsequent evolution. Afterwards, we analyse the evidence sustaining their evolution in the light of the current changes, and we explain the future research needs from a theoretical point of view. Findings, the identification of the worker with the organization and their perception of job satisfaction are the key variable to adaptation and retention, by the organizations. This article analyzes current theories of organizational commitment and job satisfaction, highlighting the need to adapt to social and economic changes that are occurring. The identification and adoption of these key factors by the organization is essential to carry out adequate human resources policy. Research limitations/implications, owing to the nature of the article, it is a theoretical essay to launch a new scientific debate in connection with the models displayed and fully justified. Practical implications depend on the development of future research, as justified at all times. Originality/value, currently, few investigations and theoretical contributions have taken into account the increase in contingent work, and more specifically moonlighting, either from an empirical perspective or as a theoretical critique of the existing organisational behaviour models. The main value of this essay is its invitation to take control of the debate while analysing its possible practical implications

    The activity-based costing model trajectory: A path of lights and shadows

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    Purpose: To present a literature review showing the trajectory of the ABC model. Design/methodology: Literature review. Findings: This paper analyzes the history of the ABC model and its dissemination process, in the form of articles published in the specialized press. Research limitations/implications: The bibliometric study has been carried out based on specialized journals. Practical implications: Before a new strategic management tool is adopted, its strategic or operational contribution to the organization should be analyzed. The adoption of new tools based on current trends or as part of mimetic processes, could imply financial investments that do not produce the desired effects. Originality/value: This work is an analysis of the trajectory of the ABC model from its appearance to the present time. 漏 2017, OmniaScience

    The activity-based costing model trajectory: A path of lights and shadows

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    Purpose: To present a literature review showing the trajectory of the ABC model. Design/methodology: Literature review. Findings: This paper analyzes the history of the ABC model and its dissemination process, in the form of articles published in the specialized press. Research limitations/implications: The bibliometric study has been carried out based on specialized journals. Practical implications: Before a new strategic management tool is adopted, its strategic or operational contribution to the organization should be analyzed. The adoption of new tools based on current trends or as part of mimetic processes, could imply financial investments that do not produce the desired effects. Originality/value: This work is an analysis of the trajectory of the ABC model from its appearance to the present time. 漏 2017, OmniaScience

    Usefulness of Z scoring models in the early detection of financial problems in bankrupt Spanish companies

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    Purpose: To determine the predictive capacity of two Z scoring models in situations of bankruptcy in the Spanish context. Design/methodology: The research intends to answer four questions: (1) Is Altman's Z scoring model a better predictor of possible financial problems than the version developed by Amat et al.? (2) Is the timing of the economic cycle a condition of the temporary gap (pre-crisis period, crisis and post-crisis) in the models proposed by Altman and Amat et al.? (3) Is the business sector a condition of the temporary gap in the two models? and (4) Is the gap conditioned by the size of the company in both scoring models? In order to determine the answers to these questions, and based on the data obtained from the SABI database for the period 2005 to 2015, a descriptive and bivariate analysis is performed. Findings: The application of statistical techniques reveal that in Spanish companies, the Amat et al. scoring model is more effective in the early detection of financial problems than the Altman scoring model. Research limitations/implications: The research has focused on bankrupt Spanish companies prior to February 2017. Therefore, the conclusions could differ in the case of expanding the sample. Practical implications: Due to the fact that insolvency is a problem that concerns different social actors, such as shareholders, suppliers, financial institutions and workers, it is important to know the predictive capacity of the different scoring models in order to make adequate decisions. Social implications: It is important to know the predictive capacity of the different scoring models to generate third-party confidence in relation to the companies. This also improves the transparency of companies vis-脿-vis third parties. Originality/value: There is a large body of literature related to the early detection of bankruptcies, but there is a lack of literature on the early detection of financial problems prior to bankruptcy. The originality of the research lies in its focus on the study of Spanish companies in an effort to detect early financial problems. 漏 2017, OmniaScience