24 research outputs found

    Contribución a la simulación virtual de parámetros de calidad acústica en espacios arquitectónicos. Aplicación del método de superficies de respuesta

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    El análisis acústico de espacios arquitectónicos ha sido ampliamente estudiado en los últimos años. Este análisis se ha enfocado desde diferentes puntos de vista, siendo la simulación uno de ellos. En salas de grandes dimensiones y en particular en aquellas que poseen un determinado valor patrimonial, es muy interesante conocer, además de las condiciones acústicas de la situación actual, las que resulten de futuras intervenciones que puedan conllevar un cambio de uso de dicho espacio. Para ello, es necesario disponer de un modelo fiable que permita prever la variación de estas condiciones ya que cualquier intervención tendente a mejorar su acústica es siempre costosa, tanto en presupuesto como en la posible alteración de la arquitectura interior. Por todo ello, la posibilidad de simular el efecto que pueda tener cualquier cambio en cuanto a las características geométricas de la sala o de los materiales que la componen cobra una especial relevancia. En general, los programas de simulación acústica (Odeon, Caat, etc.) trabajan sobre un modelo tridimensional de la sala y aplican unos valores de los coeficientes de absorción de los materiales de revestimiento, que se toman de la bibliografía o directamente de ensayos, cuando el caso lo permite. Como resultado de esta simulación, se obtienen los valores de los parámetros de calidad, tanto temporales como energéticos, siendo el más importante el tiempo de reverberación en función de la frecuencia (para cada octava o tercio de octava). Por otra parte, se realiza una medición "in situ" de estos parámetros cuyos valores suelen presentar diferencias respecto a los simulados. En estas condiciones se ajustan los resultados procedentes de la simulación a los medidos, hasta conseguir un determinado grado de coincidencia entre ellos. En la actualidad, este ajuste se realiza mediante un método iterativo, generalmente basado en la experiencia del operador, que introduce variaciones razonables de los valores de los coeficienteLlinares Millán, J. (2012). Contribución a la simulación virtual de parámetros de calidad acústica en espacios arquitectónicos. Aplicación del método de superficies de respuesta [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17938Palanci

    Single-Particle Analysis in an Indoor Working Environment in Valencia, Spain

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    Actually is recognized the importance of indoor air environment and associated health risks. In order to evaluate i n- door air quality and to characterize the particles in terms of size, composition and shape were done measurements of the suspended particulate matter in a mechanical workshop of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). These meas-urements were performed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) and image digital analysis. To differentiation of individual particles in the fine- ultrafine fraction, in some case, was used the atomic force microscopy (AFM). Multivariate statistics, such as hierarchical cluster analysis and factor analy-sis were appliqued and allowed to establish groups of elements and in this way to facilitate the identification of the natural and anthropogenic sources. It is confirmed that indoor air is influenced by outdoor surroundings and the anthro-pogenic sources due to the daily activity.Llinares Millán, J.; Llinares Millán, MDC.; Moreno Algaba, V.; Millán González, MDC. (2012). Single-Particle Analysis in an Indoor Working Environment in Valencia, Spain. Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation. 2(1):29-32. doi:10.4236/jasmi.2012.21006S29322

    Design Attributes Influencing the Success of Urban 3D Visualizations: Differences in Assessments According to Training and Intention

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    [EN] The graphic tools most widely used for communicating the design of future urban spaces are 3D visualizations. These virtual images allow graphic designers to manipulate conditions to embellish the final image they present. But, what design attributes are associated with positive assessments? This paper attempts to identify the key design attributes for a successful proposal and observes whether intention (assess the image versus assess the project) and observer training (architect versus non-architect) influence that relationship. A field study was carried out using assessments from 225 individuals. Results show that color, nature, and architecture are fundamental elements in successful proposals. Significant differences in assessments have also been observed according to the training and intentions of the assessorsThis work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) [grant no. TIN2013-45736-R].Llinares Millán, MDC.; Iñarra Abad, S.; Guixeres Provinciale, J. (2018). Design Attributes Influencing the Success of Urban 3D Visualizations: Differences in Assessments According to Training and Intention. Journal of Urban Technology. https://doi.org/10.1080/10630732.2018.1444873

    Analysis and behavior of different materials in sustainable construction and their alternatives for the improvement of the environment

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    [EN] The construction sector is widely known for its growing activity and its impact on the environment. The use of different materials within the world of construction has evolved over the years. Thus, thanks to technology, it has been possible to achieve an improvement in the behaviour of certain materials in the world of construction. In this article, different materials from this sector are analysed in order to achieve an improvement and awareness towards a more sustainable construction. The focus has been on the study of the behaviour of these materials and their responses to the phases of construction. As analysed, it has been possible to demonstrate that the controlled evolution of certain materials such as the use of clinker or cementite, significantly improves the context of sustainable construction. On the other hand, by replacing cement by other materials such as fly ash or slag can improve the durability by 50% which is a high figure related to the sustainable point of view, thus can reduce the impact on the environment.This work was supported by the European Union under the project Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments with reference 730283 and the framework of Condereff project (Ref. PGI05560-Condereff) Construction & demolition waste management policies for improved resource efficiency.Cárcel-Carrasco, J.; Martínez-Corral, A.; Kaur, J.; Llinares Millán, J. (2021). Analysis and behavior of different materials in sustainable construction and their alternatives for the improvement of the environment. Área de Innovación y Desarrollo,S.L. 131-135. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19065813113

    Digital skills for workplace mentors in construction sector apprenticeships (CONDAP)

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    [EN] Employers in the construction industry are regularly and increasingly reporting hiring difficulties, since the sector is experiencing a skills shortage in spite of numerous apprenticeship schemes. According to the European Construction Sector Observatory, the main reason of this skills shortage is two-fold: a) the inadequacy of VET provision, and b) the low attractiveness of the sector to young people, further hindered by the perception of its limited capacity for innovation. Correspondingly, modernising construction apprenticeships is crucial for the development of key skills and the improvement of the employability of young construction workers. Training the trainers and mentors to become more engaged and involved in the design of apprenticeships and to introduce new methods, digital tools, and innovative content during their teaching practices is essential to make training more flexible and effective. Such an approach could effectively address the misalignment between VET offerings and the demand for skills and innovation in the construction sector. This article shows the focus of the European project CONDAP, whose purpose is to improve learning in the construction sector.This work has been conducted within the framework of the CONDAP project "Digital skills for workplace mentors in construction sector apprenticeships" funded by the European Commission within the Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, reference number 2018-1-UK01-KA202-048122.Cárcel Carrasco, FJ.; Peñalvo López, E.; Llinares Millán, J.; Valcuende Payá, MO. (2020). Digital skills for workplace mentors in construction sector apprenticeships (CONDAP). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 351-361. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10221OCS35136

    The church of Santos Juanes as a cohesive element of the market district of Valencia-Spain

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    [EN] The study of a factory full of history, its peculiarities and the evidence of a building with characteristics that make it unique, encourage a constructive and urban analysis of the Church of Santos Juanes in Valencia (Spain). It has been the scene of numerous events due to its important commercial position. Therefore, without leaving aside the rest of the particularities that have happened to the building and that largely define its personality and its current configuration, this work intends to attend to the rest of the features that fix its character and that allow it to be framed in a specific place inside the city. This article aims to discern and analyze the constructive evolution that the temple has had from its origins to the present, specifying each one of the interventions and relating them to the responsible historical premises, as well as the consequences that they have had in the urban environment that surrounds.[ES] El estudio de una fábrica cargada de historia, sus peculiaridades y la evidencia de un edificio con unas características que lo hacen único, impulsan a realizar un análisis constructivo y urbano de la Iglesia de los Santos Juanes de Valencia (España). Ha sido escenario de numerosos acontecimientos debido a su importante posición comercial. Por ello, sin dejar de lado el resto de particularidades que han acontecido al edificio y que definen en gran medida su personalidad y su configuración actual, se pretende atender al resto de rasgos que fijan su carácter y que permiten encuadrarlo en un lugar en concreto dentro de la ciudad. El presente artículo pretende discernir y analizar la evolución constructiva que ha tenido el templo desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad, concretando cada una de las intervenciones y relacionándolas con las premisas históricas responsables, así como las consecuencias que ellas han tenido en el entorno urbano que le rodea.Molines Cano, J.; Almerich-Chulia, A.; Llinares Millán, J. (2020). La iglesia de los Santos Juanes como elemento estructurante del barrio del mercado de Valencia -España. Estoa. 9(18):9-19. https://doi.org/10.18537/est.v009.n018.a01S91991

    Bases metodológicas para una nueva plataforma de medida del comportamiento humano en entornos virtuales

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    [ES] Para evaluar la funcionalidad y el rendimiento de un espacio se analiza el comportamiento de sus usuarios. Este se ha medido tradicionalmente a partir de encuestas y observación, con las limitaciones de tratarse de valoraciones subjetivas, influenciadas por el entrevistador y/o observador, y, en el caso de la observación, evaluar el espacio a posteriori, una vez ejecutado el proyecto. Hoy en día, la realidad virtual solventa estos problemas, al ser capaz de representar escenarios de forma realista, inmersiva e interactiva, permitiendo analizar con un bajo coste el comportamiento de los usuarios antes de que se ejecuten los proyectos, en un entorno controlado. El presente artículo presenta las bases metodológicas para una nueva plataforma de medida del comportamiento humano en entornos virtuales, que ayudará en la toma de decisiones a través de la pre-evaluación de los espacios antes de ser ejecutados. Se define una metodología aplicable con la tecnología actual, a partir de la cual se obtendrán métricas con las que optimizar la funcionalidad y el rendimiento de espacios de futura construcción o remodelación de los ya existentes. La herramienta es transversal ya que puede aplicarse a cualquier proyecto que tenga como elemento fundamental el tránsito de personas, ya sean espacios comerciales, culturales, dotacionales o de ocio, y se presentan diferentes ejemplos de aplicación práctica.[EN] Human behavior is analyzed to evaluate the functionality and efficiency of a public space. It was classically measured from surveys and observation, however, those measurements have some limitations. Firstly, they are subjective valuations and are influenced by the interviewer and/or the observer. In addition, the observation oblige us to make that evaluation subsequently, when the project has been executed. Nowadays, virtual reality resolves those problems as a result of its capacity to represent scenarios on a realistic, immersive and interactive way. It allows to analyze human behaviour before the execution of projects at a low cost and controlled way. This article presents the methodological bases for a new platform for measuring human behaviour in virtual environments. It will assist in the decision-making process through the pre-evaluation of different spaces before being executed. An applicable methodology were explained from which metrics are created and it allows to optimize functionality and efficiency of a new construction or remodeling. This is a cross-wise platform and can be applied to any project where the human transit is a central element: commercial, cultural, dotacional or leisure spaces. Different applied examples in study were presented.The present research has been financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Spain (project TIN2013-45736-R).Marín-Morales, J.; Torrecilla-Moreno, C.; Guixeres Provinciale, J.; Llinares Millán, MDC. (2017). Methodological bases for a new platform for the measurement of human behaviour in virtual environments. DYNA: Ingeniería e Industria. 92(1):34-38. https://doi.org/10.6036/7963S343892

    Emotion Recognition in Immersive Virtual Reality: From Statistics to Affective Computing

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    [EN] Emotions play a critical role in our daily lives, so the understanding and recognition of emotional responses is crucial for human research. Affective computing research has mostly used non-immersive two-dimensional (2D) images or videos to elicit emotional states. However, immersive virtual reality, which allows researchers to simulate environments in controlled laboratory conditions with high levels of sense of presence and interactivity, is becoming more popular in emotion research. Moreover, its synergy with implicit measurements and machine-learning techniques has the potential to impact transversely in many research areas, opening new opportunities for the scientific community. This paper presents a systematic review of the emotion recognition research undertaken with physiological and behavioural measures using head-mounted displays as elicitation devices. The results highlight the evolution of the field, give a clear perspective using aggregated analysis, reveal the current open issues and provide guidelines for future research.This research was funded by European Commission, grant number H2020-825585 HELIOS.Marín-Morales, J.; Llinares Millán, MDC.; Guixeres Provinciale, J.; Alcañiz Raya, ML. (2020). Emotion Recognition in Immersive Virtual Reality: From Statistics to Affective Computing. Sensors. 20(18):1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185163S126201

    Diagnosis of the Economic Potential within the Building and Construction Field and Its Waste in Spain

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    [EN] The construction and demolition sectors are among the world's most critical activities, generating large amounts of waste. Thus, these sectors' waste accumulation problem is related to the environmental protection system and proper waste management. On the other hand, it is well known that proper waste disposal can increase its value. In this way, the economic potential of the trash can be raised again. Therefore, this article will examine the economic potential of construction and demolition (C & D) waste. Different waste management processes will be analyzed to better understand the topic from a financial perspective in this area underway in Spain. Therefore, data from other regions of Spain were collected. This data led to results where the most expensive rooms were Pais Vasco and the Balearic Islands, where disposal of C & D waste had the highest prices, exceeding EUR 30 per ton. Conversely, the lowest prices are found in regions such as Navarre and Andalusia, where prices per ton are EUR 8 and EUR 6, respectively. The values show a direct relationship between the treatment price and the amount of C & D waste disposed of. Therefore, this article will look at different factors influencing sustainable waste management. Such activities have a positive impact, as waste needs to be recycled and reevaluated by waste management operators. The cost of construction waste is an integral part of the budget because it represents the monetary value of the cost of collecting and recycling construction waste. Construction waste is an essential resource for economic and social development, as it contributes to job creation, education and culture, and the protection and preservation of the environment.This work was supported by the European Union under the project Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments with reference 730283 and the framework of Condereff project (Ref. PGI05560-Condereff) Construction & demolition waste management policies for improved resource efficiency.Colmenero-Fonseca, F.; Cárcel-Carrasco, J.; Martínez-Corral, A.; Kaur, J.; Llinares Millán, J. (2023). Diagnosis of the Economic Potential within the Building and Construction Field and Its Waste in Spain. Buildings. 13(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings1303068513

    Visual attention in the evaluation of architectural spaces

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    [EN] Analysis of visual behaviour before a given stimulus is a tool for studying an observer’s most immediate, instinctive response. Recent access to technology able to locate and record the path the eye takes when observing a stimulus has led to growing interest in how we observe our environment. Studies which have simultaneously measured an observer’s subjective response and visual journey make it possible to establish a relationship between the way the image is observed and the observer’s visual attention to the image. This present paper describes an experimental study which applies this new technique for visual analysis to the observation of images used in recent architecture competitions. These measurement tools for measuring physiological responses can make a significant contribution to observer analysis.[ES] El análisis del comportamiento visual ante un determinado estímulo supone una herramienta de estudio de la respuesta más inmediata e instintiva del observador. La reciente accesibilidad a la tecnología capaz de rastrear y registrar el recorrido de la mirada ante la observación de un estímulo, ha puesto un interés creciente en cómo las personas observamos nuestro entorno.Aquellos estudios en los que se ha medido simultáneamente la respuesta subjetiva del observador y su recorrido visual, permiten establecer que existe una relación entre el modo de observar la imagen y la atención visual del observador ante la imagen.El presente artículo describe un estudio experimental en el que hemos aplicado esta nueva técnica de análisis visual a la observación de imágenes empleadas en recientes concursos de arquitectura. La contribución de estas herramientas de medida de la respuesta fisiológica puede suponer un gran avance en el análisis de la percepción del observador.Este trabajo de investigación ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (proyecto TIN2013-45736-R)Iñarra Abad, S.; Juan Vidal, F.; Llinares Millán, C.; Guixeres Provinciale, J. (2015). Atención visual en la evaluación de espacios arquitectónicos. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 20(25):228-237. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2015.3585SWORD228237202