441 research outputs found

    The Relevance of FATF\u27s Recommendations and Fourth Round of Mutual Evaluations to the Legal Profession

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    More than two hundred countriesin the world have agreed to abide by the anti-money laundering ( AML ) recommendations developed by the Financial Action Task Force ( FATF ), which is an intergovernmental organization. This Article focuses on the potential impact on the legal profession of FATF\u27s fourth round of mutual evaluations. During these mutual evaluations, which currently are underway, FATF-affiliated countries examine each other\u27s compliance with the FATF Recommendations and recommend follow-up action. This Article first presents the legal profession-related results from the completed Mutual Evaluation Reports. A number of these FATF Reports recommend changes that include requiring lawyers to report suspicious client transactions, greater enforcement of existing lawyer AML rules, and changing the entities that supervise lawyer AML efforts. The next Part of this Article examines the legal profession AML situation in the Authors\u27 home countries of the United States and Peru, noting the current or potential impact in these countries of the FATF Recommendations, the FATF Mutual Evaluation process, and lawyer-related money laundering scandals. The final Part of this Article suggests and alternative, education-focused, peer-review approach to the legal profession portions of the FATF Mutual Evaluations that arguably would decrease lawyer facilitation of criminal money laundering activities while better protecting traditional lawyer values that are globally recognized as important components of administration of justice and rule of law systems. Because the regulatory impact of FATF\u27s mutual evaluations may be much broader than anti-money laundering issues, everyone interested in the topic of lawyer regulation should be aware of the FATF Recommendations and the ongoing mutual evaluation process

    The Unfolding of Lucas’s Story in an Inclusive Classroom: Living, Playing, and Becoming in the Social World of Kindergarten

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    Tells stories about a vibrant kindergartner named Lucas through the viewpoints of his mother (Emma), teacher (Carmen), and teacher-educator (Haeny). In this multi-voiced story, the narrative centers on Lucas and shifts outward toward those orbiting Lucas’s wondrously playful universe. The magic of Lucas’s unfolding story is in the ways it disrupts conventional discourses about labels, interventions, and imposed meanings of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    Amyloid precursor protein processing in human neurons with an allelic series of the PSEN1 intron 4 deletion mutation and total presenilin-1 knockout

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    Mutations in presenilin-1 (PSEN1), encoding the catalytic subunit of the amyloid precursor protein-processing enzyme γ-secretase, cause familial Alzheimer’s disease. However, the mechanism of disease is yet to be fully understood and it remains contentious whether mutations exert their effects predominantly through gain or loss of function. To address this question, we generated an isogenic allelic series for the PSEN1 mutation intron 4 deletion; represented by control, heterozygous and homozygous mutant induced pluripotent stem cells in addition to a presenilin-1 knockout line. Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neurons reveal reduced, yet detectable amyloid-beta levels in the presenilin-1 knockout line, and a mutant gene dosage-dependent defect in amyloid precursor protein processing in PSEN1 intron 4 deletion lines, consistent with reduced processivity of γ-secretase. The different effects of presenilin-1 knockout and the PSEN1 intron 4 deletion mutation on amyloid precursor protein-C99 fragment accumulation, nicastrin maturation and amyloid-beta peptide generation support distinct consequences of familial Alzheimer’s disease-associated mutations and knockout of presenilin-1 on the function of γ-secretase

    Current Insights into Interethnic Variability in Testicular Cancers: Population Pharmacogenetics, Clinical Trials, Genetic Basis of Chemotherapy Induced Toxicities and Molecular Signal Transduction

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    Testicular cancer is an aggressive malignancy with a rising incidence rate across the globe. Testicular germ cell tumors are the most commonly diagnosed cancers, and surgical removal of the testes is often a radical necessity along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. While seminomas are receptive to radiotherapy as well as chemotherapy, non-seminomatous germ cell tumors respond to chemotherapy only. Due to the singular nature of testicular cancers with associated orchiectomy and mortality, it is important to study the molecular basis and genetic underpinnings of this group of cancers across male populations globally. In this review, we shed light on the population pharmacogenetics of testicular cancer, pediatric and adult tumors, current clinical trials, genetic determinants of chemotherapy-induced toxicity in testicular cancer, as well as the molecular signal transduction pathways operating in this malignancy. Taken together, our discussions will help in enhancing our understanding of genetic factors in testicular carcinogenesis and chemotherapy-induced toxicity, augment our knowledge of this aggressive cancer at the cellular and molecular level, as well as improve precision medicine approaches to combat this disease


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    Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron identificar y establecer las frecuencias de ectoparásitos en Cichlasoma amazonarum (Pisces: Cichlidae) criados en estanques en la zona de Iquitos, Perú, entre octubre y diciembre de 2004. Se colectaron ectoparásitos de tegumento y branquias en 227 peces. Los parásitos fueron teñidos con Hematoxilina de Delafield. La frecuencia de infecciones por ectoparásitos fue de 78.0 ± 6.1% de monogeneos y 0.9% de maxillopoda (Crustacea: Branchiura). Dentro de los monogeneos, el 88.1% correspondió a parásitos de la familia Dactylogyridae, 6.2% a la familia Gyrodactylidae y 5.7% a infecciones mixtas de ambas familias. Los maxillopoda encontrados fueron de la especie Dolops geayi. El 80.2% de los peces muestreados presentaron de uno a tres parásitos por individuo, lo que indica niveles bajos que no afectan la salud de los peces. No se encontró una correlación significativa entre las medidas biométricas de los peces con la infección de monogeneos. Los resultados del presente estudio indican que la presencia de monogeneos en cíclidos amazónicos peruanos es común.The aim of the present study was to identify ectoparasites and to establish the frequencies of infections in Cichlasoma amazonarum (Pisces: Cichlidae) raised in artificial ponds in Iquitos, Peru from October to December 2004. Ectoparasites collected from the skin and gills in 225 fish were stained using Delafield Hematoxiline. The frequency of ectoparasites was 78.0 ± 6.1% monogeneans and 0.9% maxillopoda (Crustacea: Branchiura). Among monogenean infections, 88.1% corresponded to parasites of Dactylofyridae family and 6.2% of Gyrodactylidae family, whereas 5.7% to mixed infections of both families. All maxillopoda found were Dolops geayi. One to three parasites per individual were found in 80.2% of the sampled fish, indicating of low parasite burden, which may no affect fish health. There was no significant correlation between biometric measurements and monogeneans infection in C. amazonarum. This study could indicate that monogeneans in Peruvian Amazon cichlids are common

    Plan de negocio para la intermediaci?n entre restaurantes y personas que desean realizar reservas de mesa, selecci?n de platos y bebidas y pago de cuenta mediante una aplicaci?n m?vil

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    El presente plan de negocio busca evaluar la viabilidad comercial, operativa y econ?mica para el desarrollo de una plataforma digital denominada Appetito, la cual brindar? el servicio de intermediaci?n entre restaurantes y comensales, mediante una aplicaci?n m?vil, plataforma web y m?dulo de integraci?n con los sistemas de restaurantes, que facilitar?: el proceso de reserva, el proceso de pedido de platos de comida y bebida y el proceso de pago. Es as? que este startup o emprendimiento basado en un modelo de tipo orquestador de redes, permitir? armar grupos de participantes a un evento como almuerzo o cena, realizar reservas en restaurantes, realizar el pedido por anticipado, dividir la cuenta para que cada comensal pueda pagar lo consumido desde su propio celular y recibir la confirmaci?n en tiempo real desde el sistema del restaurante. Asimismo el restaurante podr? agilizar el proceso de reserva, pedido y cobro, generando mejoras en sus procesos operativos, como el proceso de preparaci?n de los platos, debido a la anticipaci?n de los pedidos, generando mejoras en los procesos, como mayor rotaci?n de mesas, disminuci?n del proceso de cobro de la cuenta, disminuci?n de los cuellos de botella en la cocina y mejor conocimiento y experiencia del cliente
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