117 research outputs found

    Educació física i globalitat de l'ensenyament

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    Cos, identitat i diversitat cultural. Presentació

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    Cos, identitat i immigració constitueixen tres realitats que quan convergeixen generen un nou punt de mira del fet migratori a la societat actual. La vivència de la pròpia corporalitat i els matisos que adquireix aquest procés en la població immigrada permeten entreteixir un discurs que mostra una nova dimensió de la construcció de la pròpia identitat en les societats multiculturals. La principal intenció del present monogràfic és, doncs, obrir una nova via de reflexió sobre el fet migratori i alhora fer visible la implicació de la cultura corporal en les transformacions socials

    Cos, identitat i diversitat cultural. Presentació

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    The social inclusion of immigrant girls in and through physical education. Perceptions and decisions of physical education teachers

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    The current educational context in many European countries is characterised by a student population showing great cultural diversity due to the increased immigration of the last few decades. The goal of this study is to analyse the perceptions and decisions of physical education teachers in relation to improving the social inclusion of immigrant girls. The theoretical underpinning of this study is the concept of intersectionality as developed within third wave feminism. The methodological framework for this study is its focus on teacher thinking, with special attention paid to the concept of implicit theories. Two qualitative research techniques are used, the interview and the focus group, and participants were 19 physical education teachers from state primary schools in the Baix Llobregat region of Catalonia, Spain. The resulting data reveal these teachers’ beliefs regarding (a) their training in interculturality and gender, which they regard as very limited; (b) the engagement of immigrant girls in physical education activities, initially high but diminishing as they get older; (c) the involvement of girls’ families in their schooling, which may condition their degree of participation; (d) the various strategies and decisions that teachers must make about organisation and intervention, some of which concern whether and how to form mixed-gender groups for specific activities; and (e) the responsibility they feel for motivating immigrant girls to participate in physical education. Analysis of the results through the lens of intersectionality suggests that teacher education would be enhanced by (a) greater training in cultural diversity from the perspective of gender, with a view to fostering the inclusion of all students; (b) training in intercultural communication competence skills; (c) greater sensitisation to how language use and other classroom behaviours may unwittingly reinforce male dominance; and (d) the promotion of reflection in the context of situated practices

    Service-Learning in Physical Education Teacher Training. Physical Education in the Modelo Prison, Barcelona

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    In the Psychiatric Unit of the Modelo Prison, Barcelona, a physical education programme is carried out annually with the participation of University of Barcelona (UB) students. In this context, we carried out a study based on service learning parameters. The aim of the study was two fold: to determine the impact on inmates of the physical education programme that was undertaken with university students; and to assess what university students' learnt in the prison based socio-educational intervention programme. This paper describes the context of the research and the methodological basis of service learning. The qualitative tools to gather the information were: two focus group;a semi-structured interview with a representative of the unit's guards; and the students' field dairy. We present results that demonstrate the impact of the physical, sports activity on the socialisation of inmates, in terms of aspects such as communication and personal skills. The results also show the effect of the programme on the university students' learning processes, particularly with regard to the contextualisation of learning

    El professorat d'eduació Física a l'escola multicultural. Percepcions del context i necessitats de formació

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    El present article se centra en la situació del professorat d'Educació Física i les seves necessitats formatives per actuar adequadament en entorns d'escola multicultural. Amb aquesta finalitat es presenta la importància de l'educació física com a agent socialitzador per a l'alumnat immigrant, les diferents tendències de les investigacions específiques sobre formació del professorat d'Educació Física en temes d'immigració, i les dades obtingudes a través d'una investigació específica realitzada amb una mostra de 230 centres escolars de tot Catalunya. Com a aspectes més remarcables, cal assenyalar que encara que l'educació física i l'esport poden representar un espai de trobada molt valuós per a la interculturalitat, és important no deixar de banda una educació orientada cap a la convivència, i que la formació del professorat sigui coherent amb les necessitats reals que s'observen en i des dels centres escolars

    Didáctica de la Educación Física: Nuevos temas, nuevos contextos

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    Introducció al monogràfic.Introduction to the monograph.Introducción al monográfico

    Teaching for Immigrant Girls' Inclusion: Social Justice Physical Education Teachers' Involvement With School Stakeholders

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    Purpose: This study seeks to analyze the involvement of the various stakeholders related to the educational context, namely school management team, teaching staff, families, and students, to foster the social inclusion of immigrant girls through their participation in physical activities. Methods: Data consisted of interviews and focus group sessions involving 19 physical education (PE) teachers from state primary schools in Catalonia, Spain. Results: The involvement of the stakeholders can foster greater inclusion of such immigrant girls through initiatives, such as: extracurricular physical activities specifically designed for them; the creation of specific spaces for their physical activities; a greater number of PE class hours for immigrant newcomer pupils; supportive feedback for these girls from PE teachers; and greater consideration of these girls' interests and preference in PE programming. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the greater the degree of involvement and cohesion among the various parties, the higher the likelihood of successful social inclusion

    Educación física hoy: realidad y cambio curricular

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    Durante muchas décadas la Educación Física fue considerada un género menor dentro del amplio panorama de las cuestiones pedagógicas. La herencia del racionalismo moderno dio lugar a una concepción antropológica que escindió el ámbito intelectual y moral de la esfera corporal. Así se quebraba aquella filosofía clásica -asumida por los sabios humanistas del Renacimiento- que deseaba aunar el cuidado corporal con la cura del ánima, según un planteamiento sintético en el que convergía la tradición médico-hipocrática y la filosófico-socrática. Aquella reivindicación de la sátira de Juvenal en la que se reclamaba mens sana in corpore sano quedaba definitivamente truncada debido también a la influencia de la tradición judeo-cristlana. Felizmente, en los últimos tiempos hemos asistido a una recuperación de la educación física y, por ende, de los discursos pedagógicos corporales. Ello ha sido posible gracias a la rehabilitación del cuerpo en la cultura occidental, proceso que se precipitó en el siglo XVIlI con el naturalismo y el empirismo. Tal recuperación se acentuó a lo largo de los siglos XIX y xx con la irrupción del ideario médico-higienista (baños de mar, colonias escolares), la difusión de la gimnasia con sus distintas escuelas y tendencias nacionales (alemana, sueca, francesa), el dcsarroUo del deporte moderno surgido en los establecimientos educativos anglosajones (Inglaterra. Estados Unidos) y las actividades físicas en la naturaleza promovidas por el romanticismo (excursionismo, alpinismo, depones de mar)

    Defying some difficulties of the assessment of several generic competences

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    A reference to concepts, procedures and attitudes and also to acquisition of capacities was frequent when people were interchanging opinions about the aspects that could be evaluated in a university-level student. Now, we speak in terms of competences: there are specific competences, generic competences,. Just trying to speak about them is a hard job; to obtain competences will represent an enormous challenge. It’s important to mention the extensive difficulty to find a common definition of the word "competence". One of the many meanings is: the knowledge needed to do something, the knowledge needed to do something with people, the knowledge needed to do something with criteria, the knowledge of when and why is necessary to do something. Common elements to the numerous definitions are the references to: a set of conceptual knowledge, the procedures and the attitudes, feasibility in its learning with recurrent training, an explanation on its attainment in the action, its use in an efficient work and a necessary context. Some of the reasons used for the work by the competences in the educative sphere are the overcoming of the design based on content, the integration of diverse intelligences, the advance towards a unification of the areas of the knowledge, the true connection with a final applicability of the education in the work. A formation in competences demands several experiences that integrate knowledge and the practical design to apply these experiences – including several (and/or many) of them -, selecting and preparing the diverse scenes that promote them. One of the objectives of the hands-on session is to explain and to discuss about this kind of experiences, practical designs and stages. Even with all their limitations, the conventional tools have been useful for an evaluation of the degree of assimilation of the concepts and the capacities; nevertheless, the task is much more arduous - and with less explicit experience transmissible and transmitted - when a person moves in the reach of the evaluation in values and attitudes, and of the evaluation of the competitions located within a profile. In order to evaluate competences, the educational team defines evidences. This task must be done in team for many reasons. For example, the fact that many competences transfer the borders of the concrete territory in which an individual professor moves. The mentioned evidences will have to be pertinent, excellent, adapted and realistic. Often, to elaborate a scheme of the knowledge associated to each competence will identify diverse possibilities to demonstrate the possession of this competence through its development in a practical frame. Nevertheless, some competences (or some groups of competences) can be resisted to the previous practice. Perhaps it would be possible to lodge here the ethical behaviour, the capacity to learn, the responsibility, the team work, the creative and enterprising capacity, the multiple attention to sustainability and the subjects around the communicative capacity. Also the evidences for this sort of competences are targeted issues in the debates. Within the previous frame, the authors of this contribution have made tasks destined to the specification of several elements, in the work of the "CAU-AIDA" group of the professors of several universities , within the project #SEJ2007-65786 “Evaluation of competences of the university students in the face of the challenge of the EEES: description of the current scenario, analysis of good practices and proposals of transfer to different environments” and can offer some results of their task that shows there are options to approach some assessments about many generic competences. The planned procedure is to expose briefly some experiences and the referred evidences, devoted to the assessment that can be transferred, concerning each of the above mentioned generic competences.Peer Reviewe