41 research outputs found

    Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy: Clinical Application and Surgical Outcomes

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    The visualization of the level and pattern of apnea and hypopnea events is of pivotal importance in the diagnosis and therapeutic decision-making for sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). There are numerous techniques available to assess upper airway obstruction, which include imaging, acoustic analysis, pressure transducer recording, and endoscopic evaluation. Drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) is a diagnostic tool that allows the dynamic, three-dimensional evaluation of the patterns of vibration and collapse of the upper airway of SDB patients. DISE may change the initial surgical planning in a high percentage of cases. A universally accepted and methodologically standardized DISE could provide significant insight into its role to improve surgical outcomes. However, up to now the ideal DISE protocol remains an open question

    Dental caries status in adults with sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome

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    A study is made of dental caries in a group of adults with sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS), establishing comparisons with healthy individuals corresponding to the same population. A case-control series was analyzed, including patients with recentl

    Xerostomia in patients with sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome : a prospective case-control study

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    To describe the characteristics of xerostomia (dry mouth) in the population with sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) and contrast its prevalence versus that found in healthy subjects, and to compare the frequency of xerostomia in SAHS patients with and without continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment. A prospective comparative study was made between adults recently diagnosed with SAHS in a public hospital (n=60) and healthy individuals (n=54). The presence of xerostomia was assessed on waking up and during the day, using a frequency scale from 0 (?never?) to 3 (?always?). The prevalence of xerostomia on waking up in the SAHS group was 45%, versus 20.4% among the controls. During the rest of the day the prevalence of the symptom decreased in both the SAHS group (21.7%) and among the controls (9.3%). Multiple binary logistic regression analysis found body mass index (BMI) to be correlated to the association SAHS-xerostomia on waking up (p=0.007). Patients with moderate SAHS had a greater frequency of xerostomia than those with mild SAHS (p=0.022). The frequency of xerostomia on waking up was significantly greater in patients using CPAP than in those without such treatment (57.1% versus 16.7%, respectively) (p=0.008). The frequency of xerostomia was greater in patients with SAHS, particularly on waking up and in those receiving CPAP. The symptom was more prevalent in individuals with moderate to severe SAHS than in those with mild SAHS, and was significantly influenced by BMI

    Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy: Technique, Indications, Tips and Pitfalls

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    Drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) is a diagnostic tool to assess the upper airway of snorers and obstructive sleep apnea patients in conditions that mimic natural sleep. Although DISE appears simple and similar to awake endoscopy, there are many aspects that need to be standardized in order to obtain reliable and reproducible information. In this article, we will recommend how to reliably perform DISE, its indications, and how to obtain and interpret the information of the upper airway

    Optimizing Mandibular Advancement Maneuvers during Sleep Endoscopy with a Titratable Positioner: DISE-SAM Protocol

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    Mandibular advancement devices (MAD) are an effective alternative treatment to CPAP. Different maneuvers were performed during drug sleep-induced endoscopy (DISE) to mimic the effect of MAD. Using the Selector Avance Mandibular (SAM) device, we aimed to identify MAD candidates during DISE using a titratable, reproducible, and measurable maneuver. This DISE-SAM protocol may help to find the relationship between the severity of the respiratory disorder and the degree of response and determine the advancement required to improve the collapsibility of the upper airway. Explorations were performed in 161 patients (132 males; 29 females) with a mean age of 46.81 (SD = 11.42) years, BMI of 27.90 (SD = 4.19) kg/m2, and a mean AHI of 26.51 (SD = 21.23). The results showed no relationship between severity and MAD recommendation. Furthermore, there was a weak positive relationship between the advancement required to obtain a response and the disease severity. Using the DISE-SAM protocol, the response and the range of mandibular protrusion were assessed, avoiding the interexaminer bias of the jaw thrust maneuver. We suggest prescribing MAD as a single, alternative, or multiple treatment approaches following the SAM recommendations in a personalized design

    Barbed suture pharyngoplasty in velopharyngeal complete concentric collapse: a multicentric study

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    Abstract Background Studies have shown that complete concentric circular collapse (CCC) at the velum is a frequent finding in drug-induced sleep endoscopy, implying a worse prognosis for surgical outcomes in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Our group evaluated the results of pharyngoplasties with barbed sutures for this indication. We selected 48 patients with OSAS and CCC who underwent pharyngoplasty with barbed sutures in 8 tertiary centers. The outcome results were measured by polygraphy or polysomnography and Epworth Symptoms Scale (ESS) at least 6 months after surgery. Results Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI) improved from 34.9/h [21.2] to 12.7/h [10.6]. The success rate according to Sher's criteria was 86.7%, the cure rate was 23.9%, and an AHI < 10 occurred in 42.2% of the cases. The oxygen desaturation index improved from 32.5/h [29.9] to 12.5/h SD [11.6], and the ESS improved from 10.2 [5.2] to 6 [3.5]. Conclusions Pharyngoplasty with barbed sutures seems to be a good alternative for patients with OSAS and CCC findings in drug-induced sleep endoscopy

    Does nasal surgery improve multilevel surgical outcome in obstructive sleep apnea:A multicenter study on 735 patients

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    Objective Does nasal surgery affect multilevel surgical success outcome. Methods Prospective eight country nonrandomized trial of 735 obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients, who had multilevel palate and/or tongue surgery, divided into two groups, with or without nose surgery. Results There were 575 patients in nose group, 160 patients in no nose group. The mean age for nose group 44.6 ± 11.4, no nose group 44.2 ± 11.8. Mean preoperative BMI for nose group 27.5 ± 3.6, no nose group 27.5 ± 4.1, mean postoperative BMI nose group 26.3 ± 3.7, no nose group 27.1 ± 3.8 (P = .006). Mean preoperative AHI nose group 32.7 ± 19.4, no nose group 34.3 ± 25.0 (P = .377); and mean postoperative AHI nose group 13.5 ± 10.2, no nose group 17.1 ± 16.0 (P = .001). Mean preoperative ESS nose group was 11.3 ± 4.7, no nose group was 10.4 ± 5.4 (P = .051); and mean postoperative ESS nose group was 5.3 ± 3.2, no nose group was 6.7 ± 2.8 (P = .001). The nose group had higher percentage change (adjusted for age, gender, BMI) in AHI (33.7%, 95% CI 14% to 53.5%) compared to the no nose group (P = .001); the nose group also had more percentage change in ESS (37%, 95% CI 23.6% to 50.3%) compared to the no nose group (P < .001). Change in BMI did not affect AHI nor ESS change (Cohen effect 0.03 and 0.14, respectively). AHI change in both groups were also statistically significant in the mild OSA (P = .008) and the severe OSA (P = .01). Success rate of surgery for the nose group 68.2%, while the no nose group 55.0% (P = .002). Conclusion Combining nose surgery in multilevel surgery improves surgical success. Level of evidence IIC

    Risk of diabetes in patients with sleep apnea: comparison of surgery versus CPAP in a long-term follow-up study

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    This study aimed to obtain a comprehensive view of the risk of developing diabetes in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and to compare this risk between patients receiving continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy versus upper airway surgery (UAS). We used local and the global-scale federated data research network TriNetX to obtain access to electronic medical records, including those for patients diagnosed with OSA, from health-care organizations (HCOs) worldwide. Using propensity score matching and the score-matched analyses of data for 5 years of follow-up, we found that patients who had undergone UAS had a lower risk of developing diabetes than those who used CPAP (risk ratio 0.415, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.349-0.493). The risk for newly diagnosed diabetes patients showed a similar pattern (hazard ratio 0.382; 95% CI 0.317-0.459). Both therapies seem to protect against diabetes (Risk 0.081 after UAS vs. 0.195 after CPAP). Analysis of the large data sets collected from HCOs in Europe and globally lead us to conclude that, in patients with OSA, UAS can prevent the development of diabetes better than CPAP

    Risk of cancer in patients with sleep apnea: comparison of surgery versus CPAP in a long-term follow-up study

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    Purpose This study aimed to obtain a comprehensive view of the risk of developing cancer in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and to compare this risk between patients receiving continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy versus upper airway surgery (UAS). Methods We used both local data and a global-scale federated data research network, TriNetX, to access electronic medical records, including those of patients diagnosed with OSA from health-care organizations (HCOs) worldwide. We used propensity score matching and the score-matched analyses of data for 5 years of follow-up, Results We found that patients who had undergone UAS had a similar risk of developing cancer than those who used CPAP [hazard ratio of 0.767 (95% CI 0.559-1.053; P = 0.100)]. Conclusion Analysis of the large data sets collected from HCOs in Europe and globally lead us to conclude that in patients with OSA, neither CPAP nor UAS were associated with the development of cancer better than in non-treated patients

    Reply to: Letter to the Editor of Journal of Otolaryngology regarding 'Risk of diabetes in patients with sleep apnea: comparison of surgery versus CPAP in a long-term follow-up study'

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    A recent Letter published, in the Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery in response to our original article "Risk of diabetes in patients with sleep apnea: comparison of surgery versus Continous Positive Airway Pressure in a long-term follow-up study" raised some issues we would like to address here. However, we thank the authors for their effort and time in analyzing our manuscript and we want to facilitate a balanced discussion on this topic with our reply