776 research outputs found

    Rho and Sigma Mesons in Unitarized Thermal ChPT

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    We present our recent results for the rho and sigma mesons considered as resonances in pion-pion scattering in a thermal bath. We use chiral perturbation theory to fourth order in p for the low energy behaviour, then extend the analysis via the unitarization method of the Inverse Amplitude into the resonance region. The width of the rho broadens about twice the amount required by phase space considerations alone, its mass staying practically constant up to temperatures of order 150 MeV. The sigma meson behaves in accordance to chiral symmetry restoration expectations.Comment: Proc. Workshop Strong and Electroweak Matter 02, Heidelberg, German

    Two-meson cloud contribution to the baryon antidecuplet self-energy

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    We study the self-energy of the SU(3) antidecuplet coming from two-meson virtual clouds. Assuming that the exotic Theta+ belongs to an antidecuplet representation with N(1710) as nucleon partner, we derive effective Lagrangians that describe the decay of N(1710) into N pi pi with two pions in s- or p-wave. It is found that the self-energies for all members of the antidecuplet are attractive, and the larger strangeness particle is more bound. From two-meson cloud, we obtain about 20 % of the empirical mass splitting between states with different strangeness.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, Talk given at the 10th International Conference on Baryons (Baryons04), Palaiseau (France), October 25-29, 200

    Heavy Quark Fluorescence

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    Heavy hadrons containing heavy quarks (for example, Upsilon-mesons) feature a scale separation between the heavy quark mass (about 4.5 GeV for the b-quark) and the QCD scale (about 0.3 GeV}) that controls effective masses of lighter constituents. Therefore, as in ordinary molecules, the de-excitation of the lighter, faster degrees of freedom leaves the velocity distribution of the heavy quarks unchanged, populating the available decay channels in qualitatively predictable ways. Automatically an application of the Franck-Condon principle of molecular physics explains several puzzling results of Upsilon(5S) decays as measured by the Belle collaboration, such as the high rate of Bs*-anti Bs* versus Bs*-anti Bs production, the strength of three-body B-anti B + pion decays, or the dip in B momentum shown in these decays. We argue that the data is showing the first Sturm-Liouville zero of the Upsilon(5S) quantum mechanical squared wavefunction, and providing evidence for a largely b-anti b composition of this meson.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Figure 2 updated and some typos corrected. To be published in Physical Review Letter

    Dynamically induced scalar quark confinement

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    We employ a functional approach to investigate the confinement problem in quenched Landau gauge QCD. We demonstrate analytically that a linear rising potential between massive quarks is generated by infrared singularities in the dressed quark-gluon vertex. The selfconsistent mechanism that generates these singularities is driven by the scalar Dirac amplitudes of the full vertex and the quark propagator. These can only be present when chiral symmetry is broken. We have thus uncovered a novel mechanism that directly links chiral symmetry breaking with confinement.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; v2: clarifications added and typos corrected, version to be published by MPL

    Minimum of η/s\eta/s and the phase transition of the Linear Sigma Model in the large-N limit

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    We reexamine the possibility of employing the viscosity over entropy density ratio as a diagnostic tool to identify a phase transition in hadron physics to the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma and other circumstances where direct measurement of the order parameter or the free energy may be difficult. It has been conjectured that the minimum of eta/s does indeed occur at the phase transition. We now make a careful assessment in a controled theoretical framework, the Linear Sigma Model at large-N, and indeed find that the minimum of eta/s occurs near the second order phase transition of the model due to the rapid variation of the order parameter (here the sigma vacuum expectation value) at a temperature slightly smaller than the critical one.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, v2, some references and several figures added, typos corrected and certain arguments clarified, revised for PR

    The BES f_0(1810): a new glueball candidate

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    We analyze the f_0(1810) state recently observed by the BES collaboration via radiative J/\psi decay to a resonant \phi\omega spectrum and confront it with DM2 data and glueball theory. The DM2 group only measured \omega\omega decays and reported a pseudoscalar but no scalar resonance in this mass region. A rescattering mechanism from the open flavored KKbar decay channel is considered to explain why the resonance is only seen in the flavor asymmetric \omega\phi branch along with a discussion of positive C parity charmonia decays to strengthen the case for preferred open flavor glueball decays. We also calculate the total glueball decay width to be roughly 100 MeV, in agreement with the narrow, newly found f_0, and smaller than the expected estimate of 200-400 MeV. We conclude that this discovered scalar hadron is a solid glueball candidate and deserves further experimental investigation, especially in the K-Kbar channel. Finally we comment on other, but less likely, possible assignments for this state.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Major substantive additions, including an ab-initio, QCD-based computation of the glueball inclusive decay width, evaluation of final state effects, and enhanced discussion of several alternative possibilities. Our conclusions are unchanged: the BES f_0(1810) is a promising glueball candidat

    Local Two-Photon Couplings and the J=0 Fixed Pole in Real and Virtual Compton Scattering

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    The local coupling of two photons to the fundamental quark currents of a hadron gives an energy-independent contribution to the Compton amplitude proportional to the charge squared of the struck quark, a contribution which has no analog in hadron scattering reactions. We show that this local contribution has a real phase and is universal, giving the same contribution for real or virtual Compton scattering for any photon virtuality and skewness at fixed momentum transfer squared t. The t-dependence of this J=0 fixed Regge pole is parameterized by a yet unmeasured even charge-conjugation form factor of the target nucleon. The t=0 limit gives an important constraint on the dependence of the nucleon mass on the quark mass through the Weisberger relation. We discuss how this 1/x form factor can be extracted from high energy deeply virtual Compton scattering and examine predictions given by models of the H generalized parton distribution.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Fermion family recurrences in the Dyson-Schwinger formalism

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    We study the multiple solutions of the truncated propagator Dyson-Schwinger equation for a simple fermion theory with Yukawa coupling to a scalar field. Upon increasing the coupling constant gg, other parameters being fixed, more than one non-perturbative solution breaking chiral symmetry becomes possible and we find these numerically. These ``recurrences'' appear as a mechanism to generate different fermion generations as quanta of the same fundamental field in an interacting field theory, without assuming any composite structure. The number of recurrences or flavors is reduced to a question about the value of the Yukawa coupling, and has no special profound significance in the Standard Model. The resulting mass function can have one or more nodes and the measurement that potentially detects them can be thought of as a collider-based test of the virtual dispersion relation E=p2+M(p2)2E=\sqrt{p^2+M(p^2)^2} for the charged lepton member of each family. This requires three independent measurements of the charged lepton's energy, three-momentum and off-shellness. We illustrate how this can be achieved for the (more difficult) case of the tau lepton