10 research outputs found

    Transmission dynamics of rabies virus in Thailand: Implications for disease control

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    BACKGROUND: In Thailand, rabies remains a neglected disease with authorities continuing to rely on human death statistics while ignoring the financial burden resulting from an enormous increase in post-exposure prophylaxis. Past attempts to conduct a mass dog vaccination and sterilization program have been limited to Bangkok city and have not been successful. We have used molecular epidemiology to define geographic localization of rabies virus phylogroups and their pattern of spread in Thailand. METHODS: We analyzed 239 nucleoprotein gene sequences from animal and human brain samples collected from all over Thailand between 1998 and 2002. We then reconstructed a phylogenetic tree correlating these data with geographical information. RESULTS: All sequences formed a monophyletic tree of 2 distinct phylogroups, TH1 and TH2. Three subgroups were identified in the TH1 subgroup and were distributed in the middle region of the country. Eight subgroups of TH2 viruses were identified widely distributed throughout the country overlapping the TH1 territory. There was a correlation between human-dependent transportation routes and the distribution of virus. CONCLUSION: Inter-regional migration paths of the viruses might be correlated with translocation of dogs associated with humans. Interconnecting factors between human socioeconomic and population density might determine the transmission dynamics of virus in a rural-to-urban polarity. The presence of 2 or more rabies virus groups in a location might be indicative of a gene flow, reflecting a translocation of dogs within such region and adjacent areas. Different approaches may be required for rabies control based on the homo- or heterogeneity of the virus. Areas containing homogeneous virus populations should be targeted first. Control of dog movement associated with humans is essential

    Implied cost of capital investment strategies - evidence from international stock markets

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    Investors can generate excess returns by implementing trading strategies based on publicly available equity analyst forecasts. This paper captures the information provided by analysts by the implied cost of capital (ICC), the internal rate of return that equates a firm's share price to the present value of analysts' earnings forecasts. We find that U.S. stocks with a high ICC outperform low ICC stocks on average by 6.0% per year. This spread is significant when controlling the investment returns for their risk exposure as proxied by standard pricing models. Further analysis across the world's largest equity markets validates these results

    A study of data-driven momentum and disposition effects in the Chinese stock market by functional data analysis

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    We apply a functional data analysis approach to decompose the cross-sectional Fama–French three-factor model residuals in the Chinese stock market. Our results indicate that other than Fama–French three factors, there are two orthonormal asset pricing factors describing the behavioral biases in their historical performances: between winner and loser stocks, and extreme and mediocre-performing stocks, respectively. We explain these two factors through investors’ overreaction, overconfidence and the lead-lag effect. These findings empirically show the existence of momentum and disposition effects in the Chinese stock market. A buy-and-hold mean-variance optimized portfolio incorporating these two market anomalies boosts the Sharpe ratio to 1.27

    The impact of country-level corporate governance on research and development

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    We investigate the process through which country-level corporate governance facilitates firm-level investment in research and development (R&D). Taking cash flow as one of the main determinants of R&D, we derive an econometric model that introduces a number of corporate governance factors (legal protection, financial system, and control mechanisms) to analyze their impact on R&D-cash flow sensitivity. Using data from nine European Union countries, Japan, and the United States, we show that R&D at the firm level is less sensitive to internal cash flow in countries with effective investor protection, developed financial systems, and strong corporate control mechanisms. Specifically, our analysis suggests that the characteristics of the corporate governance system that facilitate R&D are a common law legal environment, minority shareholder protection, strong law enforcement, a bank-based financial system, effective board control, and a strong market for corporate control. This evidence points to corporate governance as a key element in R&D investment, and contributes to the debate on whether country-level corporate governance systems can facilitate R&D projects and, indirectly, promote economic growth