1,768 research outputs found

    On the Aggregation of Inertial Particles in Random Flows

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    We describe a criterion for particles suspended in a randomly moving fluid to aggregate. Aggregation occurs when the expectation value of a random variable is negative. This random variable evolves under a stochastic differential equation. We analyse this equation in detail in the limit where the correlation time of the velocity field of the fluid is very short, such that the stochastic differential equation is a Langevin equation.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    UV-induced ligand exchange in MHC class I protein crystals

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    High-throughput structure determination of protein−ligand complexes is central in drug development and structural proteomics. To facilitate such high-throughput structure determination we designed an induced replacement strategy. Crystals of a protein complex bound to a photosensitive ligand are exposed to UV light, inducing the departure of the bound ligand, allowing a new ligand to soak in. We exemplify the approach for a class of protein complexes that is especially recalcitrant to high-throughput strategies: the MHC class I proteins. We developed a UV-sensitive, “conditional”, peptide ligand whose UV-induced cleavage in the crystals leads to the exchange of the low-affinity lytic fragments for full-length peptides introduced in the crystallant solution. This “in crystallo” exchange is monitored by the loss of seleno-methionine anomalous diffraction signal of the conditional peptide compared to the signal of labeled MHC β2m subunit. This method has the potential to facilitate high-throughput crystallography in various protein families

    Class I major histocompatibility complexes loaded by a periodate trigger

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    Class I major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs) present peptide ligands on the cell surface for recognition by appropriate cytotoxic T cells. The unstable nature of unliganded MHC necessitates the production of recombinant class I complexes through in vitro refolding reactions in the presence of an added excess of peptides. This strategy is not amenable to high-throughput production of vast collections of class I complexes. To address this issue, we recently designed photocaged MHC ligands that can be cleaved by a UV light trigger in the MHC bound state under conditions that do not affect the integrity of the MHC structure. The results obtained with photocaged MHC ligands demonstrate that conditional MHC ligands can form a generally applicable concept for the creation of defined peptide−MHCs. However, the use of UV exposure to mediate ligand exchange is unsuited for a number of applications, due to the lack of UV penetration through cell culture systems and due to the transfer of heat upon UV irradiation, which can induce evaporation. To overcome these limitations, here, we provide proof-of-concept for the generation of defined peptide−MHCs by chemical trigger-induced ligand exchange. The crystal structure of the MHC with the novel chemosensitive ligand showcases that the ligand occupies the expected binding site, in a conformation where the hydroxyl groups should be reactive to periodate. We proceed to validate this technology by producing peptide−MHCs that can be used for T cell detection. The methodology that we describe here should allow loading of MHCs with defined peptides in cell culture devices, thereby permitting antigen-specific T cell expansion and purification for cell therapy. In addition, this technology will be useful to develop miniaturized assay systems for performing high-throughput screens for natural and unnatural MHC ligands

    Highly Efficient Source for Indistinguishable Photons of Controlled Shape

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    We demonstrate a straightforward implementation of a push-button like single-photon source which is based on a strongly coupled atom-cavity system. The device operates intermittently for periods of up to 100 microseconds, with single-photon repetition rates of 1.0 MHz and an efficiency of 60 %. Atoms are loaded into the cavity using an atomic fountain, with the upper turning point near the cavity's mode centre. This ensures long interaction times without any disturbances induced by trapping potentials. The latter is the key to reaching deterministic efficiencies as high as obtained in probabalistic photon-heralding schemes. The price to pay is the random loading of atoms into the cavity and the resulting intermittency. However, for all practical purposes, this has a negligible impact

    The Palomar Testbed Interferometer Calibrator Catalog

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    The Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) archive of observations between 1998 and 2005 is examined for objects appropriate for calibration of optical long-baseline interferometer observations - stars that are predictably point-like and single. Approximately 1,400 nights of data on 1,800 objects were examined for this investigation. We compare those observations to an intensively studied object that is a suitable calibrator, HD217014, and statistically compare each candidate calibrator to that object by computing both a Mahalanobis distance and a Principal Component Analysis. Our hypothesis is that the frequency distribution of visibility data associated with calibrator stars differs from non-calibrator stars such as binary stars. Spectroscopic binaries resolved by PTI, objects known to be unsuitable for calibrator use, are similarly tested to establish detection limits of this approach. From this investigation, we find more than 350 observed stars suitable for use as calibrators (with an additional 140\approx 140 being rejected), corresponding to 95\gtrsim 95% sky coverage for PTI. This approach is noteworthy in that it rigorously establishes calibration sources through a traceable, empirical methodology, leveraging the predictions of spectral energy distribution modeling but also verifying it with the rich body of PTI's on-sky observations.Comment: 100 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables; to appear in the May 2008ApJS, v176n

    A Study of T Cell Tolerance to the Tumor-Associated Antigen MDM2: Cytokines Can Restore Antigen Responsiveness, but Not High Avidity T Cell Function

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    BACKGROUND: Most tumor-associated antigens (TAA) currently used for immunotherapy of cancer are also expressed in normal tissues, which may induce tolerance and impair T cell-mediated immunity. However, there is limited information about how physiological expression in normal tissues alters the function of TAA-specific T cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used a T cell receptor transgenic model to study how MDM2 expression in normal tissues affects the function of T cells specific for this TAA that is found at high levels in many different types of tumors. We found that some MDM2-specific T cells escaped thymic deletion and persisted in the peripheral T cell pool. When stimulated with antigen, these T cells readily initiated cell division but failed to proliferate and expand, which was associated with a high rate of apoptosis. Both IL-2 and IL-15 efficiently rescued T cell survival and antigen-specific T cell proliferation, while IL-7 and IL-21 were ineffective. Antigen-stimulated T cells showed impaired expression of the effector molecules CD43, granzyme-B and IFN-γ, a defect that was completely restored when T cells were stimulated in the presence of IL-2. In contrast, IL-15 and IL-21 only restored the expression of CD43 and granzyme-B, but not IFN-γ production. Finally, peptide titration experiments with IL-2 rescued T cells indicated that they were of lower avidity than non-tolerant control T cells expressing the same TCR. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data indicate that cytokines can rescue the antigen-specific proliferation and effector function of MDM2-specific T cells, although this does not lead to the recovery of high avidity T cell function. This study sheds light on possible limitations of immunotherapy approaches that target widely expressed TAA, such as MDM2