24 research outputs found

    Archaeological Monuments in Zmijavci Reflections on the Occasion of rescue Excavations in 1995

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    Povod i poticaj ovim razmatranjima zaštitna su arheološka istraživanja u Zmijavcima iz godine 2005. Autor donosi pregled s kratkim opisom arheoloških spomenika na području istoimene općine, navodeći naslove i autore koji su obrađivali njima posvećene teme. U središtu zanimanja je arheološka zona oko Bublina, gdje se nalazi prije otkrivena ranokršćanska bazilika na Crkvini, te obližnja Dikovača, iznimno značajan spomenik s materijalnim ostacima iz prapovijesti, antike i srednjeg vijeka. Prilog poznavanju povijesti ovdašnjeg antičkog naselja je i opis novootkrivenih ostataka arhitekture na položaju Brnasuša u zaselku Garci.Inspired by archaeological rescue excavations around site Dikovača in Zmijavci in 2005, the author gives a survey and short description of the archaeological monuments that are scattered along the south-western edge of the Imotski Bekinja valley and provides titles and authors that worked on topics related to them. The exceptionally rich heritage from prehistoric times is represented by remains of fortified settlements on hill Liskovac dating to the Bronze Age, the Todorić hill-fort and hill-fort Radež, as well as approximately 50 unexplored prehistoric tumuli. Being near the centre of the Roman municipium Novae (municipium Novensium) in settlement Runovići, this area abounds also in ancient monuments, architectural remains, traces of Roman roads and moveable finds discovered in several different locations. The continues presence of people during the Middle Ages is testified by burials in certain prehistoric tumuli and particularly by late mediaeval graveyards that are characterized by typical monuments- tombstones at Dikovača and site Brižine. Indicating to an inappropriate behaviour of the present-day population towards the remains from the past, the author mentions examples of past and recent destructions of individual monuments, of which one initiated the mentioned rescue excavations. Focal point of interest of these reflections is the archaeological zone around Bublin, where the earlier explored early Christian basilica on Crkvina is located, but also Dikovača, which is a particularly important monument with material remains from the prehistoric, ancient and mediaeval period. Contributing to the knowledge of this ancient settlement’s history is also the description of the recently discovered remains of ancient structures at site Brnasuša in hamlet Garci

    Zavojane - A Contribution to the Archaeological Map of Zabiokovlje

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    Povod tekstu je slučajno otkriće primjeraka kasnosrednjovjekovnog nakita na mjesnom groblju u selu Zavojanima pored VJgorca. Osim para trojagodnih naušnica i pozlaćenih aplika garniture iz groba odrasle pokojnice, osobitu pozornost privlače prepoznatljivi ulomCi stećaka ugrađeni na fasadama crkve Blažene Djevice Marije. Autor donOSi osnovne podatke opovijesti naselja, te arheološkim lokalitetima s ovog dijela Zabiokovlja.Stimulated by the accidental discoveJY of gi/ded jl?Wellery, a pair of trer-head eamngs and decorative plates -aplicas, in the village ofZavojane in the V~orac area, the author presents the basic data on the history ofthis part ofZabiokovije. Along with the recognisable fmgmenls of the Bosnian standing tomb-stones, the stećei, built in the walls of the church of Blažen Djevica Marija (the Blessed Vi~in Mary), the said objects witness existence of a latemedieval cemetery at the location oft he new one. The paper contains a review of archeological sites in the greater area of Zavojane, and a brief description of a group of metal, ceramic and bone objects originating from prethistory, classical period, old Middle Ages and the New Age

    Proložac Donji Report on Excavations of the Site by the St. Michaels Church in Postranje

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    Autor donosi kratak pregled rezultata arheoloških istraživanja provedenih na položaju mjesnog groblja u Prološcu} Donjem-Postranju. Usprkos razorenosti i otežanim uvjetima rada} a zahvaljujući nalazima antičkog} kasnoantičkog} srednjovjekovnog i novovjekovnog} postturskog razdoblja} uspješno se prati gotovo dvomilenijski kontinuitet života ovdašnjeg naselja. Osim ostataka arhitekture}istraženo je 160 grobova iz spomenutih razdoblja} a prikupljeno mnogo pokretnih nalaza medu kojima se ističe cjelovito sačuvana dvostrana mitraička ikona.The author presents a brief review of archaeological excavations at the local graveyard in Proložac Donji -Postranje. In spite of destruction and hard working conditions, and thanks to finds from the Antiquity, Medieval and New Age (post Ottoman periods), the almost bimillennial continuity of life of the settlement is successfully followed up. Besides architectural remains, there have been excavated 160 graves of the above mentioned periods, and many mobile finds have been collected, including a completely preserved two-sided icon ofMitra

    Rescue Excavations at Proložac and Glavina in 1997 A Contribution to the Archaeological Map of Imotski Plain

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    Tijekom 1997. godine djelatnici Muzeja hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika iz Splita nadzirali su iskop za kanalizaciju kroz općinu Proložac, od Postranja, zaselka Prološca na zapadu, do Glavine Donje, otkrivši tri nova položaja važna za popunjavanje arheološke karte Imotskog polja.A team from the Jl!Juseum of Croatian Archaeolof{ical J1.onuments oversaw the constluction of a sewage system through the Proložac district, from Postranje, a hamlet ofProložac on the west, to Glavina Donja, discovering three sites that are important for supplementing the archaeological map ofthe Imotski Plain. Rescue test excavation was performed on part ofthe old cemetery at Gaza located opposite Opačac, at the source of the Vrijika River, and the archaeological zone of the same name, and 1 7 graves of the post-Turkish period with individual burials were uncovered. Similar graves were also excavated at nearby Luka in Glavina Donja. The large surface area would indicate several centuries ofburial, which has not yet been confirmed by actualfinds. Several dry stone walled grave plots covered by slab lids along the eastem bank of the Suvaja Stream contained individual burials. Although no grave goods were found, a nearby two-eaved stećak (standing mediaeval tombstone) would indicate late mediaeval burials in the area of a former Roman cemetery. The find of three bracelets confirms the archaeological signi/icance ofthe area below Kokića Glavica, which from the pre-Roman period to the present has been one of the most important settlements of this region

    Fort Čačvina Results of 1992-1996 Archaeological Excavations

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    Autor donosi kratki prikaz rezultata provedenih zaštitno istraživačkih radova na utvrdi Čačvini, smještenoj iznad istoimenog naselja, a oko 8,5 km sjeveroistočno od gradića Trilja. Zahvaljujući odličnom strateškom položaju uzvisine na kojoj počiva, njezine su posade uspješno pratile prolaz putnika i robe rimskim, odnosno trgovačko-karavanskimputom, donedavno najvažnijom poveznicom srednjodalmatinske obale i Cetinske krajine s naseljima jugozapadne Bosne. Ovdje obradeni pokretni nalaZi, potječu iz unutrašnjosti istočne kule. Medu njima, brojnošću prevladavaju predmeti kasnosrednjovjekovne materijalne kulture, ulomci grube keramike domaćeproizvodnje, majoličkog i staklenog posuda, te primjerci metalnog oruda i oružja. Osim o vojnom, oni govore i o značajnom civilnom karakteru utvrde više puta spomenute upovijesnim vrelima, počev od druge polovice 14., pa do njezina napuštanja sredinom 18. stoljeća.The author presents a brief review of results ofprotective and research works at the fort of Čačvina, situated above the village of the same name, about 8.5 km north-east of the town of Trilj. Thanks to the excellent strategic position ofthe elevation on which the fort is built, its garrisons successfully followed up transiting of passengers and goods by the Roman caravan road, until recently the most important connection ofthe Middle Dalmatian coast and Cetinska Krajina with villages of the south-western Bosnia. The mobile finds, presented in the paper, are found inside the eastern tower. By the multitude, prevail objects ofthe late medieval culture, fragments oflocal ceramics, majolica and glass vessels, as well as metal arms and tools.Besides military importance, they testify on the significant civilian character of the fort, several times mentioned in historic sources from the second half of the 14th century till its vacation in the mid 1f3!h century


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    Autori izvještavaju o zaštitnim arheološkim istraživanjima na položajima Velika Crljivica u Cisti Provo te kod crkve sv. lakova u Cisti Velikoj. Na Velikoj Crljivici, lokalitetu koji zauzima više od 3000 metara četvornih, nalazi se najveća skupina stećaka s područja današnje Dalmacije. Kasnosrednjovjekovno groblje formiralo se oko prapovijesnih gomila, a pokraj važne antičke prometnice i vrtače u kojoj se nalazi sedam obzidanih bunara. Na istočnoj strani lokaliteta istražen je manji dio kasnosrednjovjekovnoga i novovjekovnoga groblja te ostatka nekoć razorene prapovijesne gomile. Način pokapanja, nadgrobni stećci, okomito usađeni kameni bi/jezi i prilozi iz grobova datiraju ukope u 14.-15. stoljeće, odnosno u razdoblje osmanske vladavine. Istoj cjelini pripada zemljište Zgon, na zapadnoj strani lokaliteta, gdje je istraženo 17 grobova iz razdoblja osmanske vladavine ili nedugo nakon oslobođenja Imotske krajine od Turaka. S južne strane današnjega mjesnog groblja i crkve sv. lakova u Cisti Velikoj istraženo je dvanaest novovjekovnih grobova. Lokalitet se nalazi blizu prapovijesne gradine i antičke ceste. Nalazi iz iste arheološke zone, ostataka gospodarsko-stambenih zgrada na Aptovcu i Vinogradinama, te ranokršćanskoga iranosrednjovjekovnoga sakralno-sepulkralnog sklopa na obližnjim Crkvinama, podupiru ranije pretpostavljenu ubikaciju antičkog naselja Trono na području današnje Ciste Velike.The authors report on the protective archaeological excavations at the localities of Velika Crljivica and by the church of St. Jacob ill Cista Velika. The locality of Velika Crljivica, at the western end ofCista Provo, takes over 3,000 m\u27 oflal1d at both sides of the present road that covers the Roman road Salona-Tilurium-Narona. There are about 80 stećak tombstones of the trunk and pitched types here, the largest such group ill the present Dalmatia. Some of them are decorated with relieves, including two pitched ones reading the names ofthe deceased, the married couple Vladna and Jerko (Herko) Kustražić. About 300 m to the west is the village of Mala Crljivica with a smaller group of stećak tombstones, forming one complex with Velika Crljivica. The late-medieval graveyard formed around pre-historic mounds, and by this important Roman road and a karst valley with seven walled wells. At the eastern part of the site, there has been excavated a smaller part of the late Middle-Age and New-Age cemetery and remains ofa formerly destroyed pre-historic mound. The way of burying, the stećak lombstones and vertically placed tombstones and grave goods date the burials to the 14th-15th centuries, that is, to the period ofthe Turkish conquest. Ac the locality ofZgon, at Ihe western end of Velika Crljivica, 17 graves have been excavated, dated 10 the Turkish epoque or soon after liberation of the Imotska krajina district from the Turks. To the south, by the modern graveyard and the St. Jacob \u27s Church in Cista Velika, 12 New-Age graves have been excavated. The site is situated near the pre-historic mound and the Roman road, in an archeologically important area where excavated remains off arming and residentiai houses and an early-Christian and early-medieval sacral-sepulchral complex confirm the earlier locating of the ancient town of Trono. Translated by: D. Kečkeme

    The Medieval Graveyard in Pristeg

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    Autor izvještava ozaštitnom arheološkom sondiranju u selu Pristegu, smještenom na pola puta izmedu Benkovca i Stankuvaca. Izmedu dviju stambenih kuća, na imanju obitelji Dražina, otkriveno je 17 srednjovjekovnih grobova spo jednim ukopom. Osim rasporeda i karakteristične arhitekture raka, obzidanih, popodenih ipokrivenih kamenim pločama, njihovo približno datiranje omogućavaju naušnice pronadene u dječjim grobovima. Toponim Uželica, nadomak lokaliteta, ukazuje i na blizinu kasnosrednjovjekovnog naselja Ušelje Vasi.The author reports on protective archaeological sample excavations in the village of Pristeg) situated half way between Benkovac and Stankovci. Between two residentiai houses of the Dražina family)there have been found 17 medieval single graves. Besides by distribution and characteristic architecture of graves) walled) floor and ceiling covered with stone slabs) rough dating of the graves is also enabled by earrings found in children graveyards. The name Uželica of a nearby locality indicates vicinity of the late medieval settlement of Ušelje Vasi

    Proložac Donji Report on Excavations of the Site by the St. Michaels Church in Postranje

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    Autor donosi kratak pregled rezultata arheoloških istraživanja provedenih na položaju mjesnog groblja u Prološcu} Donjem-Postranju. Usprkos razorenosti i otežanim uvjetima rada} a zahvaljujući nalazima antičkog} kasnoantičkog} srednjovjekovnog i novovjekovnog} postturskog razdoblja} uspješno se prati gotovo dvomilenijski kontinuitet života ovdašnjeg naselja. Osim ostataka arhitekture}istraženo je 160 grobova iz spomenutih razdoblja} a prikupljeno mnogo pokretnih nalaza medu kojima se ističe cjelovito sačuvana dvostrana mitraička ikona.The author presents a brief review of archaeological excavations at the local graveyard in Proložac Donji -Postranje. In spite of destruction and hard working conditions, and thanks to finds from the Antiquity, Medieval and New Age (post Ottoman periods), the almost bimillennial continuity of life of the settlement is successfully followed up. Besides architectural remains, there have been excavated 160 graves of the above mentioned periods, and many mobile finds have been collected, including a completely preserved two-sided icon ofMitra

    Fort Čačvina Results of 1992-1996 Archaeological Excavations

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    Autor donosi kratki prikaz rezultata provedenih zaštitno istraživačkih radova na utvrdi Čačvini, smještenoj iznad istoimenog naselja, a oko 8,5 km sjeveroistočno od gradića Trilja. Zahvaljujući odličnom strateškom položaju uzvisine na kojoj počiva, njezine su posade uspješno pratile prolaz putnika i robe rimskim, odnosno trgovačko-karavanskimputom, donedavno najvažnijom poveznicom srednjodalmatinske obale i Cetinske krajine s naseljima jugozapadne Bosne. Ovdje obradeni pokretni nalaZi, potječu iz unutrašnjosti istočne kule. Medu njima, brojnošću prevladavaju predmeti kasnosrednjovjekovne materijalne kulture, ulomci grube keramike domaćeproizvodnje, majoličkog i staklenog posuda, te primjerci metalnog oruda i oružja. Osim o vojnom, oni govore i o značajnom civilnom karakteru utvrde više puta spomenute upovijesnim vrelima, počev od druge polovice 14., pa do njezina napuštanja sredinom 18. stoljeća.The author presents a brief review of results ofprotective and research works at the fort of Čačvina, situated above the village of the same name, about 8.5 km north-east of the town of Trilj. Thanks to the excellent strategic position ofthe elevation on which the fort is built, its garrisons successfully followed up transiting of passengers and goods by the Roman caravan road, until recently the most important connection ofthe Middle Dalmatian coast and Cetinska Krajina with villages of the south-western Bosnia. The mobile finds, presented in the paper, are found inside the eastern tower. By the multitude, prevail objects ofthe late medieval culture, fragments oflocal ceramics, majolica and glass vessels, as well as metal arms and tools.Besides military importance, they testify on the significant civilian character of the fort, several times mentioned in historic sources from the second half of the 14th century till its vacation in the mid 1f3!h century

    Podgreda -Dvorine in the Studenci near Imotski. Kontrihution to the Arcbaeological Map ofZahiokovlje

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    Autor izvještava o arheološkom sondiranju na položaju Podgreda u selu Studencima Imotske krajine. Na lokalitetu koji se nalazi uza sjeverni rub Studenačkog polja, otkrivena su dva groba s ostacima po jednog pokojnika. Premda bez nalaza, koji bi preciznije odredili datume ukopa, arhitektura grobova, svjedočanstva mještana o sličnim nalazima u blizini, kao i toponim Dvorine, ukazuju na arheološki važan položaj.The author reports on archaeological sample excavations at the locality of Podgreda in the village of Studenci, in Imutska Krajina. At the locality, situated by the northern end of the Studenci Field, there were found two graves with remains of one person in each of them. Although lacking any finds that would date the burials more precisely, the grave architecture, testimonies ofthe local inhabitants on similarfinds in the vicinities, as well as the very place name Dvorine "dvuri = mansiun ", indicate an archeologieally important lucalit