Archaeological Monuments in Zmijavci Reflections on the Occasion of rescue Excavations in 1995


Povod i poticaj ovim razmatranjima zaštitna su arheološka istraživanja u Zmijavcima iz godine 2005. Autor donosi pregled s kratkim opisom arheoloških spomenika na području istoimene općine, navodeći naslove i autore koji su obrađivali njima posvećene teme. U središtu zanimanja je arheološka zona oko Bublina, gdje se nalazi prije otkrivena ranokršćanska bazilika na Crkvini, te obližnja Dikovača, iznimno značajan spomenik s materijalnim ostacima iz prapovijesti, antike i srednjeg vijeka. Prilog poznavanju povijesti ovdašnjeg antičkog naselja je i opis novootkrivenih ostataka arhitekture na položaju Brnasuša u zaselku Garci.Inspired by archaeological rescue excavations around site Dikovača in Zmijavci in 2005, the author gives a survey and short description of the archaeological monuments that are scattered along the south-western edge of the Imotski Bekinja valley and provides titles and authors that worked on topics related to them. The exceptionally rich heritage from prehistoric times is represented by remains of fortified settlements on hill Liskovac dating to the Bronze Age, the Todorić hill-fort and hill-fort Radež, as well as approximately 50 unexplored prehistoric tumuli. Being near the centre of the Roman municipium Novae (municipium Novensium) in settlement Runovići, this area abounds also in ancient monuments, architectural remains, traces of Roman roads and moveable finds discovered in several different locations. The continues presence of people during the Middle Ages is testified by burials in certain prehistoric tumuli and particularly by late mediaeval graveyards that are characterized by typical monuments- tombstones at Dikovača and site Brižine. Indicating to an inappropriate behaviour of the present-day population towards the remains from the past, the author mentions examples of past and recent destructions of individual monuments, of which one initiated the mentioned rescue excavations. Focal point of interest of these reflections is the archaeological zone around Bublin, where the earlier explored early Christian basilica on Crkvina is located, but also Dikovača, which is a particularly important monument with material remains from the prehistoric, ancient and mediaeval period. Contributing to the knowledge of this ancient settlement’s history is also the description of the recently discovered remains of ancient structures at site Brnasuša in hamlet Garci

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