14 research outputs found
Body mass index and health-related quality of life in patients preparing for coronary angiography
There is evidence that body mass index (BMI) is related to some extent to the health related quality of life (HRQoL) in different populations. The purpose of our study was to investigate the relationship between the BMI and the HRQoL in patients awaiting coronary angiography. The sample consisted of 100 patients (68 males and 32 females) with symptomatology indicated for coronary angiography. For all of them BMI was calculated. They were also administered Duke Health profile questionnaire which measures adult self-reported functional health status. The findings reveal that BMI is related to some aspects of HRQoL. Considering this, health counseling directed at regulating body weight as part of the positive health behavior can benefit and improve some domains of the HRQoL and the QoL per se of the individuals having health problems
Body mass index and health-related quality of life in patients preparing for coronary angiography
There is evidence that body mass index (BMI) is related to some extent to the health related quality of life (HRQoL) in different populations. The purpose of our study was to investigate the relationship between the BMI and the HRQoL in patients awaiting coronary angiography. The sample consisted of 100 patients (68 males and 32 females) with symptomatology indicated for coronary angiography. For all of them BMI was calculated. They were also administered Duke Health profile questionnaire which measures adult self-reported functional health status. The findings reveal that BMI is related to some aspects of HRQoL. Considering this, health counseling directed at regulating body weight as part of the positive health behavior can benefit and improve some domains of the HRQoL and the QoL per se of the individuals having health problems
Body mass index and quality of life in patients waiting for coronary angiography
Aim: There is evidence that the body mass index (BMI) is related, to some extent, to the quality of life (QoL) in different populations. The
purpose of our study was to investigate the differences in QoL in relation to the BMI in patients awaiting coronary angiography.
Method: The sample consisted of 100 patients (68 males and 32 females) with symptoms indicating coronary angiography. For all of them
BMI was calculated. The participants completed the Duke Health profile questionnaire (DUKE) which measures adult self-reported functional
health status.
Results: After splitting the group in two according to the BMI median cut-off point, the findings reveal differences in the following aspects of
QoL secondary to BMI: mental health (p = .006), general health (p = .038), perceived health (p = .008), anxiety (p = .022), depression (p =
.008), anxiety-depression (p = .004), but not related to: physical health (p = .384), social health (p = .267), self-esteem (p = .172), pain (p =
.797), disability (p = .710).
Conclusion: Considering the findings, health counselling directed at regulating body weight is recommended as part of the positive health
behaviour. It can benefit and improve some domains of the QoL of individuals having health problems
Personality traits seen trough five dimensions of EPI instrument at CAD patients with Diabetes mellitus
The main objective that we expected is that there is a statistically significant difference between the means for the five dimensions on EPI instrument between patients with and patients without DM
Feeling of control over the illness and possible health benefits in cardiac surgery patients
The level of feeling of control over a certain health condition is an important factor in determining to what extent that condition will be considered stressful or not. Prolonged distress can disturb the bodily metabolism and consequently a stress-related disease can develop thus having a negative impact over the overall health
Боенка - Моето срце во сите бои
Можеби досега веќе сте виделе цртеж на срце во некоја книга. И да не е така, тоа не е страшно. Сигурен сум, сите ВИЕ сте слушнале и знаете дека во секој од нас “чука” по едно срце. Тоа неуморно работи кога се одмараме, играме, учиме, па дури и кога спиеме. Да му помогнеме со
знаење и умеење во тоа. Срцето ја има главната моторна сила која ја движи крвта низ целото тело. Тоа е сместено на посебно место. Се наоѓа во предниот дел на градниот кош, зад градната коска помеѓу двете белодробни крила.
Од голема важност за нашето здравје е да научиме доволно да го сакаме и да го почитуваме срцето. Кога тоа го знаеме ќе умееме да се грижиме и да го чуваме.
Овој орган има своја градба. Го сочинуваат четири шуплини: две предкомори и две комори. Има и четири залистоци.
Засега нема да го изучуваме овој многу важен човечки орган, туку ќе се запознаваме и ќе осознаваме за него низ дружење и игра.
Ја направивме оваа Боенка за ВАС, за да Ви помогне во тоа. Нека ова биде првиот заеднички чекор во најдолгиот марш ,,Негување на здрав и квалитетен живот,,. Тоа е најодговорната задача пред сите нас и како луѓе и како професионалци
Psychodynamics of stress and perceived life stress level at cardio surgical (CAD) patients in/at the Special Hospital for Surgical Diseases “FILIP II”
The aim of this study is to explore the psychodynamic of stress at CDH patients and the perceived level of life stress events as a risk factor in the development of the stress-related illness (coronary heart disease)
Прирачник за родители и наставници - Моето срце во сите бои
Сите знаеме дека во секој од нас „чука“ по едно срце. Тоа неуморно работи се додека сме
живи. Да му помогнеме со знаење и умеење во тоа. Срцето ја има главната моторна сила која ја
движи крвта низ целото тело и е витален орган.
Од голема важност за нашето здравје е да научиме доволно да го сакаме и да го почитуваме.
Кога тоа го знаеме, ќе умееме да се грижиме и да го чуваме.
Пред нас и вас стои одговорна задача. Да ја пренесеме оваа умешност на идните поколенија,
на нашите деца.
Нека ова биде првиот заеднички чекор во најдолгиот марш „Негување на здрав и квалитетен
Исполнувањето на оваа задача ќе значи оставање на најголемото богатство во наследство на
Qualitative and quantitative Analysis of the Parenting Styles, Coping Strategies and Perceived Stress in Mothers of Children who have undergone Cardiac Interventions
Exploring the parenting styles, coping strategies and perceived stress in parents of children who have undergone cardiac intervention are challenging issues because they affect the whole family dynamics. Ten mothers of children who have undergone cardiac intervention and ten mothers of healthy children, aged 5 to 14 were administered three questionnaires: Parenting styles Questionnaire, Cope and Perceived stress Questionnaire. The testing was conducted at the final day of their five-day summer camp in June 2011.
Exploration of psychosocial characteristics of parents living with the diagnosis of cardiac disease in their child is crucial for the entire team of those providing healthcare. Adequate medical as well as psychological diagnosis can provide adequate psychotherapeutic interventions which can have multi-faceted benefits both for the parents and children in the process of coping
Body Mass Index and Quality of Life in Patients Waiting for Coronary Angiography
AimThere is evidence that the body mass index (BMI) is related, to some extent, to the quality of life (QoL) in different populations. The purpose of our study was to investigate the differences in QoL in relation to the BMI in patients awaiting coronary angiography.MethodThe sample consisted of 100 patients (68 males and 32 females) with symptoms indicating coronary angiography. For all of them BMI was calculated. The participants completed the Duke Health profile questionnaire (DUKE) which measures adult self-reported functional health status.ResultsAfter splitting the group in two according to the BMI median cut-off point, the findings reveal differences in the following aspects of QoL secondary to BMI: mental health (p = .006), general health (p = .038), perceived health (p = .008), anxiety (p = .022), depression (p = .008), anxiety-depression (p = .004), but not related to: physical health (p = .384), social health (p = .267), self-esteem (p = .172), pain (p = .797), disability (p = .710).ConclusionConsidering the findings, health counselling directed at regulating body weight is recommended as part of the positive health behaviour. It can benefit and improve some domains of the QoL of individuals having health problems