8 research outputs found

    An Ontology for Virtual Organization Breeding Environments

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    Short Message Service (SMS) merupakan sebuah revolusi teknologi komunikasi yang sangat popular. Dengan menggunakan SMS seseorang dapat saling bertukar pesan dengan orang lain. Namun,dengan adanya masalah penyadapan SMS, seseorangsudah tidaklagi mempunyai hak privasi. Sehingga akan dikembangkan  sebuahprogram aplikasi padatelepon selularberbasis Android yangakan merubahpesan SMS menjadi kode-kode agar isi informasi dari SMS tersebut tidak diketahui orang lain. Dalam pengiriman SMS, aplikasi ini akan mengenkripsi pesan ke dalam bentuk kode dengan key yang diinputkan oleh pengirim yang kemudian pesan kode tersebut dikirm ke nomor tujuan. Dalam penerimaan SMS, aplikasi ini akan mendekripsi pesan kode tersebut ke dalam bentuk pesan asli dengan menggunakan key yang samadengankey pengirim. Aplikasi ini dapat dimanfaatkan olehseseorang yang menggunakan telepon selular berbasis Android untuk mengirimkan suatu pesan penting kepada oranglain tanpa takut diketahuioleh orang yang tidak berwenang. Metode yang digunakanaplikasi ini dalam mengenkripsi dan mendekripsi pesan adalah metode blok cipheralgoritma DES dan implementasinya menggunakanbahasa pemrograman Java dengan platform mobile Android.

    Rational Engineering of Hydratase from Lactobacillus Acidophilus Reveals Critical Residues Directing Substrate Specificity and Regioselectivity

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    Enzymatic conversion of abundant fatty acids (FAs) through fatty acid hydratases (FAHs) presents an environment-friendly and efficient route for production of high-value hydroxy fatty acids (HFAs). However, a limited diversity was achieved among HFAs to date with respect to chain length and hydroxy group position, due to high substrate- and regio-selectivity of hydratases. In this study, we compared two highly similar FAHs from Lactobacillus acidophilus: FA-HY2 has narrow substrate scope and strict regioselectivity, whereas FA-HY1 utilize longer chain substrates and hydrate various double bond positions. We reveal three active-site residues that play remarkable role in directing substrate specificity and regioselectivity of hydration. When these residues on FA-HY2 are mutated to the corresponding residues in FA-HY1, we observe a significant expansion of substrate scope and distinct shift and enhancement in hydration of double bonds towards omega-end of FAs. A three-residue mutant of FA-HY2 (TM-FA-HY2; T391S/H393S/I378P) displayed an impressive reversal of regioselectivity towards linoleic acid, shifting ratio of the HFA product regioisomers (10-OH:13-OH) from 99:1 to 12:88. Although kcat values are still low in comparison to wild-type FA-HY1, TM-FA-HY2 exhibited about 60-fold increase in catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) compared to wild-type FA-HY2. Important changes in regioselectivity were also observed with mutant enzymes for arachidonic acid and C18 PUFAs. In addition, TM-FA-HY2 variant exhibited high conversion rates for cis-5, cis-8, cis-11, cis-14, cis-17-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and cis-8, cis-11, cis-14-eicosatrienoic acid (ETA) at preparative scale and enabled isolation of 12-hydroxy products with moderate yields. Furthermore, we demonstrated the potential of microalgae as a source of diverse FAs for HFA production. Our study paves the way for tailor-made FAH design and for efficient conversion of FA sources into diverse range of HFAs with high potential for various applications from polymer industry to medical field.</div

    Memetic Algorithms for Business Analytics and Data Science: A Brief Survey

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    This chapter reviews applications of Memetic Algorithms in the areas of business analytics and data science. This approach originates from the need to address optimization problems that involve combinatorial search processes. Some of these problems were from the area of operations research, management science, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The methodology has developed considerably since its beginnings and now is being applied to a large number of problem domains. This work gives a historical timeline of events to explain the current developments and, as a survey, gives emphasis to the large number of applications in business and consumer analytics that were published between January 2014 and May 2018