35 research outputs found

    Overview Of Data Over Digital Subscrieber Line In Czech Republic.

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    Import 22/07/2015Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na rozbor technologie ADSL a to, jak je využívána a nabízena vybranými poskytovateli v České republice k užívání veřejným sektorem. V teoretické části pojednává o technologii ADSL a jejích vývojových verzích. Dále se zabývá řešením přípojky a vlivů rušení na vedení těchto přípojek. Hlavní částí práce je část praktická, ta se zabývá průzkumem poskytovatelů v České republice. Konkrétně využitím digitálních účastnických smyček poskytovateli, jejich nabídkou ADSL služeb pevného připojení k internetu a také doplňkových služeb a poplatků s pevným připojením spojených. Poslední částí práce je analýza možností připojení těchto služeb na konkrétní přípojku. Obsah této práce má napomoci běžným uživatelům k pochopení dané problematiky spojené se zřízením a výběrem ADSL služeb. Prostředky k řešení praktické části práce jsou především komunikace s poskytovateli ADSL služeb a získávání informací.This bachelor thesis is focused on the analysis of the technology ADSL as it is used in the public sector and offered by chosen providers in Czech Republic. In the theoretical part, it refers to the technology ADSL and its developmental versions. Furthermore, it examines the connection solution and the influence of interruption on conducting these connections. The main part of the thesis is the practical part which undertakes the research of providers in Czech Republic. Namely, it explores use of digital subscriber loops by providers, theirs ADSL service offers of the stable internet connection and its complementary services and charges. The final part of the thesis is the connection analysis of these complementary services on the specific connection. The content of this thesis should provide help to common users to understand given issues related to the selection and setting up ADSL services. Tools used for the practical part are particularly communication with ADSL service providers and acquiring appropriate information.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Additional file 8: Figure S6. of Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of serine proteases and homologs in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.)

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    Multiple alignment of P. xylostella Gd gene along with other insect species Gds, Nilaparvata lugens Gd, NlGd (AID60301.1); Apis mellifera Gd, AmGd (XP_006563318.1); Bombyx mori Gd, BmGd (XP_012548092.1); Drosophila melanogaster Gd, DmGd (ABG02140.1); Apis florea Gd, AfGd (XP_003690498.1); Nasonia vitripennis Gd, NvGd (XP_003427708.1), and Megachile rotundata Gd, MrGd (XP_012143735.1) by Clustal X2. (DOC 1166 kb

    Additional file 4: Figure S2. of Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of serine proteases and homologs in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.)

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    Multiple alignment of 38 P. xylostella trypsin genes along with well annotated trypsins: Aedes aegypti trypsin 3A1 (AaTry3A1), Anopheles gambiae trypsin-6 (AgTry6), Culex quinquefasciatus trypsin1 (CqTry1) and trypsin5 (CqTry5). (DOC 1860 kb

    Intra-Genomic Heterogeneity in 16S rRNA Genes in Strictly Anaerobic Clinical Isolates from Periodontal Abscesses

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Members of the genera <i>Prevotella</i>, <i>Veillonella</i> and <i>Fusobacterium</i> are the predominant culturable obligate anaerobic bacteria isolated from periodontal abscesses. When determining the cumulative number of clinical anaerobic isolates from periodontal abscesses, ambiguous or overlapping signals were frequently encountered in 16S rRNA gene sequencing chromatograms, resulting in ambiguous identifications. With the exception of the genus <i>Veillonella</i>, the high intra-chromosomal heterogeneity of <i>rrs</i> genes has not been reported.</p><p>Methods</p><p>The 16S rRNA genes of 138 clinical, strictly anaerobic isolates and one reference strain were directly sequenced, and the chromatograms were carefully examined. Gene cloning was performed for 22 typical isolates with doublet sequencing signals for the 16S rRNA genes, and four copies of the <i>rrs-ITS</i> genes of 9 <i>Prevotella intermedia</i> isolates were separately amplified by PCR, sequenced and compared. Five conserved housekeeping genes, <i>hsp60</i>, <i>recA</i>, <i>dnaJ</i>, <i>gyrB1</i> and <i>rpoB</i> from 89 clinical isolates of <i>Prevotella</i> were also amplified by PCR and sequenced for identification and phylogenetic analysis along with 18 <i>Prevotella</i> reference strains.</p><p>Results</p><p>Heterogeneity of 16S rRNA genes was apparent in clinical, strictly anaerobic oral bacteria, particularly in the genera <i>Prevotella</i> and <i>Veillonella</i>. One hundred out of 138 anaerobic strains (72%) had intragenomic nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in multiple locations, and 13 strains (9.4%) had intragenomic insertions or deletions in the 16S rRNA gene. In the genera <i>Prevotella</i> and <i>Veillonella</i>, 75% (67/89) and 100% (19/19) of the strains had SNPs in the 16S rRNA gene, respectively. Gene cloning and separate amplifications of four copies of the <i>rrs-ITS</i> genes confirmed that 2 to 4 heterogeneous 16S rRNA copies existed.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Sequence alignment of five housekeeping genes revealed that intra-species nucleotide similarities were very high in the genera <i>Prevotella</i>, ranging from 94.3–100%. However, the inter-species similarities were relatively low, ranging from 68.7–97.9%. The housekeeping genes <i>rpoB</i> and <i>gyrB1</i> were demonstrated to be alternative classification markers to the species level based on intra- and inter-species comparisons, whereas based on phylogenetic tree <i>rpoB</i> proved to be reliable phylogenetic marker for the genus <i>Prevotella</i>.</p></div

    Additional file 7: Figure S5. of Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of serine proteases and homologs in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.)

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    Multiple alignment of P. xylostella Nudel gene along with other three Lepidoptera Nudels: Papilio Xuthus Nudel, PaxNudel (XP_013165117.1), Papilio polytes Nudel, PpNudel (XP_013138700.1) and Amyelois transitella Nudel, AtNudel (XP_013190169.1) by Clustal X2. (DOC 2247 kb