15 research outputs found


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    The aims of this study are to describe and explain the form of code switching and code mixing, to identify the factors of code switching and code mix and to identify the purpose and function of code switching and code mixing in the Acehnese students in Yogyakarta. This is descriptive qualitative research by sociolinguistic approach. The method used in this research is observation method and record technique. The data of this research are the speechs of Acehnese students who are studying in Yogyakarta which contains of code switching and code mixing. Data were identified and classified and then analyzed by existing sociolinguistic theory.The results show that: first, the form of code transfer in Acehnese student communication in Yogyakarta includes the switch of code from Acehnese Language to Indonesian and the switch of code from Indonesian to Aceh; second, the form of mixed code in the form of insertion of words, phrases, and clauses; third, the factors of code switching and code mixing are speakers, participants, third speakers, speech mode and discussion topics; fourth, the purpose and function of code switching and code mixing in the Acehnese students are to familiarize the situation, to make a sense of humor, to look prestigious, to respect the other person and to tell the secret.Key words        : Code Switching, Code Mixing, Sociolinguisti


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    This study aims to investigate and to describe the forms of address in family in Acehnese language that are used by Acehnese people. This study is qualitative research and descriptive method is used. This research is done by three stages of activity. The three of activities are data provision, data analysis, and result of research. Techniques that were used in data collecting of the forms of address in family of Acehnese people are through observation partipation and free interview with Acehnese people who are assumed know Acehnese language and custom well. The result of study shows that: 1) there are the differences of address term among some dialects in Aceh, such as North Aceh dialect, Aceh Pidie dialect, Great Aceh dialect, and West Aceh dialect. They are the addresses for father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, the old brother of father or mother, the old sister of father or mother, the young brother of father or mother, and the young sister of father or mother; 2) there is the interference of Arabic Language on the term of addresses in family of Acehnese language, such as the use of term abi, abon, waled, and abu for father; ummi, mi (from ummi), mu (from ummu) for mother, jiddon for grandfather, and jiddah for grandmother; 3) there are terms of addresess that are used only in certain people in society (nobility) such the use of address word ampon (ampon, ampon bang, ampon yah, ampon cek).Keywords: Form of Address, Term of Addresss in family, Acehnese peopl


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    This study aims to evaluate the Gampong Hulu Pisang Village Owned Enterprise (BUMG) program and the factors that influence it. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach. This research was conducted in Gampong Hulu Pisang, Labuhanhaji Sub-district, South Aceh District. Data collection techniques in this study using interviews and observation. The technique used in determining the sources is a purposive technique in which the researcher determines the appropriate informants needed, including the Keuchik, BUMG managers, and several Gampong Hulu Pisang residents. The results of this study indicate that the management of BUMG in Gampong Hulu Pisang has been running from 2016 until now, with business units ranging from leasing tracts, sound systems, stages and business units that are still under construction, namely the distribution of clean water (pesimas). However, BUMG in Gampong Hulu Pisang is unable to develop business activities so that the role of BUMG in improving community welfare is still not fully felt by the community itself. The BUMG constraints in Gampong Hulu Pisang are the lack of participation of BUMG managers in developing business programs that are in accordance with the village's resources, then the lack of community participation in developing BUMG.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi program Badan Usaha Milik Gampong (BUMG) Gampong Hulu Pisang dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan  kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Gampong Hulu Pisang Kecamatan Labuhanhaji Kabupaten Aceh Selatan. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penentuan narasumber adalah teknik purposive dimana peneliti menentukan informan sesuai yang dibutuhkan diantaranya, Keuchik, pengelola BUMG, dan beberapa masyarakat Gampong Hulu Pisang. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan BUMG di Gampong Hulu Pisang sudah berjalan dari tahun 2016 hingga sekarang, dengan unit usaha mulai dari sewa menyewa tratak, sound system, panggung dan unit usaha yang masih dalam pembangunan yaitu penyaluran air bersih (pesimas). Namun, BUMG di Gampong Hulu Pisang tidak mampu mengembangkan kegiatan usaha sehingga peran BUMG dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat masih belum dapat dirasakan penuh oleh masyarakat itu sendiri. Adapun kendala BUMG di Gampong Hulu Pisang adalah kurangnya partisipasi pengelola BUMG dalam mengembangkan program usaha yang sesuai dengan sumber daya gampong tersebut, kemudian kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengembangkan BUMG


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    This study is entitled Cohesion and Coherence in English Education Students’ Thesis. The aim of this study is to describe the cohesion and coherence as wholeness aspect of discourse in English Education students’ thesis. This study is a qualitative research. The data sources in this study are the thesis of three students that were obtained by purposive sampling. Furthermore, analysis of the data was done by identifying and classifying the data that related to cohesion, based on the theory of Halliday and Hasan (1976), and related to coherence, based on the theory of Oshima and Hogue (1991). From analysis, it was found four things related to cohesion and coherence. First, the use of grammatical cohesion devices in thesis, which consists of reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction; and the use of lexical cohesion devices, which consists of reiteration and collocation, was used in thesis. Second, the violence of cohesion device was found in grammatical devices, such as reference and conjunctions. Third, the use of coherence devices, which consists of key nouns repetition, use of pronouns, transition signal, and logical order of chronology was found in students’ thesis. Fourth, the cause of the error coherence of thesis consists of keyword repetition errors, inconsistent pronouns, inappropriate transition signal, grammatical errors, and inappropriate punctuation


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    Abstract The use of language in a society can reflect the culture of one society. The aim of this study is to describe the Acehnese culture and perspective about compliment throught Syair of Rapa’I Dance. This is a qualitative research. Compliments in Syair of Rapa’I Dance are data in this research. To collect the data, researcher do observation and to analyze the data, interpretative method is used. The result shows that, compliment on Rapa'I's dance shows that in the Rapa'I Aceh, compliment is generally addressed to God. This is because the Acehnese culture that puts forward the values of Islam so that compliment as praise that exists is only aimed at God.  Key words: compliment, language, societ

    Meningkatkan Minat Kuliah pada Siswa Melalui Sosialisasi dan Motivasi di SMA Negeri 1 Woyla Barat

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    Increasing interest in lectures through outreach activities and providing motivation to students is an important thing to do. This activity is an important part of one of the obligations of lecturers who must carry out community service. The implementation of this activity is very much in line with the national development agenda in improving the quality of human resources through the education sector. The method of implementing this activity begins with observation and surveys to determine the condition of the school and the potential of students at SMAN 1 Woyla Barat, West Aceh District. The team conducted a pre test and post test to measure the accuracy and usefulness of the activity. The presenters explained material about tertiary institutions, selection pathways, scholarship information, inspirational stories, and motivation to increase students' insight and interest in continuing their education to tertiary institutions. The success of this activity was marked by the enthusiasm and positive response of the students who gave very good scores in the evaluation questionnaire. Activities like this need to be carried out in several underdeveloped areas so that students in those areas receive information about tertiary institutions and are motivated to continue their education at tertiary institutions


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Wacana pada Iklan Komersial Pendek”. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis struktur wacana yang digunakan pada iklan komersial, untuk mengetahui penggunaan bahasa pada iklan komersial, dan untuk mengetahui teknik persuasi apa yang digunakan pada iklan komersial tersebut. Periklanan adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi non- personal, yang berkaitan dengan penjualan produk kepada konsumen melalui media massa. Iklan dibagi menjadi berbagai jenis. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengkhususkan pada iklan yang bertujuan untuk menjual produk barang atau jasa, yang disebut dengan iklan komersial. Setiap iklan menggunakan bahasa dan teknik tertentu untuk menarik perhatian calon konsumen. Dua komponen itulah yang menentukan kesuksesan iklan komersial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi. Peneliti melakukan pengamatan pada iklan komersial dalam bentuk rekaman video. Guna mempermudah jalannya penelitian, peneliti juga mentranskripsikan narasi iklan komersial tersebut. Langkah terakhir, peneliti menganalisis struktur dan penggunaaan bahasa pada iklan tersebut. Adapun iklan komersial yang dianalisis pada penelitian ini adalah iklan diaper yang sangat terkenal di Indonesia, yaitu iklan Pampers. Berdasarkan analisis data, penulis menemukan bahwa; pertama, struktur dari iklan terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitu: bagian judul, badan iklan dan penutup. Bagian judul bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian target pasar tertentu, badan iklan menunjukkan hal yang menarik dari produk dan penutup menggunakan teknik penjualan yang halus; kedua, iklan komersial Pampers menggunakan bahasa Inggris nonformal; dan ketiga, teknik persuasi yang digunakan dalam iklan komersial Pampers adalah teknik logos.Kata Kunci : Wacana, Struktur, Persuasif, Bahasa, Iklan Komersial


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    In recent years, Punk widely reported presence in Aceh. The existence of this community is predicted disturbing the lives of people in Aceh. So it becomes a problem that must be dealt with thoroughly. Therefore, this paper examines and describes the punk community as one form of social deviation in the differential perspective association. As of studies conducted, resulting that punk was present in Aceh today is the result of interaction with foreign cultures (other cultures). it can be proven by further examining the activities and behavior of teenagers who called himself punker, much of Aceh culture is loaded with Islamic law. Efforts to do to overcome this community, namely: providing guidance; developing policies that focus on social issues, improving the education system, increasing social control and control of the family

    Constructing Urban Lifestyle Through Billboard Advertising: A Case Study In Yogyakarta

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    Advertising has an effect on changing lifestyles in urban communities. The massive development of billboard advertising in Indonesia's urban areas makes people exposed to advertising content every day. By using vocabulary and visualizing, directly or implicitly, advertising conveys messages and meanings that have an effect on the evolving lifestyles of urban populations. This paper would highlight how the language of advertising creates urban lifestyles in Yogyakarta by researching how advertising language building transmits a message and advertising language builds a lifestyle with an ideological orientation. It is also intended to support the target audience. This is qualitative analysis and data collection was carried out through observation and recording of the billboard advertising in Yogyakarta. Data was analyzed using the multimodal discourse analysis method of Gunter Kress and Theo van Leeuwen. The results indicate that billboard advertisements not only offer the commodity, but also convey the message of urban lifestyle directly and indirectly. Urban lifestyles are built using semiotic modes; language (using code mixing and foreign language) and visualization (using icon, image and color); in billboard advertising. They as well constructed ideologies that have structured society horizontally and vertically.Keywords:

    Penguatan Sentra Kewirausahaan Pemuda Gampong Pante Rawa Aceh Besar Melalui Program Inkubator Bisnis Kemenpora

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    This article examines how the business incubator program by the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) through the Aceh Ummat Development Institute (LPU) in 2013 has influenced and given impact the Youth Entrepreneurship Center (SKP) in the Pante Rawa village, Kecamatan Kuta Malacca, Aceh Besar Regency. This study uses qualitative methods with purposive techniques, data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, documentation of activities and observation after the program is implemented. The results showed that the Business Incubator program implemented by the Ministry of Youth and Sport had an impact on the independence of youths in the villages, the formation of Youth Entrepreneurship Centers (SKP), encouraging entrepreneurship, impacting on creative, innovative values and youth participation in entrepreneurship, the realization of youth values togetherness at Pante Rawa village, Kuta Malaka sub-district, Aceh Besar Distric