3,296 research outputs found

    Perancangan Interior Pusat Pendidikan Fashion Di Kota Samarinda

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    Interior Education Center Fashion in Samarinda City aims to find education center of fashion that can complete student\u27s facilities, finding educational center of fashion that produces interior design educational, informative, and presentative, find educational center of fashion which can show elements of Indonesian culture, discover fashion education center that can attract people in Samarinda. The expected benefits of this research is for the public forum for people who have become fashion designers, facilities can increase insight into fashion both for students and the community in the form of libraries, information centers, galleries clothing, fashion show.The a dvantages for the author of this research is to increase the knowledge and experience of how to study fashion education center and is able to improve the capability and mindset of a interior. The methods used are design thinking method of Bryan Lawson his book entitled How Designer Think Fourth passing through three phases: intention, aspiration phase, and stage practices. There are three stages of data collection in design thinking method as to perform data collection, analysis design, programming, concept design, schematic design, to the final product of the design


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    To better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the dendritic cell (DC) defects in cancer, we analyzed which signaling pathway is implicated in the abnormal monocyte differentiation into DC determined by the presence of Primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) released factors. Our results indicate that the DC, obtained in this condition, together with phenotypic abnormalities and reduced allostimulatory function, showed hyperphosphorylation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) molecules, in comparison to the DC differentiated in the absence of PEL-released factors. The inhibition of p38 MAPK but not of STAT3 phosphorylation, with specific inhibitors, was able to revert the effect of the PEL-released factors on the DC phenotype. This study suggests that p38 MAPK signaling pathway is an important contributor to the abnormal differentiation of DC in PEL

    Analisa Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Brand Image Dan Customer Loyalty Di Pop! Hotels Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa pengaruh CSR terhadap brand image dan customer loyalty pada Pop! Hotels di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif kausal dengan bantuan penyebaran kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 200 responden yang pernah menginap di Pop! Hotels di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CSR berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand image dan customer loyalty. Selain itu CSR juga berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap customer loyalty dengan brand image sebagai variabel intervening. This research aimed to analyse the impact of CSR on brand image and customer loyalty. Survey was conducted to 200 respondents who have stayed at Pop! Hotels Indonesia. The result showed that CSR had a positive and significant impact on brand image and customer loyalty. Moreover, CSR also had an indirect impact on customer loyalty with brand image as the intervening variable

    Antenatal diagnosis of congenital abdominal wall malformations, a "normality"

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Grigore T. Popa”, Facultatea de Medicină, Departamentul „Chirurgicale II”, Disciplina Chirurgie şi Ortopedie Pediatrică, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţe pentru Copii “Sfânta Maria” Iaşi, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaMedicina materno-fetală a devenit în ultimele decenii o parte importantă a sistemului de îngrijiri medicale. Dezvoltarea rapidă a tehnologiilor ultrasonografice a permis acumularea de informaţii preţioase asupra evoluţiei normale sau patologice a dezvoltării intrauterine a fătului, astfel încât depistarea antenatală a malformaţiilor congenitale a devenit o regulă şi nu o excepţie. În paralel cu creşterea frecvenţei în timp a anomaliilor de perete abdominal anterior se observă şi creşterea ratei de diagnostic antenatal. Datorită riscului crescut al asocierii defectelor de perete abdominal anterior cu anomalii cromozomiale sau cu alte malformaţii congenitale grave, diagnosticarea antenatală a acestor anomalii este de o importanţă crucială pentru prognosticul fetal şi consilierea familială. Astfel, detectarea antenatală a malformaţiilor congenitale grave oferă părinţilor posibilitatea să se pregătească din punct de vedere psihologic pentru apariţia unui copil cu handicap şi să planifice naşterea în cadrul unui centru medical dotat cu serviciu de terapie intensivă şi chirurgie neonatală. În condiţiile asocierii unor anomalii severe detectate antenatal, precum trisomiile 13 şi 18, pentalogia Cantrell, extrofia cloacală sau sindromul prune belly, părinţii pot lua în consideraţie şi posibilitatea efectuării unui avort terapeutic. La momentul actual, screening-ul biochimic al serului matern împreună cu ecografia antenatală sunt metodele standard de realizare a diagnosticului antenatal al defectelor de perete abdominal anterior, dar în situaţii particulare se poate recurge la investigaţii invazive, ecografie tridimensională, patru-dimensională sau RMN fetal, metode de diagnostic mult mai fiabile.Maternal-fetal medicine has become an important part of the healthcare system over the past decades. The rapid development of ultrasound technologies has allowed the accumulation of valuable information on the normal or pathological evolution of the intrauterine development of the fetus, so the antenatal detection of congenital malformations has become a rule and not an exception. In parallel with the increase in the frequency of abdominal wall abnormalities in time, an increase in the antenatal diagnostic rate is also observed. Due to the increased risk of association of anterior abdominal wall defects with chromosomal abnormalities or other severe congenital malformations, the antenatal diagnosis of these anomalies is of crucial importance for fetal prognosis and family counseling. Thus, antenatal detection of serious congenital malformations gives parents the opportunity to prepare themselves psychologically for the appearance of a disabled child and plan birth at a medical center with intensive unit care and neonatal surgery. Given the association of severe antenatal anomalies such as trisomy 13 and 18, Cantrell pentalogy, cloacal extrophy or prune belly syndrome, parents may also consider the possibility of a therapeutic abortion. At present, biochemical screening of maternal serum combined with antenatal ultrasound is the standard method of performing the antenatal diagnosis of anterior abdominal wall defects, but in particular situations, invasive investigations, three-dimensional, four-dimensional or fetal MRI as more reliable diagnostic methods, can be used

    The caregiving relationship and quality of life among partners of stroke survivors: A cross-sectional study

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    Background - Since the majority of stroke survivors return home following their stroke, families play a pivotal role in their care. Few studies have addressed both positive and negative aspects of this role or the broader construct of health-related quality of life (HRQL). Furthermore, little consideration has been given to the context of care in terms of relationship quality, and reciprocity. The present study examined the relationships between caregiver quality of life (HRQL), caregiver role, relationship satisfaction, balance and reciprocity in caregivers of partners who had experienced a stroke. Specific hypotheses were made based on equity theory in social relations. // Methods - Fifty-six partner caregivers completed a postal survey that included measures of HRQL (SF-36), caregiver role (negative and positive aspects), relationship satisfaction, reciprocity and balance. Data were also collected on the care recipients' quality of life (Stroke Specific Quality of Life scale). // Results - Compared to a normative sample, caregivers' HRQL was lower for all SF-36 domains. Care recipient and caregiver age, care recipient quality of life and caregiver role (negative) significantly predicted physical component summary scores on the SF-36, while care recipient quality of life and caregiver role (negative) significantly correlated with mental component summary scores. Relationship satisfaction and intrinsic rewards of caregiving were found to be important predictors of positive aspects of the caregiver role. Caregivers who viewed their relationship as less balanced in terms of give and take had significantly greater caregiver burden than those who viewed their relationship as more equitable. // Conclusions - The study highlights the importance of taking a broader approach to examining partner caregiving in the context of stroke, in terms of the caregiving relationship and their influence on the health and well-being of caregivers

    Development of the Bristol Rabbit Pain Scale (BRPS):A multidimensional composite pain scale specific to rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    A species-specific composite pain scale is a prerequisite for adequate pain assessment. The aim of this study was to develop a multidimensional pain scale specific to rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) called the Bristol Rabbit Pain Scale (BRPS). The scale was developed over five phases using a unique combination of methods: focus groups and behavioural observation. The first two phases aimed at identifying descriptors to describe a rabbit in pain, and then reducing their number, both using focus groups. A total of 72 pain descriptors were grouped under six categories (Demeanour, Posture, Facial expression, Attention to the painful area, Audible and Other) and ‘No pain’ descriptors were added. The third phase aimed to confirm, through video observation of rabbits, the categories and descriptors previously described, to reject those terms that were ambiguous, and identify any new descriptors that had not been included in the previous list of descriptors. This led to the rejection of the categories Audible and Attention to the painful area and of 34 descriptors. Seven new descriptors were identified. The last two phases constructed the final format of the BRPS by refining the categories, ranking the descriptors on an ordinal scale and testing the internal reliability of the scale using Cronbach’s alpha test. This led to a composite pain scale of six categories (Demeanour, Posture, Locomotion, Ears, Eyes and Grooming) with four intensities of pain (0, 1, 2, and 3), a total score of 0–18, and a high Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (alpha = 0.843). This BRPS fills an important gap in the field of rabbit medicine and has the potential to improve the assessment and management of pain in rabbits providing veterinary professionals with a novel multidimensional pain assessment tool. Further studies will investigate the clinical utility, validity and reliability of the BRPS

    BCR-ABL residues interacting with ponatinib are critical to preserve the tumorigenic potential of the oncoprotein

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    Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in whom tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) fail often present mutations in the BCR-ABL catalytic domain. We noticed a lack of substitutions involving 4 amino acids (E286, M318, I360, and D381) that form hydrogen bonds with ponatinib. We therefore introduced mutations in each of these residues, either preserving or altering their physicochemical properties. We found that E286, M318, I360, and D381 are dispensable for ABL and BCR-ABL protein stability but are critical for preserving catalytic activity. Indeed, only a "conservative" I360T substitution retained kinase proficiency and transforming potential. Molecular dynamics simulations of BCR-ABLI360T revealed differences in both helix αC dynamics and protein-correlated motions, consistent with a modified ATP-binding pocket. Nevertheless, this mutant remained sensitive to ponatinib, imatinib, and dasatinib. These results suggest that changes in the 4 BCR-ABL residues described here would be selected against by a lack of kinase activity or by maintained responsiveness to TKIs. Notably, amino acids equivalent to those identified in BCR-ABL are conserved in 51% of human tyrosine kinases. Hence, these residues may represent an appealing target for the design of pharmacological compounds that would inhibit additional oncogenic tyrosine kinases while avoiding the emergence of resistance due to point mutations.This work was supported by an investigator grant to P.V. from Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC) and by funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/I023291/1 and BB/H018409/1 to AP and FF). P.B. is the recipient of an AIRC - Marie Curie fellowship

    High resolution infrared spectra of bulge globular clusters: Liller~1 and NGC 6553

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    Using the NIRSPEC spectrograph at Keck II, we have obtained echelle spectra covering the range 1.5-1.8um for 2 of the brightest giants in Liller 1 and NGC 6553, old metal rich globular clusters in the Galactic bulge. We use spectrum synthesis for the abundance analysis, and find [Fe/H]=-0.3 +/- 0.2 and [O/H]=+0.3 +/- 0.2 dex. The composition of the clusters is similar to that of field stars in the bulge and is consistent with a sceanrio in which the clusters formed early, with rapid enrichment. We have dificulty achieveing a good fit to the spectrum of NGC 6553 using either the low or the high values recently reported in the literature, unless unusually large, or no alpha-element enhancements are adopted, respectively.Comment: To appear in the Astronomical Journal, March 200

    The structure of research questions in randomized-controlled trials in rehabilitation field

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    Objective The aim of this study is to assess whether and how PICO format is described to frame research questions in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) looking at effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions. Design A methodological study was conducted. RCTs in the rehabilitation field, published between July 1st, 2019 and December 31st, 2019 were included. The framing of the primary research question (RQ) from each trial was evaluated. Results Ninety-seven RCTs were included in the analysis. The most frequent framing of the primary RQ was as an \u201cobjective\u201d statement (55%) and in 33% of the articles this was stated as an \u201cobjective\u201d together with a \u201chypothesis\u201d description. All PICO elements were present in 55% of RQ, but only 49% have used the statement suggested by Cochrane. The results showed that the most frequent framing of primary RQ was \u201cobjective\u201d using all PICO elements, but few articles followed the statement suggested by Cochrane to describe them. Conclusion: our findings suggest that a specific item about the \u201cresearch question\u201d and the rationale that drove to the proposed design following the form suggested by Cochrane is included in the RCTRACK checklist