1,126 research outputs found

    Cooling nonlinear lattices toward localisation

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    We describe the energy relaxation process produced by surface damping on lattices of classical anharmonic oscillators. Spontaneous emergence of localised vibrations dramatically slows down dissipation and gives rise to quasi-stationary states where energy is trapped in the form of a gas of weakly interacting discrete breathers. In one dimension (1D), strong enough on--site coupling may yield stretched--exponential relaxation which is reminiscent of glassy dynamics. We illustrate the mechanism generating localised structures and discuss the crucial role of the boundary conditions. For two--dimensional (2D) lattices, the existence of a gap in the breather spectrum causes the localisation process to become activated. A statistical analysis of the resulting quasi-stationary state through the distribution of breathers' energies yield information on their effective interactions.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Slow energy relaxation and localization in 1D lattices

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    We investigate the energy relaxation process produced by thermal baths at zero temperature acting on the boundary atoms of chains of classical anharmonic oscillators. Time-dependent perturbation theory allows us to obtain an explicit solution of the harmonic problem: even in such a simple system nontrivial features emerge from the interplay of the different decay rates of Fourier modes. In particular, a crossover from an exponential to an inverse-square-root law occurs on a time scale proportional to the system size NN. A further crossover back to an exponential law is observed only at much longer times (of the order N3N^3). In the nonlinear chain, the relaxation process is initially equivalent to the harmonic case over a wide time span, as illustrated by simulations of the β\beta Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model. The distinctive feature is that the second crossover is not observed due to the spontaneous appearance of breathers, i.e. space-localized time-periodic solutions, that keep a finite residual energy in the lattice. We discuss the mechanism yielding such solutions and also explain why it crucially depends on the boundary conditions.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Emergence of chaotic behaviour in linearly stable systems

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    Strong nonlinear effects combined with diffusive coupling may give rise to unpredictable evolution in spatially extended deterministic dynamical systems even in the presence of a fully negative spectrum of Lyapunov exponents. This regime, denoted as ``stable chaos'', has been so far mainly characterized by numerical studies. In this manuscript we investigate the mechanisms that are at the basis of this form of unpredictable evolution generated by a nonlinear information flow through the boundaries. In order to clarify how linear stability can coexist with nonlinear instability, we construct a suitable stochastic model. In the absence of spatial coupling, the model does not reveal the existence of any self-sustained chaotic phase. Nevertheless, already this simple regime reveals peculiar differences between the behaviour of finite-size and that of infinitesimal perturbations. A mean-field analysis of the truly spatially extended case clarifies that the onset of chaotic behaviour can be traced back to the diffusion process that tends to shift the growth rate of finite perturbations from the quenched to the annealed average. The possible characterization of the transition as the onset of directed percolation is also briefly discussed as well as the connections with a synchronization transition.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to Journal of Physics

    Boltzmann-Gibbs thermal equilibrium distribution for classical systems and Newton law: A computational discussion

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    We implement a general numerical calculation that allows for a direct comparison between nonlinear Hamiltonian dynamics and the Boltzmann-Gibbs canonical distribution in Gibbs Γ\Gamma-space. Using paradigmatic first-neighbor models, namely, the inertial XY ferromagnet and the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam β\beta-model, we show that at intermediate energies the Boltzmann-Gibbs equilibrium distribution is a consequence of Newton second law (F=ma{\mathbf F}=m{\mathbf a}). At higher energies we discuss partial agreement between time and ensemble averages.Comment: New title, revision of the text. EPJ latex, 4 figure

    Characterizing dynamics with covariant Lyapunov vectors

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    A general method to determine covariant Lyapunov vectors in both discrete- and continuous-time dynamical systems is introduced. This allows to address fundamental questions such as the degree of hyperbolicity, which can be quantified in terms of the transversality of these intrinsic vectors. For spatially extended systems, the covariant Lyapunov vectors have localization properties and spatial Fourier spectra qualitatively different from those composing the orthonormalized basis obtained in the standard procedure used to calculate the Lyapunov exponents.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review letter

    Chronic neural probe for simultaneous recording of single-unit, multi-unit, and local field potential activity from multiple brain sites

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    Drug resistant focal epilepsy can be treated by resecting the epileptic focus requiring a precise focus localization using stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) probes. As commercial SEEG probes offer only a limited spatial resolution, probes of higher channel count and design freedom enabling the incorporation of macro and microelectrodes would help increasing spatial resolution and thus open new perspectives for investigating mechanisms underlying focal epilepsy and its treatment. This work describes a new fabrication process for SEEG probes with materials and dimensions similar to clinical probes enabling recording single neuron activity at high spatial resolution. Polyimide is used as a biocompatible flexible substrate into which platinum electrodes and leads are... The resulting probe features match those of clinically approved devices. Tests in saline solution confirmed the probe stability and functionality. Probes were implanted into the brain of one monkey (Macaca mulatta), trained to perform different motor tasks. Suitable configurations including up to 128 electrode sites allow the recording of task-related neuronal signals. Probes with 32 and 64 electrode sites were implanted in the posterior parietal cortex. Local field potentials and multi-unit activity were recorded as early as one hour after implantation. Stable single-unit activity was achieved for up to 26 days after implantation of a 64-channel probe. All recorded signals showed modulation during task execution. With the novel probes it is possible to record stable biologically relevant data over a time span exceeding the usual time needed for epileptic focus localization in human patients. This is the first time that single units are recorded along cylindrical polyimide probes chronically implanted 22 mm deep into the brain of a monkey, which suggests the potential usefulness of this probe for human applications

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of a stochastic model of anomalous heat transport: numerical analysis

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    We study heat transport in a chain of harmonic oscillators with random elastic collisions between nearest-neighbours. The equations of motion of the covariance matrix are numerically solved for free and fixed boundary conditions. In the thermodynamic limit, the shape of the temperature profile and the value of the stationary heat flux depend on the choice of boundary conditions. For free boundary conditions, they also depend on the coupling strength with the heat baths. Moreover, we find a strong violation of local equilibrium at the chain edges that determine two boundary layers of size N\sqrt{N} (where NN is the chain length), that are characterized by a different scaling behaviour from the bulk. Finally, we investigate the relaxation towards the stationary state, finding two long time scales: the first corresponds to the relaxation of the hydrodynamic modes; the second is a manifestation of the finiteness of the system.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics A, Mathematical and Theoretica

    Values, ideological attitudes and patriotism

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    We tested a series of discriminant associations, investigating how dimensions of patriotism (i.e. blind and constructive) differently relate to value orientations, and to ideological attitudes such as Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO). Using an Italian student sample (N = 146) we found that blind patriotism correlated positively with tradition and negatively with univer- salism, whilst constructive patriotism correlated negatively with tradition and positively with universal- ism. Both RWA and SDO correlated negatively with universalism, whilst only RWA was associated with security and tradition and only SDO related positively to power and self-direction. Mediation analyses revealed that most of the effects of value orientations on patriotism were mediated by SDO and RWA

    Coherent Manipulation of Orbital Feshbach Molecules of Two-Electron Atoms

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    Ultracold molecules have experienced increasing attention in recent years. Compared to ultracold atoms, they possess several unique properties that make them perfect candidates for the implementation of new quantum-technological applications in several fields, from quantum simulation to quantum sensing and metrology. In particular, ultracold molecules of two-electron atoms (such as strontium or ytterbium) also inherit the peculiar properties of these atomic species, above all the possibility to access metastable electronic states via direct excitation on optical clock transitions with ultimate sensitivity and accuracy. In this paper we report on the production and coherent manipulation of molecular bound states of two fermionic 173^{173}Yb atoms in different electronic (orbital) states 1^1S0_0 and 3^3P0_0 in proximity of a scattering resonance involving atoms in different spin and electronic states, called orbital Feshbach resonance. We demonstrate that orbital molecules can be coherently photoassociated starting from a gas of ground-state atoms in a three-dimensional optical lattices by observing several photoassociation and photodissociation cycles. We also show the possibility to coherently control the molecular internal state by using Raman-assisted transfer to swap the nuclear spin of one of the atoms forming the molecule, thus demonstrating a powerful manipulation and detection tool of these molecular bound states. Finally, by exploiting this peculiar detection technique we provide first information on the lifetime of the molecular states in a many-body setting, paving the way towards future investigations of strongly interacting Fermi gases in a still unexplored regime.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Synthetic dimensions and spin-orbit coupling with an optical clock transition

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    We demonstrate a novel way of synthesizing spin-orbit interactions in ultracold quantum gases, based on a single-photon optical clock transition coupling two long-lived electronic states of two-electron 173^{173}Yb atoms. By mapping the electronic states onto effective sites along a synthetic "electronic" dimension, we have engineered synthetic fermionic ladders with tunable magnetic fluxes. We have detected the spin-orbit coupling with fiber-link-enhanced clock spectroscopy and directly measured the emergence of chiral edge currents, probing them as a function of the magnetic field flux. These results open new directions for the investigation of topological states of matter with ultracold atomic gases.Comment: Minor changes with respect to v1 (we have corrected some typos, fixed the use of some mathematical symbols, added one reference
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