132 research outputs found

    Augmented Reality to Support On-Field Post-Impact Maintenance Operations on Thin Structures

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    This paper proposes an augmented reality (AR) strategy in which a Lamb waves based impact detection methodology dynamically interacts with a head portable visualization device allowing the inspector to see the estimated impact position (with its uncertainty) and impact energy directly on the plate-like structure. The impact detection methodology uses a network of piezosensors bonded on the structure to be monitored and a signal processing algorithm (the Warped Frequency Transform) able to compensate for dispersion the acquired waveforms. The compensated waveforms yield to a robust estimation of Lamb waves difference in distance of propagation (DDOP), used to feed hyperbolic algorithms for impact location determination, and allow an estimation of the uncertainty of the impact positioning as well as of the impact energy. The outputs of the impact methodology are passed to a visualization technology that yielding their representation in Augmented Reality (AR) is meant to support the inspector during the on-field inspection/diagnosis as well as the maintenance operations. The inspector, in fact, can see interactively in real time the impact data directly on the surface of the structure. To validate the proposed approach, tests on an aluminum plate are presented. Results confirm the feasibility of the method and its exploitability in maintenance practice

    Semi-automatic Design for Disassembly Strategy Planning: An Augmented Reality Approach

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    Abstract The mounting attention to environmental issues requires adopting better disassembly procedures at the product's End of Life. Planning and reckoning different disassembly strategies in the early stage of the design process can improve the development of sustainable products with an easy dismissing and recycling oriented approach. Nowadays many Computer Aided Process Planning software packages provide optimized assembly or disassembly sequences, but they are mainly based on a time and cost compression approach, neglecting the human factor. The environment we developed is based upon the integration of a CAD, an Augmented Reality tool, a Leap Motion Controller device, see-through glasses and an algorithm for disassembly strategies evaluation: this approach guarantees a more effective interaction with the 3D real and virtual assembly than an approach relying only on a CAD based disassembly sequence planning. In such a way, the operator may not test in a more natural and intuitive way automatic disassembly sequences, but he/she can also propose different strategies to improve the ergonomics. The methodology has been tested in a real case study to evaluate the strength points and criticalities of this approach

    Long Pulse Laser Micro Welding of Commercially Pure Titanium Thin Sheets

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    Abstract The paper deals with the application of a long pulse, lamp pumped Nd:YAG laser source in welding thin sheets of commercially pure titanium. An experimental campaign was designed and planned by means of the Response Surface Method (RSM) in order to assess the effect of the main process parameters on the weld bead penetration depth, width and general morphology. In particular the role of pulse duration, pulse peak power and pulse frequency was determined by means of optical observations and statistical analyses. Weld bead penetration depth, width and overall geometry were measured and related to the process parameters, in order to assess optimized operating process windows. The results point out, in particular, that pulse peak power is responsible for weld bead penetration depth. Pulse duration, on the other hand dominates weld bead width: by means of an in-depth analysis of these results it was pointed out that sound weld beads, characterized by the proper morphology, can only be achieved by means of a proper balance between these two parameters. A too high peak power, in fact, easily leads to the right penetration depth, but it tends to produce spatters, porosities and drop-through in the weld bead, while acting on the pulse duration the right morphology of the weld bead can be achieved

    quality and productivity considerations for laser cutting of lifepo4 and linimncoo2 battery electrodes

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    Abstract Laser cutting of lithium-ion battery electrodes has been shown to be a viable alternative to mechanical blanking for some specific electrode types, yielding similar cut quality and throughput but with decreased on-going costs due to lower maintenance requirements. The multitude of electrode chemistries within the lithium-ion classification, particularly with regards to the cathode, together with the sensitive nature of battery components such as the polymeric separator films and electrodes themselves, requires careful assessment of defects for each electrode type. In the present work, cutting of LiNiMnCoO2 (LNMC) coated aluminium cathodes and graphite coated copper anodes is performed at 100 mm/s with a 1064 nm pulsed fibre laser with 25 μm spot size, varying the pulse duration, energy and repetition rate over the ranges 4-200 ns, 8-935 μJ and 20-500 kHz, respectively. Process productivity is assessed in terms of the minimum cutting power at which complete electrode penetration takes place. A scanning electron microscope is utilised to assess upper coating layer clearance width and to determine the presence and dimensions of defects resulting from melting of the coating layers. Results are compared with previous cuts performed on LiFePO4 (LFP), with differences observed in the parameters leading to minimum average cutting power and optimum quality between cathode types. Laser pulse fluence in the range 35-40 J/cm2 with 30 ns pulse duration and 100 kHz repetition rate is found to lead to the highest cutting efficiency and quality for the LFP cathode, while 110-150 J/cm2 fluence with 200 ns pulse duration and 20 kHz repetition rate is instead found to be ideal for the LNMC cathode and for the anode. The present on-going study indicates relatively strong sensitivities to electrode composition and laser pulse fluence for cutting efficiency and quality

    Indoor replication of outdoor climbing routes: fidelity analysis of digital manufacturing workflow

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    This study aims to evaluate the advantages and criticalities of applying additive manufacturing to produce climbing holds replicating real rocky surfaces. A sample of a rocky surface has been reproduced with a budget-friendly 3D scanner exploiting structured light and made in additive manufacturing. The methodology is designed to build a high-fidelity replica of the rocky surface using only minor geometry modifications to convert a 2D triangulated surface into a 3D watertight model optimised for additive manufacturing. In addition, the research uses a novel design and uncertainty estimation approach. The proposed methodology proved capable of replicating a rocky sample with sub-millimetre accuracy, which is more realistic than conventional screw-on plastic holds currently used in climbing gyms. The advantages can be addressed in terms of customisation, manufacturing cost and time reduction that could lead to real outdoor climbing experiences in indoor environments by coupling additive manufacturing techniques and reverse engineering (RE). However, operating the scanner in a rocky environment and the considerable size of the climbing routes suggest that further research is needed to extend the proposed methodology to real case studies. Further analysis should focus on selecting the best material and additive manufacturing technology to produce structural components for climbing environments

    Surface modification of mild steel using a combination of laser and electrochemical processes

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    Traditional methods for achieving hierarchical surface structures include highly specified, deterministic approaches to create features to meet design intention. In this study microstructural alteration was undertaken using laser apparatus and secondary texturing was achieved via succeeding electrochemical processes. Electrochemical jet machining (EJM) was performed on mild steel subjected to laser pre-treatment using power densities of 4167 and 5556 W/cm2 with pulse durations from 0.3 - 1.5 seconds. Results show that in combination, laser pre-treatment and EJM can alter the exposed surface textures and chemistries. Here, machined surface roughness (Sa) was shown to increase from approximately 0.45 µm for untreated surfaces to approximately 18 µm for surfaces subjected to extreme laser pretreatments. After pre-treatments materials were characterised to appraise microstructural changes, shown to be martensite formation, reinforced by complementary simulation data, and significant increases in observable hardness from approximately 261 HV for the asreceived material to over 700 HV after pre-treatment. The greater hardness was retained after EJM. Exposed martensitic lath structures at machined surfaces are shown to be partially responsible for surface roughness increases. The surfaces were explored with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Raman spectroscopy demonstrating changes in apparent surface chemistry. This analysis revealed increasing oxide formation at the surface of the pre-treated EJM surface, a further contributory factor to surface roughness increases. This new process chain will be of interest to manufacturers seeking to control surface morphology for applications including micro-injection mould/die manufacture. While demonstrated here for steel similar mechanisms are exploitable in other material systems. A new technique has been demonstrated, resulting from the models and processes presented to couple laser and electrolyte jet processing for complex surface preparation

    Study of 'Redhaven' peach and its white-fleshed mutant suggests a key role of CCD4 carotenoid dioxygenase in carotenoid and norisoprenoid volatile metabolism

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Carotenoids are plant metabolites which are not only essential in photosynthesis but also important quality factors in determining the pigmentation and aroma of flowers and fruits. To investigate the regulation of carotenoid metabolism, as related to norisoprenoids and other volatile compounds in peach (<it>Prunus persica </it>L. Batsch.), and the role of carotenoid dioxygenases in determining differences in flesh color phenotype and volatile composition, the expression patterns of relevant carotenoid genes and metabolites were studied during fruit development along with volatile compound content. Two contrasted cultivars, the yellow-fleshed 'Redhaven' (RH) and its white-fleshed mutant 'Redhaven Bianca' (RHB) were examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The two genotypes displayed marked differences in the accumulation of carotenoid pigments in mesocarp tissues. Lower carotenoid levels and higher levels of norisoprenoid volatiles were observed in RHB, which might be explained by differential activity of carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase (CCD) enzymes. In fact, the <it>ccd4 </it>transcript levels were dramatically higher at late ripening stages in RHB with respect to RH. The two genotypes also showed differences in the expression patterns of several carotenoid and isoprenoid transcripts, compatible with a feed-back regulation of these transcripts. Abamine SG - an inhibitor of CCD enzymes - decreased the levels of both isoprenoid and non-isoprenoid volatiles in RHB fruits, indicating a complex regulation of volatile production.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Differential expression of <it>ccd4 </it>is likely to be the major determinant in the accumulation of carotenoids and carotenoid-derived volatiles in peach fruit flesh. More in general, dioxygenases appear to be key factors controlling volatile composition in peach fruit, since abamine SG-treated 'Redhaven Bianca' fruits had strongly reduced levels of norisoprenoids and other volatile classes. Comparative functional studies of peach carotenoid cleavage enzymes are required to fully elucidate their role in peach fruit pigmentation and aroma.</p

    Virtual Surgical Planning, 3D-Printing and Customized Bone Allograft for Acute Correction of Severe Genu Varum in Children

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    Complex deformities of lower limbs are frequent in children with genetic or metabolic skeletal disorders. Early correction is frequently required, but it is technically difficult and burdened by complications and recurrence. Herein, we described the case of a 7-year-old girl affected by severe bilateral genu varum due to spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia. The patient was treated by patient-specific osteotomies and customized structural wedge allograft using Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP) and 3D-printed patient-specific instrumentation (PSI). The entire process was performed through an in-hospital 3D-printing Point-of-Care (POC). VSP and 3D-printing applied to pediatric orthopedic surgery may allow personalization of corrective osteotomies and customization of structural allografts by using low-cost in-hospital POC. However, optimal and definitive alignment is rarely achieved in such severe deformities in growing skeleton through a single operation

    The emerging role of cancer nanotechnology in the panorama of sarcoma

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    In the field of nanomedicine a multitude of nanovectors have been developed for cancer application. In this regard, a less exploited target is represented by connective tissue. Sarcoma lesions encompass a wide range of rare entities of mesenchymal origin affecting connective tissues. The extraordinary diversity and rarity of these mesenchymal tumors is reflected in their classification, grading and management which are still challenging. Although they include more than 70 histologic subtypes, the first line-treatment for advanced and metastatic sarcoma has remained unchanged in the last fifty years, excluding specific histotypes in which targeted therapy has emerged. The role of chemotherapy has not been completely elucidated and the outcomes are still very limited. At the beginning of the century, nano-sized particles clinically approved for other solid lesions were tested in these neoplasms but the results were anecdotal and the clinical benefit was not substantial. Recently, a new nanosystem formulation NBTXR3 for the treatment of sarcoma has landed in a phase 2-3 trial. The preliminary results are encouraging and could open new avenues for research in nanotechnology. This review provides an update on the recent advancements in the field of nanomedicine for sarcoma. In this regard, preclinical evidence especially focusing on the development of smart materials and drug delivery systems will be summarized. Moreover, the sarcoma patient management exploiting nanotechnology products will be summed up. Finally, an overlook on future perspectives will be provided

    Prognostic and Predictive Role of Body Composition in Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients Treated with Everolimus: A Real-World Data Analysis

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    Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are rare neoplasms frequently characterized by an up- regulation of the mammalian rapamycin targeting (mTOR) pathway resulting in uncontrolled cell proliferation. The mTOR pathway is also involved in skeletal muscle protein synthesis and in adipose tissue metabolism. Everolimus inhibits the mTOR pathway, resulting in blockade of cell growth and tumor progression. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of body composition in- dexes in patients with metastatic NETs treated with everolimus. The study population included 30 patients with well-differentiated (G1-G2), metastatic NETs treated with everolimus at the IRCCS Romagnolo Institute for the Study of Tumors (IRST) “Dino Amadori”, Meldola (FC), Italy. The body composition indexes (skeletal muscle index [SMI] and adipose tissue indexes) were assessed by measuring on a computed tomography (CT) scan the cross-sectional area at L3 at baseline and at the first radiological assessment after the start of treatment. The body mass index (BMI) was assessed at baseline. The median progression-free survival (PFS) was 8.9 months (95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.4–13.7 months). The PFS stratified by tertiles was 3.2 months (95% CI: 0.9–10.1 months) in patients with low SMI (tertile 1), 14.2 months (95% CI: 2.3 months-not estimable [NE]) in patients with intermediate SMI (tertile 2), and 9.1 months (95% CI: 2.7 months-NE) in patients with high SMI (tertile 3) (p = 0.039). Similarly, the other body composition indexes also showed a statistically significant difference in the three groups on the basis of tertiles. The median PFS was 3.2 months (95% CI: 0.9–6.7 months) in underweight patients (BMI 18.49 kg/m2) and 10.1 months (95% CI: 3.7–28.4 months) in normal-weight patients (p = 0.011). There were no significant differences in terms of overall survival. The study showed a correlation between PFS and the body composition indexes in patients with NETs treated with everolimus, underlining the role of adipose and muscle tissue in these patients