690 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The study presents the results of the application of a multidisciplinary methodology for a deeper understanding of historical buildings. 3D integrated surveys and stratigraphic methods can together make it possible to date the principle construction and evolution phases of historical buildings for which a thorough historical documentation does not exist for our time.The case-study presented involves the Franciscan monastery and adjacent Immacolata church in Troina, which is a small medieval town located in the north-eastern part of Sicily.The small number of historical records has only allowed for the dating of the monastery's foundation and of a few of transformation phases. Contrarily to this, various markings on the surfaces of the walls indicate rather the presence of numerous construction phases.The inaccessibility of parts of the internal spaces, as well as the existence of a sharp incline of the road and of very high walls along scant sections of the road, are the reasons for having chosen to carry out a 3D laser-scanning survey campaign. It made it possible to document the overall area and the relationship between the different parts of the complex. The integration between 3D laser scanning and photo-modelling methods made it possible to highlight the details, anomalies, traces and signs of the stratifications over time. The results of this integrated survey were explained in a series of graphic elaborations in support to the following stratigraphic investigation, to put in order the numerous traces discovered.</p

    Comparing activity and space patterns of the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (L., 1758) in a Venice Lagoon wetland area: implications for conservation planning and management

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    Behavioural and spatial distribution analyses were quantified during a phase of activity and lethargy in a wild population of the European pond turtle inhabiting a protected internal wetland area of the Venice lagoon. The marked individuals (13 males and 16 females) provided informative radiotracking data to study differential patterns of activity, dispersion and habitat use between the two study periods ("October-November both 2019 and 2020" and "June-July 2020"). The differences in the movements behaviours and habitat selection were affected by period. Movements were higher in the period of activity than lethargy, but they were not influenced by sex and size. The presence of the European pond turtle in the transitional woodland/shrubs and brackish water valley habitats was significantly higher in the period of activity than lethargy. During the latter one, pond turtles were observed to brumate gregariously in a small area for brumation, usually in shallow water. In contrast, all individuals have changed water bodies during the activity period. Part of those movements has occurred towards aquatic habitat with higher salinities 1-17%o (mean: 10.64%o). These findings provide a set of information to better understand the behavioural ecology of Emys orbicularis in the lagoon area. This is of relevance for management actions and for the conservation of this threatened species


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    Abstract. This study presents an integrated approach for reading coastal sites. A process aimed at protecting and enhancing these sites must be developed alongside a targeted interdisciplinary strategy, closely linked to the fields of archaeology, survey, landscape reading, morphology of the territory and geology. These must no longer be managed as individual cognitive elements, but within a single comprehensive analytical interpretation model.The experiment activity carried out along the rocky area of Aci Castello, on the eastern coast of Sicily, was developed using a methodological approach based on the integration of 3D data coming from various survey technologies &amp;ndash; 3D laser scanning, mobile mapping and echo sounder systems. The aim of the experiment was to create a complete three-dimensional model of the studied area, focused on obtaining a dynamic understanding, that is punctual and comprehensive, of the site's value and fragility.</p

    Pre-packaged food products business to consumer (B2C) distance selling and information obligations in Italian mass market retailers

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    The supply and sale of food online are on the rise. The value of e-commerce in Europe has been estimated in 602 billion euros in 2017, 324 million people in the old continent purchase online. In the European area, the Netherlands and Italy are the countries where the e-commerce market grew faster in the last five years. Nevertheless, in Italy the spread of online shopping has reached the 89.9% of the population between 11 and 74 years old. The access to the Internet, as declared by 43 million Italians, it is carried out from fixed or mobile locations. In terms of revenues the food sector recorded a +24% among the different sectors facing one of the higher grows in terms of percentages. The regulatory framework that disciplines the food products distance selling can be traced back to two fundamental pillars: the European legislation on e-commerce on the one side and the food information to consumers on the other side. Under article 14 of the Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011, the European legislator states that the mandatory information, as indicated in article 9, shall be available to the consumer before the purchase is concluded and when the product is delivered. The study aims at verifying: the level of compliance by Italians MMR with the information regulation about food products distance selling in relation to (a) the fulfillment of the obligation concerning mandatory provisions and (b) the fulfillment of the obligations concerning availability and readability of the information provided. The research has been conducted analyzing the websites of the ten largest Italian MMR and in particular: if the mandatory information were provided, the availability of the information according to the Regulation (EU) 1169/2011; the number of clicks needed to identify the food product in the website and the number of clicks Non required to obtain all the information. The observation testified a substantial compliance with the information obligations according to the European regulation. Differently, when considering the availability and readability of the information, from the analysis emerged that consumers have to follow a path that is not immediate and intuitive. Conclusions are provided in relation to the presented research

    The term risk: etymology, legal definition and various traits

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    open5noThe etymology of the term risk and its legal qualification and definitions are reported in this article; decription of the various traits of the term risk used in food safety management (acceptable risk, current risk, emerging risk, crude risk, unrestricted risk, perceived risk, real risk, residual risk, reduced risk, baseline risk, serious risk, major technological risk, etc.) are presented and discussed.openLiuzzo G.; Bentley S.; Giacometti F.; Bonfante E.; Serraino A.Liuzzo G.; Bentley S.; Giacometti F.; Bonfante E.; Serraino A

    Exploring the bulk of the BL Lac object population:1. parsec-scale radio structures

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    Context. The advent of Fermi is changing our understanding on the radio and gamma-ray emission in Active Galactic Nuclei. Contrary to pre-Fermi ideas, BL Lac objects are found to be the most abundant emitters in the gamma-ray band. However, since they are relatively weak radio sources, most of their parsec-scale structure and their multi-frequency properties are poorly understood and/or have not been investigated in a systematically fashion. Aims. Our main goal is to analyze the radio and gamma-ray emission properties of a sample of 42 BL Lacs selected, for the first time in the literature, with no constraint on their radio and gamma-ray flux densities/emission. Methods. Thanks to new Very Long Baseline Array observations at 8 and 15 GHz for the whole sample, we present here fundamental parameters such as radio flux densities, spectral index information, and parsec-scale structure. Moreover, we search for gamma-ray counterparts using data reported in the Second Catalog of Fermi Gamma-ray sources. Results. Parsec-scale radio emission is observed in the majority of the sources at both frequencies. Gamma-ray counterparts are found for 14/42 sources. Conclusions. The comparison between our results in radio and gamma-ray bands points out the presence of a large number of faint BL Lacs showing "non classical" properties such as low source compactness, core dominance, no gamma-ray emission and steep radio spectral indexes. A deeper multiwavelength analysis will be needed.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    VLBI observations of nearby radio loud Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We present an update of the parsec scale properties of the Bologna Complete Sample consisting of 95 radio sources from the B2 Catalog of Radio Sources and the Third Cambridge Revised Catalog (3CR), with z < 0.1. Thanks to recent new data we have now parsec scale images for 76 sources of the sample. Most of them show a one-sided jet structure but we find a higher fraction of two-sided sources in comparison with previous flux-limited VLBI surveys. A few peculiar sources are presented and discussed in more detail.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings for "The Universe under the Microscope" (AHAR 2008), April 2008, to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series by Institute of Physics Publishing; R. Schoedel, A. Eckart, S. Pfalzner, and E. Ros ed

    Extended X-ray emission in radio galaxies: the peculiar case of 3C 305

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    Extended X-ray structures are common in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). Here we present the first case of a Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) radio galaxy, 3C 305, in which the X-ray radiation appears to be associated with the optical emission line region, dominated by the [O III]5007. On the basis of a morphological study, performed using the comparison between the X-rays, the optical and the radio band, we argue that the high energy emission has a thermal nature and it is not directly linked to the radio jet and hotspots of this source. Finally, we discuss the origin of the extended X-ray structure connected with the optical emission line region following two different interpretations: as due to the interaction between matter outflows and shock-heated environment gas, or as due to gas photoionized by nuclear emission.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in The ApJL Comments: references and affilitations correcte

    Stormy weather in 3C 196.1: nuclear outbursts and merger events shape the environment of the hybrid radio galaxy 3C 196.1

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    We present a multi-wavelength analysis based on archival radio, optical and X-ray data of the complex radio source 3C 196.1, whose host is the brightest cluster galaxy of a z=0.198z=0.198 cluster. HST data show Hα\alpha+[N II] emission aligned with the jet 8.4 GHz radio emission. An Hα\alpha+[N II] filament coincides with the brightest X-ray emission, the northern hotspot. Analysis of the X-ray and radio images reveals cavities located at galactic- and cluster- scales. The galactic-scale cavity is almost devoid of 8.4 GHz radio emission and the south-western Hα\alpha+[N II] emission is bounded (in projection) by this cavity. The outer cavity is co-spatial with the peak of 147 MHz radio emission, and hence we interpret this depression in X-ray surface brightness as being caused by a buoyantly rising bubble originating from an AGN outburst ∼\sim280 Myrs ago. A \textit{Chandra} snapshot observation allowed us to constrain the physical parameters of the cluster, which has a cool core with a low central temperature ∼\sim2.8 keV, low central entropy index ∼\sim13 keV cm2^2 and a short cooling time of ∼\sim500 Myr, which is <0.05<0.05 of the age of the Universe at this redshift. By fitting jumps in the X-ray density we found Mach numbers between 1.4 and 1.6, consistent with a shock origin. We also found compelling evidence of a past merger, indicated by a morphology reminiscent of gas sloshing in the X-ray residual image. Finally, we computed the pressures, enthalpies EcavE_{cav} and jet powers PjetP_{jet} associated with the cavities: Ecav∼7×1058E_{cav}\sim7\times10^{58} erg, Pjet∼1.9×1044P_{jet}\sim1.9\times10^{44} erg s−1^{-1} for the inner cavity and Ecav∼3×1060E_{cav}\sim3\times10^{60} erg, Pjet∼3.4×1044P_{jet}\sim3.4\times10^{44} erg s−1^{-1} for the outer cavity.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, ApJ accepte
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