88 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Hammerstein Model of Nonlinear Plant

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    This paper presents the synthesis and analysis of the enhanced predictive fuzzy Hammerstein model of the water tank system. Fuzzy Hammerstein model was compared with three other fuzzy models: the first was synthesized using Mamdani type rule base, the second – Takagi-Sugeno type rule base and the third – composed of Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno rule bases. The synthesized model is invertible so it can be used in the model based control. The fuzzy Hammerstein model was synthesized to eliminate disadvantages of the other fuzzy models. The advantage of the fuzzy Hammerstein model was experimentally proved and presented in this paper

    Open government data application possibilities in Estonian nutrition sector

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    The aim of the current piece is to investigate Open Government Data application possibilities by the example of Estonian nutrition sector. The piece goes through defining various data types and analyzing Open Government Data situation in different countries. By comparing the recent developments, it finds Estonia’s lag on Open Government Data developments compared to many other countries. By investigating more thoroughly current situation in Estonian e-service developments in healthcare, it presents the lack of success in dealing with innovation in a public sector organization. Based on existing e-services, examples are presented to illustrate the benefits and advantages of using Open Government Data in nutrition sector. By conducting a research in Estonian nutrition sector, the piece finds that awareness-level and usage of public sector e-services among people interested in healthy nutrition is low. Based on empirical internet-based research, information gathered visiting public sector events and questionnaire conducted in Estonian nutrition sector, the piece suggests that there should be a clear strategy towards Open Government Data by finding resources to establish stable version of Open Government Data Portal, giving a strong political signal towards Open Government Data and using the support of Estonian Open Data Community to facilitating events where the creation of pilot e-services using Open Government Data would be addressed.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4095551~S

    Formation and analysis of profit (loss) accountability

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    Profit (loss) statement is statement in which add up ingome and expenditure during the current period. Principal concepts: the activity of enetrprise; form of statement; financial results; profit; loss; profit (loss) statement; International accounting standard; direction of the European Union; Business accounting standard; presentation of information. The object of the research in the results of enterprise and forms of their presentation. The main purpose of the work is to present proposals for the improvement of profit (loss) statement by summarizing the essence of financial rezults of enetrprise and their reflection in financial accounting and profit (loss) statement. The main tasks of the research are to analyze the development of the essence of profit and it‘s calculation in financial accounting; to analyze the development of profit (loss) statement: forms of statement and it‘s information; to analize the activities results of enetrprise and it posibilities. Master theses volume of work 56 pages. There are 9 tables, 1 picture and 41 sources of literature

    Public sponsorship of sports: the case of Lithuania

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    The topic of the bachelor paper is “Public sponsorship of sports: the case of Lithuania”. The objective of the paper is to analyse public sponsorship of sports in Lithuania. The methods of scientific literature analysis, comparative analysis, statistical analysis and generalization were used in order to prepare the paper. The analysis of public sponsorship of sports in Lithuania has shown that public expenditure for sports was 49.04 million. These expenses increased by 18.11 percent up till 2014. During 2007–2014 expenditure of local government was considerably larger than expenditure of central government. Results of the research presented significant changes of financing from primary sources. One of the sources, i. e. financing from regional budget, was eliminated. The reason for this elimination was the reform of public administration, which included the liquidation of regions. This liquidation resulted in the elimination of regional budgets. Financing from state budget and sponsorship of physical culture and sports has decreased by 10.46 percent. Financing from other sources has increased. Financing from local budgets has increased by 144.33 percent during 2008-2015. The total increase of financing from main sources was as high as 60.77 percent. Results of the research let to state that inefficient handling of finances lead to the inefficient system of Lithuanian sports’ sponsorship. A considerable problem is that only several isolated programs and projects get financing. Apart from this, local government set financing in reference to the possible resources. The problem of access to information was also identified. It means that if we want an efficient system of public sports sponsorship it is essential to unify the framework of sports financing in distinct municipalities, to develop the access to information about financial resources

    Integration of social media in personal sales

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    Šio baigiamojo darbo tikslas išanalizuoti socialinių tinklų panaudojimo galimybes asmeniniuose pardavimuose ir pateikti planą, kaip integruoti socialinių tinklų suteikiamas funkcijas pardavimo cikle. Darbo teorinėje dalyje analizuojami naujųjų technologijų sąlygoti pakitimai firmų marketingo strategijose ir socialinių tinklų panaudojimo būdai kompanijų dirbančių su pardavimais veikloje. Analitinėje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pateikiami ir analizuojami rezultatai tyrimo, atlikto kokybinio giluminio interviu metodu apklausiant VIASAT darbuotojus. Taip pat šioje dalyje pateikiami kiekybinės apklausos naudojant anketavimą atlikto tyrimo rezultatai, kuriame buvo apklausti Southwestern Advantage kompanijoje dirbę pardavimo agentai. Projektinėje dalyje yra pateikiamas veiksmų plano modelis, kuriuo remiantis galima išskaidyti pardavimą į atskiras dalis ir patarimai, kaip pardavimo agentams patobulinti savo veiklą integruojant į plano atskiras dalis socialinius tinklus.The purpose of this final paper is to analyze the opportunities of using social networks in direct selling and adduce the plan how to integrate the functions of social networks to the cycle of selling. The changes of company marketing strategies, which have been determined by new technologies, and the ways of using social networks in companies which work in selling area, were analyzed in theorical part. The results of research, which have been made by using qualitative interview for the employees of \"Viasat\" company, were presented and analyzed in the analytical part of the paper. The results of research, which have been made by using direct questionnaire for the selling agents of \"The Southwestern Advantage\" company, were presented in this part as well. The model of the plan of actions, which divides the sale to individual parts, and the strategy on how to improve the cycle of selling using social networks, were presented in the project part.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Forming taiwanese consciousness in the politics of the presidents of Republic of China 1988-2010

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    Darbo tikslas – atskleisti taivaniečių tautinės tapatybės formavimosi procesą bei ištirti ir palyginti trijų pastarųjų Kinijos Respublikos Taivane prezidentų politiką formuojant taivaniečių tapatybę. Per pastaruosius porą dešimtmečių Kinijos Respublikos (KR) Taivane žmonių gyvenimas stipriai pasikeitė. Ši šalis, kelis dešimtmečius save laikiusi Kinijos dalimi ir teisėtos politinės valdžios žemyne savininke, ėmė stipriai keistis ir joje ėmė formuotis taivanietiška tapatybė. Tokios tapatybės formavimosi požymių buvo galima aptikti ir ankstesniais laikais, tačiau jie niekada nebuvo tokie ryškūs ir saviti, kaip per pastaruosius porą dešimtmečių. Kinijos Respublikos Taivane valdančioji Guomindang (GMD) partija nuo pat įsitvirtinimo saloje teigė, jog egzistuoja tik viena Kinija, o Taivanas yra šios Kinijos dalis. Partijos tikslas buvo suvienyti visą Kiniją GMD partijos valdžioje. Tačiau kuo toliau, tuo labiau Kinijos Respublikos Taivane gyventojai pabrėžia, jog Taivanas nėra Kinija. Vis daugiau šios šalies gyventojų laiko save taivaniečiais, o ne kinais. Tiriant taivaniečių tautinės tapatybės formavimosi procesą bei prezidentų politiką formuojant taivanietišką tapatybę darbe buvo remiamasi aprašomuoju, istoriniu, interpretaciniu-analitiniu tyrimo metodais.In the last couple of decades life has changed a lot for people in the Republic of China (ROC). This country experienced transformation of its government from authoritarian rule to democracy. It has also experienced emergence of new national Taiwanese consciousness. Nowadays most of people in Taiwan find themselves Taiwanese and not Chinese anymore or experience double identity. In these last couple of decades when all transitions emerged, Taiwan was ruled by three different presidents that influenced development of Taiwanese national consciousness. So this paper is analyzing influence of Taiwanese presidents in forming Taiwanese national consciousness. Goal of this paper is to explore development of the national Taiwanese consciousness and research the influence of last three Republic of China presidents in forming national Taiwanese consciousness. There are couple of tasks that needs to be done in this paper in order to reach the goal. There are going to be analysed conditions in which national Taiwanese consciousness have been forming. Highlight main events in Taiwanese history that contributed to formation of Taiwanese national consciousness. Analyse politics of last three Republic of China presidents in forming Taiwanese national consciousness and research how their position in supporting one of the four Taiwanese national consciousness types influence their country future and national security. In this paper it has been discovered that all three Republic of China presidents actively engaged in forming their countries national consciousness. Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian tried to form Taiwanese nationalist type of consciousness and Ma Ying-jeou could be described as a conservative in the formation of Taiwanese national consciousness. Lee led his country to democratization, and localization in political life. His one of the goals also was to get international recognition of Taiwan. Similar goals had Chen Shui-bian. Ma Ying-jeou concentrates on economical growth and development of good relationships with Peoples Republic of China (PRC) but in the same time he wants to keep his country’s sovereignty from PRC. In this paper there are going to be used descriptive, historical and interpretive-analytical study methods.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Public sponsorship of sports: the case of Lithuania

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    The topic of the bachelor paper is “Public sponsorship of sports: the case of Lithuania”. The objective of the paper is to analyse public sponsorship of sports in Lithuania. The methods of scientific literature analysis, comparative analysis, statistical analysis and generalization were used in order to prepare the paper. The analysis of public sponsorship of sports in Lithuania has shown that public expenditure for sports was 49.04 million. These expenses increased by 18.11 percent up till 2014. During 2007–2014 expenditure of local government was considerably larger than expenditure of central government. Results of the research presented significant changes of financing from primary sources. One of the sources, i. e. financing from regional budget, was eliminated. The reason for this elimination was the reform of public administration, which included the liquidation of regions. This liquidation resulted in the elimination of regional budgets. Financing from state budget and sponsorship of physical culture and sports has decreased by 10.46 percent. Financing from other sources has increased. Financing from local budgets has increased by 144.33 percent during 2008-2015. The total increase of financing from main sources was as high as 60.77 percent. Results of the research let to state that inefficient handling of finances lead to the inefficient system of Lithuanian sports’ sponsorship. A considerable problem is that only several isolated programs and projects get financing. Apart from this, local government set financing in reference to the possible resources. The problem of access to information was also identified. It means that if we want an efficient system of public sports sponsorship it is essential to unify the framework of sports financing in distinct municipalities, to develop the access to information about financial resources

    Christian Fundamentalism in Lithuania: the Study of Kaunas Baptists Community

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    Šioje etnografinėje studijoje yra tyrinėjama Kauno krikščionių baptistų bendruomenė. Naudojant dalyvaujančio stebėjimo metodą, tyrimo metu siekiama atskleisti, kaip yra apibrėžiama, formuojama ir palaikoma šios grupės narių religinė tapatybė. Dalyvaujant bendruomenės ir atskirų jos narių organizuojamose ir vykdomose veiklose, kalbantis su tikinčiaisiais bendruomenėje ir neformalioje aplinkoje, susirašinėjant su bendruomenės pastoriumi, skaitant ir studijuojant bendruomenės narių rekomenduotą religinio pobūdžio literatūrą, žiūrint rekomenduotus religinio pobūdžio kino filmus, yra mėginama suprasti kaip patys bendruomenės nariai suvokia, išgyvena ir palaiko savo religinę tapatybę. Tyrimas parodė, kad pasikrikštydamas tikintysis tuo pačiu tampa naujuoju bendruomenės nariu ir mato save kaip „išgelbėtą“, „atgimusį“, gavusį „Šventosios Dvasios dovaną“ ir priklausantį vidinei bendruomenės erdvei, besilaikantį tvarkingo (Biblijos reglamentuoto) gyvensenos modelio. Tuo pačiu yra brėžiama riba ir atsiskiriama nuo „pražuvėlių“ „pasauliečių“ ir netvarkingo gyvenimo būdo, sąlygojamo „užtemdytos“ „pasaulio“ žmonių sąmonės (nežinojimo, kad Jėzus atpirko visų žmonių nuodėmes ir parodė kelią į „išsigelbėjimą“, Biblijos „nesupratimo“). Naujai „atgimusio“ krikščionio savimonė yra grindžiama nuolatos išgyvenamo intymaus santykio su Dievu, palaikomo per Bibliją ir maldą. Šis santykis tampa įmanomas įsikūrusios jame Šventosios Dvasios dėka. Dievo klausiama, Jo klausomasi skaitant ir studijuojant Bibliją („Dievo žodį“). Dievas šlovinamas, Jo prašoma, kreipiantis į Dievą malda. „Atgimusio“ krikščionio identitetui labai svarbi yra misijos samprata. Misija yra „Dievo žodžio“ „nešimas“ į „pasaulį“. Misijos samprata apibrėžia „atgimusio“ krikščionio laikyseną „pasaulyje“ ir siejasi su svarbiomis (žvelgiant į amžinybės perspektyvą) charakterio ir „širdies troškimų“ ugdymo, bei Dievo skirto žemiškojo gyvenimo laiko tikslingo panaudojimo sampratomis.This ethnographic study aims to investigate the community of Kaunas Christian Baptists. The way their religious identity is being defined, formed and maintained is revealed by employing participant observation method throughout the research. Participation in the activities organized by the community or its members, conversations with the believers at the community or informal settings, correspondence with the pastor of the community, readings and study of the religious books or watching the movies recommended by the believers helped to get a better insight into the way the community members perceive, experience and maintain their religious identity. According to the research data, baptism makes the believer a new member of the community and s/he starts to her/himself as “saved”, “born again”, the one who got “the gift of the Holy Spirit”, belongs to the inner space of the community and leads an orderly (defined by the Bible) way of life. At the same time there is a boundary being drawn that separates them from the laymen, “lost” ones and the disordered way of life which come from the “darkened” consciousness of the worldly people (the ignorance of the fact that Jesus atoned all the sins as well as showed the way to the salvation, and misunderstanding of the Bible). The religious self-consciousness of the newly “born again” Christians is based on the continuous intimate relationship with the God that is mediated through the Bible and a prayer. According to them, the Holy Spirit makes this relationship possible. This intimate communication with God includes asking the God and listening to him when reading the Bible (“the word of God”). Also, he is also praised and he is pleaded by a prayer. The notion of mission is essential to the identity of the “born again” Christian. A mission is a carrying out the “word of the God” into the world. The notion of the mission defines the stance of the “born again” Christian towards the world and pertains to the significant conceptions (with regard to the eternity) of the cultivation of the character and the “desires of the heart”, and the expedient use of the worldly life that was granted by the God.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Graphics and visualization [Rankraštis]

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    INF 321Su bibliogrVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Logistics services quality management opportunities

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    In today's business principle of logistics service quality improvement novelty gets organic information, transport, warehouse economy, stocks, commercial relationship between the coordination and integration of the overall system in order to optimize the organization of economic activity. The way it will be able to synchronize all of those areas, so that they form a seamless process, determine whether individual companies will work smoothly and profitably. The rapidly increasing volume of logistics services, infrastructure development, growing new warehouses, the growing importance of modern logistics solutions and increasing customer demand has created a growing need for a professional approach to the problems of logistics and quality management systems for new development. For these reasons, the resulting customer relationship management (CRM) helps companies adapt the market makes them more flexible and competitive, allows greater understanding of customer needs, to collect and analyze information about them. Businesses who reach operational efficiency and high quality of service it is very important to understand how the system works and when the system install is usefullVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij