7 research outputs found

    Темпоральные нормы института банкротства

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    In the context of the burgeoning Russian insolvency law, the applicable regulations may undergo essential changes over a bankruptcy period due to lengthy insolvency procedures. In such case, a pivotal question for the bankruptcy participants is the application of legal developments that significantly affect the participants’ scope of rights and obligations to the initiated procedure.This study is aimed to develop and substantiate a unified procedure for the commencement of legal provisions governing the bankruptcy procedure.The following tasks promote the above purpose:1) Determining applied options of commencement of amendments to the Insolvency Law;2) Weighing strengths and weaknesses of the determined options;3) Concluding on the most suitable procedure for commencement of amendments in these legal relationships.The analysis of amendments to the Insolvency Law highlights the absence of a legislator’s unified approach. The article outlines seven models of amendments commencement used by the legislator:1) amendments to the Insolvency Law do not describe the commencement procedure, so the general rule applies here: entry into force after ten days upon the date of their official publication;2) amendments to the Insolvency Law explicitly specify the date of entry into force or the period on the expiry of which the amendments enter into force;3) amendments to the Insolvency Law enter into force on the day of their official publication;4) amendments to the Insolvency Law apply in bankruptcy cases in which proceedings are initiated after the date of the amendments commencement;5) amendments to the Insolvency Law single out a cluster of legal relationships (e.g. legal relationships in current costs accounting) to which the amendments apply immediately (which is an exception to the general term of amendments commencement);6) amendments to the Insolvency Law specify legal facts, given which a new version of the law shall or shall not apply; in particular, the legislator has used the following jural facts (1) the beginning of settlements with creditors of the third priority; (2) the completion of a monitoring procedure in relation to an indebted developer;7) amendments to the Insolvency Law imply an extension of new rules to earlier existing legal relationships.Following the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the given models the authors believe that a new legal regulation (if any) shall be recognized when the bankruptcy case moves from one procedure to another. At the date of transition, the current version of the law in force is determined, its reference indicated in the judicial act. This mechanism allows the parties to the legal relationship to know with certainty the legal assessment from the judicial act and to build on the new legal regulation in their line of conduct. In the event of a fundamental change in the law, the parties will be protected by the current procedure as a temporary safeguard.This will make the bankruptcy procedure foreseeable for the parties and prevent unpredictable risks that did not exist at the initiation of the bankruptcy proceedings.Рассматривается законодательство о банкротстве, относящееся к наиболее динамично развивающимся сферам правового регулирования. Длительность процедур несостоятельности обусловливает возникновение ситуации, когда за период банкротства применимое законодательство претерпевает существенные изменения. В этом случае для участников дела о банкротстве принципиальным становится вопрос о применении к возбужденной процедуре нововведений, существенным образом влияющих на комплекс прав и обязанностей ее участников. Проведенный анализ изменяющих законодательство о банкротстве норм позволяет констатировать отсутствие единого подхода законодателя к установлению правил их применения. Указывается на необходимость разработки единого критерия применения новых норм о банкротстве, предлагается вариант решения обозначенной проблемы

    Применение хвои и скорлупы кедрового ореха в кормлении сельскохозяйственных животных и птицы (обзор)

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    Forests cover one-third of the planet’s land surface. Forests are essential for maintaining a clean environment, food security and biodiversity. Forests are also a source of food for animals. In the processing of forest resources, the forest industry accumulates various forest biomass wastes containing valuable and nutritious biologically active substances. The article provides an overview of the current state of the art in applying forest industry waste to feed farm animals and poultry. The authors presented the characteristics of biological properties of plant forestry raw materials and described the mechanism of their action on the animal organism. The authors analysed the results of studies of domestic and foreign scientists on feeding animals and poultry with feed additives containing pine needles and pine nutshells. The authors also characterised the possible advantages and disadvantages of using feed additives. The analysis of Russian and foreign scientific literature in the area under study has shown that forest industry waste in feed production and animal feeding is relevant as the available fodder base does not always allow to satisfy the need of animals for nutrients and biologically active substances. It has been noted that pine needles are used worldwide as a feed additive, but in the countries with the most significant areas of forests and developed forest industry, their use is the most common and effective. The use of cedar nut shells in the feeding of farm animals and poultry is most produced in Russia, while this area is underdeveloped in the world. The literature review has confirmed that using forest industry wastes such as pine nut needles and shells in animal feed production is promising livestock production.Леса покрывают одну третью часть поверхности суши планеты и играют важнейшую роль в поддержании чистоты окружающей среды, продовольственной безопасности населения и сохранении биологического разнообразия, а также выступают в качестве кормового источника для животных. При переработке лесных ресурсов в лесной промышленности накапливается большое количество различных отходов лесной биомассы, содержащих ценные и питательные биологически активные вещества. В статье представлен обзор современного состояния применения отходов лесной промышленности в кормлении сельскохозяйственных животных и птицы. Представлена характеристика биологических свойств растительного лесного сырья, описан механизм его действия на животный организм. Проведен анализ результатов исследований отечественных и зарубежных ученых по скармливанию кормовых добавок, содержащих хвою и скорлупу кедрового ореха, животным и птице, охарактеризованы возможные преимущества и недостатки их использования. Анализ российской и зарубежной научной литературы в исследуемой области показал, что использование отходов лесной промышленности в кормопроизводстве и кормлении животных актуально, поскольку имеющаяся кормовая база не всегда позволяет удовлетворить потребность животных в питательных и биологически активных веществах. Отмечено, что хвою применяют в мире в качестве кормовой добавки повсеместно, однако в странах с наибольшими площадями лесов и при развитой лесной промышленности ее использование наиболее распространено и эффективно. Использование скорлупы кедрового ореха в кормлении сельскохозяйственных животных и птицы наиболее развито в России, в то время как в мире это направление развито слабо. Проведенный обзор литературы подтвердил, что применение в кормопроизводстве отходов лесной отрасли, таких как хвоя и скорлупа кедрового ореха, перспективно для животноводства

    The Problems of Detection and Registration of Infections Specific to the Perinatal Period in Neonates

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    Objective. The frequency of diagnosing intrauterine infections is increasing every year. assessment of the frequency of intra-amniotic infection of the fetus using the standard case definition.Subject and methods: a study, conducted in one of the maternity hospitals of St. Petersburg, included 110 newborn children with an established diagnosis of intra-amniotic infection. To clarify the diagnosis, we have applied the probable and confirmed standard definitions of the case.Results: a study showed that the diagnosis of intraamniotic infection was consistent with the standard case definition in 30.9% of cases.Conclusion:  the introduction of standard case definitions will make it possible to unify the registration and notification of the intrauterine infections by different specialists in all types of healthcare settings and will allow a unified approach to identification of the intrauterine infections, both in maternity hospitals and in the neonatal units of children's hospitals