149 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamics of the Polyakov Line in SU(Nc)(N_c) Yang-Mills

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    We discuss a hydrodynamical description of the eigenvalues of the Polyakov line at large but finite NcN_c for Yang-Mills theory in even and odd space-time dimensions. The hydro-static solutions for the eigenvalue densities are shown to interpolate between a uniform distribution in the confined phase and a localized distribution in the de-confined phase. The resulting critical temperatures are in overall agreement with those measured on the lattice over a broad range of NcN_c, and are consistent with the string model results at Nc=N_c=\infty. The stochastic relaxation of the eigenvalues of the Polyakov line out of equilibrium is captured by a hydrodynamical instanton. An estimate of the probability of formation of a Z(Nc)_c) bubble using a piece-wise sound wave is suggested.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Hydrodynamics of the Chiral Dirac Spectrum

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    We derive a hydrodynamical description of the eigenvalues of the chiral Dirac spectrum in the vacuum and in the large NN (volume) limit. The linearized hydrodynamics supports sound waves. The stochastic relaxation of the eigenvalues is captured by a hydrodynamical instanton configuration which follows from a pertinent form of Euler equation. The relaxation from a phase of localized eigenvalues and unbroken chiral symmetry to a phase of de-localized eigenvalues and broken chiral symmetry occurs over a time set by the speed of sound. We show that the time is Δτ=πρ(0)/2βN\Delta \tau=\pi\rho(0)/2\beta N with ρ(0)\rho(0) the spectral density at zero virtuality and β=1,2,4\beta=1,2,4 for the three Dyson ensembles that characterize QCD with different quark representations in the ergodic regime.Comment: 6 page

    Causality constraints on TMD soft factors: the exponential regulator without cuts

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    We show that as a result of causality-constrained coordinate space analyticity, the Drell-Yan-shape transverse-momentum dependent soft factor in the exponential regulator allows below-threshold (Euclidean) parametric representations without cuts, to all orders in perturbation theory. Moreover, it is identical to another soft factor with natural interpretation as a space-like form factor and this relation continues to hold for a larger class of TMD soft factors that interpolate between three different rapidity regulators: the off-light-cone regulator, the finite light-front length regulator and the exponential regulator.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures. Typos related to L^-, L^+ in certain Wilson-lines are corrected and a new appendix B on path-connectedness of certain regions is adde

    Heavy Holographic Exotics: Tetraquarks as Efimov States

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    We provide a holographic description of non-strange multiquark exotics as compact topological molecules by binding heavy-light mesons to a tunneling configuration in D8-D8ˉ\bar 8 that is homotopic to the vacuum state with fixed Chern-Simons number. In the tunneling process, the heavy-light mesons transmute to fermions. Their binding is generic and arises from a trade-off between the dipole attraction induced by the Chern-Simons term and the U(1) fermionic repulsion. In the heavy quark limit, the open-flavor tetraquark exotics QQqˉqˉQQ\bar q\bar q and QˉQˉqq\bar Q\bar Q qq, emerge as bound Efimov states in a degenerate multiplet IJπ=(00+,01+)IJ^\pi=(00^+ , 01^+) with opposite intrinsic Chern-Simons numbers ±12\pm \frac 12. The hidden-flavor tetraquark exotics such as QQˉqqˉQ\bar Q q\bar q, QQQˉqˉQQ\bar Q\bar q and QQQˉQˉQQ\bar Q\bar Q as compact topological molecules are unbound. Other exotics are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Hydrodynamical Description of the QCD Dirac Spectrum at Finite Chemical Potential

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    We present a hydrodynamical description of the QCD Dirac spectrum at finite chemical potential as an uncompressible droplet in the complex eigenvalue space. For a large droplet, the fluctuation spectrum around the hydrostatic solution is gapped by a longitudinal Coulomb plasmon, and exhibits a frictionless odd viscosity. The stochastic relaxation time for the restoration/breaking of chiral symmetry is set by twice the plasmon frequency. The leading droplet size correction to the relaxation time is fixed by a universal odd viscosity to density ratio ηO/ρ0=(β2)/4\eta_O/\rho_0=(\beta-2)/4 for the three Dyson ensembles β=1,2,4\beta=1,2,4.Comment: 5 page