597 research outputs found

    Formation of Foreshock Transients and Associated Secondary Shocks

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    Upstream of shocks, the foreshock is filled with hot ions. When these ions are concentrated and thermalized around a discontinuity, a diamagnetic cavity bounded by compressional boundaries, referred to as a foreshock transient, forms. Sometimes, the upstream compressional boundary can further steepen into a secondary shock, which has been observed to accelerate particles and contribute to the primary shock acceleration. However, secondary shock formation conditions and processes are not fully understood. Using particle-in-cell simulations, we reveal how secondary shocks are formed. From 1D simulations, we show that electric fields play a critical role in shaping the shock's magnetic field structure, as well as in coupling the energy of hot ions to that of the shock. We demonstrate that larger thermal speed and concentration ratio of hot ions favor the formation of a secondary shock. From a more realistic 2D simulation, we examine how a discontinuity interacts with foreshock ions leading to the formation of a foreshock transient and a secondary shock. Our results imply that secondary shocks are more likely to occur at primary shocks with higher Mach number. With the secondary shock's previously proven ability to accelerate particles in cooperation with a planetary bow shock, it is even more appealing to consider them in particle acceleration of high Mach number astrophysical shocks.Peer reviewe

    Electron Acceleration by Magnetosheath Jet-Driven Bow Waves

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    Magnetosheath jets are localized fast flows with enhanced dynamic pressure. When they supermagnetosonically compress the ambient magnetosheath plasma, a bow wave or shock can form ahead of them. Such a bow wave was recently observed to accelerate ions and possibly electrons. The ion acceleration process was previously analyzed, but the electron acceleration process remains largely unexplored. Here we use multipoint observations by Time History of Events and Macroscale during Substorms from three events to determine whether and how magnetosheath jet-driven bow waves can accelerate electrons. We show that when suprathermal electrons in the ambient magnetosheath convect toward a bow wave, some electrons are shock-drift accelerated and reflected toward the ambient magnetosheath and others continue moving downstream of the bow wave resulting in bidirectional motion. Our study indicates that magnetosheath jet-driven bow waves can result in additional energization of suprathermal electrons in the magnetosheath. It implies that magnetosheath jets can increase the efficiency of electron acceleration at planetary bow shocks or other similar astrophysical environments

    Survival associated pathway identification with group Lp penalized global AUC maximization

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    It has been demonstrated that genes in a cell do not act independently. They interact with one another to complete certain biological processes or to implement certain molecular functions. How to incorporate biological pathways or functional groups into the model and identify survival associated gene pathways is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel iterative gradient based method for survival analysis with group Lp penalized global AUC summary maximization. Unlike LASSO, Lp (p < 1) (with its special implementation entitled adaptive LASSO) is asymptotic unbiased and has oracle properties [1]. We first extend Lp for individual gene identification to group Lp penalty for pathway selection, and then develop a novel iterative gradient algorithm for penalized global AUC summary maximization (IGGAUCS). This method incorporates the genetic pathways into global AUC summary maximization and identifies survival associated pathways instead of individual genes. The tuning parameters are determined using 10-fold cross validation with training data only. The prediction performance is evaluated using test data. We apply the proposed method to survival outcome analysis with gene expression profile and identify multiple pathways simultaneously. Experimental results with simulation and gene expression data demonstrate that the proposed procedures can be used for identifying important biological pathways that are related to survival phenotype and for building a parsimonious model for predicting the survival times

    THEMIS Observations of Particle Acceleration by a Magnetosheath Jet-Driven Bow Wave

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    Localized magnetosheath jets with high dynamic pressure are frequently observed downstream of Earth's bow shock. When such a fast magnetosheath jet compresses the ambient magnetosheath plasma, an earthward compressional bow wave could form. Such bow waves have been predicted by simulations but have never been observed. Using multipoint Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substroms (THEMIS) observations, we report the first observation where such a bow wave driven by an intrinsically formed magnetosheath jet can reflect and accelerate particles up to tens of kiloelectron volt for ions and 100 keV for electrons. By analyzing the ion distributions, we infer how particles reach the spacecraft from the bow wave demonstrating good agreement with our model of single particle motion. Our study implies that particle acceleration at magnetosheath jets could contribute significantly to particle acceleration at shocks in general

    Statistical Study of Magnetosheath Jet-Driven Bow Waves

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    When a magnetosheath jet (localized dynamic pressure enhancements) compresses ambient magnetosheath at a (relative) speed faster than the local magnetosonic speed, a bow wave or shock can form ahead of the jet. Such bow waves or shocks were recently observed to accelerate particles, thus contributing to magnetosheath heating and particle acceleration in the extended environment of Earth's bow shock. To further understand the characteristics of jet-driven bow waves, we perform a statistical study to examine which solar wind conditions favor their formation and whether it is common for them to accelerate particles. We identified 364 out of 2,859 (similar to 13%) magnetosheath jets to have a bow wave or shock ahead of them with Mach number typically larger than 1.1. We show that large solar wind plasma beta, weak interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength, large solar wind Alfven Mach number, and strong solar wind dynamic pressure present favorable conditions for their formation. We also show that magnetosheath jets with bow waves or shocks are more frequently associated with higher maximum ion and electron energies than those without them, confirming that it is common for these structures to accelerate particles. In particular, magnetosheath jets with bow waves have electron energy flux enhanced on average by a factor of 2 compared to both those without bow waves and the ambient magnetosheath. Our study implies that magnetosheath jets can contribute to shock acceleration of particles especially for high Mach number shocks. Therefore, shock models should be generalized to include magnetosheath jets and concomitant particle acceleration

    From regional pulse vaccination to global disease eradication: insights from a mathematical model of Poliomyelitis

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    Mass-vaccination campaigns are an important strategy in the global fight against poliomyelitis and measles. The large-scale logistics required for these mass immunisation campaigns magnifies the need for research into the effectiveness and optimal deployment of pulse vaccination. In order to better understand this control strategy, we propose a mathematical model accounting for the disease dynamics in connected regions, incorporating seasonality, environmental reservoirs and independent periodic pulse vaccination schedules in each region. The effective reproduction number, ReR_e, is defined and proved to be a global threshold for persistence of the disease. Analytical and numerical calculations show the importance of synchronising the pulse vaccinations in connected regions and the timing of the pulses with respect to the pathogen circulation seasonality. Our results indicate that it may be crucial for mass-vaccination programs, such as national immunisation days, to be synchronised across different regions. In addition, simulations show that a migration imbalance can increase ReR_e and alter how pulse vaccination should be optimally distributed among the patches, similar to results found with constant-rate vaccination. Furthermore, contrary to the case of constant-rate vaccination, the fraction of environmental transmission affects the value of ReR_e when pulse vaccination is present.Comment: Added section 6.1, made other revisions, changed titl

    Direct Multipoint Observations Capturing the Reformation of a Supercritical Fast Magnetosonic Shock

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    Using multipoint Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) observations in an unusual string-of-pearls configuration, we examine in detail observations of the reformation of a fast magnetosonic shock observed on the upstream edge of a foreshock transient structure upstream of Earth's bow shock. The four MMS spacecraft were separated by several hundred kilometers, comparable to suprathermal ion gyroradius scales or several ion inertial lengths. At least half of the shock reformation cycle was observed, with a new shock ramp rising up out of the "foot" region of the original shock ramp. Using the multipoint observations, we convert the observed time-series data into distance along the shock normal in the shock's rest frame. That conversion allows for a unique study of the relative spatial scales of the shock's various features, including the shock's growth rate, and how they evolve during the reformation cycle. Analysis indicates that the growth rate increases during reformation, electron-scale physics play an important role in the shock reformation, and energy conversion processes also undergo the same cyclical periodicity as reformation. Strong, thin electron-kinetic-scale current sheets and large-amplitude electrostatic and electromagnetic waves are reported. Results highlight the critical cross-scale coupling between electron-kinetic- and ion-kinetic-scale processes and details of the nature of nonstationarity, shock-front reformation at collisionless, fast magnetosonic shocks.Peer reviewe