471 research outputs found

    Statistical analysis on markowitz portfolio mean-variance principle

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    Distributed Coordination of Fractional Dynamical Systems with Exogenous Disturbances

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    Distributed coordination of fractional multiagent systems with external disturbances is studied. The state observer of fractional dynamical system is presented, and an adaptive pinning controller is designed for a little part of agents in multiagent systems without disturbances. This adaptive pinning controller with the state observer can ensure multiple agents' states reaching an expected reference tracking. Based on disturbance observers, the controllers are composited with the pinning controller and the state observer. By applying the stability theory of fractional order dynamical systems, the distributed coordination of fractional multiagent systems with external disturbances can be reached asymptotically

    Deep quantization network with visual-semantic alignment for zero-shot image retrieval

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    Approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search has become an essential paradigm for large-scale image retrieval. Conventional ANN search requires the categories of query images to been seen in the training set. However, facing the rapid evolution of newly-emerging concepts on the web, it is too expensive to retrain the model via collecting labeled data with the new (unseen) concepts. Existing zero-shot hashing methods choose the semantic space or intermediate space as the embedding space, which ignore the inconsistency of visual space and semantic space and suffer from the hubness problem on the zero-shot image retrieval task. In this paper, we present an novel deep quantization network with visual-semantic alignment for efficient zero-shot image retrieval. Specifically, we adopt a multi-task architecture that is capable of 1) 1) learning discriminative and polymeric image representations for facilitating the visual-semantic alignment; 2) 2) learning discriminative semantic embeddings for knowledge transfer; and 3) 3) learning compact binary codes for aligning the visual space and the semantic space. We compare the proposed method with several state-of-the-art methods on several benchmark datasets, and the experimental results validate the superiority of the proposed method

    Selection of Aptamers Specific for Adipose Tissue

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    Obesity has reached epidemic proportions, affecting more than one tenth of the world's population. As such, adipose tissue is being increasingly recognized as an important therapeutic target for obesity and related metabolic disorders. While many potential targets of adipose tissue have been established and drugs developed, very few of those drugs specifically target adipose tissue without affecting other tissue. This results from a limited knowledge of both cell-surface markers and physicochemical traits specific to adipocytes that might otherwise be exploited by circulating drugs.Here we report the use of cell-SELEX technology to select two aptamers that can specifically recognize mature adipocytes: adipo-1 and adipo-8. Adipo-8 shows high affinity for differentiated, mature 3T3-L1 adipocytes with a K(d) value of 17.8±5.1 nM. The binding was sustained upon incubation at 37°C and insulin stimulation, but was lost upon trypsin treatment. The binding ability was also verified on frozen tissue slides with low background fluorescence and isolated adipocytes.Aptamer adipo-8 selected from a random library appears to bind to mature differentiated adipocytes specifically. This aptamer holds great promise as a molecular recognition tool for adipocyte biomarker discovery or for targeted delivery of molecules to adipocytes

    Zhang, et al, Expression of iKIR-HLA-Cw in patients with inflammatory bowel disease Expression of iKIR-HLA-Cw in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Abstract Objective. To investigate the distribution of inhibitory killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (iKIR) and its ligand human leukocyte antigen C locus (HLA-Cw) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and explore whether iKIR/HLA-Cw combinations are associated with IBD susceptibility. Methods. The iKIR in 100 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), 52 patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and 106 randomly ethnically matched healthy controls was phenotyped by sequence-specific primer PCR (PCR-SSP). HLA-Cw was phenotyped by CLOCUS SSP UNITRAY ® . The combination of HLA-Cw and its corresponding iKIR in individual was analyzed subsequently. Results. The KIR2DL1 and KIR2DL3 gene phenotype frequencies in UC patients were 0.710 and 0.620 respectively, both significantly lower than those in healthy controls, and the KIR2DL1 gene phenotype frequency in CD patients was 0.731, significantly lower than that in healthy controls. KIR2DL1-HLA-C2 combination in patients with UC and CD were 0.380 and 0.404 respectively, both significantly lower than that in healthy controls. Conclusion. The susceptibility to IBD is associated with decreased KIR2DL1-HLA-C2 combination

    Finite-Time H

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    This paper addresses the problem of finite-time H∞ filtering for one family of singular stochastic systems with parametric uncertainties and time-varying norm-bounded disturbance. Initially, the definitions of singular stochastic finite-time boundedness and singular stochastic H∞ finite-time boundedness are presented. Then, the H∞ filtering is designed for the class of singular stochastic systems with or without uncertain parameters to ensure singular stochastic finite-time boundedness of the filtering error system and satisfy a prescribed H∞ performance level in some given finite-time interval. Furthermore, sufficient criteria are presented for the solvability of the filtering problems by employing the linear matrix inequality technique. Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the validity of the proposed methodology

    A novel CO2-stable dual phase membrane with high oxygen permeability

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    By cobalt-doping of the mixed conducting phase PSFC, a good combination of high CO2 stability and high oxygen permeability is obtained for the 60 wt% Ce0.9Pr0.1O2-delta d -40 wt% Pr0.6Sr0.4Fe0.5Co0.5O3-delta (CP-PSFC) dual phase membrane, which suggests that CP-PSFC is a promising membrane for industrial applications in the oxyfuel process for CO2 capture

    Making Markowitz's Portfolio Optimization Theory Practically Useful

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    The traditional estimated return for the Markowitz mean-variance optimization has been demonstrated to seriously depart from its theoretic optimal return. We prove that this phenomenon is natural and the estimated optimal return is always γ\sqrt{\gamma} times larger than its theoretic counterpart where γ=11y\gamma = \frac 1{1-y} with yy as the ratio of the dimension to sample size. Thereafter, we develop new bootstrap-corrected estimations for the optimal return and its asset allocation and prove that these bootstrap-corrected estimates are proportionally consistent with their theoretic counterparts. Our theoretical results are further confirmed by our simulations, which show that the essence of the portfolio analysis problem could be adequately captured by our proposed approach. This greatly enhances the practical uses of the Markowitz mean-variance optimization procedure