657 research outputs found

    Erosion patterns in a sediment layer

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    We report here on a laboratory-scale experiment which reproduces a rich variety of natural patterns with few control parameters. In particular, we focus on intriguing rhomboid structures often found on sandy shores and flats. We show that the standard views based on water surface waves come short to explain the phenomenon and we evidence a new mechanism based on a mud avalanche instability.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear as Phys. Rev. E rapid com

    Induced CMB quadrupole from pointing offsets

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    Recent claims in the literature have suggested that the {\it WMAP} quadrupole is not primordial in origin, and arises from an aliasing of the much larger dipole field because of incorrect satellite pointing. We attempt to reproduce this result and delineate the key physics leading to the effect. We find that, even if real, the induced quadrupole would be smaller than claimed. We discuss reasons why the {\it WMAP} data are unlikely to suffer from this particular systematic effect, including the implications for observations of point sources. Given this evidence against the reality of the effect, the similarity between the pointing-offset-induced signal and the actual quadrupole then appears to be quite puzzling. However, we find that the effect arises from a convolution between the gradient of the dipole field and anisotropic coverage of the scan direction at each pixel. There is something of a directional conspiracy here -- the dipole signal lies close to the Ecliptic Plane, and its direction, together with the {\it WMAP} scan strategy, results in a strong coupling to the Y2, −1Y_{2,\,-1} component in Ecliptic co-ordinates. The dominant strength of this component in the measured quadrupole suggests that one should exercise increased caution in interpreting its estimated amplitude. The {\it Planck} satellite has a different scan strategy which does not so directly couple the dipole and quadrupole in this way and will soon provide an independent measurement.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Quasinormal modes of a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by free static spherically symmetric quintessence: Electromagnetic perturbations

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    In this paper, we evaluated the quasinormal modes of electromagnetic perturbation in a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by the static spherically symmetric quintessence by using the third-order WKB approximation when the quintessential state parameter wq w_{q} in the range of −1/3<wq<0-1/3<w_{q}<0. Due to the presence of quintessence, Maxwell field damps more slowly. And when at −1<wq<−1/3-1<w_{q}<-1/3, it is similar to the black hole solution in the ds/Ads spacetime. The appropriate boundary conditions need to be modified.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Automatic support for product based workflow design : generation of process models from a product data model

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    Product Based Workflow Design (PBWD) is one of the few scientific methodologies for the (re)design of workflow processes. It is based on an analysis of the product that is produced in the workflow process and derives a process model from the product structure. Until now this derivation has been a manual task and is therefore a time-consuming and error-prone exercise. Automatic support would enhance the use of the PBWD methodology. In this paper we propose several algorithms to automatically generate process models from a product structure and we present a software tool (implemented in ProM) to support this. Finally, the properties of the resulting process models are analysed and discussed

    Microscopic theory of vertical-transport phenomena in semiconductor heterostructures: Interplay between two- and three-dimensional hot-carrier relaxation

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    A theoretical analysis of vertical-transport phenomena in semiconductor heterostructures is presented. In particular, the scattering coupling between two- and three-dimensional states in multiple quantum wells is investigated. To this purpose, a fully three-dimensional approach for the description of both localized and extended states in the heterostructure is proposed. Starting from such three-dimensional states, obtained from a self-consistent Schrödinger-Poisson calculation, a Monte Carlo solution of the corresponding Boltzmann transport equation is performed. In contrast to various phenomenological transport models, the present simulation scheme allows a kinetic description, i.e., based on microscopic scattering rates, of vertical transport across a generic heterostructure. Our results provide a rigorous description of hot-carrier relaxation between extended and localized states. This simulation scheme has been applied to finite multiple quantum wells with different geometries and doping profiles. A detailed analysis of the electron current as a function of temperature in quasiequilibrium conditions shows good agreement with experimental results. Moreover, in non-equilibrium conditions (i.e., hot-carrier regime) the scattering coupling between three- and two-dimensional states is found to play a significant role in modifying the carrier mobility as well as the fraction of conducting electrons

    Constraints on accelerating universe using ESSENCE and Gold supernovae data combined with other cosmological probes

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    We use recently observed data: the 192 ESSENCE type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), the 182 Gold SNe Ia, the 3-year WMAP, the SDSS baryon acoustic peak, the X-ray gas mass fraction in clusters and the observational H(z)H(z) data to constrain models of the accelerating universe. Combining the 192 ESSENCE data with the observational H(z)H(z) data to constrain a parameterized deceleration parameter, we obtain the best fit values of transition redshift and current deceleration parameter zT=0.632−0.127+0.256z_{T}=0.632^{+0.256}_{-0.127}, q0=−0.788−0.182+0.182q_{0}=-0.788^{+0.182}_{-0.182}. Furthermore, using Λ\LambdaCDM model and two model-independent equation of state of dark energy, we find that the combined constraint from the 192 ESSENCE data and other four cosmological observations gives smaller values of Ω0m\Omega_{0m} and q0q_{0}, but a larger value of zTz_{T} than the combined constraint from the 182 Gold data with other four observations. Finally, according to the Akaike information criterion it is shown that the recently observed data equally supports three dark energy models: Λ\LambdaCDM, wde(z)=w0w_{de}(z)=w_{0} and wde(z)=w0+w1ln⁥(1+z)w_{de}(z)=w_{0}+w_{1}\ln(1+z).Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Low-Luminosity Accretion in Black Hole X-ray Binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei

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    At luminosities below a few percent of Eddington, accreting black holes switch to a hard spectral state which is very different from the soft blackbody-like spectral state that is found at higher luminosities. The hard state is well-described by a two-temperature, optically thin, geometrically thick, advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) in which the ions are extremely hot (up to 101210^{12} K near the black hole), the electrons are also hot (∌109−10.5\sim10^{9-10.5} K), and thermal Comptonization dominates the X-ray emission. The radiative efficiency of an ADAF decreases rapidly with decreasing mass accretion rate, becoming extremely low when a source reaches quiescence. ADAFs are expected to have strong outflows, which may explain why relativistic jets are often inferred from the radio emission of these sources. It has been suggested that most of the X-ray emission also comes from a jet, but this is less well established.Comment: To appear in "From X-ray Binaries to Quasars: Black Hole Accretion on All Mass Scales" edited by T. Maccarone, R. Fender, L. Ho, to be published as a special edition of "Astrophysics and Space Science" by Kluwe

    Energy and Flux Measurements of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays Observed During the First ANITA Flight

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    The first flight of the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment recorded 16 radio signals that were emitted by cosmic-ray induced air showers. For 14 of these events, this radiation was reflected from the ice. The dominant contribution to the radiation from the deflection of positrons and electrons in the geomagnetic field, which is beamed in the direction of motion of the air shower. This radiation is reflected from the ice and subsequently detected by the ANITA experiment at a flight altitude of 36km. In this paper, we estimate the energy of the 14 individual events and find that the mean energy of the cosmic-ray sample is 2.9 EeV. By simulating the ANITA flight, we calculate its exposure for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. We estimate for the first time the cosmic-ray flux derived only from radio observations. In addition, we find that the Monte Carlo simulation of the ANITA data set is in agreement with the total number of observed events and with the properties of those events.Comment: Added more explanation of the experimental setup and textual improvement

    Accretion and ejection in black-hole X-ray transients

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    Aims: We summarize the current observational picture of the outbursts of black-hole X-ray transients (BHTs), based on the evolution traced in a hardness-luminosity diagram (HLD), and we offer a physical interpretation. Methods: The basic ingredient in our interpretation is the Poynting-Robertson Cosmic Battery (PRCB, Contopoulos & Kazanas 1998), which provides locally the poloidal magnetic field needed for the ejection of the jet. In addition, we make two assumptions, easily justifiable. The first is that the mass-accretion rate to the black hole in a BHT outburst has a generic bell-shaped form. This is guaranteed by the observational fact that all BHTs start their outburst and end it at the quiescent state. The second assumption is that at low accretion rates the accretion flow is geometrically thick, ADAF-like, while at high accretion rates it is geometrically thin. Results: Both, at the beginning and the end of an outburst, the PRCB establishes a strong poloidal magnetic field in the ADAF-like part of the accretion flow, and this explains naturally why a jet is always present in the right part of the HLD. In the left part of the HLD, the accretion flow is in the form of a thin disk, and such a disk cannot sustain a strong poloidal magnetic filed. Thus, no jet is expected in this part of the HLD. The counterclockwise traversal of the HLD is explained as follows: the poloidal magnetic field in the ADAF forces the flow to remain ADAF and the source to move upwards in the HLD rather than to turn left. Thus, the history of the system determines the counterclockwise traversal of the HLD. As a result, no BHT is expected to ever traverse the entire HLD curve in the clockwise direction. Conclusions: We offer a physical interpretation of accretion and ejection in BHTs with only one parameter, the mass transfer rate.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Effects of red grape, wild grape and black raspberry wines on ground pork during refrigerated storage

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    The effects of red grape, wild grape and black raspberry wines on the quality of ground pork during a 15 days refrigerated storage period were investigated. The levels of phenolic compounds were the highest in black raspberry wine (P0.05). The addition of 5% and 10% wine influenced the quality of ground pork by decreasing pH, inhibiting the progression of lipid oxidation and the formation of total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), and stabilizing the red colour of the ground pork compared to control samples to which no wine was added. In ground pork, addition of red grape wine led to lower concentrations of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS, 0.19–0.39 mg kg−1) and TVB-N values (69.1–119.9 mg kg−1) than wild grape (0.16–0.43 mg kg−1 and 72.0–194.1 mg kg−1, respectively) or black raspberry wine (0.33–0.58 mg kg−1 and 81.7–225.4 mg kg−1, respectively) up to 10 days of storage. Results from the present study suggested that the quality of ground pork was affected by wine type and storage period. These effects could be due to phenolic compounds as well as other chemical components of the wines
