61 research outputs found

    Clinicians’ challenges in managing patients with invasive fungal diseases in seven Asian countries: An Asia Fungal Working Group(AFWG) Survey

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    Background: Invasive fungal diseases (IFD) are a serious threat, but physicians in Asia lack access to many advanced diagnostics in mycology. It is likely that they face other impediments in the management of IFD. A gap analysis was performed to understand the challenges Asian physicians faced in medical mycology. Methods: The Asia Fungal Working Group (AFWG) conducted a web-based survey on management practices for IFD among clinicians in China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. Findings: Among 292 respondents, 51.7% were infectious disease (ID) specialists. Only 37% of respondents had received formal training in medical mycology. They handled only around 2–4 proven cases of each fungal infection monthly, with invasive candidiasis the most common. For laboratory support, the majority had access to direct microscopy (96%) and histopathology (87%), but galactomannan and azole levels were available to 60% and 25% of respondents, respectively. The majority (84%) used clinical parameters for treatment response monitoring, and 77% followed the Infectious Diseases Society of America guidelines. The majority (84%) did not use the services of an ID physician. Where febrile neutropenia was concerned, 74% of respondents used the empirical approach. Only 30% had an antifungal stewardship program in their hospital. Eighty percent could not use preferred antifungals because of cost. Interpretation: The survey identified inadequacies in medical mycology training, non-culture diagnostics, access to antifungal drugs, and local guidelines as the major gaps in the management of IFDs in Asian countries. These gaps are targets for improvement

    Survey of laboratory practices for diagnosis of fungal infection in seven Asian countries: An Asia Fungal Working Group (AFWG) initiative

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    An online survey of mycology laboratories in seven Asian countries was conducted to assess the status, competence, and services available. Country representatives from the Asia Fungal Working Group (AFWG) contacted as many laboratories performing mycology diagnosis as possible in their respective countries, requesting that the laboratory heads complete the online survey. In total, 241 laboratories responded, including 71 in China, 104 in India, 11 in Indonesia, 26 in the Philippines, four in Singapore, 18 in Taiwan, and seven in Thailand. Overall, 129/241 (53.5%) surveyed mycology laboratories operate as separate designated mycology laboratories, 75/241 (31.1%) conduct regular formal staff training, 103/241 (42.7%) are accredited, and 88/157 (56.1%) participate in external quality assurance scheme (EQAS) programs. Microscopy and culture methods are available in nearly all laboratories, although few perform DNA sequencing (37/219; 16.9%) or use matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF MS) (27/219; 12.3%) for isolate identification. Antifungal susceptibility testing is performed in 142/241 (58.9%) laboratories, mainly for yeasts. The most commonly performed nonculture diagnostic is cryptococcal antigen testing (66 laboratories), followed by galactomannan testing (55), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnosis (37), and beta-D-glucan testing (24). Therapeutic drug monitoring is conducted in 21 laboratories. There is almost no access to advanced diagnostic tests, like galactomannan, β-D-glucan, and PCR, in the surveyed laboratories in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand. These results highlight the need for development of quality laboratories, accreditation and training of manpower in existing laboratories, and access to advanced non–culture-based diagnostic tests to facilitate the diagnosis of fungal infections in Asia

    international Epidemiology of Carbapenemase-Producing Escherichia Coli

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    BACKGROUND: Carbapenemase-producing (CP) Escherichia coli (CP-Ec) are a global public health threat. We aimed to describe the clinical and molecular epidemiology and outcomes of patients from several countries with CP-Ec isolates obtained from a prospective cohort. METHODS: Patients with CP-Ec were enrolled from 26 hospitals in 6 countries. Clinical data were collected, and isolates underwent whole-genome sequencing. Clinical and molecular features and outcomes associated with isolates with or without metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) were compared. The primary outcome was desirability of outcome ranking (DOOR) at 30 days after the index culture. RESULTS: Of the 114 CP-Ec isolates in Consortium on resistance against carbapenems in Klebsiella and other Enterobacterales-2 (CRACKLE-2), 49 harbored an MBL, most commonly blaNDM-5 (38/49, 78%). Strong regional variations were noted with MBL-Ec predominantly found among patients in China (23/49). Clinically, MBL-Ec were more often from urine sources (49% vs 29%), less often met criteria for infection (39% vs 58%, P = .04), and had lower acuity of illness when compared with non-MBL-Ec. Among patients with infection, the probability of a better DOOR outcome for a randomly selected patient with MBL-Ec as compared with non-MBL-Ec was 62% (95% CI: 48.2-74.3%). Among infected patients, non-MBL-Ec had increased 30-day (26% vs 0%; P = .02) and 90-day (39% vs 0%; P = .001) mortality compared with MBL-Ec. CONCLUSIONS: Emergence of CP-Ec was observed with important geographic variations. Bacterial characteristics, clinical presentations, and outcomes differed between MBL-Ec and non-MBL-Ec. Mortality was higher among non-MBL isolates, which were more frequently isolated from blood, but these findings may be confounded by regional variations

    Global epidemiology and clinical outcomes of carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and associated carbapenemases (POP): a prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) is a global threat, but the distribution and clinical significance of carbapenemases are unclear. The aim of this study was to define characteristics and outcomes of CRPA infections and the global frequency and clinical impact of carbapenemases harboured by CRPA. METHODS: We conducted an observational, prospective cohort study of CRPA isolated from bloodstream, respiratory, urine, or wound cultures of patients at 44 hospitals (10 countries) between Dec 1, 2018, and Nov 30, 2019. Clinical data were abstracted from health records and CRPA isolates were whole-genome sequenced. The primary outcome was 30-day mortality from the day the index culture was collected. We compared outcomes of patients with CRPA infections by infection type and across geographic regions and performed an inverse probability weighted analysis to assess the association between carbapenemase production and 30-day mortality. FINDINGS: We enrolled 972 patients (USA n=527, China n=171, south and central America n=127, Middle East n=91, Australia and Singapore n=56), of whom 581 (60%) had CRPA infections. 30-day mortality differed by infection type (bloodstream 21 [30%] of 69, respiratory 69 [19%] of 358, wound nine [14%] of 66, urine six [7%] of 88; p=0·0012) and geographical region (Middle East 15 [29%] of 52, south and central America 20 [27%] of 73, USA 60 [19%] of 308, Australia and Singapore three [11%] of 28, China seven [6%] of 120; p=0·0002). Prevalence of carbapenemase genes among CRPA isolates also varied by region (south and central America 88 [69%] of 127, Australia and Singapore 32 [57%] of 56, China 54 [32%] of 171, Middle East 27 [30%] of 91, USA ten [2%] of 527; p\u3c0·0001). KPC-2 (n=103 [49%]) and VIM-2 (n=75 [36%]) were the most common carbapenemases in 211 carbapenemase-producing isolates. After excluding USA patients, because few US isolates had carbapenemases, patients with carbapenemase-producing CRPA infections had higher 30-day mortality than those with non-carbapenemase-producing CRPA infections in both unadjusted (26 [22%] of 120 vs 19 [12%] of 153; difference 9%, 95% CI 3-16) and adjusted (difference 7%, 95% CI 1-14) analyses. INTERPRETATION: The emergence of different carbapenemases among CRPA isolates in different geographical regions and the increased mortality associated with carbapenemase-producing CRPA infections highlight the therapeutic challenges posed by these organisms. FUNDING: National Institutes of Health

    Epidemiología mundial y resultados clínicos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistente a carbapenemes y carbapenemasas asociadas (POP): un estudio prospectivo de cohortes

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    Antecedentes: La Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistente a los carbapenemes (CRPA) es una amenaza mundial, pero la distribución y la importancia clínica de las carbapenemasas no están claras. El objetivo de este estudio fue definir las características y los resultados de las infecciones por CRPA, así como la frecuencia global y el impacto clínico de las carbapenemasas albergadas por CRPA. Métodos: Llevamos a cabo un estudio de cohortes observacional y prospectivo de CRPA aislados de cultivos de torrente sanguíneo, respiratorio, orina o heridas de pacientes en 44 hospitales (10 países) entre el 1 de diciembre de 2018 y el 30 de noviembre de 2019. Los datos clínicos se extrajeron de los registros de salud y los aislados de CRPA se secuenciaron en todo el genoma. El resultado primario fue la mortalidad a 30 días a partir del día en que se recolectó el cultivo índice. Se compararon los resultados de los pacientes con infecciones por CRPA por tipo de infección y entre regiones geográficas y se realizó un análisis ponderado de probabilidad inversa para evaluar la asociación entre la producción de carbapenemasas y la mortalidad a 30 días. Resultados: Se incluyeron 972 pacientes (EE.UU. n=527, China n=171, América del Sur y Central n=127, Oriente Medio n=91, Australia y Singapur n=56), de los cuales 581 (60%) tenían infecciones por CRPA. La mortalidad a los 30 días difería según el tipo de infección (torrente sanguíneo 21 [30%] de 69, respiratoria 69 [19%] de 358, herida nueve [14%] de 66, orina seis [7%] de 88; p=0-0012) y la región geográfica (Oriente Medio 15 [29%] de 52, América del Sur y Central 20 [27%] de 73, EE.UU. 60 [19%] de 308, Australia y Singapur tres [11%] de 28, China siete [6%] de 120; p=0-0002). La prevalencia de genes carbapenemasa entre los aislados CRPA también varió según la región (América del Sur y Central 88 [69%] de 127, Australia y Singapur 32 [57%] de 56, China 54 [32%] de 171, Oriente Medio 27 [30%] de 91, EE.UU. diez [2%] de 527; p<0-0001). KPC-2 (n=103 [49%]) y VIM-2 (n=75 [36%]) fueron las carbapenemasas más comunes en 211 aislados productores de carbapenemasas. Después de excluir a los pacientes de EE.UU., porque pocos aislados de EE.UU. tenían carbapenemasas, los pacientes con infecciones por CRPA productoras de carbapenemasas tuvieron una mayor mortalidad a los 30 días que aquellos con infecciones por CRPA no productoras de carbapenemasas, tanto en los análisis no ajustados (26 [22%] de 120 frente a 19 [12%] de 153; diferencia 9%, IC 95% 3-16) como ajustados (diferencia 7%, IC 95% 1-14). Interpretación: La aparición de diferentes carbapenemasas entre los aislados de CRPA en diferentes regiones geográficas y el aumento de la mortalidad asociada a las infecciones por CRPA productores de carbapenemasas ponen de manifiesto los retos terapéuticos que plantean estos organismos. Financiación: Institutos Nacionales de Salud.Background: Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) is a global threat, but the distribution and clinical significance of carbapenemases are unclear. The aim of this study was to define characteristics and outcomes of CRPA infections and the global frequency and clinical impact of carbapenemases harboured by CRPA. Methods: We conducted an observational, prospective cohort study of CRPA isolated from bloodstream, respiratory, urine, or wound cultures of patients at 44 hospitals (10 countries) between Dec 1, 2018, and Nov 30, 2019. Clinical data were abstracted from health records and CRPA isolates were whole-genome sequenced. The primary outcome was 30-day mortality from the day the index culture was collected. We compared outcomes of patients with CRPA infections by infection type and across geographic regions and performed an inverse probability weighted analysis to assess the association between carbapenemase production and 30-day mortality. Findings: We enrolled 972 patients (USA n=527, China n=171, south and central America n=127, Middle East n=91, Australia and Singapore n=56), of whom 581 (60%) had CRPA infections. 30-day mortality differed by infection type (bloodstream 21 [30%] of 69, respiratory 69 [19%] of 358, wound nine [14%] of 66, urine six [7%] of 88; p=0·0012) and geographical region (Middle East 15 [29%] of 52, south and central America 20 [27%] of 73, USA 60 [19%] of 308, Australia and Singapore three [11%] of 28, China seven [6%] of 120; p=0·0002). Prevalence of carbapenemase genes among CRPA isolates also varied by region (south and central America 88 [69%] of 127, Australia and Singapore 32 [57%] of 56, China 54 [32%] of 171, Middle East 27 [30%] of 91, USA ten [2%] of 527; p<0·0001). KPC-2 (n=103 [49%]) and VIM-2 (n=75 [36%]) were the most common carbapenemases in 211 carbapenemase-producing isolates. After excluding USA patients, because few US isolates had carbapenemases, patients with carbapenemase-producing CRPA infections had higher 30-day mortality than those with non-carbapenemase-producing CRPA infections in both unadjusted (26 [22%] of 120 vs 19 [12%] of 153; difference 9%, 95% CI 3–16) and adjusted (difference 7%, 95% CI 1–14) analyses. Interpretation: The emergence of different carbapenemases among CRPA isolates in different geographical regions and the increased mortality associated with carbapenemase-producing CRPA infections highlight the therapeutic challenges posed by these organisms. Funding: National Institutes of Health

    A Study of the Impact of Mobile Payment on the Enhancement of Consumption Structure and Pattern of Chinese Rural Households

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    Amidst China’s economic transition towards high-quality development, the latent potential of the rural consumer market has been significantly unlocked, rendering the evolution of rural household consumption patterns a pivotal area of research. In this paper, we empirically investigate the influence of mobile payment on the transformation of consumption patterns within Chinese rural households, utilizing data from the China Household Finance Survey 2017 and China Household Finance Survey 2019. This study’s findings reveal the following key points: Firstly, mobile payment significantly contributes to the enhancement of the consumption structure within rural households. Secondly, the mechanistic analysis demonstrates that mobile payment plays a pivotal role in alleviating mobility constraints and optimizing the consumption environment, thereby facilitating the improvement of rural households’ consumption patterns. Lastly, the heterogeneity analysis indicates that mobile payment has a more pronounced effect on the upgrading of consumption structures among rural households with older household heads and higher education levels. In light of these findings, this paper suggests advancing the development of mobile payment infrastructure in rural areas, enhancing the proliferation of smartphones in rural regions, and bolstering financial education initiatives within rural communities

    Effect of Initial State of Air-launch on Payload of Launch Vehicle

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    At present, the research on air launch technology at home and abroad focuses on the numerical simulation and aerodynamic characteristics in the process of rocket separation, while the research on the impact of air launch on the payload of launch vehicle is rarely involved. The influence of the initial state of air-launch on the payload of the launch vehicle is studied. By simplifying the model of the flight orbit, the mathematical model of the rocket flight is first established and then the influence of the launch height and the launch velocity on the payload of the rocket after entering the orbit is quantitatively analyzed. The results show that increasing the launch height can effectively increase the payload, but if the launch height is increased beyond 10 km, the increase in payload is not as significant as before. Increasing the launch velocity can significantly increase the payload, and the launch velocity is more significant for the payload increase. Therefore, considering the economics of air-launch, it is more appropriate to set an initial launch height of 10 km and to increase the initial launch speed as much as possible

    Remote sensing image information extraction based on Compensated Fuzzy Neural Network and big data analytics

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    Abstract Medical imaging AI systems and big data analytics have attracted much attention from researchers of industry and academia. The application of medical imaging AI systems and big data analytics play an important role in the technology of content based remote sensing (CBRS) development. Environmental data, information, and analysis have been produced promptly using remote sensing (RS). The method for creating a useful digital map from an image data set is called image information extraction. Image information extraction depends on target recognition (shape and color). For low-level image attributes like texture, Classifier-based Retrieval(CR) techniques are ineffective since they categorize the input images and only return images from the determined classes of RS. The issues mentioned earlier cannot be handled by the existing expertise based on a keyword/metadata remote sensing data service model. To get over these restrictions, Fuzzy Class Membership-based Image Extraction (FCMIE), a technology developed for Content-Based Remote Sensing (CBRS), is suggested. The compensation fuzzy neural network (CFNN) is used to calculate the category label and fuzzy category membership of the query image. Use a basic and balanced weighted distance metric. Feature information extraction (FIE) enhances remote sensing image processing and autonomous information retrieval of visual content based on time-frequency meaning, such as color, texture and shape attributes of images. Hierarchical nested structure and cyclic similarity measure produce faster queries when searching. The experiment’s findings indicate that applying the proposed model can have favorable outcomes for assessment measures, including Ratio of Coverage, average means precision, recall, and efficiency retrieval that are attained more effectively than the existing CR model. In the areas of feature tracking, climate forecasting, background noise reduction, and simulating nonlinear functional behaviors, CFNN has a wide range of RS applications. The proposed method CFNN-FCMIE achieves a minimum range of 4–5% for all three feature vectors, sample mean and comparison precision-recall ratio, which gives better results than the existing classifier-based retrieval model. This work provides an important reference for medical imaging artificial intelligence system and big data analysis

    Research on the Three-phase Voltage Aviation Rectifier Based on Neural Network PID Control

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    Aimed to the selection of the PID parameters are very difficult in the rectifier design, and can’t realize the online self-turning function of the PID parameters, the three phase voltage source PWM aviation rectifier based on neural network PID control is designed in this paper. This paper analyzes the principle of the voltage source PWM rectifier based on traditional SVPWM, and improves the control algorithm, and completes the hardware design. In addition, the control algorithm, and the circuit are verified through actual experiments. In this rectifier, the PID parameters can realize the function of the online self-turning. The experimental results show that the three-phase PWM rectifier based on neural network control can decrease the harmonic distortion and the power factor reaches to 0.991, which can supply help for the design of the three-phase voltage high power factor aviation rectifier
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