5 research outputs found

    External osteosynthesis in combination with the usage of the artificial composite biodegraded implant at treatment of pseudoarthroses and pathological fractures at children

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    "Reaviz" Medical University, Samara, Russia, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemițanu", Republic of Moldova, Al VIII-lea Congres Naţional de Ortopedie și Traumatologie cu participare internaţională 12-14 octombrie 2016Work’s goal: rising of efficiency of children's treatment with innocent osteal lesions of a locomotorium and the acquired nearthrosis. Material and methods. In Clinic of Vertebrology, Orthopedics and Traumotology of the "N.Gheorghiu" Scientifically- Practical Center of Children's Surgery 39 children, aged between 1,8 and 17 years, with posttraumatic pseudoarthrosis and pathological fractures were operated. The method of treatment consisted in using of an osteosynthesis in the form of applying external fixation devices in combination with intra focal introduction of the biodegraded implant. Biodegraded implant containing 70 - 80% of the salt component in the form of hydroxyapatite crystals with nanoscale (43-45 nm), the rest - the biopolymer (collagen), the composite has a porosity of 70% to ensure the rapid lysis of cells in the body. Material was introduced into the defect as an injection and open way. After applying of the device of external fixation, intra focal endermic puncture by filling of a cavity with material in combinations with an antibiotic for 70% was carried out to patients with pathological fractures against the background of dystrophic osteal cysts-11, fibrous dysplasia-9, acquired nearthrosis: posttraumatic-7 and osteomyelitis-6 consequences. The volume of filled bone’s defect varied from 4cm³ to 200cm³. Open surgical intervention with excising of tumor to a healthy tissue and filling of the formed defect with plates with an antibiotic was carried out to 6 patients with pathological fracture against an osteoblastoclastoma, after applying of the device of external fixation. Results. At all patients after 1 year there came full reorganization of the pathological center. Conclusion. 1. Injection introduction of a composite allows providing an adnation of osteal fragments without operation in case of the slowed-down consolidation of fracture or nearthrosis. 2. Biodegraded composite materials have essential advantages in comparison with an allobone (ability to stimulate reparative processes and to be utilized by the organism, development primary micro vascular canal). 3. Composite is capable to provide an angiogenesis in its introduction zone and the accelerated ossification in the field of defect

    Applying of the nanocomposit material ,,LitAr“ in experimental implantology by using of titan implants with nanostructured surface of titan oxide

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    Rezumat. Există o gamă variată de materiale pentru restabilirea defectului osos şi remodelarea osoasă. Am utilizat în implantologia experimentală un material compozit biodegradabil „LitAr“. Pe 6 animale de laborator (iepuri) s-a efectuat regenerarea şi remodelarea osoasă cu implantarea mostrelor din titan cu o suprafaţă nanotubulară de oxid de titan (ТЮ2) uniform repartizată pe toată suprafaţa, obţinută de noi.Summary. There is a various spectrum of materials to restore the bone’s defect and the oseos remodeling. I used experimental in implantology a biodebasing composit material ,,LitAr“. 6 experimental animals (rabbits) were used to regenerate the oseos remodeling with patterns implanting from titan with a nanotubular surface of titan oxide (Ti02) distributed plainly on the whole surface obtained by us

    Polymer Dynamics in PEG-Silica Nanocomposites: Effects of Polymer Molecular Weight, Temperature and Solvent Dilution

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    The mechanical properties of particulate nanocomposites strongly depend upon the particle dispersion, as well as on the closely related properties in thin polymer films covering the particle surface. The length scale of such changes is relevant for the understanding of particle-particle interactions, which ultimately dominate the mechanical response. Using well-defined 44 nm diameter silica nanoparticles dispersed in poly(ethylene glycol), we focus on surface-induced changes in polymer dynamics. Using proton time-domain NMR, we distinguish three polymer phases of different mobility, i.e., a strongly adsorbed, solid-like fraction, a fraction with intermediate relaxation times and a highly mobile fraction. We explore how these fractions change as we vary polymer molecular weight from 300 to 20 000 and particle volume fraction up to 0.3. A multiple-quantum experiment enables a closer analysis of the mobile component which we show consists of two fractions, one resembling the bulk melt-like and another one showing network-like properties. We demonstrate that above a polymer molecular weight-dependent volume fraction, polymers form elastically active links between particles, resulting in the physical gelation observed in such systems. Our results provide a quantitative picture of network formation, which is described by the amount and length of network-like chains as well as heterogeneities in the polymer dynamics. We relate changes in polymer dynamics to particle microstructure obtained from small angle neutron scatteringclose181