11 research outputs found

    Logistics Cooperation: Integrated Logistics Services

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    High quality service delivery is one of the key factors to survive in the market. It is highly important to meet the needs of the client since business survival depends on the client's use of business services. In recent years, the requirements of customers for the companies providing logistics services, known as third party logistics (3 PL), are continuously rising. It is obvious that the clients, insisting on the total complex of logistics services, expect additional services which would enable them to compete in the market on more favourable terms. The present article is aimed at analysing theoretical and practical aspects of third party logistics and suggesting the integrated logistics services model based on the Lithuanian example

    Analysis of the influence of the new system of vat taxation and its impact on the work of transportation companies working on the market of European Union

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    In Lithuania, after joining the European Union, the system of monetary exchange between the load senders and operators (between juridical subjects) drastically changed. With appearance of common economic space, also, the principles of monetary exchange between transport firms changed, with firms that are located in different areas of European Union. After joining the European Union the value-added tax (VAT) of different tariffs was applied and by starting to use it certain short-term difficulties appeared, in particular, when the documents had to be prepared by applying VAT, special discount VAT or zero VAT. In transport sector this is very acute problem because the use of different applications of VAT when products are being transported on export into certain countries that is not part of European Union, in that case, in procession of a definite document (declaration on export), from a country that is a part of European Union, in that case VAT is not applied. This paper deals with the schemes of VAT and the following analysis - what the influence these taxes make on the work of transport and freight forwarders companies

    The factors, which have influence on freight flows

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    Freight transport is considered as an important condition for successful economies. A well-functioning and lowcost transport system facilitates international trade, which subsequently may increase economic efficiency through gains of trade and specialization. In addition, an efficient transport system allows firms to optimise their production and distribution processes. Through these and another mechanisms freight transport, and transport in general, accommodates processes that brings positive welfare effects to society

    The Evaluation of transit transport probable effects on the development of country's economy

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    The article describes the peculiarities of transit transport influence on the development of country's economy. The authors analyze transit transport definition and define the economic importance of transit transport. The first part of the article is assigned to the consideration of transit cargo transportation as an integral object of scientific research. The survey is supported with the comparative analysis of different scientists' approaches to the transit transportation performance modelling. The evaluation of transit transport benefit for the economy of the country is presented. The concise summary of a principal thesis and conclusions may be useful for further analyses of different aspects or transit transport

    The evaluation of transit transport probable effects on the development of country's economy

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    The article describes the peculiarities of transit transport influence on the development of country's economy. The authors analyze transit transport definition and define the economic importance of transit transport. The first part of the article is assigned to the consideration of transit cargo transportation as an integral object of scientific research. The survey is supported with the comparative analysis of different scientists’ approaches to the transit transportation performance modelling. The evaluation of transit transport benefit for the economy of the country is presented. The concise summary of a principal thesis and conclusions may be useful for further analyses of different aspects or transit transport. First Published Online: 27 Oct 201

    Methodological aspects of a questionnaire researching transportation links

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    Changes of foreign trade conditions also bring changes of the main transport routes and directions. Lithuanian transport companies must perfect their ability to adapt in changing environment, to predict and reorient to the possible changes in the flow of goods, to observe changes and tendencies, in short to build a new foundation and appliance of transportation technologies. To aid this a questionnaire researching transport must be made. This article covers the analysis of the planning and conducting of the research and the data processing methodology used to determine the main directions of the flow of goods of Lithuanian transport companies as well as the criteria concerning competitiveness among the companies. First Published Online: 27 Oct 201

    Logistinis bendradarbiavimas : logistikos kompleksinės paslaugos

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    Aukštos kokybės paslaugų teikimas - vienas pagrindinių veiksnių, skatinančių išlikti rinkoje. Kadangi verslo išlikimas priklauso nuo to, ar klientas naudojasi verslo paslaugomis, svarbu suteikti klientui tai, ko jis nori. Kuo toliau, tuo didesnius reikalavimus klientai kelia kompanijoms, teikiancioms logistikos paslaugas ir vadinamoms trečiosios šalies paslaugų teikėjomis (3 PL). Tai natūralu, nes klientai, reikalaudami viso logistikos paslaugų komplekso, tikisi papildomų paslaugų, kurios sudarytų jiems galimybę ir palankesnes sąlygas konkuruoti rinkoje. Šiame straipsnyje keliamas tikslas - išanalizuoti teorinius ir praktinius trečiosios šalies logistikos aspektus, pasiūlyti kompleksinių logistikos paslaugų modelį, kuris būtų sudarytas remiantis Lietuvos pavyzdžiu. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Logistika; Trečios šalies logistika; Logistinis bendradarbiavimas; Paslauga; Sektorius; Logistics; Third party logistics; Logistics cooperation; Service; SectorHigh quality service delivery is one of the key factors to survive in the market. It is highly important to meet the needs of the client since business survival depends on the clients use of business services. In recent years, the requirements of customers for the companies providing logistics services, known as third party logistics (3 PL), are continuously rising. It is obvious that the clients, insisting on the total complex of logistics services, expect additional services which would enable them to compete in the market on more favourable terms. The present article is aimed at analysing theoretical and practical aspects of third party logistics and suggesting the integrated logistics services model based on the Lithuanian example