241 research outputs found

    Neutral-Donor-Bound-Exciton Complexes in ZnO Crystals

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    Neutral-donor–bound-exciton transitions have been observed in ZnO. The isolated neutral donors are made up of defect pair complexes. The neutral-donor nature of these pair complexes was determined from magneticfield measurements and from two-electron transitions. Excited states of the neutral-donor bound excitons were observed in the form of rotator states analogous to rotational states of the H2 molecule

    Subjective evaluation of the environmental quality in China's industrial corridors.

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    Based on 270 questionnaire surveys in 8 cities of 5 industrial corridors in China, this study aims to examine the effects of industry construction on the evaluation of environmental pollution, natural environment, built environment, personal perception and development and policy. The results show that the evaluations on environmental pollution and landscape design are both below the medium level, but the evaluations of the living comfort and safety are both above the medium level. Further analysis, females usually give lower evaluation scores than males, and age and health situations are negatively related to the evaluation results; People indicate a great desire to reduce the environmental pollution and protect the natural environment. Moreover, the landscape was analysed using colour extraction techniques based on video recording, there are significant correlations between industrial pixel ratio and evaluation results of air quality, vegetation pixel ratio and evaluation results of river water quality, and public facilities pixel ratio and evaluation results of comfort levels

    Image-Derived Input Function for Human Brain Using High Resolution PET Imaging with [11C](R)-rolipram and [11C]PBR28

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    The aim of this study was to test seven previously published image-input methods in state-of-the-art high resolution PET brain images. Images were obtained with a High Resolution Research Tomograph plus a resolution-recovery reconstruction algorithm using two different radioligands with different radiometabolite fractions. Three of the methods required arterial blood samples to scale the image-input, and four were blood-free methods. values was quantified using a scoring system. Using the image input methods that gave the most accurate results with Logan analysis, we also performed kinetic modelling with a two-tissue compartment model.)-rolipram, which has a lower metabolite fraction. Compartment modeling gave less reliable results, especially for the estimation of individual rate constants.C]PBR28), the more difficult it is to obtain a reliable image-derived input function; and 4) in association with image inputs, graphical analyses should be preferred over compartmental modelling

    Realizing the promise of population biobanks: a new model for translation

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    The promise of science lies in expectations of its benefits to societies and is matched by expectations of the realisation of the significant public investment in that science. In this paper, we undertake a methodological analysis of the science of biobanking and a sociological analysis of translational research in relation to biobanking. Part of global and local endeavours to translate raw biomedical evidence into practice, biobanks aim to provide a platform for generating new scientific knowledge to inform development of new policies, systems and interventions to enhance the public’s health. Effectively translating scientific knowledge into routine practice, however, involves more than good science. Although biobanks undoubtedly provide a fundamental resource for both clinical and public health practice, their potentiating ontology—that their outputs are perpetually a promise of scientific knowledge generation—renders translation rather less straightforward than drug discovery and treatment implementation. Biobanking science, therefore, provides a perfect counterpoint against which to test the bounds of translational research. We argue that translational research is a contextual and cumulative process: one that is necessarily dynamic and interactive and involves multiple actors. We propose a new multidimensional model of translational research which enables us to imagine a new paradigm: one that takes us from bench to bedside to backyard and beyond, that is, attentive to the social and political context of translational science, and is cognisant of all the players in that process be they researchers, health professionals, policy makers, industry representatives, members of the public or research participants, amongst others

    20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years

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    The administration of endocrine therapy for 5 years substantially reduces recurrence rates during and after treatment in women with early-stage, estrogen-receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer. Extending such therapy beyond 5 years offers further protection but has additional side effects. Obtaining data on the absolute risk of subsequent distant recurrence if therapy stops at 5 years could help determine whether to extend treatment