3,019 research outputs found

    Laminar dynamics of high amplitude beta bursts in human motor cortex

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    Motor cortical activity in the beta frequency range is one of the strongest and most studied movement-related neural signals. At the single trial level, beta band activity is often characterized by transient, high amplitude, bursting events rather than slowly modulating oscillations. The timing of these bursting events is tightly linked to behavior, suggesting a more dynamic functional role for beta activity than previously believed. However, the neural mechanisms underlying beta bursts in sensorimotor circuits are poorly understood. To address this, we here leverage and extend recent developments in high precision MEG for temporally resolved laminar analysis of burst activity, combined with a neocortical circuit model that simulates the biophysical generators of the electrical currents which drive beta bursts. This approach pinpoints the generation of beta bursts in human motor cortex to distinct excitatory synaptic inputs to deep and superficial cortical layers, which drive current flow in opposite directions. These laminar dynamics of beta bursts in motor cortex align with prior invasive animal recordings within the somatosensory cortex, and suggest a conserved mechanism for somatosensory and motor cortical beta bursts. More generally, we demonstrate the ability for uncovering the laminar dynamics of event-related neural signals in human non-invasive recordings. This provides important constraints to theories about the functional role of burst activity for movement control in health and disease, and crucial links between macro-scale phenomena measured in humans and micro-circuit activity recorded from animal models

    Need for timely paediatric HIV treatment within primary health care in rural South Africa

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    <p>Background: In areas where adult HIV prevalence has reached hyperendemic levels, many infants remain at risk of acquiring HIV infection. Timely access to care and treatment for HIV-infected infants and young children remains an important challenge. We explore the extent to which public sector roll-out has met the estimated need for paediatric treatment in a rural South African setting.</p> <p>Methods: Local facility and population-based data were used to compare the number of HIV infected children accessing HAART before 2008, with estimates of those in need of treatment from a deterministic modeling approach. The impact of programmatic improvements on estimated numbers of children in need of treatment was assessed in sensitivity analyses.</p> <p>Findings: In the primary health care programme of HIV treatment 346 children <16 years of age initiated HAART by 2008; 245(70.8%) were aged 10 years or younger, and only 2(<1%) under one year of age. Deterministic modeling predicted 2,561 HIV infected children aged 10 or younger to be alive within the area, of whom at least 521(20.3%) would have required immediate treatment. Were extended PMTCT uptake to reach 100% coverage, the annual number of infected infants could be reduced by 49.2%.</p> <p>Conclusion: Despite progress in delivering decentralized HIV services to a rural sub-district in South Africa, substantial unmet need for treatment remains. In a local setting, very few children were initiated on treatment under 1 year of age and steps have now been taken to successfully improve early diagnosis and referral of infected infants.</p&gt

    Parkinsonian Tremor Detection from Subthalamic Nucleus Local Field Potentials for Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation

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    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a widely used therapy to ameliorate symptoms experienced by patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD). Conventional DBS is continuously ON even though PD symptoms fluctuate over time leading to undesirable side-effects and high energy requirements. This study investigates the use of a Iogistic regression-based classifier to identify periods when PD patients have rest tremor exploiting Local Field Potentials (LFPs) recorded with DBS electrodes implanted in the Subthalamic Nucleus in 7 PD patients (8 hemispheres). Analyzing 36.1 minutes of data with a 512 milliseconds non-overlapping window, the classification accuracy was well above chance-level for all patients, with Area Under the Curve (AUC) ranging from 0.67 to 0.93. The features with the most discriminative ability were, in descending order, power in the 31-45 Hz, 5-7 Hz, 21-30 Hz, 46-55 Hz, and 56-95 Hz frequency bands. These results suggest that using a machine learning-based classifier, such as the one proposed in this study, can form the basis for on-demand DBS therapy for PD tremor, with the potential to reduce side-effects and lower battery consumption

    Use and feasibility of delayed prescribing for respiratory tract infections: A questionnaire survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Delayed prescribing of antibiotics for respiratory tract infections (RTIs) lowers the amount of antibiotics consumed. Several national treatment guidelines on RTIs recommend the strategy. When advocating treatment innovations, the feasibility and credibility of the innovation must be taken into account. The objective of this study was to explore GPs use and patients uptake of wait-and-see prescriptions for RTIs, and to investigate the feasibility of the strategy from GPs' and patients' perspectives.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Questionnaire survey among Norwegian GPs issuing and patients receiving a wait-and-see-prescription for RTIs. Patients reported symptoms, confidence and antibiotics consumption, GPs reported diagnoses, reason for issuing a wait-and-see-prescription and their opinion about the method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>304 response pairs from consultations with 49 GPs were received. The patient response rate was 80%. The most common diagnosis for the GPs to issue a wait-and-see prescription was sinusitis (33%) and otitis (21%). 46% of the patients reported to consume the antibiotics. When adjusted for other factors, the diagnosis did not predict antibiotic consumption, but both being 16 years or more (p = 0,006) and reporting to have a fever (p = 0,012) doubled the odds of antibiotic consumption, while feeling very ill more than quadrupled the odds (p = 0,002). In 210 cases (69%), the GP found delayed prescribing a very reasonable strategy, and 270 patients (89%) would prefer to receive a wait-and-see prescription in a similar situation in the future. The GPs found delayed prescribing very reasonable most frequently in cases of sinusitis (79%, p = 0,007) and least frequently in cases of lower RTIs (49%, p = 0,002).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Most patients and GPs are satisfied with the delayed prescribing strategy. The patients' age, symptoms and malaise are more important than the diagnosis in predicting antibiotic consumption. The GP's view of the method as a reasonable approach depends on the patient's diagnosis. In our setting, delayed prescribing seems to be a feasible strategy, especially in cases of sinusitis and otitis. Educational efforts to promote delayed prescribing in similar settings should focus on these diagnoses.</p

    Patient engagement with antibiotic messaging in secondary care: a qualitative feasibility study of the ‘review & revise’ experience

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    Background: We aimed to investigate and optimise the acceptability and usefulness of a patient leaflet about antibiotic prescribing decisions made during hospitalisation, and to explore individual patient experiences and preferences regarding the process of antibiotic prescription ‘review & revise’ which is a key strategy to minimise antibiotic overuse in hospitals. Methods: In this qualitative study, run within the feasibility study of a large, cluster-randomised stepped wedge trial of 36 hospital organisations, a series of semi-structured, think-aloud telephone interviews were conducted and data were analysed using thematic analysis. Fifteen adult patients who had experienced a recent acute medical hospital admission during which they had been prescribed antimicrobials and offered a patient leaflet about antibiotic prescribing were recruited to the study. Results: Participants reacted positively to the leaflet, reporting that it was both an accessible and important source of information which struck the appropriate balance between informing and reassuring. Participants all valued open communication with clinicians, and were keen to be involved in antibiotic prescribing decisions, with individuals reporting positive experiences regarding antibiotic prescription changes or stopping. Many participants had prior experience or knowledge of antibiotics and resistance, and generally welcomed efforts to reduce antibiotic usage. Overall, there was a feeling that healthcare professionals (HCPs) are trusted experts providing the most appropriate treatment for individual patient conditions. Conclusions: This study offers novel insights into how patients within secondary care are likely to respond to messages advocating a reduction in the use of antibiotics through the ‘review & revise’ approach. Due to the level of trust that patients place in their care provider, encouraging HCPs within secondary care to engage patients with greater communication and information provision could provide great advantages in the drive to reduce antibiotic use. It may also be beneficial for HCPs to view patient experiences as cumulative events that have the potential to impact future behaviour around antibiotic use. Finally, pre-testing messages about antibiotic prescribing and resistance is vital to dispelling any misconceptions either around effectiveness of treatment for patients, or perceptions of how messages may be received

    Can HRCT be used as a marker of airway remodelling in children with difficult asthma?

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    BACKGROUND: Whole airway wall thickening on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is reported to parallel thickening of the bronchial epithelial reticular basement membrane (RBM) in adult asthmatics. A similar relationship in children with difficult asthma (DA), in whom RBM thickening is a known feature, may allow the use of HRCT as a non-invasive marker of airway remodelling. We evaluated this relationship in children with DA. METHODS: 27 children (median age 10.5 [range 4.1-16.7] years) with DA, underwent endobronchial biopsy from the right lower lobe and HRCT less than 4 months apart. HRCTs were assessed for bronchial wall thickening (BWT) of the right lower lobe using semi-quantitative and quantitative scoring techniques. The semi-quantitative score (grade 0-4) was an overall assessment of BWT of all clearly identifiable airways in HRCT scans. The quantitative score (BWT %; defined as [airway outer diameter - airway lumen diameter]/airway outer diameter x100) was the average score of all airways visible and calculated using electronic endpoint callipers. RBM thickness in endobronchial biopsies was measured using image analysis. 23/27 subjects performed spirometry and the relationships between RBM thickness and BWT with airflow obstruction evaluated. RESULTS: Median RBM thickness in endobronchial biopsies was 6.7(range 4.6-10.0) microm. Median qualitative score for BWT of the right lower lobe was 1(range 0-1.5) and quantitative score was 54.3 (range 48.2-65.6)%. There was no relationship between RBM thickness and BWT in the right lower lobe using either scoring technique. No relationship was found between FEV1 and BWT or RBM thickness. CONCLUSION: Although a relationship between RBM thickness and BWT on HRCT has been found in adults with asthma, this relationship does not appear to hold true in children with D

    A review of RCTs in four medical journals to assess the use of imputation to overcome missing data in quality of life outcomes

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    Background: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are perceived as the gold-standard method for evaluating healthcare interventions, and increasingly include quality of life (QoL) measures. The observed results are susceptible to bias if a substantial proportion of outcome data are missing. The review aimed to determine whether imputation was used to deal with missing QoL outcomes. Methods: A random selection of 285 RCTs published during 2005/6 in the British Medical Journal, Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and Journal of American Medical Association were identified. Results: QoL outcomes were reported in 61 (21%) trials. Six (10%) reported having no missing data, 20 (33%) reported ≤ 10% missing, eleven (18%) 11%–20% missing, and eleven (18%) reported >20% missing. Missingness was unclear in 13 (21%). Missing data were imputed in 19 (31%) of the 61 trials. Imputation was part of the primary analysis in 13 trials, but a sensitivity analysis in six. Last value carried forward was used in 12 trials and multiple imputation in two. Following imputation, the most common analysis method was analysis of covariance (10 trials). Conclusion: The majority of studies did not impute missing data and carried out a complete-case analysis. For those studies that did impute missing data, researchers tended to prefer simpler methods of imputation, despite more sophisticated methods being available.The Health Services Research Unit is funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorate. Shona Fielding is also currently funded by the Chief Scientist Office on a Research Training Fellowship (CZF/1/31)

    Satisfaction with the Use of Different Technologies for Insulin Delivery and Glucose Monitoring Among Adults with Long-Standing Type 1 Diabetes and Problematic Hypoglycemia: 2-Year Follow-Up in the HypoCOMPaSS Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Background In the HypoCOMPaSS trial, adults with long-standing type 1 diabetes and problematic hypoglycaemia were randomised to compare insulin pump (CSII) vs multiple daily injections (MDI) and real-time continuous glucose monitoring (RT-CGM) vs conventional self-monitoring (SMBG). Our aim was to investigate participants\u27 satisfaction with these technologies at 6-month RCT endpoint and at 2-year follow-up. Methods Participants completed the Insulin Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (ITSQ) subscales \u27device delivery\u27 and \u27hypoglycaemia control\u27; and Glucose Monitoring Experience Questionnaire (GME-Q), assessing \u27convenience\u27, \u27effectiveness\u27, \u27intrusiveness\u27 and \u27total satisfaction\u27. We assessed change over time and between group differences by insulin and monitoring modalities. Results Participants (N=96) were: 64% women, aged 49\ub112 years, diabetes duration 29\ub112 years. At 6 months, participants reported improvements compared to baseline (all p&lt;0.001) in satisfaction with insulin \u27delivery device\u27 (r=0.39) and \u27hypoglycaemia control\u27 (r=0.52), and trends towards significance in perceived \u27effectiveness\u27 (r=0.42) and \u27intrusiveness\u27 (r=0.27) of monitoring device (but not \u27convenience\u27, p=0.139). All improvements were sustained at 2 years. At 6 months, the only difference between arms was that greater satisfaction with insulin \u27delivery device\u27 was reported in the CSII group compared to MDI (p&lt;0.001, r=0.40). No between-group differences were observed at 2 years. Conclusions Overall, significant improvements in participant satisfaction with diabetes technologies were observed over the 6-month RCT, in all domains except \u27convenience\u27, maintained at 2 years. While HypoCOMPaSS demonstrated non-inferiority of SMBG versus CGM, and MDI versus CSII in terms of biomedical outcomes, detailed assessments confirm participants\u27 satisfaction with delivery device was greater in those allocated to CSII than MDI