135 research outputs found

    Tutkimuksia hedelmäpuupunkeista (Paratetranychus pilosus c.& F.)

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    vokKirjasto Aj-kStudies of the fruit tree red mite (paratetranychus pilosus c.&f.

    Ruiskutuskokeita hedelmäpuupunkin (Paratetranychus pilosus C.& F.)

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    vokKirjasto Aj-kSpraying experiments for the control of fruit-three red mite (Paratetranychus Pilosus C.& F.

    Branko Mitrović, Philosophy for Architects, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2011

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    Lisäkokeita hedelmäpuupunkin (Paratetranychus pilosus C & F.) torjumiseksi

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    Past, Present and Future of Maine\u27s Pulp and Paper Industry

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    The pulp and paper industry has historically been of paramount importance for the state of Maine, both from cultural and economic perspectives. The industry has been a vital part of the forest products economy and a large contributor to employment and state gross domestic product (GDP). However, the number of pulp and paper mills in Maine has declined sharply in the last few decades, deeply harming employment levels, local economies and the forest products sector of the most heavily forested state in the nation. This phenomenon has sparked efforts to understand the factors behind the downfall of Maine\u27s pulp and paper industry and investigate potential developments to reinvigorate the industry and its crucial significance to Maine. This work aims to contribute to these endeavors. This thesis is divided in three chapters. First, Chapter 1 provides a historical background of the pulp and paper industry, discusses its current state and analyzes the validity of and trends in the factors which are commonly believed to have substantially affected this sector in Maine. Chapter 2 provides empirical evidence on the relationship between employment levels in the pulp and paper industry and the so-called Cluster Rule, the first integrated, multi-media regulation released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1998. Lastly, Chapter 3 discusses the research conducted on the socio- and techno-economic feasibility of re-purposing idle pulp and paper facilities in the state of Maine into wood-based thermal deoxygenation (TDO) drop-in biofuel refineries. As conclusions, change in paper and paperboard products demand, competition from foreign advanced and low-cost pulp and paper facilities, and price increments in key inputs for domestic pulp and paper mills are identified as some of the major factors explaining its recent downfall. Additionally, strong evidence is found that the Cluster Rule had net negative impacts on national employment levels from the pulp and paper industry ranging from 17% to 24% declines, and weaker evidence of a roughly 30% negative effect on Northeastern pulp and paper mills. Lastly, several studies concluded, from various perspectives and different scenarios, that TDO biofuel refineries developments in Maine are socioeconomically feasible

    Suomessa tuotetun lehmänmaidon kokoomuksesta ja lehmien siitä johtuvasta tuotantorehuntarpeesta

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    vokKirjasto Aj-kĂśber die Zusammensetzung der in Finland produzierten Kuhmilch and den dadurch bedingten Bedarf der KĂĽhe an Produktionsfutter

    Remembrance Archives

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    The article proposes a reflection on the design role and a speculative project about the topic of temporality in the digital city. The notion of socio-technical system (Whitworth 2009) is used to show how in a society characterized by high technological density the city model could approach the one of a factory (Armando & Durbiano 2019). In a socio-technical system the capillarity of the interactions between men and machines is central in beating the rhythm of the subjects’ behaviors acting its space. Furthermore in the contemporary landscape the analytics systems producing predictions introduce an additional temporal layer (Hansen 2015) used as a filter to read and design these behaviors (Pentland 2019) and the city planning. Artificial intelligences, synthesizing the data harvested, produce precognition simulating behaviors in the digital in order to anticipate them in the analogical. It is claimed that within these temporal loops only an incremental optimization is possible and that to design exclusively through this filter could cause a folding of time that would lead the city to live in a temporal bubble, whereas the city lives on many different temporal lines contributing to the imagination and to the collective memory (Gregotti 1966). Therefore design has to address this challenge bringing the question of the memory at the project's center (Zannoni 2018). A speculative project called Remembrance Archives is proposed. Remembrance Archives aims to hack the temporal bubble by the injection of data drawn from the past of the city history that will alter the regular output of the artificial intelligence predictive models in unexpected ways, practicing an actual work of remembrance through which people will interact with the city memories as a source of new meanings and imaginar

    Kertomus tuhoeläinten esiintymisestä Suomessa

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    vokKirjasto Aj-kBericht über das auftreten der pflanzenschädlinge in Finnlan

    Ramificazioni digitali del design come bene culturale

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    L’articolo tratta la collocazione del patrimonio culturale “design” nello scenario digitale presentando la pratica dei Linked open data (Heath e Bizer, 2011) e la sua applicazione ai beni culturali (Hyvönen, 2012). Nella prima parte mostra come questa metodologia di strutturazione dei dati sia strumento particolarmente adatto a rappresentare la contestualizzazione storica e quindi a valorizzare il design in relazione alla cultura materiale che lo ha pensato e generato. Successivamente propone una riflessione sul ruolo del progetto, chiamato a costruire, utilizzando questa memoria digitale, l’interfaccia tra l’uomo e il suo passato
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