48 research outputs found

    Optimizing SPARQL queries using shape statistics

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    With the growing popularity of storing data in native RDF, we witness more and more diverse use cases with complex SPARQL queries. As a consequence, query optimization - and in particular cardinality estimation and join ordering - becomes even more crucial. Classical methods exploit global statistics covering the entire RDF graph as a whole, which naturally fails to correctly capture correlations that are very common in RDF datasets, which then leads to erroneous cardinality estimations and suboptimal query execution plans. The alternative of trying to capture correlations in a fine-granular manner, on the other hand, results in very costly preprocessing steps to create these statistics. Hence, in this paper we propose shapes statistics, which extend the recent SHACL standard with statistic information to capture the correlation between classes and properties. Our extensive experiments on synthetic and real data show that shapes statistics can be generated and managed with only little overhead without disadvantages in query runtime while leading to noticeable improvements in cardinality estimation

    Beyond Macrobenchmarks:Microbenchmark-based Graph Database Evaluation

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    Despite the increasing interest in graph databases their requirements and specifications are not yet fully understoodby everyone, leading to a great deal of variation in the supported functionalities and the achieved performances. Inthis work, we provide a comprehensive study of the existing graph database systems. We introduce a novel microbenchmarking framework that provides insights on their performance that go beyond what macro-benchmarks can offer. The framework includes the largest set of queries andoperators so far considered. The graph database systemsare evaluated on synthetic and real data, from different domains, and at scales much larger than any previous work.The framework is materialized as an open-source suite andis easily extended to new datasets, systems, and queries1

    SOFOS: Demonstrating the Challenges of Materialized View Selection on Knowledge Graphs

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    Analytical queries over RDF data are becoming prominent as a result of the proliferation of knowledge graphs. Yet, RDF databases are not optimized to perform such queries efficiently, leading to long processing times. A well known technique to improve the performance of analytical queries is to exploit materialized views. Although popular in relational databases, view materialization for RDF and SPARQL has not yet transitioned into practice, due to the non-trivial application to the RDF graph model. Motivated by a lack of understanding of the impact of view materialization alternatives for RDF data, we demonstrate SOFOS, a system that implements and compares several cost models for view materialization. SOFOS is, to the best of our knowledge, the first attempt to adapt cost models, initially studied in relational data, to the generic RDF setting, and to propose new ones, analyzing their pitfalls and merits. SOFOS takes an RDF dataset and an analytical query for some facet in the data, and compares and evaluates alternative cost models, displaying statistics and insights about time, memory consumption, and query characteristics

    Data citation and the citation graph

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    The citation graph is a computational artifact that is widely used to represent the domain of published literature. It represents connections between published works, such as citations and authorship. Among other things, the graph supports the computation of bibliometric measures such as h-indexes and impact factors. There is now an increasing demand that we should treat the publication of data in the same way that we treat conventional publications. In particular, we should cite data for the same reasons that we cite other publications. In this paper we discuss what is needed for the citation graph to represent data citation. We identify two challenges: to model the evolution of credit appropriately (through references) over time and to model data citation not only to a data set treated as a single object but also to parts of it. We describe an extension of the current citation graph model that addresses these challenges. It is built on two central concepts: citable units and reference subsumption. We discuss how this extension would enable data citation to be represented within the citation graph and how it allows for improvements in current practices for bibliometric computations, both for scientific publications and for data

    GInRec: A Gated Architecture for Inductive Recommendation using Knowledge Graphs

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    We have witnessed increasing interest in exploiting KGs to integrate contextual knowledge in recommender systems in addition to user-item interactions, e.g., ratings. Yet, most methods are transductive, i.e., they represent instances seen during training as low-dimensionality vectors but cannot do so for unseen instances. Hence, they require heavy retraining every time new items or users are added. Conversely, inductive methods promise to solve these issues. KGs enhance inductive recommendation by offering information on item-entity relationships, whereas existing inductive methods rely purely on interactions, which makes recommendations for users with few interactions sub-optimal and even impossible for new items. In this work, we investigate the actual ability of inductive methods exploiting both the structure and the data represented by KGs. Hence, we propose GInRec, a state-of-the-art method that uses a graph neural network with relation-specific gates and a KG to provide better recommendations for new users and items than related inductive methods. As a result, we re-evaluate state-of-the-art methods, identify better evaluation protocols, highlight unwarranted conclusions from previous proposals, and showcase a novel, stronger architecture for this task. The source code is available at: https://github.com/theisjendal/kars2023-recommendation-framework

    A design space for RDF data representations

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    RDF triplestores' ability to store and query knowledge bases augmented with semantic annotations has attracted the attention of both research and industry. A multitude of systems offer varying data representation and indexing schemes. However, as recently shown for designing data structures, many design choices are biased by outdated considerations and may not result in the most efficient data representation for a given query workload. To overcome this limitation, we identify a novel three-dimensional design space. Within this design space, we map the trade-offs between different RDF data representations employed as part of an RDF triplestore and identify unexplored solutions. We complement the review with an empirical evaluation of ten standard SPARQL benchmarks to examine the prevalence of these access patterns in synthetic and real query workloads. We find some access patterns, to be both prevalent in the workloads and under-supported by existing triplestores. This shows the capabilities of our model to be used by RDF store designers to reason about different design choices and allow a (possibly artificially intelligent) designer to evaluate the fit between a given system design and a query workload