78 research outputs found

    Nanotubes: the present and the future

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    The term "nanotechnology" has evolved over the years via terminology drift to mean "anything smaller than microtechnology," such as nano powders, and other things that are nanoscale in size, but not referring to mechanisms that have been purposefully built from nanoscale components. Nanotubes, in particular, prove to be useful as molecular components for nanotechnology. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) discovered in 1991 by Sumio Iijima resemble rolled up graphite, although they cannot really be made that way. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3371

    The Nobel Prize in physics 2016: review

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    For the past 120 years, the Nobel Prize has honored scientists for discoveries that the committee feels most benefit mankind. And theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter lead David J. Thouless (the University of Washington, Seattle), Duncan M. Haldane (Princeton University) and J. Michael Kosterlitz (Brown University) to getting The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016

    The Nobel Prize in physics 2016: review

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    For the past 120 years, the Nobel Prize has honored scientists for discoveries that the committee feels most benefit mankind. And theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter lead David J. Thouless (the University of Washington, Seattle), Duncan M. Haldane (Princeton University) and J. Michael Kosterlitz (Brown University) to getting The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016

    Low-loss Si-based Dielectrics for High Frequency Components of Superconducting Detectors

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    Silicon-based dielectric is crucial for many superconducting devices, including high-frequency transmission lines, filters, and resonators. Defects and contaminants in the amorphous dielectric and at the interfaces between the dielectric and metal layers can cause microwave losses and degrade device performance. Optimization of the dielectric fabrication, device structure, and surface morphology can help mitigate this problem. We present the fabrication of silicon oxide and nitride thin film dielectrics. We then characterized them using Scanning Electron Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, and spectrophotometry techniques. The samples were synthesized using various deposition methods, including Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition and magnetron sputtering. The films morphology and structure were modified by adjusting the deposition pressure and gas flow. The resulting films were used in superconducting resonant systems consisting of planar inductors and capacitors. Measurements of the resonator properties, including their quality factor, were performed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, conferenc

    Quasiparticle Generation-Recombination Noise in the Limit of Low Detector Volume

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    We have measured the quasiparticle generation-recombination (GR) noise in aluminium lumped element kinetic inductors with a wide range of detector volumes at various temperatures. The basic detector consists of meandering inductor and interdigitated capacitor fingers. The inductor volume is varied from 2 to 153 {\mu}m^{3} by changing the inductor width and length to maintain a constant inductance. We started with measuring the power spectrum density (PSD) of the detectors frequency noise which is a function of GR noise and we clearly observed the spectrum roll off at 10 kHz which corresponds to the quasiparticle lifetime. Using data from a temperature sweep of the resonator frequency we convert the frequency fluctuation to quasiparticle fluctuation and observe its strong dependence on detector volume: detectors with smaller volume display less quasiparticle noise amplitude. Meanwhile we observe a saturated quasiparticle density at low temperature from all detectors as the quasiparticle life time {\tau}qp approaches a constant value at low temperature

    Модифікація імунної відповіді на ксеногенні ембріональні протеїни ад’ювантами мікробного походження

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    Blood serum of BALB/c mice immunized with chicken embryonic proteins (CEP) in combination with adjuvantsof microbial origin has been investigated by methods of enzyme immunoassay and immunoblotting. The analysisof accumulation of antibodies to CE P and the study of antibody-dependent cytotoxicity of lymphocytes against thetumor cells of the model suggest that the use of adjuvants of microbial origin, such as protein-containing metabolitesof culture fluid (18.5 and 70 kDa) and lipid fraction of В. subtilis B-7025 cells; S. aureus cell-wall peptidoglycan,contributes to credible strengthening of immune response to fetal antigens. The results of the study are the basisfor creating xenogenic cancer vaccine.Методами иммуноферментного анализа и иммуноблотта исследовано сыворотки крови мышей линии ВALB/с, иммунизированных эмбриональными протеинами курицы в комбинации с адъювантами микробногопроисхождения. Анализ уровня накопления антител к этим протеинам и изучение антителозависимой цитотоксичности лимфоцитов по отношению к клеткам модельных опухолей разрешают сделать вывод, что использование адъювантов микробного происхождения – протеиносодержащих метаболитовкультуральной жидкости (18,5 и 70 кДа) и липидной фракции клеток В. subtilis B-7025; пептидогликана клеток S. аureus способствует достоверному усилению иммунного ответа на фетальные антигены. Результаты исследования являются основой для конструирования ксеногенной противоопухолевой вакцины.Методами імуноферментного аналізу та імуноблоту досліджено сироватки крові мишей лінії ВALB/с,імунізованих ембріональними протеїнами курки в комбінації з ад’ювантами мікробного походження. Аналізрівня накопичення антитіл до цих протеїнів та вивчення антитілозалежної цитотоксичності лімфоцитіввідносно клітин модельних пухлин дозволяють зробити висновок, що використання ад’ювантів мікробногопоходження – протеїновмісних метаболітів культуральної рідини (18,5 і 70 кДа) та ліпідної фракції клітинВ. subtilis B-7025; пептидоглікану клітин S. аureus сприяє вірогідному підсиленню імунної відповіді нафетальні антигени. Результати дослідження є підґрунтям для конструювання ксеногенної протипухлинноївакцини

    Influence of residual pressure and ion implantation on the structure, elemental composition, and properties of (TiZrAlYNb)N nitrides

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    The nitrides of highentropy alloys, (TiZrAlYNb)N, fabricated by cathodic vacuum arc evaporation are studied with electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, laser scanning microscopy; energydispersive Xray analysis, Xray phase analysis, timeofflight secondaryion mass spectrometry; and hardness measurements. It is found that the deposition parameters influence the structure, surface morphology, element distribution, and mechanical properties. The structural–phase state of the coatings before and after the ion implantation of heavy negative gold ions Au– are compared. DOI: 10

    Fabrication Development for SPT-SLIM, a Superconducting Spectrometer for Line Intensity Mapping

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    Line Intensity Mapping (LIM) is a new observational technique that uses low-resolution observations of line emission to efficiently trace the large-scale structure of the Universe out to high redshift. Common mm/sub-mm emission lines are accessible from ground-based observatories, and the requirements on the detectors for LIM at mm-wavelengths are well matched to the capabilities of large-format arrays of superconducting sensors. We describe the development of an R = 300 on-chip superconducting filter-bank spectrometer covering the 120--180 GHz band optimized for future mm-LIM experiments, focusing on SPT-SLIM, a pathfinder LIM instrument for the South Pole Telescope. Radiation is coupled from the telescope optical system to the spectrometer chip via an array of feedhorn-coupled orthomode transducers. Superconducting microstrip transmission lines then carry the signal to an array of channelizing half-wavelength resonators, and the output of each spectral channel is sensed by a lumped element kinetic inductance detector (leKID). Key areas of development include incorporating new low-loss dielectrics to improve both the achievable spectral resolution and optical efficiency and development of a robust fabrication process to create a galvanic connection between ultra-pure superconducting thin-films to realize multi-material (hybrid) leKIDs. We provide an overview of the spectrometer design, fabrication process, and prototype devices.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, presented at 2022 Applied Superconductivity Conferenc

    Structure and Properties of Multilayer Nanostructured Coatings TiN/MoN Depending on Deposition Conditions

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    This work presents the results of TiN/MoN coatings studying. These multilayer nanostructured coatings demonstrate dependence on depositions conditions on nanometer level. The influence of nanosized monolayer thickness on structure changing and properties of nanocomposite multilayer coatings TiN/MoN was found. Multilayer TiN/MoN coatings of the total thickness from 6.8 to 8.2 m were obtained using C-PVD method. Thicknesses of monolayers were 2, 10, 20, 40 nm. The structure of samples was studied using X-ray di raction (Bruker D-8 Advance) in Cu K radiation, high resolution transmission electron microscopy with diffraction CFEI EO TechaiF200, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (JEOL-7001F), and microhardness measurements in dependence on indenter load. Scratch tests (friction, wear, etc.) were also provided using Rockwell-C diamond indenter (CSM Revetest Instruments) with a tip radius of 200 m. Friction and wear behavior were evaluated using ball-on-plate sliding test on a UMT-3MT tribometer (CETR, USA). With decreasing monolayer thickness the hardness value increases, and the size of nanograins reduces. The values obtained for the friction coeffcient of the multilayer system is much smaller than in nanostructured coatings of TiN (nc) or MoN (nc). Annealing showed formation of a (Ti,Mo)N solid solution and small growth of nanocrystals